
You gotta surf them differently to a thruster. Be on one rail or the other. They're a bit sketchy if you're surfing off the tail or dropping in late.
Try changing the foil on the trailing fins or get a bit of vee in the tail.
I love them. You can drive them so hard. Persevere.

Both me and my mate has quad setups, but his fins are all placed quite tight towards the centre of the board whereas mine are further apart (closer to the rail). Reckon his surfs way more like a thruster and pivots with less effort than mine. Might be worth looking at as well.. But like dastasha said, persevere!

erikb wrote:Both me and my mate has quad setups, but his fins are all placed quite tight towards the centre of the board whereas mine are further apart (closer to the rail). Reckon his surfs way more like a thruster and pivots with less effort than mine. Might be worth looking at as well.. But like dastasha said, persevere!
Rear fins closer to centre is Mckfee (sp?) style, more for narrower tail high performance boards, generally round/rounded pin, more similar in feel to a thruster, generally more for barrels, its what Kelly etc mostly ride.
Other type and more common quads have rear fins closer to the rail with wider tail, more for everyday waves or grovel boards.
Generally further towards the rail the fins are the faster they go, although depends on fin size and template used and other aspects of board design.

Its normal for quads to feel real weird when you first ride them kinda like trying to write with your other hand, but give them a few waves or a surf or two and you start to get the feel for them and the positives start showing.
Fins size and template also make a huge difference to how they go much more than thrusters, borrowing fins from surf shops (fin tree etc) is the way to go.
Can take some time but once you find the best fins, in the right waves they can go amazing and good to mix it up.

I agree with ID. On my last trip with a new board, I took a range of fins and in a session at a really fun wave, I would get 2 or 3 waves and then swap the combinations. It took a while to find the right setup, but when I did, the board felt great and the other boards hardly got a look in for the rest of the trip.
Also should note that the fin setup I used for this board did not suit the other boards and viceaversa.

If you have future fins, just go to a surf shop where they have a future fins tree and you can borrow fins for free, then once you found a good set buy them where the price is best.

Shit, didn't know that. Good tip.

They kept that quite...been around since 2009 apparently.

Quad's for powerful,hollow down the line surf can't beat them.

indo-dreaming wrote:Rear fins closer to centre is Mckfee (sp?) style, more for narrower tail high performance boards, generally round/rounded pin, more similar in feel to a thruster, generally more for barrels, its what Kelly etc mostly ride.
Other type and more common quads have rear fins closer to the rail with wider tail, more for everyday waves or grovel boards.
Thats it! My mates board is very much performance style, shaped by a well known Kauai shaper whos name ive forgotten, hence the tight fin setup. I took the template of mine from a Dane Thomas(byron shaper?) fish/grovel shape board..

Dave I have a couple of quads I use. One specifically for Snapper thru Kirra. Maybe I can meet you in the pizza hut carpark for a chat, you can check them out, maybe get some ideas

Yeah the futures fin tree & also fcs do too . Check surfshop pronto

dastasha wrote:Dave I have a couple of quads I use. One specifically for Snapper thru Kirra. Maybe I can meet you in the pizza hut carpark for a chat, you can check them out, maybe get some ideas
Yeah come on Dave!! what time and day !!! I would love to have chat as I have just purchased a 5'10" Dave Mannion quad from Margs
Keen as for some different theories etc;)

Dave, if Welly wants you to look at his new board in the back of his van, don't do it, you'll disappear with out a trace.
Have a look at that profile shot, there is no doubt, he's a serial killer and I reckon datasha is his accomplice, he was the one who set the meeting up.

shaun wrote:Dave, if Welly wants you to look at his new board in the back of his van, don't do it, you'll disappear with out a trace.
Have a look at that profile shot, there is no doubt, he's a serial killer and I reckon datasha is his accomplice, he was the one who set the meeting up.
She sounds like my accomplice ;)

Geez I'll have to wear my suit then;)
Might grab a few roehipknowles as well, just to slip in their coffee.

Only played with stringer centric quads myself. So many adjustments you can make with fins. I have literally spent hundreds of dollars to dial my boards in. I can notice the little differences in the foils in the trailing fins make to the speed and pivot. Also like a little rake in them too for drawing out turns. Big upright front fins for getting off the mark quick.
But thats just my preference.
Heading for the only spot around here with a bit of protection for a paddle right now.
How about 5pm (qld) tomorrow? Most of us around here have issues of some kind or another haha just another day in Cooly

Will it be the real davetherave turn up for this PizzaHut meeting or his Japanese stalker? Then you have welly the abductor and his accomplice thrown into the mix, all concerned better approach this meeting with caution!

yorkessurfer wrote:Will it be the real davetherave turn up for this PizzaHut meeting or his Japanese stalker? Then you have welly the abductor and his accomplice thrown into the mix, all concerned better approach this meeting with caution!
Love it YOrkie man that's Gold
5 pm with our Pizza Hut trays it is..
I will be the one wearing a black singlet and a pink G String
Fuck the tow man suit, I get to itchy in that thing unless I'm in salt water;)

That's 6 pm my time:)

SwellNet dating at its best
You got a love that one Ben, Craig , Stu:)

Geez having second thoughts now... make it 4pm (qld) 5pm (nsw). Need daylight in case i gotta make a quick exit.

Brings a new meaning to the name "Swellnutters"

Japanese stalker, datashas a girl. dribbledribble, black singlets and g strings.
Can I come too? I'll just hide in the bushes and watch,

The Snapper blood surf thug has been reading your comments boys and now has the time and location of your meetup.

