Albany WA

Fickle, mostly sand dependent. Not as uncrowned as you'd imagine around town . Sharky . Often cold.
Often extremely beautiful. Sometimes amazing waves. Plenty of uncrowded quality waves if you know where and when to look. Fun fishing. Good people.
East and West of Albany is waves , waves, waves. Have a look at Denmark and keep heading West.
Bolt North in winter.
Which region will you be moving from ?

North as in the desert. The Tropic of Capricorn will be calling after you've stared at a grey sky for a couple of weeks.
You'll get your waves an Albany. Like anywhere that is mostly sand bottom it can be frustrating and then lo and behold it's incredible again.
Good plan to head to Marg's periodically. Better waves on the whole in Marg's but it'll feel nice to get back to the South coast again.
Does it have to be Albany ? Denmark is only 60 kms away and is sooo much nicer.
Commute if you have to I reckon.
Good luck

Hey Joel,
North = Kalbarri, Exmouth, Gnaraloo or the other stations for a bit of sunshine
A few things i have learnt:
Swell comes from different directions
Wind comes from different directions

too easy mate
either way you are going to be driving
just depends if you want to do the drive every day for work or live close to work and save the km's for your days off
Denmark for the trees and bush, a bit hippyish sort of place, querky but good value local people
Albany for shops and suburbia
Also throw your hobbies outside of work into the equation to see which place would suit your needs for those no surf days
I wish work would send me to a place with crystal clear water and waves close by

Albany area has lots of different options, in summer the winds are howling SE and can drive you nuts. Winter has good waves at times with the north/north west winds that smash everything in winter around margs blowing offshore/cross shore at a few spots in the southern region. It is much less crowded than margs too.... we head down for a day to three day trips regularly and get good waves at times

Hey Joel yes there are waves somtimes quite good. That is all that needed to be said. To Uncle Leroy, why not just draw a map you fuck head, and Blowin is that short for Blowin it for everyone else. What are you guys trying to prove? How rad you are? our line ups don't look like the East coast or even the West coast but with likes of these two cunts it could all change quite rapidly. Fuck You Uncle fuckwit why not just cover the whole WA coast, and Blow back to where came from Blow Job. And yeah move to Denmark.

uncle_leroy wrote:too easy mate
either way you are going to be driving for waves
Albany waves are 20-30 odd km east or west of town and Denmark you have Ocean beach during winter or Lights if the swell is down on your doorstep, but the majority of the better setups are a drive out of town anyway
just depends if you want to do the drive every day for work or live close to work and save the km's for your days off
Denmark for the trees and bush, a bit hippyish sort of place, querky but good value local people
Albany for shops and suburbia
Also throw your hobbies outside of work into the equation to see which place would suit your needs for those no surf daysI wish work would send me to a place with crystal clear water and waves close by
You are a fuck head!!

soggydog wrote:Hey Joel yes there are waves somtimes quite good. That is all that needed to be said. To Uncle Leroy, why not just draw a map you fuck head, and Blowin is that short for Blowin it for everyone else. What are you guys trying to prove? How rad you are? our line ups don't look like the East coast or even the West coast but with likes of these two cunts it could all change quite rapidly. Fuck You Uncle fuckwit why not just cover the whole WA coast, and Blow back to where came from Blow Job. And yeah move to Denmark.
I've got some land you can buy in Denmark if you want Soggydog. That way you can move out of your parents house and still act like a dickhead.
I'm the last person that wants to expose spots, but if you thnk that naming Ocean Bach and Lights is exposing the coast then you're on glue.

Soggydog- you ever had a look at Denmark , Albany on Wanna surf ?

Blowin wrote:soggydog wrote:Hey Joel yes there are waves somtimes quite good. That is all that needed to be said. To Uncle Leroy, why not just draw a map you fuck head, and Blowin is that short for Blowin it for everyone else. What are you guys trying to prove? How rad you are? our line ups don't look like the East coast or even the West coast but with likes of these two cunts it could all change quite rapidly. Fuck You Uncle fuckwit why not just cover the whole WA coast, and Blow back to where came from Blow Job. And yeah move to Denmark.
I've got some land you can buy in Denmark if you want Soggydog. That way you can move out of your parents house and still act like a dickhead.
I'm the last person that wants to expose spots, but if you thnk that naming Ocean Bach and Lights is exposing the coast then you're on glue.
Such a witty retort, funny how I recently read a story by yourself regarding the cape region. I can see by posting such a story on an internet web site/ forum(this very one) can only confirm your reluctance to expose a coast lines and their virtues.
Having grown up on the South Coast and surfing it for over 2 decades there has always been an underlying code of not talking it up, as those in the know will know and it is up to those that don't to find out for themselves. This is not to say we are not friendly just quiet. Maybe that was lost on you as you are a land holder and I would suspect not a resident.
We look forward to you and your mates clogging our line ups on the next school holidays.
P.S. Maybe the guys from Esperence would enjoy one of your feature articles on their region

