I heart WOTD

Bit of déjà vu on this one

Bit of déjà vu on this one

The old woman looking on....

May 27
Lovely shot today. Bravo.

It's a blinder. Lots going on, superb lighting of the critical moment.
...and a round of applause for Nick Bone's work in the comments above. Mighty fine.

Great shot today.
Thanks to all concerned.
The wave itself almost looks like an oil painting.

I thought it was Sunday looking at the caption. Magic pic of a familiar scene.

Ha ha nick
I see wat you did there

I miss my front yard, this day looks real fun, perfect size swell direction and period.

Chris Taylor .. I subbed your pic, bill me

Today is incredible. So good

Are you over there yet GF?
Today looks like my kind of day looking at the cams.
Monday workday after a week of pumping surf so minimal crowd.

Absolutely awesome WOTD , perfection plus , if only a bit warmer ( I’m old )

That is an epic shot!!!!

That is my current idea of a perfect wave. Amazing pic.

lostdoggy wrote:Are you over there yet GF?
Today looks like my kind of day looking at the cams.
Monday workday after a week of pumping surf so minimal crowd.
Good day over here today ld. Couple of surfs and I’m feeling it now .
Saw some very nice waves ridden.

That's the best pic of Bells i've ever seen i reckon. And maybe an old Steve Ryan lineup shot, but that's a cracking shot.
Next time anyone whinges about Bells being a fat wave, just show em this.
Epic shot Steve Arklay.

goofyfoot wrote:lostdoggy wrote:Are you over there yet GF?
Today looks like my kind of day looking at the cams.
Monday workday after a week of pumping surf so minimal crowd.Good day over here today ld. Couple of surfs and I’m feeling it now .
Saw some very nice waves ridden.
Give us full report GF.

Yep, give us the low down.

My gosh Steve. Jaw drop.

And today's, wow Judy! I love everything about this.

Another really good shot today, vicco’s are getting spoilt but after the last 3 years its long overdue. This latest swell might tempt a few thousand brazzos to migrate from the Gold Coast to the surf coast, spread some of the love around.

Great photo. Been a run of absolute bangers.

Onya Casey! Tearing the bags out of it and just back from injury, ya couldn’t half tell. Shredding

Another ripper!!

magnificent, glorious, hol-ee that looks fun!

Makes it look uncrowded

wowzer...what a wave. Epic shot

10/10 today. Sublime. Amazing shot. Judy takes some crackers.
Looks so fun compared to the one from yesterday!

Judy fan boy here.
Her and Steve Arklay nail the surfcoast lineup shots. Another beauty from Judy today. May 30th.

Me too Zen. I bought one of her pics years ago. Classic lineup shot of really big Bells. Have got it on the wall at home.

goofyfoot wrote:Makes it look uncrowded
I wouldn’t say it was busy. Bit of a pack at times but never crazy. I’ll try to dig up a line up shots of the late arvo crowd. There were more people in the carpark
Plus hard to see the wolfpack when solid overhead walls are obstructing them from view :)

Romy has sent through a bunch from y/day and the crowds seem modest.

Memorable pic and caption.

Judy Scanlon magic. Hows that for a canvas!!!

Epic from Judy. Her photos are always incredible. I love Romy’s too and it ain’t a competition, Judy’s at times seem more natural and less touched up perhaps. But both are exceptional at capturing the SC glory.
And in terms of crowds, still saw plenty of drop in’s when I was in the water, but for the most part they were quickly followed up by the surfer pulling off. Reckon it’s more just a case of a few having a crack at the paddle in as it’s not always guaranteed at that size those on the inside would make the take-off.

Nice WOTD pic Timothy....your so good with the Lens and a Stunner in front of it
Scroll thru

A little tooo casual.. Tim is a master at putting his subjects at ease..

Blue steel kip is a regular on Tims casting couch

Postcard from where you'd rather be ..

Hey Indo- Is that recent Andrew Shields photo of the long Telo left, out the front of your friends resort ?

Amazing contrast to the surreally calm and composed Kipp WOTD pic.. it's why it's the world's ugliest wave that we love to be intrigued by. It'll be pumping for the next 1000 years, I wonder if there'll come a time when it has no crew wanting to take it on, and people sit on the clifftops and tell stories of bygone hellmen.. nice that Tim shares his footage for others' films:
Definitely looking forward to Tim's next edit.

Up there with your best work Stu. Nice photo by Steve too.

What a shot!

blackers wrote:Up there with your best work Stu. Nice photo by Steve too.
Cheers Blackers. One for the music nerds.

H2O wrote:Hey Indo- Is that recent Andrew Shields photo of the long Telo left, out the front of your friends resort ?
Sorry missed this comment, yes it is Mishos or Churches, more a basic camp than resort though.

The photo is stunning.
The caption is a ripper.
Steve Arklay Jun. 18th.

Yep, best caption for a while!

Great shot. That spot has been turning it on quite a bit lately.

Best caption ever? Ha, Stu nailed it.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.