
… staying openers

on the rare opportunities I get to go skiing, I only take one album to listen to on a tiny old mp3 player (I also only carry blackcurrant fruit-pastilles through the day). It's either Root For Ruin or silence the whole trip. So as soon as I hear this track, I am transported to the chairlift. Makes it my number one opener.

- deadly openers

… eye openers

… opening black currents ;)

Big shoutout to truebluebasher. One of a kind!!

Surprised to see this a new Cure song and album coming, IMHO they havent really done anything decent since maybe Wish, but hey you never know, this song actually sounds okay.
Vocals dont even kick in until 3:29 which i like and then hammer home pretty fast
"this is the end, of every song that we sing"
His voice is still amazing too.

Shame the vocals kick in at all.
First and last time I listen to that. Just like all there other shit.
“Where did it go blah blah”
Straight in the bin carrot cake!

^ seeds gold haha
- cull the carrot cake conductor ;)
…& now …an all time opener ;);)

Ha bit brutal^
Pretty obvious I can’t stand The Cure

seeds wrote:Big shoutout to truebluebasher. One of a kind!!
Great shoutout @seeds. Hes a swellnet treasure to be cherished. Love yer work TBB!!

TBB is Man ‘Kind’.
Keep up ya great work, love reading the plethora of gathered information you present to us. AW

indo-dreaming wrote:Surprised to see this a new Cure song and album coming, IMHO they havent really done anything decent since maybe Wish, but hey you never know, this song actually sounds okay.
Vocals dont even kick in until 3:29 which i like and then hammer home pretty fast
"this is the end, of every song that we sing"
His voice is still amazing too.
Given this a few more listens and i think its pretty good almost has a Disintegration feel.

I hear that the Tune 4 this years Survivor - Down Under , is a bloody ripper .
I will watch it on Thursday , 2 hear it .

Thanx crew...mental & physical health is rapidly declining...
Right now got roof cleaning guyz smashin' it...transformers crashin' in...fark!
Off to get new health plan for bonus incurable illness...GP is in 7th heaven with his new Cash cow!
Of course...even with Health Care Card this is gonna hurt...Good Health is not for us cheap bastards!
Calls for a Heavy Duty Bens' Tune Up...(Yes, ya can ring yer #*@% Cow Bell...why the fuck not!)
These insane trax are from tbb's private stock / alt '80's Vinyl pile.
Only reason we can dream them up on YouTube...Wow! Is this a rare treat..
1984 End of the world D-Day
1981/82 tbb's band Social Cancer : New World War > Burn Burn Burn > Mutant Army (Got it!)
1982-84 Sci-fi Gothshockabilly was threatening to shock the other half to death.
Kinda like a Goth Sci Fi > Cramps + Rezillos + Tenpole Tudor
1981 Meteors ~ Mutant Rock ( Includes Lyrics to set the scene )
1984 The Legendary Golden Vampires (Germany) ~ Train kept a rollin'(Cover)
Must read the Coververse back history pedigree on this spin out...
1983 Zanti Misfitz ~ (Includes Band Name origin for Special FX Outer Limits S1 E14 )
"The Last of the Red Hot Lovers" ( That's why a lot of Goth Chix brought the LP )
Request : If any crew can track that down...Please do share for a rare sharp shit hot treat!
But this equally Lively seat of yer pants 'Bodgie' type track { Love ends at 8 } Not even on the radar!
tbb dead set thought he was the only daft bastard that caught on...but here's the Vid! (That's Impossible!)
This bizarre song is the core reason tbb is sharing...Like how this rare genre became so absurdly wild...
How wild are we talkin' tbb > Well this pack of Pommie Convicts sound just like us dopey heathens.
Note the Band origin...Earth Penal Colony...(Are these guys slyly taking the piss on Poms in Oz!)
See what the crew think...reckon this sounds like some Dodgy Bodgie southern Oz City Pub Band
Absolutely love this rare breed anarchic Penal Colony Bodgie Bang up!
C'mon crew...that's the most natural sounding Aussie Pommie Pub band you'll never hear...Shh!
(Shit Hot pack of Wild Pommie Bastards stole our Identity!)

Hello TBB
Keep up the great work !
I am wondering how that Mega Reedy Creek Bush Killer Rat , is getting on .
Is he still running amok ?
As U are aware , I seem to miss a lot .
Unlike U , Mr Sherlock Holmes !
Shit , I thought U were a Tubeshooter , 4 a while .
Guessing the Underwear Billabong has been underwater and overhead , a few times 2 .
Please keep reporting in , come rain , hail or shine !

keep on keeping on @tbb, love when you do the jukebox!. Any further thoughts about shark dentistry? That was a cool TBB tendril..

The Cure @Tbb

indo-dreaming wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Surprised to see this a new Cure song and album coming, IMHO they havent really done anything decent since maybe Wish, but hey you never know, this song actually sounds okay.
Vocals dont even kick in until 3:29 which i like and then hammer home pretty fast
"this is the end, of every song that we sing"
His voice is still amazing too.
Given this a few more listens and i think its pretty good almost has a Disintegration feel.
I would have thought this would be your favourite Cure song Indo……..he he!

