I heart WOTD

Yep I’ve gotta join this JB party too. So similar. Some of those iconic photos of him surfing flawless Kirra perfection are burnt into my mind. Always thought those photos made that wave look like the most perfect wave anywhere. Probably was....

What's Jason Buttonshaw up to these days? He was the golden child of the mid 80's.
I've still got that old Billabong vid, 'Surf Into Summer' with him getting tubed off his nana to the sounds of TSOL. (as well as MR taking a HUMUNGOUS drop from side on at massive Waimea)

Butto pic was mentioned 7 yrs ago by Zen.

Yes but do you know the actual date he mentioned it, Udo?

And what I was wearing at the time?
Hint- man made, shiny, black, highly flammable.


Classic Goldy burn out story Butto...was never the same after breaking his leg doing that floater in a comp in Sydney I think. I remember his rivalry with China who I always thought was the better surfer...life didn't turn out great surfing career-wise for either of them. Too much too soon.

Wasn't Butto's dad killed by a bouncer?
Glad I didn't grow up on the GC.

Today’s is very familiar over many years of dawnies living over that way and it’s a 330am start to the day from the MP to get there for first light ... good one

crg: Took me a while to remember where I'd seen this. Another post somewhere on swellnet reminded me. China was a freak.

Good one Craig, love those places down the coast

Yeah that's a nice pic, makes you want to go surfing, just looks super fun, it's a nice arty type pic too, without being wanky.

Very nice, Craig.

Thanks, beautiful conditions! Great lines and a good one for a mind-surf.

Gee Craig I’ve kept coming back to today’s WOTD photo, it’s perfect and I think it’s much better in black and white

Looks like missingham bridge but at its best, or slightly better than that haha

Here from lockdown I’ll take it :/

Very nice Craig. One to mind surf.

Another goodie ~ no platform ever, remember a few years back there was talk of an all weather viewing deck and toilets catering for the overseas tourists’ piss and ciggie break on their 24 hr “doing the surf coast” Victorian stopover?

I miss that view.
Latest I heard was that the platform is off the agenda which is good.

Yep, its gone for the moment- Maurice Cole running for Council, Go The Fossil

I think there should be no extra platforms at winki....maybe a temporary one for the bells contest each easter. To be taken down at the end of the Bells comp.

Platforms/shelters at Bells will always be on the agenda for the steadfastly pro-development Surfcoast Council, they think there is money to be made after all. The thing I don't get is the preCovid tourist business model that saw 100,000s of day tripper tourists bused from Melbourne and along the Great Ocean Road each year. They spend no or little money in local businesses and they just clog up / wear out the GOR and totally total public toilets (never never use a public toilet down that way after a bus has just left/ fuck I pity the poor cleaners) before they do the same in the Blue Mountains the next day and the Great Barrier reef the day after. No value add here so what is the point, its costing taxpayers and locals money.

Reckon I know that wave very well, just down the road from VLs I’m thinking

One good thing Covid has done is create a situation where we can re-invent the tourism industry.
GS nailed it. The locals pick up the tab for international bus tourists while the $$$ stay in Melbourne. Bus companies and Melbourne hotels love 1 day tours. It means an extra night stay and a follow up 1 day tour to PI or the Yarra Valley.
Don't worry GS, I'm working on a project to change this situation. Fast tourism sucks.

Just a quick shout out to Steve Arklay for the WOTD shot Oct. 11.
Mother nature stepping out in her Sunday finest. Beautiful colours to go with a beautiful lineup.
Great shot.

Bloody oath, ripper shot

I just love that shot. I’ve been taking photos of clouds and beaches and surf for years now, my phone is full of them, almost no people and definitely no food- plated up nothings from a restaurant.
The colours of the world are glorious. Pre-dawn and sunset just delivers, and to grab a perfect little wave in with it, bellissimo.

Alright peeps. Considering no one’s on it, Ive got the wave first in frame, teleporting myself from Vic to roughly 2.5 meters ahead from where the lip is hitting the flats. The wave disappearing from frame just leads to imagination..

Well, bone, I'm glad you took that closeout while I cruise through the easiest barrel of my life on the one behind.

Wave selection, Bone. You wait two hours to take off on that too-fast froth monster?

Is that fast section now called sharkies?

Come on. Pump pump. As i said, wave goes out of frame so who knows. I just want maximum vision. Wave two looks great but you would have to be on the foam ball for full vision and old mate on the next, another dreamy wave, would only be copping a nice little lip line at from about 10 - 2 peripheral. It’s all about the vissss baby, making it is just a cherry!

Plus, the Vic thing. I’ll take anything hollow that runs for a bit haha

WTF never WOTD

haha. Definitely a controversial one. Nearly choked on my coffee when i saw this one SN.

Ha ha ha...I know, but ignore the foilboarder wearing the water polo cap and admire that light!

Is nothing sacred...WOTD brainwashes swellnetonians
Do we get billed for these WOTD covert covid upgrades?
Crew thinks it's funny...& tbb is cracking up...keep 'em coming.
tbb joins crew's celebration of "International Foily Day Massacre"
_/\__^__/\__^__/\__^__/\__^__/\__^__/\__^__/\__^__ /(C`..[Toilets >)

Wicked shot of Stef on today's WOTD!
Grace, beauty, style and talent on a perfect wave.
(Pity about the fat, bald fella in the foreground though.....coulda photoshopped him out perhaps?)

Definitely a great shot.

Long live the Queen!! Magic shot.

Beautiful photo. Flash of winter beachy perfection on those "if it just had another ft on it" days. Gahhh bring winter back.

Great caption. Nails it

Was the one from Steve A the other day also east coast? Didn't look like it was southern Oz.

It was. Steve's got his signature style, and it's largely due to home environment, so it's great to see him mixing it up.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.