Surfers who dont use legropes

Sounds like you had a very lucky escape surfer281049.
I don't know if you're aware but there's an article about this very issue here that you may wish to repost your story in.. Longboarders, Legropes and the Law

A quick view of the Mctavish site will reveal many youtube clips with team riders on boards without leggies.
Must be cool if team riders promote it.

Sounds like you still need to go to hospital mate, must have been memorable surf while "concussed, shaky and losing my memory and balance for 3 days as well as the mother of all headaches"
Lucky you didn't have a clear head, smashing a log across your knee probably would have resulted in a smashed kneecap.

sounds like you got in the way of this "teenage hipster logger " sound like you fucked him up . sound like you and your surf buddy are gay and you shouldn't surf a wave like Noosa . Kooks like your self dont have the right to surf well known places and should only surf beginner waves .

Are you taking the piss "lukes RIPPING" pffffft what a kook name.
sounds like he wouldnt have been in the way, if he was the legrope wouldnt have stopped shit.
Way to show how much of an asshole you are. Wow you must have really big muscles.

@surfer281049, next time you have a serious head knock like that, please go straight to your GP or the Hospital.
Very very important mate and dont drink for at least a week afterwards.
My sister used to be the head nurse at Wellington Emergency Ward for years, she witnessed numerous head injuries especially rugby, fights and car accidents etc. She observed later, some post injured people that drunk after their head injuries had serious brain damage or reoccurring problems.
Look after that brain in there....!
A good example is the famous boxer Ali...?

i ride mals most off time now..when i c someone without a leggie i make a point of politely asken em why..normaly end up explaining its not about u its the line up. if your on your own somewhere go 4 it

W .o. t. d. pic, legrope?

That's no hodad, that's Michael Bolyon squid lips


You were off trolley last night Welly.
Go Welly.

Yeah bit childish that rant wee me an aussie fuckwit or whatever..haha that musta worked ya right up eh ?id forgotten about that need a the c u...your going home?fuck u havin a going away hangi?

There's the keramas section of spirit of akasha of the hipster dude surfin a leggieless single fin. Pretty busy spot to do it.

To the plague of legropeless retro logger duffusses who consider Noosa their god given right to totally hog and practice their Morning of the Earth flashback statue maneuvres,,,,,,locals patience is wearing very thin,,,jusy sayin.

B.B.Blitz wrote:To the plague of legropeless retro logger duffusses who consider Noosa their god given right to totally hog and practice their Morning of the Earth flashback statue maneuvres,,,,,,locals patience is wearing very thin,,,just sayin.

I love to surf some of the old classic boards that I have that dont' have legropes. But never in a crowded lineup, no more than a few people, just too dangerous for everyone else.

(post removed)

Quite skillfull I thought......fine trimming that big lump of a board.

His mum would have no trouble spotting him in the lineup to call him in for dinner:)
Hardly incognito.

Ya getting a little petty there blindboy,
I am against the no legrope bridgade but there wasn't much dangerous about that
geez these forums are getting kinda nasty but climate change is gone now?
it was getting a bit bitchy but still interesting, and functional. I understand the uplift was getting a little ridiculous, but even that was still entertaining

Yeah, why can't you fuckers all just get along without resorting to name calling?

sypkan wrote:geez these forums are getting kinda nasty but climate change is gone now? it was getting a bit bitchy but still interesting, and functional. I understand the uplift was getting a little ridiculous, but even that was still entertaining
I disabled it. Maybe temporarily, maybe permanently, not sure yet. As you're aware it was stuck in a rut the last few days and took a slightly worrying turn yesterday. I chose to take action, which is a shame 'cos there were lots of great contributions.
I imagine a new climate change thread will start up soon enough anyway, it's the topic du jour every other day.

well done ref , playing the man, not the ball-deserved sin binning and putting on report. hope new one is based on positive action, not just toward the planet, but towards people as well.

Good work stu.
Now that we are at the bottom perhaps we could all look up!
As they say water finds its own level and in the absence of political leadership and some consensus politics practiced by both sides of politics this is what you get ... citizen V citizen.
There was a time in Australian politics when both sides mostly agreed on where the country should head on important issues like: immigration, refugees, our pensions/welfare system, education, health and the environment. It was the politics of balance and the middle practiced equally by the Liberals and Labor.
For political gain this consensus has been fractured and we have had: "ditch the bitch rallies"; unprecedented information control on refugees; the rise of potentially dangerous nationalism with Pauline Hansen and now Reclaim Australia; endless political debates about taxation which focus on the people who can least afford it while wealthy people are excluded; ridiculous ideology driven debates about user-pay education systems, the environment etc etc etc. The politics of exclusion, fear and greed.
People know my position, I'm on the left on most issues and I believe in science in every aspect of my life including climate science findings. I can get frustrated when people cherry pick what science they want to believe but I also accept no matter what I could possibly say I'll never change a person's opinion. In fact, I don't want to, they have a right to believe what they want so long as it doesn't harm anyone.
On climate, I see these days as an aberration, the future is now and divestment in coal is big, very big and is gaining momentum and just like Gunns in Tasmania discovered if you can't secure financial backers you haven't got a project. Soon enough we will have an ETS and a flourishing renewables sector and Abbott & Shorten will be long gone. In the meantime we can all agree to disagree!

