-Struggle Street Tonight SBS-

"Filmed going about there everyday life..."
No it's not..... Blockade at SBS by garbage trucks.... Accusations of set ups, engineered scenes...... lawyers called..... Been labelled as poverty porn... "This program must stop because it's not a documentary, it's publicly funded poverty porn."
"The lawyer George Newhouse indicated on Wednesday he was investigating legal options for the program’s participants, including potential defamation suits."
Despite all of this, some people will still believe it is "reality tv", a bit like the block, MKR, X factor, and all the other fucking trash they air.....

Work with a bloke from the druitt.sounds like they summed the place up perfectly.

This guy I know who works with a bloke who was married to this chick who used to rent with the mum of a guy who used to live in west sydney reckons it's for real...... AND it's on TV so it must be true.....

Yeah sheepdog your word is the be all end all it should be sheepnet

Its not all home n away out there, gotta be able to look at our faults

Sheepnet! Ha ha- nice.
Gotta go. Have to check the sheepcams:)

Not really an eye opener but as far as an accurate representation of everyday life for these types of areas, spot on. Great to see! Nothing like the 'reality TV' programs you rightly described as trash sheepy

Just goes to show, how the so many low life milking lazy Australian's and others who have fucked with the system!
Blowin it for many who actually try.

udo wrote:Comment from SMH:
Mt Druitt a good reason for compulsory sterilization.
Eugenics, bought to you by those forward thinkers at the Nazi party and smh commenters.

Surferfuk... wasn't the old bloke a former trucky, who cracked his skull after a fall out of his truck, and has now got dementia? Is he a low life milking lazy Australian?.... The chick that got bashed and thrown out of home at age 13.... Another one of these low life's you speak of?
Look, to those who "get off" on watching people below them in the "society ladder".... If gawking and pointing and judging the downtrodden makes you feel better about your insignificant life, then all the power to you.... Whatever works......
I found the show sad, but not confronting..... There will always be people below me..... And there will always be people above me..... There will always be people with empathy, and there will always be hard judgemental cunts who delight in going to a freakshow....

Sheepdog good post although I haven't seen the show I have to agree he has a point.
In mt druitt area there are a lot of ice dealers still claiming centrelink benefits while living in housing commission houses. Its wrong.

Sheepdog wrote:Surferfuk... wasn't the old bloke a former trucky, who cracked his skull after a fall out of his truck, and has now got dementia? Is he a low life milking lazy Australian?.... The chick that got bashed and thrown out of home at age 13.... Another one of these low life's you speak of?
Look, to those who "get off" on watching people below them in the "society ladder".... If gawking and pointing and judging the downtrodden makes you feel better about your insignificant life, then all the power to you.... Whatever works......
I found the show sad, but not confronting..... There will always be people below me..... And there will always be people above me..... There will always be people with empathy, and there will always be hard judgemental cunts who delight in going to a freakshow....
Good onya sheepy, it was a meaningless throwaway comment by sf but I'm glad someone pointed out the stupidity

GS - Yeah and there are alot of Twiggy Forests, Reinharts etc getting government handouts in the form of grants, googles and BHP's funneling profits offshore as to not pay tax, Woolworths and coles buying from companies using slave labour (check last week 4 corners - unfucking believable).... There's a lot of bad shit going on, GS..... But it is a perversion of society to focus on those at the bottom of the food chain..... It's safe to do so... It makes one feel good about themselves.... It's an easy target..... They can't fight back (unlike Reinhart and her million dollar lawyers).....
You do realize these ice dealers would probably deal even more ice and rob more pensioners if they had no clink, right? I mean, that's what happens in East L.A.....

Lived and worked out that way for a year and use to drive through Mt Druitt on my way to my weekend escape down Stanwell park and the Gong, i don't think its really any different to many areas of Australia.
Saw the show, no surprises it is what it is, it like any area of society there is good people and bad people and all types in between.

Sheepdog wrote:This guy I know who works with a bloke who was married to this chick who used to rent with the mum of a guy who used to live in west sydney reckons it's for real...... AND it's on TV so it must be true.....
r u having a go at me again mate for my inclination to have one tenth of a second head dips as 10 second foam barrel tube rides and my poo man foam climb fall off as an aerial opera house high?
as we have both worked in the industry and my time at 60 minutes attests, everything on tv, the internet , the papers,and what comes out my arse is true!!!!!!! some aspects will be a reflection, but how can u take a snap shot of a life and give a real account of that life, more often than not it will be a distortion and tv viewers want something to get fired up about as everyday life is just too boring to have on tv and live with as well. Now since this is a swellnet post, and from davetherave, it must be true!!!!!!!

indo-dreaming wrote:Lived and worked out that way for a year and use to drive through Mt Druitt on my way to my weekend escape down Stanwell park and the Gong, i don't think its really any different to many areas of Australia.
Saw the show, no surprises it is what it is, it like any area of society there is good people and bad people and all types in between.
That's the best point made yet, you could go into most towns in Aus and film this show, its not particular to Mt druit, conversely Mt druit is more than this, it is much richer and more diverse than just those on struggle street.
Dole payments make up one the smallest portions of the welfare budget, aged pension being 3-4 times as much, to single out unemployed as fucking the system is just a nonsense, it is part of the 'system' and as sheepy pointed out the money leached out of the system by foreign companies and the wealthy would eclipse this amount many times over. Worth pointing out also is one of the biggest revenue raisers for the system gst is paid by everyone including these guys.
By geez this will be an eye opener.