HG Nelson toasts Bob McTavish

'The judges scored him a nine for entrée and eight for main and ten for the passion fruit sponge'
Nice one Stu.
I was at a function years ago and HG spoke. I've never seen so much beer sprayed out of peoples noses.

Frankly speaking, all this speculation about who's the best surfing commentator is so much wasted oxygen and mental energy.
Mr Nelson was, is and always will be the best spruiker of any sporting event, bar none. Excepting, perhaps, when he's not writing soliloquies and sonnets, his mate.
Now if only the Seppos could understand them....

Had the pleasure of seeing HG giving a short speech at the Cactus book launch at Deus Ec Machina in Sydney a couple of years ago.
I never knew he really surfed, but as he did so growing up in Adelaide, his jokes and stories about the fickle Mid and hoax South Coast were classic with other anecdotes that only Adelaide surfers would get. A great story teller and comedian!
If you like HG and Roy you may get a kick out of this speech by HG at a recent function. In it HG provides the missing chapter to Bob's book, 'Stoked', where he takes on Rampaging Roy Slaven at the Kiama Blowhole during the final of the Talking Tools Plank sponsored by the Datefinger Group of Companies: