Vids other than surfing thread (cool doccos, movies etc)

ABC - The Weekly (Introduces a new Comedian)
Many of the Crew know of this Oz comedian by Stand Up & Interviews.
Usually starts the set with same but funny lines then wins over the crowd.
But in The Weekly we see a very sharp witted hilarious sketch format.
[ 10:30-14:40 ] "The Week in Work" (E1) with Zoe" Coombs Marr.
Real fucked up mental Aussie Chix Sketch Comedy.
Next level laughs as Zoe" luvs a rough'n'tumble.
Steeped in '70's Tough Oz bitch Sharpie Culture
But Zoe" has an open canvas on The Weekly with a healthy production unit.
This could get seriously funny...we're in for a treat.
If you like that sketch & want more...
Wed 17th Feb 2021 The Weekly S7 E3
Next Episode - "The Week in Work" (E2) Zoe" get's down'n'dirty.

Hypnotic Muslin Doof

Do you think you could handle the 72 hours better ?
Really Rattled this Chap..

Crayfish Scotty on a tear.

How do you think you’d go udo?
Not sure if I’d be able to handle that

Be fine - you know its for 72 hrs
I was surprised how soon it started playing with his head i think 72 hrs total darkness would be a tough one .

Literally does my head in being stuck in the one town with decent waves and fishing for a year. Really don’t know if I could handle 72 hours in a box with nothing but my own over active mind.
Yes, Stu .....literally.


Follow the tagged shark.

Hugh Cornwell interview

There's a really good doco on Netflix called my octopus teacher i'd give it 9/10

Wow! Based on the strength of that trailor, looks like good watch.

Can confirm it’s very good Zen. Give it a watch

It is truly amazing, makes you understand that we Homo Sapiens are not the only ones with the capacity to be "human".

My Octopus Teacher. Fantastic stuff. Whenever fear is replaced by curiosity, we all win.

I'll second or third that. The Occ Doc is epic.

Lee Ralph - Skater

Lee lived in S.A for a while at his peak was rad watching him skate great bloke super humble...good one Udo




Groundswell, many thanks for turning me on to "My Octopus Teacher". That was the coolest docco I have watched in ages. Just brilliant. Cheers.

Glad you liked it zen. one of the only docos ive teared up watching.

Jeez, the Exposed docco 'The Ghost Train Fire' on ABC was pretty amazing. Incredible research, production, etc, one of the best things the ABC has put out in years.
Really impressed with Caro Meldrum-Hanna's work, including her previous work 'The Case of Keli Lane'.

Agreed Ben

Great picture of Lee Ralph in Adelaide. Did you ever skate that spot Memo? Great scene as Fraser says.

Great Video Indo, I'm proud to be a non trend follower and over consumer. An example is I love my vintage 4 channel stereo that some friends look bored by while talking about their new little sound bar tech. That is until I crank SADE up on it to about half of the 100Watts per channel....they just forgot what real Hi Fi sounds like ha ha I also have a box of old globes Ive been saving for when I go totally off grid as they still function when the voltage drops. Stuck with the i phone though, but I make em last till the end.

Intriguing. This would be a blast.

I'm too old for that shit, the drug-addled poseurs would drive me mad.
There's enough of those in the Byron shire.

That’s a shame but probably accurate.

Do you love new age Instagram influencers with their perfect lives that just embody the wonderlust lifestyle?
Fuck me neither
Karl Pilkington in his idiot abroad series with Ricky Gervais tells it like it really is, and it’s some funny shit

Reckon if you went to Burning Man full of excitement and positivity and had a copious supply of uppers, downers and everything else in between it'd be fun.
But if you started to question things, you'd be fucked and you couldn't get out of there quick enough.
Then again I could be wrong.
Anyway, I've been watching a few old Malcolm Douglas, Bush Tucker Man and even Leyland Brothers vids (like 70's vintage) and that looks more my speed these days, fourbie and a boat and off to the most remote places I could find, from Cape York to Arnhem Land to the Kimberley down the West Coast and beyond.

I'm with you Andy.
being stuck in the desert with 70000 people is my idea of a living hell.
even in my drug addled youth I doubt I could hack it.

Being stuck in the desert with 70,000 people sounds like going to NWWA during Covid.

exactly, except I can get barrelled and wash off the grime in the NW.
I tried some of that shite around here with the bush doof/techno parties.
not for me.

Yeah had a squiz at the bush doofs too, vaguely fun but just too many people out of it with something to prove/ social points to score.
Been to maybe two where there were young hoods on ice, bit of a dodgy scene and me being on drugs takes away situational awareness too much for my liking.
Camping on an island in FNQ sounds much better.

I used to be addicted to Mal Florence fishing videos, especially the Ribbon reefs of NQ.
Bucket list fishing for sure.

Love his bush camp from around the 9.20 mark
Even the soap holder is a simple classic.

I’ve been seeking solace, fishing and waves with a fwd and a small tinny around our country for 25 years and the opportunity to do so is something I’ll be forever grateful. The best times I’ve ever had. The all-consuming black hole Mentawai Gold rush of the new millennium was a true blessing for those who searched domestically. I reckon Covid has tightened the screws on the mainland.....if you know what I’m getting at go there now before it’s too late!
Indonesia is full of so many contradictions in so many different ways but this place takes the cake.