Just wear the g-string around the right way this time Welly.
It's bloody embarrassing sometimes.

caml any chance you can make it to Kirra PizzaHut by 5pm tomorrow? davetherave's Japanese stalker would definitely appear then. Oh to be a fly on the wall.....

zenagain wrote:Just wear the g-string around the right way this time Welly.
It's bloody embarrassing sometimes.
Love it ZenWizArd, funny fuck
Maybe we should meet at Asahidake some time on the Gondla in the nude with my 162 gleaming in the light;)

I pray that you mean your 162 is a snowboard Welly.

Don't go Dave, Shauns harmless, he's one fin short of a Quad and he just likes to watch, But Welly he's different, very different!! When he gets exited and all worked up in a lather anything can happen, the more fins the more excited he becomes, don't bring a channel bottom it will end up a blood bath.

How did your little rendezvous go boys? Or would you rather not talk about it :)

Would have been touch and go whether Shaun made it on time, he stole a jumbo size roll of glad wrap , a box of disposable gloves and a big blue tarp. He got a hold of a big diaper to wear so he didn't have to do toilet stops, he was on a mission. Have not seen him so focused in years.
The fact you haven't heard back from them says the meeting happened and the party may have moved back to Wellys, wolf creek style.
May they rest in peace.

And the donkey wouldn't sit still in the back seat;)

My semi-high performance quad ends in a pin-tail and this means there's no compromise on sliding down the face taking late drops or sliding out when putting on rail at all. Holds super well and great in sucky waves and the barrel.
Only problem is that there's just a bit too much rail/volume to surf super vertical and with the speed, harder to get it up right tight in the pocket unless coming from behind a section. Will get this refined in the next board I reckon.

Haha funny as fellas,
Sorry to disappoint everyone, including DavetheRave and Das, Geez.
I got my times all mixed up as you do, QLD and NSW, got down there at 5pm QLD, thinking it was 4pm NSW, oops
Hung around in the car-park, looking all suss and trying to figure out who was who, asked a few people, are you DavetheRave, geez they nearly ran in the opposite direction, hey champ are you Dastasha.! Weirdest of looks from so many...!
Then I realised I was an hour late.
I suppose wearing a pink G Sting never helped.
I hope no-one tried posing as the Welly fellas, if so I'm pretty gutted.
Maybe next time ;)

Was it a muffled bleat? Kind of like the sound a sheep would make being kissed against its will?


Lucky I had my phone tucked into the back of my G String.
God knows but I made it to the Cooly Hotel and managed to get into the ladies toilet with a few obscured looks by the way.
Rang my wife and she smuggled me out, looking like a tranny.. ?
Cops were everywhere, got road blocked by a RBT and with some real obscured look by one of the officers managed to get home in one piece.
The lamb finally got into the roasting dish.
Weirdest thing was when I was running thru the bushes up Kirra hill, I glanced to my left seeing this skanky old fella in a pair of baby diapers laying on a big blue tarp, freaked me out, didn't want to let go of the lamb so I threw the tub of Vaseline at the fella and ran like fuck.
What a journey that was, geez I really do have an understanding wife.

Craig wrote:My semi-high performance quad ends in a pin-tail and this means there's no compromise on sliding down the face taking late drops or sliding out when putting on rail at all. Holds super well and great in sucky waves and the barrel.
Only problem is that there's just a bit too much rail/volume to surf super vertical and with the speed, harder to get it up right tight in the pocket unless coming from behind a section. Will get this refined in the next board I reckon.
I think you have been warned before about going off topic.

Off topic
The board I got off Dave Mannion 5'10" 21x 2 1/1/2 single concave to double concave with Vee past the rear fins, shortest board ever had but has great volume for me, for little surf 2-3 ft
Future VectorII FEA 45o front fins with wierd scoops in the inside foil, back fins 50/50 foil FCS HB 4.2s
Super quick and so responsive, goes anywhere with a little tweak of the foot.
Only had a couple of waves on it but am looking forward to some good down the liners at 3 ft
Awesome board and I think the fins work great, a very wide tail as well.
Atomic Sushi yeeew

wellymon wrote:Off topic
The board I got off Dave Mannion 5'10" 21x 2 1/1/2 single concave to double concave with Vee past the rear fins, shortest board ever had but has great volume for me, for little surf 2-3 ft
Future VectorII FEA 45o front fins with wierd scoops in the inside foil, back fins 50/50 foil FCS HB 4.2s
Super quick and so responsive, goes anywhere with a little tweak of the foot.
Only had a couple of waves on it but am looking forward to some good down the liners at 3 ft
Awesome board and I think the fins work great, a very wide tail as well.
Atomic Sushi yeeew
Vector 11,s are my favourite quad fins for normal quad boards, i tried almost all the fins from the fin tree and have a pile of others but i like those the best, i think people get put off them because there not fiberglass or honeycomb, there thermotech which looks like plastic, and maybe is a kind of plastic? but there super stiff, don't know if its that weird scoop on inside foil, but they work for me.

Yeah ID they got some tweak too them for sure.
Like I've said before a good mate of mine over WA who used to shape for Rusty years ago.
Started bringing Futures into OZ
He does not shape no more but will only let Dave Mannion shape his boards for him Respect to DMD;)
has any body had problems doing first bottom turn with quads? me lately landlocked. DHD said i should change big fins and small fins. Cant do this . it goes along wave as long as first turn- set up turn- not a u turn, but goes good if i take off and go along wave then crank it- gave my AB channel bottom away two weeks before his graduation. any suggestions accepted, but i am i am going have a crack one more cyclone season even with macca's tray. so crowded, hard to experiment but want figure eight cutback at full speed. if no change i borrow my my old mate ray bevan's self shaped quad, ray shane and turbo's dad - legend- need bottom turn precise. no comprimise. upside down and slotted or stay or beach.