I love Bali

If you’re looking for travel insurance covering covid which is a condition of enrty at the moment to Bali. https://www.finder.com.au/travel-insurance-compulsory-covid-cover

some great surfing from a young Lakey local

The kid rips . Some beautiful waves and great water photography. LP sure has produced some good surfers over the years .

Most punt-able frontyard bazzas on Earth. Right place right time,go son

Looks like its back to 7 days quarantine, hopefully things change when more is known about omicron. https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/asia/indonesia

Yeah im sure it will, it's just a short term safety measure.

...at the same time, the indo news asked yesterday... 'did corona just disappear?'
down to one new case in bali and seemingly people not getting sick anymore
maenwhile in oz, one of the most vaxxed places and supposed safest places on the planet... it's all nastyness division and paranoia...
one has to wonder wtf is going on?

sypkan wrote:...at the same time, the indo news asked yesterday... 'did corona just disappear?'
down to one new case in bali and seemingly people not getting sick anymore
maenwhile in oz, one of the most vaxxed places and supposed safest places on the planet... it's all nastyness division and paranoia...
one has to wonder wtf is going on?
Possibly most people have had it now , couple of expats I know had it ( not vaccinated ) said they were crook for about 2 weeks but all good now, nearly all shops have dropped the proof of vaccination to enter . Locals can’t get vaccinated if they don’t have ID card , many villagers don’t have one , they wouldn’t know there date of birth even , don’t bother with licences and such , different story in busy tourists areas but plenty of out of the way villages with zero tourism. I’m only talking about Bali

Know quite a few expats in Bali who have had it. Some sicker than others. All still alive. Apparently they have run out of all vaccines in Bali including Sinovac so no option anyway according to friend, not confirmed. Also you needed Kitas to be vaccinated, so if on biz/ social visa not eligible. Saying that I am sure there has been a lot of unrecorded deaths due to Covid, my wife's sadly lost a few members to Covid.

Your wife is Indonesian?

Supafreak wrote:Possibly most people have had it now , couple of expats I know had it ( not vaccinated ) said they were crook for about 2 weeks but all good now, nearly all shops have dropped the proof of vaccination to enter . Locals can’t get vaccinated if they don’t have ID card , many villagers don’t have one , they wouldn’t know there date of birth even , don’t bother with licences and such , different story in busy tourists areas but plenty of out of the way villages with zero tourism. I’m only talking about Bali
Thats interesting my friends in Telos all had the opportunity to be vaccinated, i think the kepala desa would have given them info on the make shift vax clinic , not sure if they have ID card.
I was a bit worried my friends wouldn't get vaxed but luckily they did.

sypkan wrote:...at the same time, the indo news asked yesterday... 'did corona just disappear?'
down to one new case in bali and seemingly people not getting sick anymore
maenwhile in oz, one of the most vaxxed places and supposed safest places on the planet... it's all nastyness division and paranoia...
one has to wonder wtf is going on?
It's so weird, but it really did just go pretty much overnight, its like everyone got it most survived and got anti bodies, some old people died.
Be interesting to see what the future holds, im betting an outbreak again when anti body levels drop, but the next wave will be smaller, people wont get as sick, and as time goes on each wave will get smaller as people just keep getting a natural anti body boost.
That said there is still areas of Indo that avoided the first wave and could get hit if not vaxed.

indo-dreaming wrote:@Andy
Your wife is Indonesian?
Yes Dayak....

Foreigners rob IDR5.8 billion in cash and bitcoin from Italian couple in Kuta villa. https://coconuts.co/bali/news/foreigners-rob-idr5-8-billion-in-cash-and-...

Idiots, they victims recognised their voices. Dumb and dumber eh.

Who takes $400k in cash on holidays?!

Italian Traders - They live there..

As the Cam pans Garuda Wisnu Kencana @ 122 metres high..
Jeezus it cost a bit - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Wisnu_Kencana_statue

Looks like nothing has been done in regards to salvaging the wreck on lembongan. It’s all just busting up and going into the drink by the looks. I thought they would have at least pulled the crane to pieces and started cutting up everything else .
image upload site
image upload site

Huh you would have thought if they aren't going to recover it the locals would go to town on getting whatever they can off it.