I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.

I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.

Roy Stuart wrote:I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.
Hey Roy, I noticed in that clip there was another guy with an orange wetsuit and whit helmet, was he your stunt double or some thing, I found that clip mesmerizing, relaxing, very boring but yet I couldn't stop watching it.:-))

Roy Stuart wrote:I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.
20 years....really? and not a single incident....where do you surf, how many people are in the line-up and how big are the waves.
....just find it hard to believe that's all.

crustt][quote=Roy Stuart wrote:I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.
Hey Roy, pretty handy advice ,sensibly i'll bet you wear your helmet in lieu of a seatbelt when you are driving!

Before leggys were invented they all didnt wear them

Naturally caml. I detect Roy suggesting it's ok to do so in this age. If your surfing 1 foot slop or the only one out then fine.
Wrt helmets. Well they are good at keeping you from getting cut, but don't do much against concussion. Just Not enough padding. the main thing I worry about in a crowded lineup is getting knocked out by a stray board.

happyasS wrote:Naturally caml. I detect Roy suggesting it's ok to do so in this age. If your surfing 1 foot slop or the only one out then fine.
Wrt helmets. Well they are good at keeping you from getting cut, but don't do much against concussion. Just Not enough padding. the main thing I worry about in a crowded lineup is getting knocked out by a stray board.
Helmets do help against concussion, I got absolutely hammered on the side of the head by my 12 footer one evening rolling under a 4 times overhead set with rising swell, and would have been brown bread without the lid.

happyasS wrote:Roy Stuart wrote:I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.
20 years....really? and not a single incident....where do you surf, how many people are in the line-up and how big are the waves.
....just find it hard to believe that's all.
I surf both coasts here, crowds vary but I've had countless sessions with 40 plus out and even up to 80 out with no legrope, no incidents at all. I'm very careful. Wave size knee high to 4 times overhead, every condition basically.
When I returned to my local there was a bit of consterrnation at first re. big wooden boards and no legrope, but only at first. One of the old time core crew told me recently that when I entered the water they used to leave tyhe lineup and watch from tghe carpark to see the 'inevitable' carnage but it didn't work because i'd never fall off.
I do wear a legrope now if the board size and conditions allow it, but not on a 50 pound 13 footer.

prawnhead][quote=crustt wrote:Roy Stuart wrote:I wore no legrope for 20 years and caused no issues. Given that one can't expect to control others, the only sensible solution is a helmet.
Hey Roy, pretty handy advice ,sensibly i'll bet you wear your helmet in lieu of a seatbelt when you are driving!
You obviously didn't grasp my point. Take responsibility for your own safety, wear a lid.
Of course fashion doesn't allow it, but assuming a crazy world where fashion didn't come first, my advice stands.

Yeah but roy who is the other guy in the orange wetsuit??

I don't see a video clip on here but it's no doubt one of my sons from a few years ago before they started buying their own normal wetsuits.

Well, I was very nearly taken out ( i.e. killed) by another bloke's leash. I said nothing to him about the incident.
Some people just don't get it.. in order to reinforce their penchant for hating on some other fashion trend than their own, they avoid approval of helmets, because it would reduce the risk and they don't want that.
The only way you'll get other people to comply with your wishes is to get compulsory legrope wearing legislation passed, which is obviously a bad idea. Acting tough while hoping for an accident to prove your point is pretty low., but that's what i think that you are doing.
Would you encourage your kids to wear a lid or would you prefer that an accident happened so that you can 'sort it out'?
Don't you find your veiled threat regarding my board hitting you to be somewhat silly since we don't surf at the same breaks?
Furthermore, legropes encourage dangerous surfing, a fact which the 'legrope police' fail to recognise. Your sort of attitude is also dangerous in the surf. People like you should stick to watching rugby on TV.
I use myself as an example because I have such a long history of wearing no legrope with zero accidents. That's no fluke it's because I take safety very seriously and surf accordingly.

So an impressionable trend follower with less insight surfs without a leggie falls off board flies into another surfer or even worse hits kid bathing in shallows. Because Roy has surfed without incident doesn't mean everyone will and when such incident happens it could be fatal. Use common sense unless your surfing in the middle of no where solo use a leggie.