Another different version

Recently shared seeing then 3 piece band The Cure for free @ Playroom & hung / danced with the Band
Tip : Robert shared he called his Drummer Chocolate Boy...puts a few away he does!
Was gifted Channel 7 Tour Promo Green Record...
A side was LP Length A Forest [5:53]
B side featured locally recorded one off instrumental ( Another Journey by Train ) Cool track...
tbb has # MSD421 (B) Think it was a 500 run
(Gotta understand they weren't a big deal back then!)
So it's not like tbb was meeting Rock Stars...just a UK band of many on tour making a buck...
Recall meeting many Punk bands and even singing on stage with a few...that's what we did!
Shit! These days wouldn't be able to buy a ticket without a Robot app idea!
See here a sticker was placed over that [#] > Then Repackaged & sold in NZ in white Jacket
Apparently with a longer [6:42] Remix of A Forest
18 Sept 2024 Same record just SOLD $485
Doubt if that would cover the cost of 2024 2nd hand Cure Concert Ticket...none laughing there!

Ok! tbb thinks he knows why they gave out the Oz batch of Cure records for free (Not 4 sale)
See the odd blemish in the Disc...tbb's Disc has quite a few spots....
Now understand each came out different & likely even more spots on other copies...not a good look!
It is true that some of these early Coloured Vinyl Discs had blemishes...
But! Many cheaper Comps + even free Mag Flexi Discs could release blemish free Coloured Discs
Thinking their manager said No...not paying for that Vomit > Punkz don't mind Vomit on records! Sorted!
Back then...likely to be more of a deal as The Cure were presenting as a new Clean Modern Sound...
Not likely wanting to sell random spotty diseased Green records...just a preliminary take on the freebies!
Guessing the 2nd NZ batch ... was a little more clean'n'green...approved for sale.
Now is the perfect time tbb...just slip it in...
Do it cannot be serious...
Not sure if the crew is ready for it...can they handle the sheer Gravity of such an Earth moving track!
There is no Depression in NZ...Blam Blam Blam
OMG this is the best NZ Track ever...are we gonna...really...Yes! It's Time...
Happy to share NZ Alt Rock Masterpiece....Perfection is worth waiting for...
Play loudest & proudest!
Everyone's talkin' 'bout World War III

I was sure tbb was gonna play that equally epic NZ track...
Sunday Boys by The Screaming Meemees
What about ANDROIDSS ~ Auckland Tonight!
That's not an Android ....We are The Body Electric ~ Pulsing
Oi! No Tag ~ Legalized Dogs
Like what yer hearing...
Loading more from tbb's fav NZ Comp LP : It's Bigger than both of us (NZ singles 1979-82)
Happy to keep diggin' up nuggets from the ditch...luv ya cuz!

The Cure
Another journey by train
Great camera work!
Im not sure if we’re allowed to talk about WW 111 , ?

The Androids, Auckland Tonight
Definitely a night time vibe there

Juliang wrote:
The Cure @Tbb
One of their best and a good rendition too.

Im not a big Smiths fan or even fan of UK bands in general, but this is a great song and rendition, not sure why it popped up in my Youtube feed, must have been my recent viewing of Cure vids.

Awesome, ID. Johnny Marr is a great songwriter and guitarist. Nice to hear his work without Morrissey droning on, dragging it down.

me and @juliang are just having a cuppa, but he's gone to the loo..
blackers wrote:Awesome, ID. Johnny Marr is a great songwriter and guitarist. Nice to hear his work without Morrissey droning on, dragging it down.
haha, that is spot on to my taste. @b, imagine being in a band with a droney prat that a generation think is a magical poet. I admire anyone that sustains a role in a gig like that
liked the cure song too @indo, (I believe @seeds is in a happy place atm, so feel this is a safe space), dignified and apt for who they are, put me in mind of disintegration, which you touched on, but also the mellower moments of kiss me kiss me kiss me, which to my mind is their 'everything-opera', if a band was allowed to do whatever they want regardless of their perceived genre.. kinda like a 'use your illusion' or 'diorama'. anyway, I'd be immensely impressed (and scared!) if my ski album contributed to your algorithm finding that pick @indo!! if you had a listen to Root for Ruin, and the interBeast put this haunting semitone guitar descend (quite pronounced from 2:30) together with your Cure interest, to find the ^ Johnny Marr 'How Soon Is Now' clip, it couldn't have done a better job.