BTW. rumour is Indo is cutting quarantine back from 10 to 7 nights

indo-dreaming wrote:BTW. rumour is Indo is cutting quarantine back from 10 to 7 nights
I was looking at Bali international arrivals today and flights in were all local , mainly Jakarta, don’t think one international flight has landed since they opened . My mate did the 10 days and made it to his house at klotok for xmas day , he went for 3 months last year cost him $15,000 for flights, visa , quarantine both ends . Was getting married so he didn’t care .

indo-dreaming wrote:Huh you would have thought if they aren't going to recover it the locals would go to town on getting whatever they can off it.
I thought it was only a couple of nights anyway?
Hope it changes by mid year , I’m only going for 10 days

indo-dreaming wrote:Just saw this news too.
"Indonesia cuts quarantine period for foreign visitors to three days"
This is what I was thinking of

The latest information from smart traveler , lets see if they change Australias status as numbers rise . Be nice to think in a few months it’s down to zero days quarantine. To enter Indonesia, you must show evidence of full COVID-19 vaccination completed at least 14 days before travel. Vaccination requirements apply to children between the ages 12-17. It's recommended Australians seek medical advice on vaccination for children. You must also show evidence of a negative COVID-19 (PCR) test result taken no more than 72 hours before travel. You’ll also need to undergo a further COVID-19 (PCR) test on arrival and during quarantine. You must quarantine in a hotel in your city of arrival for 7 days. Travellers from countries of concern are not permitted to enter Indonesia, unless they meet certain criteria or have an exemption. If you're permitted to enter from a country of concern, you must quarantine for 10 days in the city of arrival. https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/asia/indonesia

goofyfoot wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Huh you would have thought if they aren't going to recover it the locals would go to town on getting whatever they can off it.
I thought it was only a couple of nights anyway?
Hope it changes by mid year , I’m only going for 10 days
Yeah like your article says it went down to 3 days/2 nights, but then when Omicron hit they made it 7 nights then 10, now back to 7 and hopefully goes back down to 2 nights or none.
Indonesia is in this weird situation currently where they think they dont have Omicron but there has been the odd case recorded so hopefully it takes off soon and they get their first Omicron wave over and done with before Indo season.
I personally wouldn't be surprised if Omicron is already widely spread in the community and its just not resulting in hospitalisations so they arent doing much testing, Indonesia is also just like South Africa where they have a high percentage of people having already been expose to wuhan and delta strains so a possible degree of immunity too.

@indo have a look at the rates of vaccination in this article , bit hard to believe. https://coconuts.co/bali/news/governor-wayan-koster-lauds-covid-19-handl...

Yeah hard to believe, but i know my wife sisters kids have already been vaccinated in Java so does sound like the program is well underway.

My wife told me that you can’t get vaccinated unless you have a ID card . They are not big on recording things like births , deaths and marriages in some of the poorer out of the way villages in Bali. So many don’t have an ID card which you also need for driving license, bank account etc . It’s changing sure but there’s areas like around kintamani where the original balinese the bali aga come from that the government just leaves alone . Imagine a census being done in Indonesia.

Yeah same thing in the PH Supa

hope you are feeling a bit better

udo wrote:https://thebalisun.com/chinese-company-to-finance-development-of-north-b...
I’m interested to know where all the arrivals in north Bali will be staying ? Are they going to be building resorts and villas at the same time ? , or just bus everyone down south on the new toll road that also hasn’t been built along with the new railroad circumnavigating Bali.

