jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker started the topic in Tuesday, 25 Sep 2012 at 5:05pm

here then ben....i so want to hear your opinion on wether you think you are doing the right thing or are you gunna water it down... iremember you copping flak a longtime ago and i supported you....i still do....your website is and has been my home page ever since my kids taught me to left clik with the mouse....so cmon ...straight answers....anyone else feel free to stik your 2 bobs worth in coz this is australia....girt by sea!!!!

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 10:37am

nice one jasper and good explanation goinsouth.....but what happens when a local says "come one come all but look after the joint".....he seems to get a floggn from a particular type of ??,.....maybe paranoia eh?

4kinkrail's picture
4kinkrail's picture
4kinkrail Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 5:55pm

I never reply to these threads but at this point I have just got to say something.
Jeff- read through your posts, one after the other and have a good think about it..

You, mate are the Oxford Medical Journal poster boy for Bi-Polar Syndrome... Your brain should be studied champ, do us all a favour and donate your body to science.. That is the only forseeable use, at least then you may finally achieve something.

Right now you are wasting air

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 7:25pm

thats great u wanna finally say somthn ink....ive had a good think about it and i would really like you to elaborate because you sound educated and well versed in the past forum banter...and for a man of your skill and stature to say jeff schmucker is a waste of H20 i guess you must be pretty serious in your assumptions!!!

so i sincerely ask you to elaborate on these findings! ?

250 wors will suffice....over to you!

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 7:26pm


4kinkrail's picture
4kinkrail's picture
4kinkrail Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 8:02pm

When you can converse in english, spell and/or learn to string a sentence together, then I will bother with you.

H2O is not air, it is water son. I am sure I referred to you as "wasting air" or is reading a physical challenge for you also?.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 8:36pm

i was born against the tide...yeah h20...water bro

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 8:37pm

2 osts...hmmm new kid...check

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 8:41pm

gotta mind my "p's n q's"....posts

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 8:42pm

TO EVERYONE...MEMO; Jeff is either bi-polar or gives no fuck about what anyone says..After havin discussions with him and observing 90% of comments on here AND recieving comments from other west coast locals..His voice and opinion is in the minority..in fact I would go as far to say that his voice is 0.001% of the west coast people.HE IS JUST VERY LOUD. If I wasn't as big a shit stirrer as I am I would say he was serious..!!He is not the centre of the universe..he is not the 'zen' of west coast surfing..He is the man at Yanerbie but other than that ..he is not a local at BF, VB, Cac, Flatties..I would go as far to say that important members of his fam's DON'T want to comment on here..tell me if I'm wrong

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 8:50pm

cmon barley...i care about what you have to say as long as its got sense to it...what u have just said is just a bit rude really....can you put down what it is that you think im against or what it is you think i'm a minority about?....i wont tolerate guys being wankers at VB BF SPZ or a few other locations worth protecn on the westcoast any time tho.

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 9:19pm

I dont think your against anything..I'm just saying if you rounded up all the west coast surf crew they would disagree with most things that have been publised..How often have we seen the I.. in swellnet of tracks or ASL.Marky Mats,Hippo towin on a well known vid website..I have voted for Long-o and Jap in the BWA but he seems to be silint on this issue.considering he is gonna take it through to the next gen..How would you feel if the roles were reversed..your old man turned the place over after being a sort of 'surfers solstice'..anywho it wasn't the cape you tried to pin me on was it.I told you bro haha ...gotta look at the sand..one day you might be able to experience it man you will get a rush.

tractor's picture
tractor's picture
tractor Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 9:50pm

How about you stick to back beach, the island and yanerby and stop acting like you run the whole coast. Everyone on this site needs to be clear that you are the minority by a long way on this coast and we all think your a nob! H20 ha ha you are a real intelligent guy!

gromfull's picture
gromfull's picture
gromfull Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 9:55pm

This is gold, better than watching any soapie, and the lead, is, ohh yep, jeffy shmucks, so you breathe H20, so now you have gills, do you hang out with mermaids as well,

tractor's picture
tractor's picture
tractor Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 10:01pm

It's clear jiffy that you could talk about yourself underwater with a mouth full of marbles, now you can breath the shit too!
What's your next trick circus boy?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 10:47pm

i'm sorry tracta but i'm on my way home from a fearful nite of rough seas wit 58-60 kg of king george whiting which will help fuel my addiction for the next week and i juz love ya...coz anything is easy compared to the last 7 hours!! ...have u seen the chars for the nxt week?? ................................am ......aaz i nnig ...

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 10:57pm

Why is it that swellnet forums is dominated by SA fuckheads(including myself)..anyone would think we have something to hide!!

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 11:02pm

Ya did,, but not any more.

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Friday, 28 Sep 2012 at 11:04pm

"i'm sorry tracta but i'm on my way home from a fearful nite of rough seas wit 58-60 kg of king george whiting" ha ha ha what a hell man.
Can't wait to see the movie about the Great Whiting hunter.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 at 2:03am

what a hellman??? if only u knew recent???!!!!!!! u would love 2 c the mvie bou tha great whtn hunta

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 at 8:38am

wow.. just wow.. jiffy, Damir , Schmucko (or whatever personality might be reading this) I have a real concern about your mental health. You have a very unhealthy obsession with these forums and this website. You really need to do yourself a favour and take a break.

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 at 8:55am

happy 21st to josiah too btw.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 at 12:30pm

will do poo man.....u seem to be on here a lot telln me i shouldnt be?? hmmm dont do as i do do as i say??

tractor's picture
tractor's picture
tractor Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 at 3:15pm

Nice photo Jeff. Which one are you?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 at 5:36pm

i'm the one on the left tractor..the other lil guy is my younger brother an he has downs syndrome....he goes for the hawks so he's devo'd today!! you would like him..he's a darlin.

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Monday, 1 Oct 2012 at 12:52pm

Interesting reading, the death of secret spots definitely relates to who gets taken to these spots and who finds them for themselves. One is really influential on the other, finding them yourself means the value is heightened, rather than rolling up with a large group and cameras. No way would I take any of these forum frequent flyers to any secret spots.
Roll on summer.

tractor's picture
tractor's picture
tractor Monday, 1 Oct 2012 at 6:07pm

C'mon pussy take it easy on us

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Monday, 1 Oct 2012 at 7:51pm

Nice photo Jeff. Which one are you?

By: "tractor"

Im not Jeffs biggest fan but an apology wouldnt hurt dont ya think Tractor?

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Monday, 1 Oct 2012 at 8:17pm

Well Tricktor, there's no denying that taking the wrong type of person to your secret spot is a recipe for disaster. Once they have been there, it's a free for all. There are a few secrets left north of Gero and they will probably stay that way for a long time. I travel past the big name spots for some uncrowded pits Some have obviously been exposed big time, but that's a model of how not to showcase your backyard. Most crew that surf their local well enough don't have the need to expose them, something missing in your life if you invite one and all. I believe it's important to save some spots for your best friends and your kids.
Works well here. Bring on the windy west for summer

tractor's picture
tractor's picture
tractor Monday, 1 Oct 2012 at 8:51pm

Take it easy goof how am I meant to know what the guy looks like? Look pretty similar on my screen

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Monday, 1 Oct 2012 at 9:38pm

Well put pussy. Unfortunately we live in a world where some people have different thoughts and opinions and we all must learn to live with the consequences. Life goes on but some places may not stay the same. We must adapt.

Now that American big wave pro's have discovered the potential of the western part of my state it will be interesting to see if it really makes any difference. I heard today that they asked that the pics on this website of their sessions be removed as the U.S pros were getting paid for the content on a U.S website.

It's a pity that they also surfed and exposed the regular sized but still world class waves of the region. That probably has more impact on the every day surfer over here. And there is a lot more surfers in the world chasing regular sized paddle in waves too. The last thing written in the 25 page article on the U.S website is we will definately be back. Looks looks the cats out of the bag.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 at 6:38am

Well Tricktor, there's no denying that taking the wrong type of person to your secret spot is a recipe for disaster. Once they have been there, it's a free for all. There are a few secrets left north of Gero and they will probably stay that way for a long time. I travel past the big name spots for some uncrowded pits
Works well here. Bring on the windy west for summer

By: "pussyrioters"

North of Gero.......... thanks that pussy I'll keep that one under my hat, just between me and you hey.

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 at 12:42pm

Well Shaun aren't you Doctor Sleuth and all over north of Gero. If you get to Broome you have gone too far though!!!!
Going to have to watch you and try not to be so precise with sensitive directions. Another secret spot for you and Smuckwit is east of Wagga Wagga. Guess we'll see ya there this week.
Your so tricky.

arbus-lessker's picture
arbus-lessker's picture
arbus-lessker Thursday, 4 Oct 2012 at 3:13pm

Interesting banter - quick thank you to all of you for contributing, makes work a lot more interesting. Schmucks can you take me for a tow? I'm intermediate ability wise but not scared of much surf wise after doing two tours of Afghanistan.

On topic. NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT, Swellnet has contributed to crowds, and has contributed to the exposure of otherwise secret spots. Thing is, I think Swellnet does well to respectfully handle the issue - but the nature of the beast is that information on anything and everything is now pretty easy to come by thanks to the web.

