RIP Froudy

Yesterday. eh
A lot has happened in the two yesterday's before today.
But Yesterday i and a few others in this room woke to the news that we had lost a pretty good mate. Unusual you say, no not really in this day and age, most of us are getting to the age where that is happening on a much too regular basis.
What is unusual though is that yesterday a 5 year old boy woke with no parents, he lost his mother to a rare blood disease at a very early age and his dad FROWDY, who passed away in the surf on Monday had since then done an amazing job raising him as a sole parent.
Laying in bed this morning while trying to get my spiel together for today's brief presentation I was having trouble getting this out of my head. You know the usual things life isn't fair, the injustice of it all etc etc and then expanding it out a little bit I lightened up with the knowledge that Ripley will be bought up in the legacy of the amazing BROTHERHOOD that Leslie and Greg had both created.

Very sad news. Can't imagine what it must be like for little Ripley.

Nah I didn't know him at all. Just a tragic story all round.

Hey Blowin his funeral is on Friday arvo up at Port in case you didn't know, there are a few of us from around here heading up as I am sure a couple from your way will as well
RIP Froudy and lets look after Ripley
Surfing community is poorer today after the passing of one of its kindest and most giving individuals earlier this week.
Greg Froud was a true surfer that loved every aspect of the life - from the act itself to coaching , mentoring and administration of comps all the way to enjoyably talking shit about it over some cold schooners.
Surfing was something that Greg couldn't get enough of and it was through surfing that I met the man that became a good friend of nearly three decades.
Froudy was always considerate of others and his natural instinct was to make your life better if it was within his power and as a result he has many friends scattered far and wide through out Australia that will miss him and his enthusiasm for our chosen lifestyle.
Unfortunately, due to his wife Lesley's sad passing their son Ripley is now orphaned .
Luke Wallace - never met you mate , but you're a Champion - has started a go fund me page so you can help give young Ripley a bit of financial assistance in his life after this sad event.
Froudy couldn't have helped a friend quickly enough if the roles were reversed.