Supafreak wrote:udo wrote:https://thebalisun.com/chinese-company-to-finance-development-of-north-b...
I’m interested to know where all the arrivals in north Bali will be staying ? Are they going to be building resorts and villas at the same time ? , or just bus everyone down south on the new toll road that also hasn’t been built along with the new railroad circumnavigating Bali.
They have been talking about that airport since early 2000's that I am aware of. When was working in Bali, Balinese in tourism in Lovina were always excited about prospect and expected increase in business. This area is beautiful, especially if you get up in hills behind the Lovina area, so definitely has potential for tourism.
I guess major development would be likely along coastal stretch which is already has some hotels. A benefit could be to take some pressure of southern Bali. Also good economic opportunity for Balinese up that way. Although selfishly, would prefer less development, but that's bule privilege I guess.
However there are ongoing obvious environmental concerns, notably with a major increase in hotels and tourism what impact that will have on the water table.
Not an area really visited my surfers, but been popular Euro spot, especially divers with access to menjangan island, tulumben etc. Was very busy with backpackers late 90's, early 00's with them coming over land from java. This stopped after Sept 11 and Bali bomb in 2002 with fear of Islam etc traveling through java.
Guess we have to get rid of the Rona first before major tourist industry can return. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:udo wrote:https://thebalisun.com/chinese-company-to-finance-development-of-north-b...
I’m interested to know where all the arrivals in north Bali will be staying ? Are they going to be building resorts and villas at the same time ? , or just bus everyone down south on the new toll road that also hasn’t been built along with the new railroad circumnavigating Bali.
They have been talking about that airport since early 2000's that I am aware of. When was working in Bali, Balinese in tourism in Lovina were always excited about prospect and expected increase in business. This area is beautiful, especially if you get up in hills behind the Lovina area, so definitely has potential for tourism.
I guess major development would be likely along coastal stretch which is already has some hotels. A benefit could be to take some pressure of southern Bali. Also good economic opportunity for Balinese up that way. Although selfishly, would prefer less development, but that's bule privilege I guess.
However there are ongoing obvious environmental concerns, notably with a major increase in hotels and tourism what impact that will have on the water table.
Not an area really visited my surfers, but been popular Euro spot, especially divers with access to menjangan island, tulumben etc. Was very busy with backpackers late 90's, early 00's with them coming over land from java. This stopped after Sept 11 and Bali bomb in 2002 with fear of Islam etc traveling through java.
Guess we have to get rid of the Rona first before major tourist industry can return. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Agreed Andy, it gets talked up and land prices go up in the area then nothing happens , this has happened repeatedly for 20 odd years. Lets not forget the ( bule only ) casino to be built on Nusa penida , that one was always good for a laugh . The price of land goes up in north Bali every time these rumours start , Id like to see the prices pre -covid to just before this latest announcement . The Russians have been buying up big in southern Bali, plenty of bargains compared to the ridiculous prices pre -covid .

Supafreak wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:udo wrote:https://thebalisun.com/chinese-company-to-finance-development-of-north-b...
I’m interested to know where all the arrivals in north Bali will be staying ? Are they going to be building resorts and villas at the same time ? , or just bus everyone down south on the new toll road that also hasn’t been built along with the new railroad circumnavigating Bali.
They have been talking about that airport since early 2000's that I am aware of. When was working in Bali, Balinese in tourism in Lovina were always excited about prospect and expected increase in business. This area is beautiful, especially if you get up in hills behind the Lovina area, so definitely has potential for tourism.
I guess major development would be likely along coastal stretch which is already has some hotels. A benefit could be to take some pressure of southern Bali. Also good economic opportunity for Balinese up that way. Although selfishly, would prefer less development, but that's bule privilege I guess.
However there are ongoing obvious environmental concerns, notably with a major increase in hotels and tourism what impact that will have on the water table.
Not an area really visited my surfers, but been popular Euro spot, especially divers with access to menjangan island, tulumben etc. Was very busy with backpackers late 90's, early 00's with them coming over land from java. This stopped after Sept 11 and Bali bomb in 2002 with fear of Islam etc traveling through java.
Guess we have to get rid of the Rona first before major tourist industry can return. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Agreed Andy, it gets talked up and land prices go up in the area then nothing happens , this has happened repeatedly for 20 odd years. Lets not forget the ( bule only ) casino to be built on Nusa penida , that one was always good for a laugh . The price of land goes up in north Bali every time these rumours start , Id like to see the prices pre -covid to just before this latest announcement . The Russians have been buying up big in southern Bali, plenty of bargains compared to the ridiculous prices pre -covid .
I guess one day it will be built. Sure plenty are land banking waiting to cash in....
West Sumbawa and Sumba also meant to be next big thing. Saw West Sumbawa somewhere bring promoted as new Canggu, put me right off (•‿•).
Kuta Lombok definitely changed once airport went in there!
Indo definitely changing.... Hope can get there in 2022....

https://coconuts.co/bali/news/quarantine-hotels-and-direct-flights-bali-... Quarantine hotels and direct flights: Bali gears up for international tourism re-relaunch this week

