Eddie "predator" Blackwell stories

Saw him make acquaintence with a wayward Euro at Stanwell Park one day. Funny at first, and then very quickly it wasn't. About six months after that he tried to make acquaintance with me out at The Virg.
Goes as hard as any surfer I've ever seen, in fact Ray Collins reckons he's never seen Eddie pull back - and Ray's shot him at a lot of heavy places. Some surfers run with rocks underwater and do breath hold laps of Olympic-sized pools to handle the kind of situations Eddie puts himself in. Not knocking that kinda training, but there's something to be said for sheer animal will.

goofyfoot wrote:Any reason for making acquaintance with you?
Nah, nothing really in it. He said something, I said something back...same old, same old.

Sorry Goofyfoot, I'd love to but I'd better not.
Good bloke.

Yeah same , i could say but better not . Will try think of a story appropriate for here !

Here's an entry. From an interview with Christian Fletcher on Bali Belly:
"I was surfing Deserts triple overhead by myself in the middle of the night. Me and Eddie (Blackwell, The Predator) were surfing Supersucks before dead low tide and the reef was sticking three feet out of the water."

Eddie got a mention towards the bottom of this interview with Jimbo Pellegrine too, regarding a fight with Chris Ward in Bali.
I'd love to see someone do a proper interview with him.



Edwards been quite ..........no pics not a mention........Caml what was your story on Ed .........you gonna tell ?

Nah thanks udao . Cant remember now

Seems Eddie has been on a free non surfing full board holiday for some months .......

Are u talking Number plate duties udo . What 4 ?!

Yep making plates , Story in the illawarra mercury
I think Eddie will be ok if he drops the soap in the shower.

Sounds like jail is the right place for the psycho. I'm sure it won't be his last stay by stories of his previous behaviour

Lots of thinking time and no drinking in there for Ed, hopefully he realizes the grogs no good for him
Is there any footage around online of him surfing ?

The grogs fucked many..doesnt make it any different cause the guy surfs good.he may be a legend to many but if he didnt rip all u posters talking him up wouldn't give the guy an inch...lets hope he gets it together.

Udo, here you go.

Thanks Zen .......must be some footage out there somewhere of Ed charging that 12 ft plus swell at deserts a few years back....the pics were unreal.
Desert storm on utube has a few of him ..long barrels
Has a bit of Nick Carrol in his backhand style ?

Good to see the predator eddie ripping pity hes had to tow in but still the eds style brings back memories of surfing with him in late 90s . Hope he gets out the can & surfs again soon

Bit more of the fella surfing Deserts, from about 3:40. Owen Wright and Chris Ward too. not exactly 12ft though.
And charging big G-land from about 2:08

I'm sharing a bit of office space down in Thirroul these days and one of the fellas in there was telling me about watching Eddie at G'land during a big swell. My mate had a few younger, but very capable, fellas with him and they were all wide eyed watching G'land in full flight. Then Eddie, a fella they'd seen around the local beaches, just tore it apart. Best part of the story was that, at one point, Eddie was paddling back out and deliberately threw himself over the falls on a 10 footer. No chance of making it, didn't even try to, just overdosing on adreanlin and needed to feel the ocean's might.
How's the double up attempt in the second vid?

On a more important topic, what is the "Virg." Stu?

It's an amazing place where immaculate conception and filthy barrels co-exist.

Saw him out at the Peak at Ulu smashing it. Not pretty but effective he did look seriously psycho getting in and out of the water. I am always in wonder at how accommodating the locals are to some pretty intense people surfing their break.

memla, is it because they realize they will shortly move on?

Saw him out ulus peak a few years ago and pretty much scared the shit out of all the surfers and the
waves a heavy dude indeed. Even the brazzos gave him a wide berth about the only surfer that wasn't
intimenated was a older big seppo guy who went by the name of Marty, who was a cool guy.
In a very hostile angry and intimenating way.
Then again saw him last year or the year before cant really remember and he just
looked scary but was as cool as. Maybe he suffers from bipolar.

Scaring the shit out of all the surfers....in what way ?

Before Id really met Ed he found my wallet that I'd lost and returned it to me intact. He wasnt too flush with funds at the time and a lot of others would have just pocketed it.
Last time I was at Deserts I ran into him for the first time in years. I was on a quick hit solo mission and snapped the only board I'd brought - yes I know , fucking stupid mistake - and he lent me another board without blinking. Not many crew will do that for you.
If his mates are without , he'll look after them.
He's a good fella that has issues with drinking by the sounds of it.

Hey Blown ,
Is that you making a cameo again switch in that average Deserts vision zen posted ?!

Negative Southy.

When i first met eddie and his brus in g.land 1995 early in the morning , they had just arrived from an overnight bus ferry boat trip from kuta , he told me he was on the shrooms and he looked quite interesting as he wore boardies , joggers n socks , no tshirt , sporting dreadies . We went for a surf together soon after & he charged but snapped his board soon after . Nonetheless he proceeded to impress with his surfing style over the next 8 yrs i would spot him around the pitstops of indo mostly g.land or kuta

caml wrote:Nah thanks udao . Cant remember now
Orright balls rolling !

Not too many G Rated stories.
I'm pretty sure a mate convinced him - fucked if I know how - to go in a Sydney beach boardriders once when he was about 13.
He turned up mid winter and beat the sponno crew surfing in his Parramatta Eels footy shorts to win his division.
He never went back.

The crew I used to travel with seemed to make it a ritual that a persons first trip out to G Land was always proceeded by a serious drinking session the night before , then a few more the following daytime before departure that night . And just to make it interesting 'shrooms just before departure to really set things off ...
In my case it had the added twist that I'd had some issue on the plane flight into Indo from Aust two days earlier that a pinched nerve or something in my hip had me barely able to walk . So the day of departure add into that cocktail previously mentioned , prescription tranquillisers /muscle relaxants , pain killers and pseudo just to keep it level .... " Hostel " was not the best movie to be played in the bus for that trip .
Let's just say just after the Bali-Java ferry trip , a few hours of projectile vomiting out the window as we careened from Banyuwangi to Gragagan village . Arrive fresh to clean new 6-8ft swell ... Choice . Surf for 4 hrs return to jungle " barn " accom. to coma out for a day or so . Thank fuck the massages were cheap out there in those days .....
Welcome to G Land , character building stuff ! ;-))

Lucky u had the good obat southey ! Sounds like a good g.land trip

Good vibes = good times . Jonny on the spot .

Has Edward finished his number plate apprenticeship yet
must be out and about by now ?

He's been out a while.

Pic of Ed on a solid Deserts Grower - johnny_uluwatu insta

Please add the link here ?
Go Eddy !
thanks udo

Imagine how fast your heart would be pumping locked into something like this!

It doesn't get that big and good often.
Impressive Eddie

Son of Predator goes well..!

Crew are quite happy to poke the bear until it all goes pear shaped, see it all the time. Some crew just don't get it. Don't know eddie, and not making excuses for him but if your going to play with fire in some instance you will get burn't. Allot of people play the victim after fucking up. Alcohol, ego and stupidly in the real world. The real world isn't the school yard, generally you get what you give. People make mistakes and some are piss takes. Basic respect shouldn't be tested especially with bears, you never know what you are going to get. The world needs the odd bear to keep humanity in check. just don't poke em and you'll be good. Nice woftd and gland shot. charge on. Honey's still honey.
Give us ya best about this interesting fella