Mental Toughness or Screwed Priority

For sure Wingnut.
It would be a real mental challenge for MF right now, good luck MF hope you win.
Saying that Peter Mel never had to ask the question why! after MF's round 4 heat.
PM could be more professional and not bring that up at all IMO.

...not our business, and shouldn't be discussed online.

Stok said "...not our business, and shouldn't be discussed online."
Fair enough Stok..
Its not my business at all, I just read it in the Daily Mail Online this morning before I had a read any SN's forums.
Dying is not a bad thing Stok, we all die and have close ones, who do as well, rejoice their death and believe they have moved on to another realm which will be greater than this one.
They, which IMO are your angels guiding you thru hard times and good in this life we live in.
Hallelujah for Mick when he wins tommorrow;)

I agree with your comment Wellymon, and maybe I was a bit too blunt. But really it was the topic title (clickbait style) and first post which made me post. Wingnut your second post I think was ok.
I guess I just dislike the public eye and making news out of people's personal lives. We like Mick, but do we need to discuss his personal life? Kind of gossiping isn't it?

wingnut2443 wrote:I'll shout the bar at the next swellnet users christmas party!
Quoted just in case.

wingnut2443 wrote:stunet wrote:wingnut2443 wrote:I'll shout the bar at the next swellnet users christmas party!
Quoted just in case.
Just in case there IS one?
Yep, and just in case you delete the above.

With a donation like this (thanks Wingnut!) - and still over a week to go - we could possibly tee up a last minute national Swellnet users Xmas party. I'll put out the feelers.

With Stu in the 'gong and Ben at Tweed ........ That makes the party somewhere around Crescent by my calculation. I'm free on Tuesday night!

wellymon wrote:Stok said "...not our business, and shouldn't be discussed online."
Fair enough Stok..
Its not my business at all, I just read it in the Daily Mail Online this morning before I had a read any SN's forums.Dying is not a bad thing Stok, we all die and have close ones, who do as well, rejoice their death and believe they have moved on to another realm which will be greater than this one.
They, which IMO are your angels guiding you thru hard times and good in this life we live in.Hallelujah for Mick when he wins tommorrow;)
I reckon there aren't too many "known people" who would be subjected to such scrutiny at a personal time like this.
Don't reckon any politicians or probably tv celebs would be subjected to this. Open slather on sports stars though. Wonder why?

Hang on, I see this bereavement as a private matter, but Mick isn't alone in being targeted to turn his heartbreak into a human interest story between flip-flop ads. What about the ordinary citizenry? Whatever the tragic human disaster, the media will go on site to hunt down distraught friends and relatives to poke cameras in their face and ask 'How do you feel?'
As media acquaintances tell me, if you can get tears then that's your lead. All in the public interest, of course.

Just seems like with regards to celebrities, sportspeople are more fair game than say politicians or business people. Are they regarded more as public property?
Oh yes, as Kenny Everett used to say, "All done in the best POSSIBLE taste!
After the J Bay incident, Fanning is the flavour of the month - the tv news piddled themselves to connect him to Gieselman's rescue at Pipe.

What about the ordinary citizenry? Whatever the tragic human disaster, the media will go on site to hunt down distraught friends and relatives to poke cameras in their face and ask 'How do you feel?'
Maybe that's it, sports stars are seen as ordinary folks while others higher up the food chain get treated with more respect.

wingnut2443 wrote:Fucked, to say the least.
How's his mental toughness to be paddling out an competing? Fuck.
What would YOU do?
I'm not sure how I'd handle it ... do you focus on your career, the title battle and all the money that comes with it, or do you support those close to you, like ya mum, in what must be an emotional and trying time.
FUCK. What a year for Mick ... showing some serious mental toughness.

Interesting point. I have the view that as per my signature " Surfboard riding has never been, never will be a " sport ". On one hand Mick Fanning is to be commended for " making a living and honouring his responsibilities that go with it. Be it my self ? I come form a different world that has seen surfboard riding
" develop " into something that I and I might venture to say, many like me never hoped it ever would.
I lost my Mother a few years ago under terrible circusmtances. I am an only son.
NOTHING, read my lips, NOTHING - is more important than family.

deleted / incorrect reapeat
Situation faced by Mick Fanning today is ...