What’s not clear is what happens if you test positive in the 5 day quarantine? How long do you have to isolate for?
And also what are the requirements returning to Australia? Have to show a negative rat test before boarding?

donweather wrote:What’s not clear is what happens if you test positive in the 5 day quarantine? How long do you have to isolate for?
And also what are the requirements returning to Australia? Have to show a negative rat test before boarding?
Good questions not 100% sure, even domestic flights in Indo are going to come with challenges, and plans really screwed up if test positive.

donweather wrote:What’s not clear is what happens if you test positive in the 5 day quarantine? How long do you have to isolate for?
And also what are the requirements returning to Australia? Have to show a negative rat test before boarding?
Here’s the Australian government take on it . . If you test positive for COVID-19 on arrival, or at any time during your quarantine period, you will be taken to a hospital or isolation hotel for further isolation at your own expense. This may be at significant personal expense. You must apply for a visa in advance of travelling to Indonesia. Contact your travel provider for up-to-date details. https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/asia/indonesia

You'd think take up of the 5 day quarantine option would be pretty limited unless you've got a long trip.
I'm meant to be going to Indo for a month in May / June and I don't think I'd do it with the 5 day quarantine. Maybe if it was 3 days.

It will be 3days or Nil before you know it - No international Arrivals at DPS today and id guess fark all in next 7 days so they will ease it ...they need Tourism badly

Bnkref wrote:You'd think take up of the 5 day quarantine option would be pretty limited unless you've got a long trip.
I'm meant to be going to Indo for a month in May / June and I don't think I'd do it with the 5 day quarantine. Maybe if it was 3 days.
Yeah I’ve got a 10 day trip booked so I’m hoping by then it’s all but gone. Two days would be ok but no longer

Bnkref wrote:You'd think take up of the 5 day quarantine option would be pretty limited unless you've got a long trip.
I'm meant to be going to Indo for a month in May / June and I don't think I'd do it with the 5 day quarantine. Maybe if it was 3 days.
I’m booked for May June July , hopefully its down to zero by then . Bali won’t be able to compete with Thailand and Phillipines who have no requirements for quarantine unless testing positive on arrival . Mexico is number one destination at the moment for travelers , don’t even need a PCR test .

Supafreak wrote:Bnkref wrote:You'd think take up of the 5 day quarantine option would be pretty limited unless you've got a long trip.
I'm meant to be going to Indo for a month in May / June and I don't think I'd do it with the 5 day quarantine. Maybe if it was 3 days.
I’m booked for May June July , hopefully its down to zero by then . Bali won’t be able to compete with Thailand and Phillipines who have no requirements for quarantine unless testing positive on arrival . Mexico is number one destination at the moment for travelers , don’t even need a PCR test .
indo has done its own thing right throughout this pandemic - which it always kinda does - but it has been markedly different to its SE asian competition, which is a bit odd...
not sure if it is because;
a) it intends to clean up its messy visa system and low end tourism market - which were both being exploited to the extreme
b) its generally aiming higher end... and can afford to, with things like, bali instagrammability booming, the moto gp, and the 10 proposed tourist zones developments in the pipeline
c) jakarta doesn't give a shit about bali - and its tourism isn't as significant as 'white knight' tourists like to kid themselves...
d) jakarta fatcats have been, and are happy to continue... rorting the visa / quarrantine system as it stands...
e) indo actually cares about its citizens
f) there's some serious paranoia / risk aversion to shit blowing up before the G20 late 2022, which could create a lasting bad reputation / loss of event
g) bit of all of the above
either way, even with 3 day quarrantine, a short trip is still going to be a risky endeavour... heaps of crew have been testing positive in quarrantine, and 'enjoying' a longer stay in jakarta
heaps of talk of corruption and money spinning
but really, without being all conspiracy nutter... the PCR tests just aren't really that reliable to have so much riding on them, especially in a dodgy developing country lab system, and indo''s general looseness...
I reckon short trips aren't really an option yet, and possibly not for some time, the potential for it all to fall apart is just still way too high

It looks like the 5 days quarantine in Bali is bit of a ‘ claytons quarantine ‘ They have been set up as "quarantine bubbles", where guests are not confined to their rooms but are allowed to move around freely and use facilities including swimming pools, gyms, and in-house restaurants.
So you potentially could contract covid and test positive on your last day then get shipped of to another facility . This set up can’t last surely. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-04/bali-reopens-to-australian-touris...

