I heart WOTD

Great shot also great slogan to go with it !

Surfed todays wave and surrounding area regularly for 15 years from late 70's to 1992.
Fun wave when its on. I remember one big swell when a boat got spat on to the beach after breaking its mooring overnight...waves pumping next morning!!

It’s a great shot today

anyone know where Sol Bailey is surfing in wotd today?




THX, Craig

Why does it say South Oz then?
Looks fun

SA's Rotto ;p

It is fun. Great spot. Handy being so close to Perth.

Fun spot for sure. Almost becomes serious on the rare occasion it gets bigger than 6ft.

Yep, the mid coast does deliver on the odd occasion!

Tday's shot is long forgotten sight for some of us.....but a sight that conjures significant memories of froth.

Full astern , hoist the bilges and man the scuppers .

If that’s where I think it is and I’m pretty sure it is, there’d be surfers in the photo. So where are they?? Not a fan of editing out like that. Lame.
Pumping none the less.

Not cryptic enough, there'll be some unhappy crew.

Walk around G wrote:Not cryptic enough, there'll be some unhappy crew.
Can’t really get anymore crowded than what I heard reports of last time can it?

That's the exact result of exposure lostdoggy, midweek was fine until a few years ago. Now its pretty cooked unfortunately.

The hordes love their 2-3ft point breaks.
As fun as they are, I’ve resigned myself to leaving it to them and hitting the more critical, more shifty, more fickle or just plain b and c-grade spots.

Noosa, pre-white man, must be the natives betting barrelled out the back!?

Funny how people complain about the WOTD pic and then comment in here, giving away clues on the location and bringing it more attention.

Where is it?
Jokes jokes just jokes ok!!

Hasnt Otto had photo’s taken down before.

goofyfoot wrote:Where is it?
Jokes jokes just jokes ok!!
Hardly obscure, right by a major town.
The ship gives it away, and some people think there's better waves near by.
Don't think there's any secret about it.....its Tyabb beach for those who don't know. Worth a check when its too small everywhere else.

Port Melbourne?

goofyfoot wrote:Port Melbourne?
You do get the odd A Frame there when it all comes together!

Looks more like Ocean Grove to me.

Young bucks who give the finger to waves are what's wrong with the world today... aggressive man vs nature mentality
There i said it
Now back to Soul Surfing if the waves ever return!

Well the guy in today’s WOTD isn’t doing that.

Yeah having the time of his life!!

Got told about this wave once by a former local but today’s definitely not in the wake of the spirit ...

Use to surf this regularly when I lived on that coast, like the whole coast its fickle as all fuck but a super fun spot and great set up.
The whole coast has an amazing array of quality reefs, but its just very very rare to get proper swells generally very short period, the advantage of this wave is it wraps in so cleans up the swell.
BTW. it's no secret they even hold major strike mission type board rider comps there, and as a non local chances of catching it is very rare, deftly not a wave you would travel for, more just a spot you would surf if luck onto there being waves when your passing through.
Good recent article with video on the wave and history.

It's not as good as it was back in my youth, and no doubt before that, as each addition to the breakwall screws it a bit more. Haven't surfed it for years, but loved it when I was a grom.

Was thinking hollow promises for today's WOTD.

I thought claiming waves you weren't on would be a fad. I can't imagine myself ever throwing my arms wide open when I see a good wave. If I'm excited I paddle harder if I'm in awe I just stare then paddle harder

mitchvg wrote:I thought claiming waves you weren't on would be a fad. I can't imagine myself ever throwing my arms wide open when I see a good wave. If I'm excited I paddle harder if I'm in awe I just stare then paddle harder
All about Insta.

So chunky you can carve it?

Where was that NZ pic taken?

I reckon North Island, east coast. If I think it's the same. Bit of a paddle. Maybe IB knows? Initials WB?
Not a secret spot but wouldn't give the name out.
Or, I am completely wrong.

Nah Zen, check out the land mass in the background...possibly the big O???

We sure that's not swell lines in the background. I have a fairly good idea on where it is. Recently pumped in the ex-TC Cody cyclone swell as well.

I was thinking North Island, East Coast...

Yep same.

I was thinking could also be a river mouth in the Gissy region

san Guine wrote:I was thinking could also be a river mouth in the Gissy region
Yep, pretty sure it is Gissy.

Surfed it in '71. Its the shingle bar at Hakuna Matata

Is it Ray? That's what I thought it was too but others have said it isn't.

Hesitant's choice for the 2022 Reverse [+][-] Antibodyboard Award...goes to Craig!
Covid Safely judged by the Goat with his 40ft Periscope...$1,500 is yours Craig!
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.