Forum behaviour and disappearing threads

Whats bolshie?

That's a pretty impressive effort

I woulda thought socialist talk is a good thing?

Is swellnet a socialist sight? the sharing of surf information to give everybody an equal chance of scoring?

BTW I am not a socialist..I don't like sharing!!blahaha

Just a reminder: bullshit will not be tolerated.

I don't get how someone so professional can be such a fuckstain? embarassing

Whos next to be banned ?

I cant see any missing threads, I thought there was only three threads on Swellnet and they still all seem there?
Whats what, Trump & Climate change wankers

I'm planning on talking dung about surfing in the not too distant future Indo.
A couple of life changes in order for myself and all ill want to know about is surfing .
And fishing.
And diving.
And reading.
And doing a whole lot of fuck all.
And talking copious amounts of shit about all the above topics.
Hang in there mate, those threads are doing my head in too.

I was going to share about what it is like to have surfing taken away from you and the mental and emotional restructuring one has to do to redefine and move on with life. Grief accompanies all loss but surfing lives on in all cell memory and never ever goes away. So how do you cope when its pumping and all you can do is watch?

You Ok Dave?

I am great thanks Floyd. The main thing I wish to emphasis is to appreciate being able to surf. Crowds and how big it is or isn't doesn't matter when you can't surf any more. It's the thrill and privilege of being able to share a vibration of energy that life created thru weather patterns traveling in the ocean allowing you to ride it and express yourself whilst being joyful. When your whole life revolved around tide's, wind and swell it over time defines your identity. Think about it. How much of your daily thought process is consumed by surfing? Cmon let's face it, most of us are obsessed by surfing. It is an addiction. But a healthy one and one you really miss when you can't do it anymore. So please remember how lucky you are next time you have a surf. Remember just how amazing a swell actually is. A moving wave of energy that you get to share with. You are blessed so be thankful that when you can surf you can be assured that life is okay. Be stoked friends. Catch one for me.

Glad you're going great Dave, yeah, gratitude for life is something we all need more of. I'm guessing you would be well read on the concept of attachment.

That's really what my post was about Floyd. The aspect of me that was obsessed with surfing needed to express it's sorrow over having to detach. So to do a eulogy in a sense but also remind others to have an attitude of gratitude was empowering as well. All the best everyone and thanks for putting up with my raves. Enjoy your life.

Thanks fong. Surfing does put tremendous pressure on your body. That's why stretching is so important and I wish I had realised this earlier especially with my spine. Mental health is also very important and acceptance of things is so important. I hope you are back in the water and enjoying your surfing fong.

Hey Dave, heard of Jack Kornfield and Pema Chödrön? What I like about their books is that a western voice is used to explain eastern philosophy.

Yeah Floyd. Lots of texts from all areas point to the same thing. Physical life is just a contextual field to allow the individuality of spirit to experience it's contemplations. So don't get to attached to any physical form or activity as the real treasure is found in the states of being or feeling that one is experiencing. So feel joyful my friends to lead a joyful life.

That's a nice rave, Dave. Good luck to you.
Last Friday morning, heading off for a long planned and finally arrived weekend away with the missus, had a couple of hours I could kill, central coast break, up a bit and away from the crowds, just two guys on a fast fast 2-3' right hander break, crystal water, 20 to 30 dolphins in a very playful mood. Was worried the two guys out there might become sport for them.
I joined them, found a batch of fun waves, most of them looking unmakeable until the bottom turn gripped and slung you off at top speed, walls so pretty and water glorious. The guys, down from Gold Coast, were both friendly and happy for my company, not believing their luck surfing without a 100 others.
Got a batch, including the classic experience of having to duck dive, very shallowly, a larger one with about 8 dolphins in the green wall, both delighting and scaring me at the same time. They were big buggers.
That story is for you dave, I'm sure you can remember a similar experience. Time is a myth dave, you can go back there anytime.

dave rave,i love your wise words of wisdom!keep bringing the stoke brother!!!

Thanks friends. Isn't it amazing when we share a story like that and when it becomes a memory it is the feeling of the experience's that is the most powerful. They are very personal yet collective at the same time. Dichotomy me thinks. Yes time is a myth but what it brings should be celebrated in all heartfelt ways. It is only thru the experiencing of the full spectrum does the palette return to white. Love is not an abscence of emotions but all of them combined accepted and transcended.

Bf just saw the dolphins swim up tweed river as well as the turtle that lives near me. Howling onshore out front but the river reminds me to keep looking. Life will share its wonder and it's up to me to be receptive. Hope you all had a great day. If not tomorrow starts afresh. Begin again.