soggydog wrote:uncle_leroy wrote:too easy mate
either way you are going to be driving for waves
Albany waves are 20-30 odd km east or west of town and Denmark you have Ocean beach during winter or Lights if the swell is down on your doorstep, but the majority of the better setups are a drive out of town anyway
just depends if you want to do the drive every day for work or live close to work and save the km's for your days off
Denmark for the trees and bush, a bit hippyish sort of place, querky but good value local people
Albany for shops and suburbia
Also throw your hobbies outside of work into the equation to see which place would suit your needs for those no surf daysI wish work would send me to a place with crystal clear water and waves close by
You are a fuck head!!
No worries,
You better go down the beach straight away and tell all the school kids, clubbies, mum surfer groups and learner backpackers, plus the guys launching boats that they are all surfing at a secret spot and to get out of the water ASAP or Soggydog will sort you out.
I'll crawl back into my kennel and never tell anyone again that they would need to drive out of town to go for a surf
Cheers soggy

Better to play it safe Joel and drive back to Ceduna every weekend if you want to go for a surf

uncle_leroy wrote:soggydog wrote:uncle_leroy wrote:too easy mate
either way you are going to be driving for waves
Albany waves are 20-30 odd km east or west of town and Denmark you have Ocean beach during winter or Lights if the swell is down on your doorstep, but the majority of the better setups are a drive out of town anyway
just depends if you want to do the drive every day for work or live close to work and save the km's for your days off
Denmark for the trees and bush, a bit hippyish sort of place, querky but good value local people
Albany for shops and suburbia
Also throw your hobbies outside of work into the equation to see which place would suit your needs for those no surf daysI wish work would send me to a place with crystal clear water and waves close by
You are a fuck head!!
No worries,
You better go down the beach straight away and tell all the school kids, clubbies, mum surfer groups and learner backpackers, plus the guys launching boats that they are all surfing at a secret spot and to get out of the water ASAP or Soggydog will sort you out.
I'll crawl back into my kennel and never tell anyone again that they would need to drive out of town to go for a surf
Cheers soggy
You said a bit more than there is a bit of driving involved. My kids and wife are a part of the groups you just mentioned at the spots that are more accessable. I'm not trying to be the heavy local. But why would give so much away. What is the point. Other than yeah there are waves, blowin did have a more moderate response, but I can only suppose that you wanted to prove how much you knew. We'll here is your praise. With such a vast knowledge of the west oz coast one can only imagine the legendary status you enjoy in line ups from the exmouth cape to Cape arid and beyond, please allow us to bask in your glory oh knowledgable one.
Like I said there is a lot going for yes there are waves and then turning up and working it out for yourself.

Wasnt it blindboy that did the capes article ? Anyway good entertainment there ppl thanks .

caml wrote:Wasnt it blindboy that did the capes article ? Anyway good entertainment there ppl thanks .
woops got that one wrong, was going to check but was on a role :)

udo wrote:Soggydog- you ever had a look at Denmark , Albany on Wanna surf ?
not for some time, most of the spots where posted by grooms on lids who probably didn't know better. There was a lot of misinformation too. I'm not saying these blokes named secret spots but uncle leroy sure did go to town with "general information". They should know better. Would they do it to their local region?

No surf hey sogdogg ? Wat to do surf the net . Onshore here too

caml wrote:No surf hey sogdogg ? Wat to do surf the net . Onshore here too
winds been good just a teeny swell......... and work.

Dont worry soggdogg . The only ppl that read these forums are different than the types who surf / travel . For the last 2 yrs a legend of these forums raved about a certain wave day after day in his amazing stories . It was a zillion times worse than this expose' . I came to realise nobody took any notice , most that are on these forums cant surf or are working a job & trying to mantain a grip on their fading surfing life by comments on this website .i too despise when some one mentions a beloved surfspot on here but these forums arent as detrimental as u might think

caml wrote:most that are on these forums cant surf or are working a job & trying to mantain a grip on their fading surfing life by comments on this website .
Cheers Caml.
I can't surf and am always at work;)

Haha wellymo we are all on here for some reason or another .would be funny to find out for real tho

Well I'm not and never will be at your level Caml, lets just keep it at that eh.
I get to my knees sometimes, but mostly get pitched, is that surfing.
As for work, well I just got de-mobbed from a previous cyclone bummer.
Might go to Albany instead, got directions now;)

I'm just here for the free beer and the women. Oh and so I don't get fined.

