is fanning being a prima donna?

I disagree somewhat if he is a threat than it shouldnt matter. if he is winning any contests of his choosing he is showing he may be one of the best competitive surfers in the world which is the point of the tour isnt it? If he is blocking someone else from winning the tour than they aren't really "the best surfer in the world".

In saying that, some surfers ive seen should be on tour but dont want to. One in particular is one of the best tuberiders in the world(imo) but hed rather live in indo for 6-8 months a year than compete.

Be can do whatever the fuck he wants, he's earnt his stripes and don't owe no one nuttin.

If it was live from Snaps yestie he was tearing it's balls out. Not sure if it was Live tho cos I was out on the piss with Singo & Jon Stevens @/Woolloomoolloo and its all a bit blurry today. Think I was drinking with Rusty Crow for awhile.

groundswell wrote:In saying that, some surfers ive seen should be on tour but dont want to. One in particular is one of the best tuberiders in the world(imo) but hed rather live in indo for 6-8 months a year than compete.
Who's that GS?

Your a legend sid.

goofyfoot wrote:groundswell wrote:In saying that, some surfers ive seen should be on tour but dont want to. One in particular is one of the best tuberiders in the world(imo) but hed rather live in indo for 6-8 months a year than compete.
Who's that GS?
Not sure he'd like me mentioning his name as he is a bit humble but his names Byron, very good to watch on good days at scars and supersuck. Gets slotted the whole way a lot, unlike some pros who outrun the tube a lot.good air game too.

sidthefish wrote:Be can do whatever the fuck he wants, he's earnt his stripes and don't owe no one nuttin.
That's basically what i was going to say, but i think you said it better than i would have.

sidthefish wrote:If it was live from Snaps yestie he was tearing it's balls out. Not sure if it was Live tho cos I was out on the piss with Singo & Jon Stevens @/Woolloomoolloo and its all a bit blurry today. Think I was drinking with Rusty Crow for awhile.
Funny as, good work Sid.
Did you stay in the carpark in your ice cream van, I mean Breaking Bad get up!

goofyfoot wrote:groundswell wrote:In saying that, some surfers ive seen should be on tour but dont want to. One in particular is one of the best tuberiders in the world(imo) but hed rather live in indo for 6-8 months a year than compete.
Who's that GS?
Also I reckon Rasta would do well on the tour. Some other freesurfers to like Clay. So I'm indecisive who is the best In the world etc.

MF is opening up some space for someone who wouldn't otherwise be there, so....

Also, just noticed your name "jesuszomby" - nicely done. hahaha

Is groundswell talking about byron wong? Legend! Wondered what ever happened to him, 6-8 months in indo, must love crowds too

groundswell wrote:goofyfoot wrote:groundswell wrote:In saying that, some surfers ive seen should be on tour but dont want to. One in particular is one of the best tuberiders in the world(imo) but hed rather live in indo for 6-8 months a year than compete.
Who's that GS?
Also I reckon Rasta would do well on the tour. Some other freesurfers to like Clay. So I'm indecisive who is the best In the world etc.
From memory Rasta was on the tour in his junior days, he wasn't going anywhere with it.
As much as I hate competition, all the best surfers in the world are on it. All these free surfers cherry pick their best days in perfect waves for you to see on video. Guys on the tour have to turn up and surf shitty 2ft onshore bells to death defying chopes and if there having an off day it's on live feed for all to see, so the world champ is the best in the world overall, not on chosen days like sponsored free surfers have the luxury of having .

Fair point i understand that. Clay on film seems like one of the best though but he gets to cherry pick like you say.
Mike Hunt His not Byron Wong, his name is Byron Naylor, his younger brother rips too.
Byrons fave wave is supersuck and says hed rather surf that than anything else -after traveling all through indo,( -last time i saw him which might have changed since its getting more crowded) so wasnt interested in competing.

I've been out in the water quite a bit with Clay surfing, never seen him have an off day, but the waves that he surfs are quite a few steps up from what most people surf, even the see breeze crap is rippable by anyone's standards.

Groundswell - did this Byron fella stay up at Scars with his mate that was a schoolteacher from Cronulla ?


Yep thats him the school teacher i forget his name, a bit loose but good bloke.


Wrong section. But yes with Fanning.


Because i thought I'd met him - which I had - agreed that they're good blokes.
Agreed that Byron loves a pit.
now before i'm howled down by the peanut gallery let me just pledge my allegiance to the whole non contest, just wanna have fun vibe of the mick.
my issue lies with the possibility that by picking and choosing his events he could be denying someone who wants to have a fair dinkum crack the opportunity to stake a claim in the top tier.