Nice one Dave. I had a dip in the river in Ballina today and a dolphin came for a chat, playing around in knee deep water. Makes you feel good.

Nice thread revival indo-dreaming, BTW.
Yeah, keep looking for life dave, or even just nature.
I remember some time ago, in a longish funk due to difficult work scenario, bringing up two kids, the endless grind.
Was washing the dishes one day and a little bubble got caught in an updraft, reflecting off the sun through the window, a tiny rainbow inside its form. Let it hover for as long as it would, which was quite a while, just on front of me.
Fark man, when times are tough you have to be aware to grab onto anything. I still have that image strongly in my mind.
There's plenty of nature out there to keep you amused if you keep your eyes open.

Beautiful guys.

This may be off the track a ways, but has anyone ever eaten dolphin (consciously)? I dunno, some of 'em look quite scrum-diddly-umptious...

I've eaten whale sashimi.
Does that count?

Are you allowed to catch them? What size hook?

Do witchity grubs count? What's the most outrageous thing you have eaten?

Oh god, don't get me started-
Raw horse, Ostrich, Fugu, Jellyfish, Civet, Blood pudding and on and on...
Probably the weirdest though- Shirako (raw fish sperm).
In Japanese cuisine, the milt (白子 shirako 'white children') of cod (tara), anglerfish (ankō), salmon (sake), squid (ika) and pufferfish (fugu) are a delicacy.

Zen you animal!

Yeah Goof, I'm a true renaissance man:)

Hey Dave, highly recommend a snorkel on tweed river at the top of the tide, heaps to see on a good day.

second that, head out towards Fingal, some of those little mangrove lined creeks are amazing on a big full moon tide mangia
Apropos of fuck all, I know someone that was sexually assaulted by a dolphin. No names, no pack-drill...
Be careful what you wish for...

Along the Seaway wall at the Spit is good for snorkelling too.
Bit of flat day fun. Plus, if you fish you can salvage heaps of free tackle.

Up that neck of the woods, anyone else surfed inside the Tweed? Sounds fishy, I know...but...

I have a couple of times in the past talkingturkey during giant out of control swells. You aren't going to get the wave of your life but the novelty value makes for a pretty fun surf. I've seen Josh Kerr doing tow-ins/ats at one of the banks inside the Tweed, using the ski to bust massive airs and rotations, I dont know if I'd call it surfing as such, but it was a pretty impressive gymnastic display.

Defo novelty wave. I surfed it once with a giant out-of-control Goldie giant (nickname straight outta Sesame St.) that was always dragging us around to 'unique' spots round them parts. Pretty cool actually. 'Cept old mate wasn't in the water. Could start a fight in an empty room. Ripped, though. Whatevers. Happy daze.

No fong for you!


It is funny you are surfing alone thinking it would good if someone else came out and shared the joy with you. Someone does come out he drops in on you and get in your way. Now you are thinking I wish this someone would f off!

This little time present made my day...thanks dave.

I had a dream about Derek Hynd.
Derek mind leaked out organised rules and regulations for his proposed rebel tour.
Any person buying a board will atomically pay the $ 50 entry fee to Derek’s tour
This money will go to Derek solely for logistical operations
That person must be seasonally attired in surf gear for the following year.
There is a $100000 first place for the winning surfer, (still to be confirmed)
And a $100000 dollar prize for the winning judge.(still to be confirmed)
The judges must surf before the WSL Pipeline Masters final a heat with Derek as head judge make ing up 70% of the judging panel and the rest of the panel still to be decided.
The winning judge of the pipeline heat and his nominated surfer take the money

Funny this thread popped up, im not having a personal go at Blindboy although it may seem like i am..( i rarely agree with Blind boy but actually don't mind him as is generally respectful in discussions even if things get heated, although im sure Blowin might disagree)
And im sure some will say this is petty, or im being petty.
However i noticed Blindboy/Laurie posting in that oil article under two different names (totally innocent, nothing dodgy)
But really is that a good thing to allow?
It would suck if others with not good intentions did the same, to either bully certain posters in a discussion or to make their one points seem more supported etc
And regulars might not know BB and Laurie are the same person.
I can see many issues arising from it, and i know in some forums they are strict on people sticking to one profile.
You may have noticed a few threads have dropped from view the last day or so. It's a regrettable result of the bolshie behaviour that's been happening. Spirited debate is great, pisstaking even better, but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, in sincerity, jest, or even in irony. No private matters made public, no references or allusions to other people's partners or family members. Those are the specifics.
More generally, let's heed the advice of the whispering sage and take the fucken pressure down.