Living the dream

Awesome story. How's the photo of Port Davey? Imagine the potential down there under a big SW'er.
Also like the line: "The 15-metre vessel is named ROAM — and she was not built in a day."
Got a chuckle out of me.

Great inspiring story, cheers Fitz.
What a beautiful home, I wish you all great times ahead. :-)
Would be great to keep updated on their journey, somehow!

Great stuff, looking forward to hearing the stories.

Great stuff Fitzy, cheers.
All the best to the guys on their voyage of discovery.

Well I'm jealous, that is a nice boat to say the least. No better way to do it...big and stable, nice shallow draft to get you in anywhere.

Far out what an epic adventure.
Living the dream!

Id say lucky buggers but you make your own luck in life good on them hope for a safe voyage.

@ wellymon Google sail surf roam will get web site and blog
These guys are doing what many of us dream.........................