basesix wrote:me and @juliang are just having a cuppa, but he's gone to the loo..
blackers wrote:Awesome, ID. Johnny Marr is a great songwriter and guitarist. Nice to hear his work without Morrissey droning on, dragging it down.
haha, that is spot on to my taste. @b, imagine being in a band with a droney prat that a generation think is a magical poet. I admire anyone that sustains a role in a gig like that
liked the cure song too @indo, (I believe @seeds is in a happy place atm, so feel this is a safe space), dignified and apt for who they are, put me in mind of disintegration, which you touched on, but also the mellower moments of kiss me kiss me kiss me, which to my mind is their 'everything-opera', if a band was allowed to do whatever they want regardless of their perceived genre.. kinda like a 'use your illusion' or 'diorama'. anyway, I'd be immensely impressed (and scared!) if my ski album contributed to your algorithm finding that pick @indo!! if you had a listen to Root for Ruin, and the interBeast put this haunting semitone guitar descend (quite pronounced from 2:30) together with your Cure interest, to find the ^ Johnny Marr 'How Soon Is Now' clip, it couldn't have done a better job.
New band on the horizon,
Not The Chemical Brothers,
‘The Urinal Brothers’ - your audience, pissed to the eyeballs. AW

Do you people not think Marr was trying, even just a little bit, to mimic a certain droney prat?

'you people'? are you having a go at our cultural heritage? yep re morrissey emulation, but I like it better ; )
(you could do a whole thread about prats/visionaries.. i.e. I find Arthur C Clarke and Isaac Asimov fairly hard reads, Kim Stanley Robinson immensely satisfying, and Black Mirror a joy. But yeh, we still wanna hang the DJ, haha)

haha, Adub, I lay prostate at your wit, reckon you got a Juliang to sort today, gardening gloves on.. I humbly proffer this as the best ever song to have come on when Perishing, and the chorus to kick in *just* as you take off and throw yourself at crisp, cold, white wonderment

I don't mind Morrissey's prattiness. It kind of, at least at the time, felt like play acting. Deliberately indulgent histrionics to connect with buck-toothed girls in Luxembourg, and teenagers everywhere else. Plus, he was good with the quill.
Why pamper life's complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger seat?
Brilliant stuff, as long as you didn't fetishize his feyness. I found subsequent doses of MacKaye or Biafra did well to keep the Morrisseys at bay.

I like The Smiths and some Morrissey songs
According to you guys I’m a bit nerdy and stiff.
‘Well, I Wonder’, I must be a bit of a ‘Suedehead’ then.
What do they say ‘Evereday is Like Sunday, at present it is. AW’

'sall good, man. some of my best friends like The Smiths. I like The Fall. Which is a bit embarssing.

basesix wrote:'sall good, man. some of my best friends like the Smiths.
What about your worse friends, do they like The Smiths or Morrissey, I’d be interested to know. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:basesix wrote:'sall good, man. some of my best friends like the Smiths.
What about your worse friends, do they like The Smiths or Morrissey, I’d be interested to know. AW
haha, my worse friends like Dave Matthews and the Chilli Peppers.
(best song to come on while you're people watching and going up the chairlift with a black-current fruit pastille)
these kids'll kill you just because they can
their teeth are bleached and their tits are tanned
We hit the hills and we hit 'em hard
With iron wills and with mastercards
We moved the mountain into our homes
We kept in touch with our mobile phones

stunet wrote:Do you people not think Marr was trying, even just a little bit, to mimic a certain droney prat?
No doubt. That song needs to be sung a particular way. I am just not as fan of Stephen Patrick, particularly his later incarnations. Weird man, always came across as a whiny little pretentious twat. Howevers, each to their own.
Edit.. late to this party, sorry, on the road home today.

Talk about Morrissey vs Marr reminded me of this song.

blackers wrote:stunet wrote:Do you people not think Marr was trying, even just a little bit, to mimic a certain droney prat?
No doubt. That song needs to be sung a particular way. I am just not as fan of Stephen Patrick, particularly his later incarnations. Weird man, always came across as a whiny little pretentious twat. Howevers, each to their own.
Edit.. late to this party, sorry, on the road home today.
Blackers. Hi mate. I don’t like the moving days on the road , especially as i head home on that last day when ‘I Know It’s Over’ . Safe travels. AW

ditto to AW's message @blackers, he and I don't have partners to share the come down with these days. I am a fan of the saying 'a problem shared is a problem doubled' (if that's not a saying, it should be), but with post new-places-and-faces-engagement, I would go with the contrary and popular saying, from beautiful memories - sharing the come-down halves the empty feeling.

really enjoyed that Spiderbait track @icandig ^
just gonna listen again, see what time it is in.
(gonna say 7/8... greek, turkish dance time-signature.. @thermalben?)

actually, any drummers or musiccy peeps, this has been a fun swellnet game, reckon it was @JF, learn the triplets of the vocals below on one hand, keep 4/4 time with the other hand.. then swap hands.. the kinda thing we used to do at the bus stop before we started thumbing ourselves to the tiny blue screens.. why maggie smith was sharp as a tack before she dropped off.

indo-dreaming wrote:Juliang wrote:
The Cure @Tbb
One of their best and a good rendition too.
Yeah you have to research all the different versions, and differing qualities.
The longer the better too ,
And you reckon you don’t like
British Bands.

Another city another version

I do like some UK or European bands but id say they make up only 10% of the bands i like, USA bands maybe 45% Aussie bands maybe 45%
Not including 60's classics the Cure are probably my fav UK band.
I do really like these guys though
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.