I heart WOTD

What’s that built on the headland in the pic today.

seeds wrote:What’s that built on the headland in the pic today.
Hi mate. Yeah what is that, looks like a huge home.
I wonder how long ago they got planning permission to build on such a sensitive location.
True to ‘its mine’, don’t you love it when a family acquires such a location, that the first thing they do is mow it all down around them to within an inch of its life ,as if to say, this is ours. The old English Estate syndrome.
For once maybe people could just cite a home harmonious to its natural location, but , oh, no. AW

gotta be a photoshopped decoy doesn't it? unless there was some marquee event? something to do with the adaptive surf comp?

Steve, AndyM?
I hope it’s not a house although there’s no road access to there.

Barefoot International Conference Centre?

No decoy would hide where this is. Maybe a marquee set up for an event.

Not sure.
National parks was doing quite a bit of work there - could be their stuff.
Not a classic bank btw- you don't want sand past the 1st Island.
Before the Marine Park was gazetted we'd paddle out to the outermost rocky outcrops and fish off them- it was epic.

That's Thor's new weekender.


Such a beautiful spot, Greenough wasnt silly.

haha, Thor from Ben Elton's This Other Eden, maybe..
while semi-topical, Tricia Shantz' Neverland on special ($59) with free delivery from yourglobalmall(44451) on eBay, cheaper than from Rusty Miller ($65), or Hardie Grant ($75).

As everyone has mentioned...wtaf is going on there?
Hoping it's photoshopped, as b6 says, but yep, no hiding that place.
@ i-d.
The first time i saw GG on the li-lo was out there, screaming from behind the cocked hats.
'79-'80, i was hanging with gypo in the carpark when i saw this black speck speeding across this big south lump. Probably didn't make land 'til south of the rivermouth, maybe suffering park and i reckon he rode it as far!
"wtf's that?" i say to robbie.
"that's just George" he says, so matter-of-factish.
I gotta do that, i say.
Got to have a few 'gumby sessions' with robbie out the point when it was too fast and small for a hard craft.
Not ashamed to say, it's my go-to craft now.
Yeah, GG knew!
Would love to see him go out there today.
If it ever happened, in my opinion, everyone (nearly everyone) should just get out of the water and watch.

it was annoying me @R00, so I rang the Holiday Park this morning, and sent them a link.. spoke to Lynn (Lin?) and she was great. They had a look at the pic and a think and said 'we have absolutely no idea, sorry!!'. The best they could suggest, was what @freeride thought - they said Parks were working on the pathway/walk recently.. (certainly been and effective prank if shieldsy doctored it!)

Was gonna go for a walk in there but thought the better of it as it'd probably be a circus.
Whatever they're doing is certainly taking up a lot of space.
Hopefully they're not terracing or putting up platforms on that beautiful themeda grassland headland.

I've seen stacks of big white bags airlifted on to headlands by NPWS for walkways before. Usually full of gravel, mulch, dirt, nuts and bolts etc
They also air dropped the timber and massive quadruple locked tool boxes.

Close up of the photo: Not a structure but what looks like plastic covering turned soil?

Ah yes, and there’s those big bags they chopper in @tubeshooter.
Thanks Stu


stunet wrote:Close up of the photo: Not a structure but what looks like plastic covering turned soil?
Whatever it is, the cut is ugly.
What could be possibly going on there that doesn’t harm the dynamics of a coastal headland.
I do hope they know what they’re doing , my guess is they don’t.
As AndyM rightfully mentioned, another grassy ( Themeda sp.) be altered or completely removed.
Some of the best outcomes for areas like that is to do nothing that alters its original landform.
Who said you can’t stop progress? AW

At least they are (possibly) doing something. This image shows a clifftop carpark in my neck of the woods that was damaged by a landslip Pre COVID. Still temporary fencing and half a carpark. Parks Vic and Melbourne Water share responsibility (along with the local council I assume) and none are willing to do anything about it.
Edit: I don't disagree with you either AW, but works done by the Parks services are often sympathetic and do assist with accessibility. As has been noted, it is not a secret spot and a path or boardwalk may help preserve the grassland by redirecting foot traffic.

Good luck with that Blackers. Getting two or three mobs to work together nigh on impossible.

Maybe they’re fixing a slip at WOTD. You’d think they’d have some alert on website if there was an issue though.

blackers wrote:At least they are (possibly) doing something. This image shows a clifftop carpark in my neck of the woods that was damaged by a landslip Pre COVID. Still temporary fencing and half a carpark. Parks Vic and Melbourne Water share responsibility (along with the local council I assume) and none are willing to do anything about it.
Blackers. Hi mate. Happy NY.
I’m suspicious, looks like a cut and fill to me, which reeks of a dwelling being built.
If someone has received permission to build there, I’d like to know how that would be possible in today’s planning processes.
Watch this space. AW

Cheers Alfred. HNY to you and yours.
I did respond as an edit above.
As part of a nature reserve you would hope not more than a pathway.

blackers wrote:Cheers Alfred. HNY to you and yours.
I did respond as an edit above.
As part of a nature reserve you would hope not more than a pathway.
I hope you’re right mate. All the best. AW

Is it a cutting?
Looks to me like they've cleared an area to dump the mulch, dirt etc out of the white bags for storage and handling. The other white bags may contain building items, and there looks to be 2 empty ones in the picture adjacent to the mounds.
Got me buggered.

I think the cut is just a widening of the existing path. Links with existing step stones in the grass going down. Doesn’t appear to have encroached on the grass area of the headland. From my memory anyway. Last stayed there about 12 years ago.

Geez, that is massive.... Heavy water!

also putting the 'eeaaahhhhh!' in Peahi.
(good broken path detective work, @seeds).

Yep, agree. Reckon it's the same wave.

Has to be 80ft

...give or take 20ft.

Craig wrote:Crazy eh!
And this might be the wave, second in the video..
Geez that would have been a flogging....

So big and no bumps…outstanding….
That pic is going straight to the poolroom.

No words. Maybe, ‘Everest’

Solitude wrote:No words. Maybe, ‘Everest’
Yup, it's big. Great perspective.

Your car looks interesting Stu.

Optimist wrote:Your car looks interesting Stu.
After the money I've recently spent on mine I'd take a big floral-painted bus in a heartbeat.

I’m hearing you….mines always on the potholed dirt…my suspension is getting so bad my teeth are getting loose….time for some serious dollars in parts….thank God for afterpay.

I'm more impressed with his parking skills.

Probably a big pile of human shit right next to that van judging by the the way it's been parked

"I'm more impressed with his parking skills"
Probably been getting heaps of practice at car parks across the Northern Rivers :)


The only thing missing is all the empty cans and bottles and food packaging scattered around.

Nope wrong on all counts. I've bumped into her a couple times while surfing down there and she's a thoroughly decent person. During the week that car park is generally empty with plenty of spaces next one down by the looks of it

The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.