Hey!!! Mitchvg!!!! Yeah, you!

As a side note, first up, I just found your house on google maps... Just saying :| Want proof? I'll number something of your choice haha
Anyway, yeah mate, past the paddocks. I did get your tip too btw, I was thinking at the time that the ASCAT passes only showed a fetch cradled inside of the sort of Y shape of the NI. But on review, looks good. But unfortunately 3ft isn't enough to get my tail up there these days. Maybe old mate dro will luck out, sounds like he needs it haha!

Haha in that case, you can rest easy cos I don't know which is your house. So that's why the track to your sheds turns off before the driveway of your neighbours house. Are the sheds in photo 1 and 2 Welly's shack, or bach;)? Can't quite figure out photo 2, the roofs don't quite match. It's nice though, my parents did almost the exact same thing, except they sold up for a property with a house already on it. They just started again with all the trees, had some pecan nuts just yesterday actually, as a sweet, protein rich snack!

So what defines the boundaries of properties there? I'm guessing the area has been subdivided, but into a weird grid? it looks like you own property on 2 slopes either side of a bit of a saddle (where photo 1 is taken from). Only a narrow strip along the right in photo 1? And you've got 2 sheds nearby to the left from photo one and to the back right from photo 2.
yeah you're right, it has a pretty decent period. I'd love to have those little patches of rock amognst the sandbanks dialed!

Sheepio, your fucking onto it champ when it comes to forecasting long range swells up here. Let alone googling my shed so Mitch Very Good can come and hang hahah, LOve it.
Hey got up this morn for a little walk with NinjaGirl along Palmy, was shocked to see every so often solid 3 footers, head over head waves breaking on some, very straight, was not from the south more Eastie and seemed like along way away too me as you would know how Palmy faces...
Nice work champ, much respect there ;)

Sheepy, what month of the year were the pics taken ? magic looking piece of land.
Welly me boy keep ninja girl away from the Volvo until.............you cut that tiger in half with a shovel.

udo wrote:Sheepy, what month of the year were the pics taken ? magic looking piece of land.
Welly me boy keep ninja girl away from the Volvo until.............you cut that tiger in half with a shovel.
No worries Udo, not sure if the wife will take her :) hahahhaha
Udo I know this is off topic, my apologies thanks to Southey again:)
Had really good feedback from my research at the moment, with the "Hairy Ones"
I have been in touch with DNA hair and saliva specialist from Canberra, as well an Anthropologist and another guy who runs the Australian Ape project from Brisbane. Have sent some awesome photos through that they are pretty gobb smacked from ;)
Sorry fellas off subject, will maybe put them on "WellyMonsters" :)

Sheepdog wrote:Cheers, bloke........ Just squeezed past the top of kiwiland over the weekend.... One of those tiny 24 hour wonders, that would be one foot at ballina (thanks to north island nz, but maybe 3foot + at D.I...... Be all over by tomorrow arvo.....
Anyway, The shed is ready for spring...... Just watch out for the big tiger snake that's made a home in the rusted out old volvo bushbasher..... He's a biggun mate....... Seriously..... he's a freekn biggun ;)
Don't say the North Island BRO.
Theres someone on here wants to blow it up ;) Why, no idea as Craig explained we would not get strong fetches off the lows if it weren't there...?
It kind of makes sense when you look at the lows that form east of the North Island they dissipate real quick. Which to me looks like a cranking E-NE swell for my favourite spot..... Can never figure that one out...?
Any ideas Sheepio...? As the bottom of the East coast of the Nrth Isle cranks in these swells ;-) No names you will figure with the first Bloggers Wave...?

Post them up on Wellymonsters, wish to view them.

Well Sheepio, Freeride said a different hypothesis about spinning it more to the nw instead of ne angle..
I barked on that theory but when I think about it, for sure all of the East coast top part of NZ would get wrapping SW swells, food for thought hhahaaha, its too late now tho unless there is a huge eruption, which could happen and it changes dramatically. As well with climate change....? its gonna get warmer over there, us Kiwi fuks will all move back and there will be a Government change in passports to stop all you Great Aussie blokes from moving there. hahhahahhah, Love that
Stirring shit;)
You and MVG are welcome tho, you can both marry my dog....? That I won't have;)

Sheepy how did you rate the kit homes? At first I was surprised my folks were thinking about it, I imagine you're more the mud brick/hay type...

Sheep pooh.......?

Interesting, which state has the most diverse, easy sorta building codes? They're pretty strict up north, but for good reason (sheets of tin going flying in cyclones)

Haha cow pads are kindling throughout Asia too btw

Haha yeah cheers. Just checked METVUEW, some solid S swell at the 7th day of those charts

Lat + Long thanks .
Approx ?
Semi cryptic ?

Good man Sheepy, I really didn't expect you to give lat +long, save that weather map save the pennies and next time the maps right go it solo Sheepy Acera.

I've been there Sheepy. It's not that good. Every time I raced for the shoulder to do a bog rail cutty the damn lip threw over my head, over and over, again and again. It drove me wild. Never again mate....it's Crescent Head for me from now on.

Seriously though Sheepy, they're still out there. Quality waves with very minimal surfers riding them.
I've been to one little island in the Pacific that is a long way from another little island with an airstrip that is the jump off point.
I've seen this particular place in exactly 2 items of surf media and was not named in either... But you just know the Bro- vine is spreading that information. Heart breaking really.

Jeez Sheepy , that took me literally ten seconds to locate . You need to get yourself an Enigma machine.

Wifes are good to take and root.........but a gopro is cheaper and quieter .

What size swell is a gradient in those waters like that likely to produce ?

Your right Sheepy. Here I was all nice and smug too... I felt so self satisfied for those 5 minutes .

Hey Sheepy, lucky im a fan of Miss Marpels all these cryptic clues eh ,so it cant be NZ cause everyone hates him there so its gotta be Australia.............hurray shhhhhhhhhh.

haha poirot eh so that narrows it down to wen ainodalac then steer west to utuanav,right next to that coconut tree in that long bay...see you there!

Thanks man your right i had the wrong group turn right at.... ....instead of left .....pack the fishing gear yeahaaaa.!!!

Doggie I don't know the spot you're talking about, but the mind boggles when imagining what kind of swell magnets are there due to bathymetry.

I would've chosen somewhere on the other group, so the swell could get funelled, bent, doubled and wedged! There's probably some really deep water all the way to the edge of some of those coastlines due to tectonic uplift.

yeah theres a shit load of set ups that are close to shore,short paddles ,but potentially long rides.......but dont tell anyone eh.
Now that I've got your attention......