Great moments in marketing

quiet day in the surf today.
Stu have you seen this interactive marketing campaign from Tipp ex
classic ones to type in
pisses on is the best

We have it in NZ its called Twink. I dont know about sales 10 million views though
Headlines don't come much better than the latest offering on Surfers Village: "Company behind foot condom opens braintrust"
Titillating? Check.
Bizarre? Check.
Rousing curiosity? Check.
Rather than cut and paste the whole press release I'll paraphrase for your reading pleasure. Easy On Surfing, the surf company behind the 'Surf Jimmy' foot condom, is looking for ideas to develop a new product. They're asking the surfing public for help and are gonna award a prize for the best idea.
If you're anything like me two questions come immediately to mind: (1) what the fuck is a foot condom? And (2) what is the new product?
Turns out the Surf Jimmy foot condom is a 'product unlike any other' that 'makes putting on a wetsuit easy and fast'. The Surf Jimmy is a material sheath that helps the wearer get into a damp wetsuit. It appears to do exactly the same job that a plastic bag does.
Following the success of the foot condom the creators are now working on the next earth-shattering invention, except they want you to think of it. Send your clever idea to Easy On Surfing and if they like it they'll patent it, market it and then profit from it. But don't worry, the winner wont go without, they'll receive one pack of Surf Jimmy's (read: plastic bags) plus stickers and wax combs.