novice surf safari

Im not sure what you mean by surf surfari, like guided tour?
But IMO maybe two of the best novice/learner spots in Indo outside of Bali are
-Grupuk bay in lombok, mellow but fun peeling safe reefs
-Batu Karus in central Java mellow sandy point break, kinda like 1st point Noosa, but without the quality.
Both places have lots of nice accommodation just google and you will find info.
Other places that are the next step up would be
Cimaja in west Java, fun right reef/point kinda like a poor mans burleigh.
Nusa Lembongan, shipwrecks and playgrounds are waves anyone can have fun on.
Again just google and you will find info and accommodation.

Hey Frothmonster, check out Slim has accommodation packages that include daily surf trips that will be matched to your surfing ability and requests. I'm going back for my second stay with Slim in 4 weeks, he makes it easy. :)
Footnote; I have no financial interest in this business, I am just a very satisfied customer.

I've always ignored surfing tours, but looking at Slim's prices and the services provided it looks like a steal. A good way to avoid the stress of driving/getting lost.
I found on my first trips to Indo I found I got the most satisfaction from staying in the one place for a few weeks. It did wonders for my surfing, and it was just nice to get up and surf first thing in the morning, again after breakfast, again after lunch, again after a nap until sunset, without spending time driving around. I found I got more waves the longer I stayed in a place too, due to both understanding the wave better and just being a more familiar face in the line up.
As for where to go.. Bali (despite the crowds) is good just because there are more options for posting up at more user friendly waves. Lots of other places have accommodation next to the higher quality waves and you have to get on a bike to get to the friendlier wave. Either way, you will have a blast. Be respectful and have a good trip! stayed with this guy first time I went and was a good way to get used to the indo way and definantly one of the better surfcamps. He takes you to spots "off the map" 2 sometimes 3 surfs a day.
hi im new to swell net, this might have been covered previously but does anyone know of any good surf safari's for novice surfers, places like indo or similar