So Soggybones - I didn't give away any secrets and I didn't expose the The Capes in an article.
You're right mate, I don't reside in Denmark. I did pass through a few weeks ago for a catch up and some waves....including a surf at LIGHTS !!! SSSHHHH !
Just taking the piss. I fully appreciate your desire to keep quiet spots quiet , but maybe you should count to ten and reread any posts you respond to before you start spitting venom.
I'm actually glad that Denmark has a local contingent keen to keep the coast under wraps.
Even legends like yourself that prefer to dominate summertime OB surf club lefts with Mike Neunuebel .
Geez Camel, I thought that the crew on Swellnet were a fair cross section including travelling surfers such as yourself.
Fading surfing lives...that's a bit harsh.

"Fading surfing lives...that's a bit harsh."
No way Blowin thats not harsh it's a fact, me and you are both blowins, well ya name is....! I'm one;)
We might both be fading into the sunset behind dark clouds...? Or fluffy ones to say the least.
At least I can get to my knees on occasions.....
I'm sure Caml didn't mean that to us two....!
No harm done at all Caml;)


Geez , I just edited that Welly....feel like doing me a favour and getting rid of your copy ?

wellymon wrote:Blowin wrote:So Soggybones - I didn't give away any secrets and I didn't expose the The Capes in an article.
You're right mate, I don't reside in Denmark. I did pass through a few weeks ago for a catch up and some waves....including a surf at LIGHTS !!! SSSHHHH !
Just taking the piss. I fully appreciate your desire to keep quiet spots quiet , but maybe you should count to ten and reread any posts you respond to before you start spitting venom.
I'm actually glad that Denmark has a local contingent keen to keep the coast under wraps.
Even legends like yourself that prefer to dominate summertime OB surf club lefts with Mike Neunuebel .
Geez Camel, I thought that the crew on Swellnet were a fair cross section including travelling surfers such as yourself.
Fading surfing lives...that's a bit harsh.
PS in the last 14 months I've spent -
- 5 months in Indo
- 2 months QLD/ NSW
-3 Months North West
- 2 more months NSW
- 3 times across the bottom of OZ
- various roadies through WA
- 2 quick bolts to Bali
- another few week spell in the North WestAnd I've just passed through Customs in Bali again a couple of hours ago.
How much travel is enough ?
You have a passport Blowin...?

Mr B your quick.
Gonna have to ask Mr B now, oops

braudulio wrote:wellymon wrote:Blowin wrote:So Soggybones - I didn't give away any secrets and I didn't expose the The Capes in an article.
You're right mate, I don't reside in Denmark. I did pass through a few weeks ago for a catch up and some waves....including a surf at LIGHTS !!! SSSHHHH !
Just taking the piss. I fully appreciate your desire to keep quiet spots quiet , but maybe you should count to ten and reread any posts you respond to before you start spitting venom.
I'm actually glad that Denmark has a local contingent keen to keep the coast under wraps.
Even legends like yourself that prefer to dominate summertime OB surf club lefts with Mike Neunuebel .
Geez Camel, I thought that the crew on Swellnet were a fair cross section including travelling surfers such as yourself.
Fading surfing lives...that's a bit harsh.
PS in the last 14 months I've spent -
- 5 months in Indo
- 2 months QLD/ NSW
-3 Months North West
- 2 more months NSW
- 3 times across the bottom of OZ
- various roadies through WA
- 2 quick bolts to Bali
- another few week spell in the North WestAnd I've just passed through Customs in Bali again a couple of hours ago.
How much travel is enough ?
You have a passport Blowin...?
Yeah I got my facts all out of whack, and I do apologise for that. I do not however apologise to any of the kids I burn whilst going left at OB! Joel if you move here yo'll love it. I've lived and traveled to many places and this where I chose to return.
As for keeping things under wrap that's everyone's responsibility. There's no need to pump your own tyres up.
Gotta go taking the kids to the beach........... Not OB, it's a secret;)

Well , well looks like I've become Mr Anderson to your Agent Smith.
And we both know how that ends....
PS Thanks Welly.
ANZACs forever cobber. You know I've got you covered when the whistle blows to go over the top of the trench.
Your avatars are making me lightheaded....and I like it.