In defence of Swellnet (to which I'm no way affiliated) it's a case of 'if they didn't do it someone else would'. There are so many different ways to uncover spots, and so many other sites. I'm pretty sure if Swellnet didn't professionalise the website a little we'd be looking at Magicseaweed/Surfsouthoz/Coastalwatch/Seabreeze/ Predictwind/Wannasurf (the list goes on!). So it’s more an issue with technology than anything else.

Whoever that was talking about the secret spots 'nort of gerro' good on you - now I'll jump on near map, or googlemaps and search the coast between gerro and Broome for white triangular shapes. With near map you can even look at historical days - so using that I can go to the Magicseaweed/BOM archives and get a handle on the swell size & wind direction that day.

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Thursday, 4 Oct 2012 at 4:00pm

Search and ye shall find, nothing wrong with that at all " airbus-kicker" as the hard work pays off and you score good conditions.
Still a matter of actually getting it and all the pieces fitting into place.
Then it is a matter of how you treat it then and forever after, do you repect it more cause you made the EXTRA effort or do you tell everyone including those you have NEVER met about the details.????

Happy times, you still have to find it, get there, be there when it's good and survive the drop etc.
Good luck to ya and thanks for doing tours to afghanistan for the rest of us. That's heavy

arbus-lessker's picture
arbus-lessker's picture
arbus-lessker Thursday, 4 Oct 2012 at 4:21pm

Nah pussyrioter. I'll spend two weeks there, work it in with a sneaky Gnarloo trip. Throw myself in the general area, generally act like a good bloke and people will tell all, conditions/photos/hazards. It's worked before and will work again.

Not sure how I'll treat the info yet. Might send you a Christmas card.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 4 Oct 2012 at 6:33pm

hmmm arbus...you really need to get to the surfcoast of SA, as a desert storm type of fella suits the waves if you're lookn for action and deep barrels...i think we understand that the general forum cruiser aint up for 15 ft yanerby. U are so right about the advances in technology and google cameras....we are using it a lot here to look at the inaccessable coasts and islands. U are right about meeting crew and laying a bit low on new coasts and getting an armchair ride to some of the best waves on the day.....well some folk are juz downright arsey when it comes to getn shown around.....come and be a wanker tho and i'm sure no one will take that type anywhere.

yorky...americans know about it now?? get ya hand off it! there was a 16 page spread on streaky in surfer mag in 85 and theres hardly been a yank down here cept for a cupl mavs boys since.

pussy....u telln people bout ya secret spots?? hmmmm...u have almost foregone the right or the pleasure even to tell anyone anythn about your surf there by complaining about exposure problems.

tractor n grogan...u guys need to make you opinions clear on here....lets here what you think about the swellnet exposure/general exposure argument and stop paying out coz what you have to say is boring....give us a good argument eh?

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Thursday, 4 Oct 2012 at 8:53pm

Hey Jeffy good to have you back on board! That IPhone induced Repetitive Strain Injury can play havoc with your thumbs hey?

I remember the cryptic "Blue Tounge Coast" story. It was nearly 30 years ago, a time without jetski's or the internet, and big wave surfing was something of an oddity. Shit Greg Noll's 1969 unridden realm wave at Makaha was still the yardstick that all big wave surfing was measured. Now we have the Big Wave World Tour! How times change.

Our high Aussie dollar and the GFC may keep things in check in the short term, but there's no going back on the exposure the Internet has given the worlds secret spots. Will be interesting to see if the West of Coast S.A follows other prevously isolated secret spots such as N.W W.A and becomes the latest go to spot for the new age "core" surfer! I'm getting older so it will be the next generation of surfers that will have to live with it I guess.

By the way how good has the weather/waves been lately? Like a fine wine, 2012 will be seen as a vintage year in S.A;-)

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 10:53am

york u are trippn still....6ft westcape a cupl days ago while you and ya pussy complaining mates are surfing 2-2.5 ft chinamans....all wishn you were towing westcape with the real men!!

our coasts are never gonna get crowded....dont you get it?

WA nth coast means winter for the southern guys that get fuk alll surf all year....have you tried to get a wave at tombys in august with them pack of whingers all frothn around?? they been running that show and shitting in their own nest for years. the odd one got sik of it and took a ski up there and still gettn 10ft plus midgys to themselves!

the next gen are here already and they are surfing with next to no one....unless its 2 ft chi's then all the beautys are out!!

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 11:34am

Haha your funny Jeff. Still got this delusion that we all want what your doing. I have no interest in towing any more than a mountain climber wishes to land on Mt Everest to claim he reached the summit. Still get the view from the top but the satisfaction levels just aren't the same!

There were some nice ones at Chi's the other day. Just in the smaller range that it breaks at but perfect shape. Your mates on the ski came around for 10 minutes but didn't see any sets. Still tried it on by asking if they could tow a few which was politely declined. Surfed the Cape myself the day before-nice banks there!

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 7:56pm

Yo Jiffiiiiy Smuckwit thanks for the response, so glad you found time in your busy schedule(stroking) to repond to myself and let me know that I have exposed a secret spot and forgone the right to tell any one any more. Wow, I am so impressed that you as the village idiot could share such wisdom with me, thankyou again. Because you are South Australia's most hated surfer I will be glad to take your advice as you seem so wordly for someone who has never lived anywhere but where your parents dumped you.
I remember you arriving at Tombys wanting to tow but no takers, all paddle crew told ya to take a hike. No waves for Smuckwit that day ha ha ha ha and it was pumping. Long way to drive and tow Middies when the real deal is pumping and Smuckwit has to watch. Ha ha ha ha,great view from the channel I bet.
As long as your safe on your ski Mr scardy no paddle knob.
It's not true that your Sth Aussies most hated surfer. That's a lie.
You chubby are Australia's most hated, harsh but true.
Wish my dad was a tool like you.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 9:39pm

dont you see the benefit in these guys goin towin around there while you are left in peace...he would snake every good set if he was paddln there with ya...you should be stoked its thinnin out the local surfers...yorky idont care wether anyone wants to do anything,..just do it mate and be happy with it is all we all should be doin eh?

pussy...sorry i didnt get back to ya earlier...bn busy island hoppn....now what was it you were sayn?? oh yeah you told me to fuk off at tombys? hmmm....u were probly the guy that told youg josh from kalbazz to fuk off eh?? i'd like to see ya tell him the same now!!...i ended up towing krankn midgy's that day with a guy from the eastcoast whom i cant remember his name and it was cookn as i recall...the next day we surfed some of the sikest pits i have ever seen in the northwest not far north of there then a few days later still one of the biggest days ever at bommi then a 2 day trip to pumpn muruien's....hmmm i bet you were struggln to get a wave out there at tombs that day....i remember well a little guy from jugs town on the eastcoast getn still the biggest pit ever out there, dominating like some of the blowins do and you hate it still!!
didnt see you out at wreck did I?? or super super??
maybe its the fact that i have done more laps around the globe in the last 10 years than you would care to know......
in case you failed to notice what i stand for...bring your hard ass forum attitude with your pussy name and come to the westcoast of SA with that attitude and see how long you last....you will be safe with the little pack that gets older by the year at tombys and quivers at the mention of the barri boys showin up every good swell.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 9:43pm

if your dad is alive and well i'd have to hazard a guess that you have had a fine teacher....they rekn the fruit dont fall far from the tree.

tripod's picture
tripod's picture
tripod Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 10:14pm

This guy sounds like he still paddles jeff.You makin a paddle comeback?SUP towin maybe?ya aint gettin any younger..or smarter

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Friday, 5 Oct 2012 at 10:43pm

Yeah that's right you did all that and a herd of unicorns escorted you across the ground.
Funny that the Barri lads rate you up there with Syphilis, trying to tow the point on paddle days. Bad form.
As I remember it you were found in a tent with a goat, you left the next day...

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 at 10:12am

no paddle comeback for me....i'm gunna tow till i drop or you pussy's make enough noise and get it banned......paddln's for the hippies.
'ya aint gettin any younger..or smarter'.... thats not what my girl says!!

bad form pussy? one guy made his thoughts felt but it never went any further....they like the old boys towin the point as far as i can see. Do they take you to the islands?? whats your name anyways?

pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters's picture
pussyrioters Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 at 7:58pm

Must thank you again Jiffy,you sure sound busy with coments on every thread and that island hoping thing your doing catching goats.
Yeah you got tuned in kalbazza and then you wanted to act all tough.
You got tuned Chubbby because you were towing in around paddle surfers. Simple. Illegal. Unethical. Immoral.
Waited my turn and got amazing pits in the NW.
You rolled up, got nothing by trying to tow and left.
Anyway on a brighter note heard your wife left you for an IV drug user, guess your a bit of a catch then.

tripod's picture
tripod's picture
tripod Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 at 8:45pm

She musta thort injecting smack was better than being injected by smuck ha ha ban it is then bigboy!!

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 at 10:05pm

Jeez you guys are getting just plain nasty, but I don't really expect any better from boogie boarders.

kellyslater's picture
kellyslater's picture
kellyslater Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 at 10:23pm

Any topic about locations and secret spots always turns toxic when someone says too much. Clowns want to earn a living from surfing like smucker... Just stay the fk in your own state ad exposé it and I don't give a crap. Come to mine and you will pay

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 at 10:28pm

Sorry Turns, outing someone as a boogie boarder is a bit low.
I agree if your going to hang shit on someone, use humour.