Uncle Leroy's Sharktacular Shindig

The old sea dogs would have been out there for sure....in a rickety clinker timber rowboat, full of piss.
And guess what they were doing out there ? That's right , they would be fishing for sharks.

They never had timber blow up dolls Sheepio just old skanky timber Dildos


Apparently sharks are being fished into extinction. I still saw about 50 of the fuckers today though. Some big buggers too. Shiver me timbers.

Blowin where are you? That's a lot of sharks!? Are you a fisherman?

I'm a fisherman when the swell is small Goofyfoot. New green current today full of Sharks, Cobia and Shark Mackeral. It's like a different ocean to a couple of days ago. Indian Ocean that is . Near Capricorn.


Oh nice. Were there some big tigers in there?

No tigers. LOTS of bronzies. Packs of the pricks. Aggressive and fast. A couple of bulls.

Fark! Don't fall in!

Not exactly life threatening but another attack nonetheless

Number of sharks caught in the WA shark cull - 172 (50 killed)
Number of sharks killed as a result of the QLD drum lining program this year - almost 700
Amount of media attention and public protest regarding WA shark cull - substantial
Amount of media attention and public protest regarding QLD drumlining program - minimal
Doesn't make sense to me, sounds like the east coast 'environmentalists' like to cry foul at 'cruelty to animals' on the other side of the country but still want to feel safe going for a swim after their morning latte. Surely the QLD drum lining program is more detrimental to the shark population than the new WA initiative of only killing sharks that have or do pose an imminent threat to human lives - http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/wa-gets-approval-to-ki... - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-24/shark-drum-line-catch-and-kill-app... I would bet my left testicle that the WA government will not kill 700 sharks in the next 12 months so I think it is time all you complaining about 2 sharks killed in WA start complaining about the 700 killed in QLD, unless of course that is you live and swim/surf in QLD and only support conservation when its not your life hanging in the balance.....

Exactly Joel hypocrites...
And lets not forget east coast shark nets that kill/drown all kinds of Sharks, rays, dolphins, dugongs and even the odd whale.
And lets not forget east coast have been doing what they do now for over 50 years.
BTW. I think i read QLD were first in the world to use shark drum lines.

Exactly Indo, its hypocrisy at its finest. Just saw a report on the NSW Dept. Of Primary Industries website pertaining to the shark net program in NSW stating "In the 52 years from 1950 to 2002, more than 11,500 sharks were caught and killed in the nets" and "the mesh nets have killed 373 grey nurse sharks and 526 great white sharks in the past 52 years". Full report http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/208319/FR24-shark-.... So if we extrapolate and multiply the 2 Great Whites killed in WA in the past 12 months by 52 we get a projected total of 104 Great White sharks to be killed in WA over the next 52 years compared with (based on past history) 526 in NSW alone .........

According to the ABC "Some 53,098 other marine animals were also killed in nets and drumlines in Queensland, and the picture in NSW is not much better. These animals included turtles, dugongs, whales, dolphins, rays and other harmless species of sharks such as the critically endangered grey nurse shark" - http://www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2013/10/29/3879318.htm. Looking these figures the people protesting the WA shark program may want to rethink and redirect their anger a few thousand km's east, just a thought.

Cheers Sheepdog
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