Yes, that is true ... Mr ... Anderson. But I have ... learnt from the last time.

braudulio wrote:Yes, that is true ... Mr ... Anderson. But I have ... learnt from the last time.
OMG Girlfriend - You just replied to my post. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
Neo -"So you're telling me that I can dodge bullets ?"
Morpheus "I'm saying that when the time comes , you won't have to."

Comments edited in case anyone googles surf in Albany!!
Let's just hope they don't google Albany boardriders, watch GWN coverage of comps when the surf has been good, look any any of the hundred fishing pages this salmon season to see a beachy or reef in the background of a set of 40 pictures taken,, look at any pics from the bibbulmun track to see date stamped pics of the coastline taken by oldies, look at google earth or heaven sakes look at geodata for any pics uploaded to any website in the history of the intermet giving you exact gps coords
I would be more concerned about the new boat ramps going in to the west of you, greenies wanting to close off access to the more remote locations and council wanting to either bitumen gravel roads or gravel popular 4wd locations
I do understand where your coming fom, but no serious wave locations were mentioned and never would be, only 4 towns that have been on all maps since colonisation of WA, that wind blowing from land to sea is offshore and a bit of weak windswell. You still have to 4wd, destroy your car, surf in ice cold fresh water in winter, pray the sand is there after a2hr drive, deal with some of the sharkiest water in OZ and quite often, well frequently, not even get a surf in. I think we will all survive
Joel, if you want 50km of corrugations, a 1hr boat trip and then a 3km walk through sand dunes in the middle of summer to surf a 2ft beachy give us a buzz.
Peace out folks

Geez Leroy, I'd just packed the car, put the for sale sign out the front of the house , quit my job, loaded up the kids and missus and was about to hit the road to Albs and NOW you tell me it's not everything I'd imagined .
Gosh darn it.
Kids...get out of the car.
Thelma...I've got some bad news honey...

caml wrote:Dont worry soggdogg . The only ppl that read these forums are different than the types who surf / travel . For the last 2 yrs a legend of these forums raved about a certain wave day after day in his amazing stories . It was a zillion times worse than this expose' . I came to realise nobody took any notice , most that are on these forums cant surf or are working a job & trying to mantain a grip on their fading surfing life by comments on this website .i too despise when some one mentions a beloved surfspot on here but these forums arent as detrimental as u might think

He is specifically talking about you Goofyfoot.

Blowin wrote:He is specifically talking about you Goofyfoot.
Ouch x2!

uncle_leroy wrote:Hey Joel,
North = Kalbarri, Exmouth, Gnaraloo or the other stations for a bit of sunshineA few things i have learnt:
Swell comes from different directions
Wind comes from different directions
I can't believe you said that. Good one. Now I'll know who to point the finger at when it's cheek to cheek at ****Edited*****.

Dont be paranoid goofy , blowin ,welly gets my joke . I didnt mean you . I meant the hordes that arent coming to albany in swarms .

Tidak masala Caml you rogue.

Good on you for speaking up for your local area soggybones the last thing any surfer wants is a spotlight on the waves they surf. Just be thankful you don't have clowns flogging off detailed surf maps with all the break info and pictures

You haven't seen Soogy's Facebook page have you Slates ? There's a GPS marked photo of him dropping in on a ten year old at Emu point.
I witnessed it in the flesh and got straight in my car and bolted for least you know what you're up against there.
Soggy looked like a lycanthrope on an emerging full moon when I last saw him.

braudulio wrote:PS in the last 14 months I've spent -
- 5 months in Indo
- 2 months QLD/ NSW
-3 Months North West
- 2 more months NSW
- 3 times across the bottom of OZ
- various roadies through WA
- 2 quick bolts to Bali
- another few week spell in the North WestAnd I've just passed through Customs in Bali again a couple of hours ago.
How much travel is enough ?
And here we have evidence of yet another poster with a double identity, obviously Money bags himself, the great white wave hunter Mickfree.
Inventing another character to occasionally agree with you and back up any illogical statements you make is pathetic!
Gday, I was just wondering if anyone on here has lived or surfed in Albany WA? I have recently been given the opportunity to work/live there and was just wondering if anyone could give me a bit of a heads up as to what the quality/consistency of the surf is like, cheers.