Vented Ear Plugs

gilbert's picture
gilbert started the topic in Tuesday, 7 Apr 2015 at 1:16pm

So, winter is approaching and I'm looking for some advice to protect my ears.

I've been using blu-tack in my ears and thinking to myself I probably should buy a better pair of ear plugs which don't leave sticky blu-tack residue inside my ears after a couple of hours in the surf. Granted, it is cheap and works well for keeping the water/wind out.

Reading up on it, people recommend:
- Docs Pro Plugs (vented)
- Mack's ear plugs

I'd prefer the vented type as probably those would facilitate hearing, and also can use them diving. Does anybody know what's available here in Australia? What are others using in the way of ear plugs? How do they perform?

Robin Masters's picture
Robin Masters's picture
Robin Masters Wednesday, 8 Apr 2015 at 9:21pm

I use $1.50 Kmart ones. I've got pretty severe surfers ear and they are the only ones that work for me. I've tried Macks a few times .....not a fan. I reckon most guys have to try a few different types and eliminate the ones that are uncomfortable. For me there's nothing worse than using earplugs so they might as well be as comfortable as possible

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Wednesday, 8 Apr 2015 at 10:13pm
gilbert's picture
gilbert's picture
gilbert Thursday, 9 Apr 2015 at 8:15am

Cheers to both of you. I wasn't thorough enough in my search! Will have a look at that thread