
Celebrate what? Billions of lost tax dollars not paid by the world's biggest booze culture, the highest rate of domestic violence, the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of boozing. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Lemme know if you spot any REAL ones.

stu, your reactionary online persona barely makes it above the line of drunk-uncle-at-christmas-lunch.
it doesn't take much wit and intelligence to troll the sensilbilities of lefty-leaning types. but you've been really struggling from the very start on here.

just the facts.
Aptly named blindboy. Aptly named.

Strange to see NZ Maoris involved - the connection is ?

And yet, not strange to see you involved in this discussion Tory BaaBaa. DiscoBiscuit, a query. You capable of posting links, any links, about anything? Call it a test. Have a go! Anything!
You seem, I dunno, strangely familiar...

Well said BB.

Here's a great track.
Stu, mate, if you actually got to know a few you might change your mind. Walk a mile in their shoes one day.
That said, i don't like Australia day being referred to as Invasion day- that shits me.

Thanks Zen, but nah I don't rate them at all. That aint a crime. I forgot to add that they have the highest child RAPE stats of any group in Australia. 50,000 years of it according to blindboy. What a charming bunch.
BB doesn't like facts. How is that socialist dogma working out for you BB? Got your big gob full of red underpants?
But when some pathetic pissant wants to call someone a racist because they themselves aren't worth the butter on a bit of toast it is always best to call them out.
For the record, married to an Asian, obviously half- Asian kids, worked Sth Korea, Taiwan, Japan and other places. My clients include muslims, hindu, Japanese, Euros, yanks and even the odd Aussie.
Now to BB, you can go look this up on google dipstick, D-Kazman didn't even know which so called tribal group he "belongs" to. In 2008 he was Durambal, but by 2013 he was Gangulu. Point? He doesn't know where he is from, thus no credibility.What next? Whitey?
By the way, many of the members of that band are whiter than me.
I just chose one more because I cant be assed -Masella is half Tongan - just wants publicity by associating herself with her half blood mother. The point? You believe this is all about the real people. It isn't.
And note, the music. These clowns didn't have any music for 50,000 except blowing into a hollow stick. If they want to play western music fine. Just call it for what it is - aboriginals wanting to play western music.
Sheesh, how hard to understand is that. Cultural? My arse.
And that comment is where I shall leave it. This place is like the SMH - all left wing hysteria - global warming - ooohh err, please don't talk about the rain, and taxpayer funded handouts to those who don't deserve it, Trump is an idiot for saying how it is, Brexit is the worst, and some pathetic cultures deserve to be heard for no reason other than they have a tenuous link to some other primitive group from god knows when!
After reading all that, don't forget! You all drive cars, use air cons, and own surfboards that could never have been made at a price you could afford by renewable nonsense, or by some cavemen that could hardly make a boomerang come back. Hypocrites what?
Adios, farewell and good luck.
Tata all

Seeya comrade.

Don't go Discostu, you contributed so much and made so much sense...........

And I trust that means all of you are pissing off, ya old surfer-fuck bullshitter you. What a disco-spew! Asian missus. Hahhahahaha. Asia! Big old geographic area, that one. Where she from again? Australasia! Ah, they're all the same anyway, hey? She must be stoked. And your 'kids'. Pffffft.
Buzz, buzz. Just like that one annoying fly someone's let into the house. Hit 'em high, hit 'em low, hit 'em with the old Pea-Beu.
BTW vale Ross Higgins (his finest work...that advert).

When not Canadian.
He's native Canadian.
That's the important part.

No , you're right of course.
The fusion of indigenous music and modern folk / rock sounds very avant garde and worthy of attention due to its uniqueness if nothing else.
Oh wait ....what's that ?
1987 is over you say ?
No wonder I can't find Family Ties on television anymore.
Yeah so the fact of someone melding modern with traditional should be appreciated on its merits and not on its appeal to the oppressed culture fetishist.
" Playing ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz on your five grand stereo
Bragging that you know that the niggers feel the cold and the slums got so much soul "
But if you had a good time and enjoyed the music then good on you. I guess that's what it's all about.