Cmon Roylene lets be sensible your hardly walking the plank ....just a few very minor trim moves ....a leggie not going to trip you up or get in the way at all .

A legrope on 12 to 17 foot boards weighing 50 to 70 pounds? I don't think so, especially in bigger waves.

Wharfjunkie wrote:So an impressionable trend follower with less insight surfs without a leggie falls off board flies into another surfer or even worse hits kid bathing in shallows. Because Roy has surfed without incident doesn't mean everyone will and when such incident happens it could be fatal. Use common sense unless your surfing in the middle of no where solo use a leggie.
You can't bring yourself to say that helmets are a good idea?
I do admit that it's a big responsibility being legrope free in crowds and that not everyone using no legrope will take that seriously.

I'd say that not surfing anywhere near a surfer with limited control of his 17 ( 17 !!!!!!!!!! ) foot
long surfboard that weighs in at 30 KGs would be a good idea.
That leggie must really hamper the performance of such a scientifically designed , ultimate wave riding vehicle I guess.
A parachute on an F1 race car would be a close analogy .
Yes , that is sarcasm.

Roy Stuart wrote:Wharfjunkie wrote:So an impressionable trend follower with less insight surfs without a leggie falls off board flies into another surfer or even worse hits kid bathing in shallows. Because Roy has surfed without incident doesn't mean everyone will and when such incident happens it could be fatal. Use common sense unless your surfing in the middle of no where solo use a leggie.
You can't bring yourself to say that helmets are a good idea?
I do admit that it's a big responsibility being legrope free in crowds and that not everyone using no legrope will take that seriously.
Yeah in certain situations helmets are a great idea never said they weren't Roy. In crowded line-ups accidental injuries happen surfing with a legrope wont stop all incidents but will help reduce the risk.
A lot of it comes down to common sense and not everyone has that and can be naive to the risk they pose to others. Its up to surfers to self regulate the line-up in crowded areas telling people who are a danger to others politely to fuck off.

Wharfjunkie wrote:Roy Stuart wrote:Wharfjunkie wrote:So an impressionable trend follower with less insight surfs without a leggie falls off board flies into another surfer or even worse hits kid bathing in shallows. Because Roy has surfed without incident doesn't mean everyone will and when such incident happens it could be fatal. Use common sense unless your surfing in the middle of no where solo use a leggie.
You can't bring yourself to say that helmets are a good idea?
I do admit that it's a big responsibility being legrope free in crowds and that not everyone using no legrope will take that seriously.
Yeah in certain situations helmets are a great idea never said they weren't Roy. In crowded line-ups accidental injuries happen surfing with a legrope wont stop all incidents but will help reduce the risk.
A lot of it comes down to common sense and not everyone has that and can be naive to the risk they pose to others. Its up to surfers to self regulate the line-up in crowded areas telling people who are a danger to others politely to fuck off.
Yeah 'm with you there, self regulating is better than getting the cops and/or politicians involved.

I'd choose my words carefully if I was you Roy.
You don't really want to be the guy with the errant 10' board mowing down innocents whilst advocating self regulation and stating you don't want the cops involved.
Some peoples idea of self regulation might not be perfectly aligned with your own interpretation .

Whatever egghead.
Still have nightmares from a close call at crowded Noosa last March.A teenage hipster logger lost control at full throttle near me standing waist high ready to paddle back out.He dived to the rear ,his big heavy newish log crashes into my head ,sending me to the bottom and awaking face down in a dream like state ,very confused and trying to gather my senses. When I"came to so to speak I collected my board,It had a good sizes hole ripped through the deck where his mal had bounced off my skull into it..The logger had waded into shore to collect his board and I yelled out to him my protest at getting smashed.."wheres your legrope mate,Look what you did to my new board,".I called him a few names including irresponsible in my rising rage and as he paddled away I collapsed into the water again. I made it back to my holiday unit with help from a surfbuddy and didnt go to hospital as suggested by others. Stayed concussed, shaky and losing my memory and balance for 3 days as well as the mother of all headaches.I just wanted to continue surfing,not be told to go to bed and have scans and such..A close call.Still get agitated when I see them looking cool in their footy shorts and paisley print short sleeve shirts hogging all the waves and seeing their boards flying sideways in the foam headed to shore puting families in the shorebreak at risk.I awoke from a dream today reliving that day. I wished I had the clear head then to race to the shore ,grab that guys board and bring it down over my knee or a nearby rock, Stuff it up so bad that it would be a memorable day for him and his no legrope rebels too.Maybe that could have helped get the message through. If you ask them why they dont wear a legrope..They say..'Dont need one ! ' Hey wake up 1 .Everybody else in the surf that day Needs you to have one ! "