I love Bali.
You wouldn't think that such a thought could be controversial . But it is.
Many people don't love Bali, in fact they proclaim to hate it. Bemoan what it has become, it's lack of purity, it's lost innocence.
Sure, I can see their point. I can't imagine anywhere on Earth that has been transformed as radically as Bali over the last thirty years. From rice paddies and coconut groves to six story discotheques . It's totally unrecognisable in the most built up areas.
But that's not what this post is about. It's about why I LOVE Bali.
I love Bali because ...
- it's still the home of an intense cluster of world class waves. Roping lefts : Uluwatu, freight train right barrels : Sanur, backlit mega tubes : Padang Padang. Rip able reefs, fun beachies. Short , slabby pits and long mellow points. River mouths and bombies. It's got the lot.
- it's still possible to get uncrowded quality waves in 2015 when it seems as though the entire planet has discovered surfing. I was trading crystal clear , rolling right walls with only two other surfers just this morning.
- it's still freaking beautiful. Watching the mist reveal Mt Agung in that unique Bali morning light from a black sand beach as the sun comes up is still special.
- the food is amazing. Walking around town building up a hunger and knowing that at any given time you are within shouting distance of fresh, exotic and delicious meals with enough variety to make your head spin is priceless.
- the Balinese are legends. Friendly, happy and always keen for a joke. Unfailingly polite and welcoming. Healthy, spiritual and decent.
- the Balinese surfers rip their waves and they still own them. A visiting Brazilian would not think twice to drop in on an Aussie local at Kirra. But you won't see the same in Bali. The Balinese surfers are treated with the respect they deserve. Because as everyone knows, if they are not treated with respect there is consequences.
- the water is so warm it's like swimming in silken angels tears.
- telling people that you are going to Bali will often elicit a response along the lines of ......"why would you go to that traffic ridden, noisy shithole ?" And then as you're kicking back with a Bintang watching the sunset over Uluwatu you can imagine them sitting at lights in their car on their way home from work in Perth. Which , for those that have never been , is a noisy , traffic ridden shithole. And this makes me laugh. Which is something I enjoy doing.
- The fruit is incredible.
- despite the millions of tourists, the fast food franchises and the Aussie over familiarity with the joint it's still exotic. The smell of clove cigarettes, the ogo ogos of Nyepi, the Buddhist offerings , monkeys , food and language are all enticingly foreign.
- there is no overreaching nanny state. You want to ride your motorbike with all four of your children and the missus on the back...whilst texting. Go for it.
- you can live like a king on a regular Aussie income. Maybe not such a great benefit for the Balinese themselves though.
- it's close to Oz. Twenty hour plane ride and a shot at developing deep vein thrombosis.....ummm no thanks. It's actually faster to fly to Bali from Perth than it is to drive to Albany. You can fly from Port Hedland in less than two hours.
- you get an opportunity to regularly witness some of the most foolhardy behaviour imaginable on a daily basis. You ever seen a man being doubled on a motorbike through traffic whilst holding a large pane of glass ? What about seeing someone hold a nail between his bare fingers while his mate tries to grind the tip off it ? It's all there folks.
- you can see people making do with not much and making it work. An exhaust system held on with a T Shirt ? An outboard motor attached to a boat with no anchoring system, just held on with a man's brute force ? Why not ? It might not work forever but it'll usually get em over the line.
- the winds can blow offshore for months at a time and when they blow onshore, well , that just makes it offshore somewhere else. It's an island !
- you haven't seen glassy oceanic conditions till you've seen Indonesian sheet glass. It's like an oil slick. And if you're ever near Benoa Harbour that could well be what it is.
- old people are accorded the respect they deserve.
- it's exciting. It's a melting pot of the world. Wide eyed villages from remote Asia, jaded techno princesses from Russia, sleek surfy chicks from Canada , your next door neighbour from Ipswich....it's a party and everyone is invited.
Including YOU. I'll see you there. You can't miss me.
I'll be the sun burnt drunk in a head to toe Bintang ensemble with hair braids and a fresh tattoo of a unicorn across my back . Don't be shy. Come and say hello.