new smartphones and their inability to livestream coastwatch cameras

Brow, you need to dig a hole and put the htc in the bottom of it.

BN - we have an iPhone and Android App launching in September. However I'm not sure if it'll work on a Windows HTC phone (it's possible but certainly not guaranteed). Until then there's not much you can do - sorry.

It has nothing to do with the HTC. Download a copy of Puffin browser. It is both Apple and Android and from memory costs $2.99 or so. I use it on both my iPad and Android Phone to check coastalwatch videos. In fact that is all I use it for but worth the small cost. It works by re-routing the Flash video from Puffin servers so solves the Apple issues of no Flash support.

By the way, it's worth pointing out that Swellnet cams stream perfectly on iPhones at the moment (in Safari). It's a little clutzy to use but is still worth the effort.
Apparently cant be done on all phones that are "built" within the last six months... I've got a windows htc smartphone but it wont livestream coastalwatch video or swellnet video... can anyone help?