The 10 best waves in the world???

Tony White from the Bra legs are still aching from his Tubular swells ride.

Sorry I didn't mean I surfed from one end of the other continuoulsy...kinda surf one section end up at the next section surf that...move one etc

= Hako o hakonde . wrote:pretty average fat wave after that
Granted it is a novelty (anecdotally I've heard whispers of the older generation say they'll make it down to albatross back in the day), but the fat wave is pretty bloody fun. Cutbacks until your legs turn to jelly is great fun / great for repetition / practise.
After impossibles you'll get to coins --> tubes and only then point... lower point, and you can get plenty barreled on the way. It's only when you get to point on days like that, that it's a fat wave.

(anecdotally I've heard whispers of the older generation say they'll make it down to albatross back in the day)
Thay smoked alot of ducca back then ;-)

a couple of rights that missed out,
1) Laniakea , big NE swell , SE wind peels perfect from 6' -15"
2) Hanalei Bay , big west , big tubes, big boards and very long rides...6' -30'+
3) La Gravierre/France ..N swell big period , heaviest beach break , 4-10"
4) Rincon , both!!
5) Peahi/Jaws
6) Los Lobos/Canaries
7) Log Cabins/outside Hawaii
8) La Nord /France
9) 3K bay
10 ) no name right Morocco

indo-dreaming wrote:And are most of the best waves in the world lefts?
Sorry if has been done before, i ripped of this topic from another site, but thought it was an interesting topic.
So what do people think the best waves in the world are?.
(In no particular order)
1. Old Kirra
2. Desert point
3. G-Land
4. Skelton bay (One of those
5. Tavaru (cheating here, Cloudbreak and Restaurants)
4. Riffles (IMO best right in the world now)
5. Supersuck
6. HT's (It was either HT's or Nias, Nias is great but it's just too short, not that HT's is much longer)
7. Pipe
9. Purto escondido (need to throw in a beachie)
10. Spot X

We travelled the world from 1980 till now 'from beachies to massive tow in and have to admit the best places are when you get them on. Had some of the best paces ever produce crap and some of the crap places turn it on. Where ever you score enjoy and thats the buzz about surfing, not only the wave but who you are out there with.

Hey Water Patrol....give us some stories ya mad buggers.

Cronulla Point - crowds, too many idiots these days, still few sneaker waves with a only a boog or two while nobody's looking though.
Voodoo - can be crowded but many just 2 out surfs. Boggles the mind, beach crap and no-one thinks "VOOEY" except maybe Brownie from Kurnell.
Thommos - great late afternoon glass-off find when cruising home.
add Kiddies - again no-one seems to notice a sneaky 3-4 footer when Point maxed?
Old Kirra - 71-72 had great Winter banks and luckily Snapper was also on, Burleigh too! Definitely WAS a top 10 in it's day.

1. Thirroul - Northern Bank Lefts
2. Thirroul - Flanagan's Creek Rights
3. Thirroul - Henley Road Rockshelf Lefts
3. Thirroul - Jones Street Outer Banks
4. Thirroul - Pumphouse Rights
5. Thirroul - Kiosk Closeouts
6. Little Austie
7. Headies
8. The Jetty
9. G-Land
10. Desert Point

My best session is yet go be had

top 10 i have had
1) a reef in Scotland
2) a reef in Taiwan
3) a reef in Philippines
4) a certain righthand reef south coast NSW
5) Coxos
6) French beachies
7) A certain reef north east coast England
8) treasure island
9) desert point
10) reef Orkney Islands
11) did not surf it as I need to muster the courage: Aileens

You're well travelled Clif. What part of the Taiwan coast was this reef at?

This place a couple of years ago. Middle of May, med-large SE swell, nobody else in the camp ground, no-one else in the water, just the wallabies to keep me company. Three hours of this...

The wallaby who took your pic has got good skills too!

Love the abstruse descriptions, Clif: "a reef" or a "a certain reef"

You're well travelled Clif. What part of the Taiwan coast was this reef at?

South-south west coast

Haha some i would get shot for mentioning. Some dont have a name, seriously. 'The reef at ...' is the reference. These hidden locations were found with great effort and a lot of hard work.
Pumping here late this week. Reefs. Big north swell. Snow. Offshores. Good tides. Bliss. (Except for the hole in my glove! Lets hope the new one gets here before!)

As for philippines. Go far north. Far far north.


Is this a trick question only last week I mentioned a spot in Victoria remember (Elevators)
and some clown on here smashed me for answering the question and now you want me
to answer 10 spots. elevators,elevators elevators,elevators, elevators,elevators,elevators,
elevators,elevators,elevators, so there I named them.
Cronulla Point NO GOOD.

Haven't read the list,sweating after a couple of hot ones,but in my humble opinion any best of talk cannot exclude Sanur,epic and I'm a goofy,fuck What a wave.Cheers.

Old mate has been banned too.

Have to agree with Horas re Sanur, noting that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own set of personal criteria on which waves, wine, women and songs are appreciated. My own list, for the little it's worth, having been fortunate enough to have surfed half of the waves listed in the initial post, and few of the others mentioned, would also include One Palm Pt, over 6', and for old time's sake, well before today's ultra-crowds, Noosa Nat. Park's Boiling Pot, again on those rare occasions when it's well over 6' (anyone remember Cyclone Lena?). Although far less consistent that J Bay, surfing the Pot through to Johnos is, in the words of one of our great elder statesmen, like having a cuppa with the big fella.

Who’s banned? What did I miss?!

Deadly shallow , with no escape !
As the clocks ticks towards 80seconds , and the reef gets drier and drier .
Most will decide Namibias donkey bay is a better option perhaps indo D ?

Yep, you're prob. right Clam - never got to Namibia in my travels, and not on my bucket list these days - doubt if I'd make the drop at donkey bay, let alone the barrel on my backhand! One Palm offers an easier entry, and definitely is more makeable with size. But you're right as far as the further down the line you get the more demanding and dangerous it becomes - speaking from experience having made the, in hindsight foolish, decision to straighten out well down the point on one of my 1st surfs there many years ago, only to have my leggie tangle on coral and pull me unceremoniously onto near dry reef, cutting my back, luckily not badly, in the process, and then having to negotiate the rest of the set in less than knee deep water, as no doubt is a well known experience to a few of the crew here. The in-the-barrel pull-through is a better move, providing you don't get lip-launched of course! But neither are great options once you're that deeply committed, unless you're on the tour and have the move totally wired. The inside section at Deserts was a little like that though, at least a long while back. Of course Indo being Indo, reefs rise and fall episodically, so who knows what will be available there in a few more decades of uplift / subsidence and volcanism hey?
And are most of the best waves in the world lefts?
Sorry if has been done before, i ripped of this topic from another site, but thought it was an interesting topic.
So what do people think the best waves in the world are?.
(In no particular order)
1. Old Kirra
2. Desert point
3. G-Land
4. Skelton bay (One of those
5. Tavaru (cheating here, Cloudbreak and Restaurants)
4. Riffles (IMO best right in the world now)
5. Supersuck
6. HT's (It was either HT's or Nias, Nias is great but it's just too short, not that HT's is much longer)
7. Pipe
9. Purto escondido (need to throw in a beachie)
10. Spot X