Bali surfing: June

bmjgiles's picture
bmjgiles started the topic in Thursday, 2 Jun 2011 at 3:54am

Hey guys, me and some mates are heading over to bali on a surfing trip, any suggestions on how many boards what size. just about any help would really be a massive help.

dav-e's picture
dav-e's picture
dav-e Thursday, 2 Jun 2011 at 4:40am

How long are you going for?
Do you know whereabouts you are going to surf?

non-local's picture
non-local's picture
non-local Thursday, 2 Jun 2011 at 4:48am

What you will need will be 2 - 3 boards. Take your allrounder with you it will be the one you surf the most anyway, then take a step-up board, something about 4"-6" longer than your allrounder. If you have the oppertunity it is good to have a backup board the same as your allrounder as you may need it while the Balinese ding repaiers are putting the plugs back in your regular board, that way you can go back out while they fix your board.
Just remember to show respect to the locals over there as it is their island. Have fun

bmjgiles's picture
bmjgiles's picture
bmjgiles Friday, 3 Jun 2011 at 4:58am

we are going on a boat which is taking us for 12 days around the Mentawais, im pretty excited for it. thanks heaps for the heads up on the boards, i wasnt sure if you were able to get your board fixed while on the boat or not. i was going to take 2 6"8 boards and maybe look inot buying a 6"4 for the trip also. any rec airlines we should look at? i hear some of the airlines wont allow anything over a 6"6 and iv heard stories or people cutting there boards at the airport and getting them fixed in bali, something im not keen on doing.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 3 Jun 2011 at 7:36am
e wrote:

What you will need will be 2 - 3 boards. Take your allrounder with you it will be the one you surf the most anyway, then take a step-up board, something about 4"-6" longer than your allrounder. If you have the oppertunity it is good to have a backup board the same as your allrounder as you may need it while the Balinese ding repaiers are putting the plugs back in your regular board, that way you can go back out while they fix your board.
Just remember to show respect to the locals over there as it is their island. Have fun


3 posts
Joined: 09 Jan 2011

Couldn't of said it better!

You would be pretty lucky if the crew on the boat will fix your boards on the boat but anythings possible in Indo if you pay some $$$ take a ding repair kit with you for minor dings.

What Charter boat you going with?

dav-e's picture
dav-e's picture
dav-e Monday, 6 Jun 2011 at 2:32am

I dont know what airline you are going on but this is Air Asia's policy: Bulky items (maximum 1.9 metres for A320 or A321 aircraft, maximum 2.77 metres for A330 aircraft), including but not limited to bicycles, surfboards, skis, golf clubs, snow boards, may be included within the allowance, subject to space availability" . This is all included in your 20kg bag allowance.

pepe's picture
pepe's picture
pepe Thursday, 9 Jun 2011 at 2:20pm

Cutting their board's, dunno about that mate, reckon someone's pulling your leg. Your boat charter /surf organiser company normally arranges the flights and typically there's an allowance for boards an extra for weight. Excluding long boards, I forget the size but seems it won't apply to you. If you are flying yourself it might be worth checking out the charter co option.

Take some gaffa tape, the heavy duty stuff that has a bit of stretch in up and is water proof (for a while anyway).

Don't forgetthe hydrogen peroxide, stings like fuck for the first few times then the wound gets use to it and seems to be the best for healing in the tropics.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 at 5:32am

Hydrogen peroxide okay, but tends to ulcerate the wound...

The best stuff hands down is this chinese medicine dark liquid/small bottle, clean the wound with bottled water, squirt it with lime juice and then, keep putting chinese medicine on it everyday....most charter boats and camps have it or grab it in Padang.

pepe's picture
pepe's picture
pepe Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 at 11:06am

Cheers Indo-dreaming - I'll grab some in Padang in 4 weeks, 20 hrs and 55 minutes (who's counting ... f'ing me!). Any idea of the name or is it fairly common from any old apotek?

z-man's picture
z-man's picture
z-man Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 at 3:09pm

Clorox bleach works well on reef rash. Brush it in with small brush or use your toothbrush. Guaranteed.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 at 8:47pm

Only prob with bleach and peroxide is , as Indo-dreaming stated, it kills new skin cells as well as bacteria, so a nice big old sea ulcer is a good prob if you keep surfing.

I use tea-tree oil and paw-paw ointment or medicinal honey and keep the wound covered.
Never lose a day out of the water.

Most important thing: clean that fucker out properly to start with and keep it clean.

MarkPridmore's picture
MarkPridmore's picture
MarkPridmore Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 at 9:57pm

betadine is good shit...

seal's picture
seal's picture
seal Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 at 11:05pm

Yep, gotta clean that wound properly even if you have to scrub it with a toothbrush to get the coral and stuff out of it.Don't leave any coral in it or you will have an infection within no time at all that will keep you out of the water and get real painfull.

Then you have to kill any bacteria in the wound and I think lime juice works the best, plus doesn't hurt any worse than breaking your ribs. Don't use betadine on it until you have killed the bacteria first with the lime juice as the coral germs like betadine and you will get an infection.
Put some paw paw ointment on the wound and cover with duct tape if possible when you are going to surf just to stop any sea ulcers developing through getting too wet but if it is the full claw marks, a couple of days out of the water may be needed just to let it dry out and start healing.

Another good thing the indos put me onto is called bioplacentum and you can get it over the counter at most of their chemists. It almost gives the wound a temporary skin and stops the ulcers from starting if you can't keep out of the water.

If all this puts you off , the best of all is take a camera and stubbie holder, sit on the deck and film everybody else whilst drinking yours and their share of the Bintang on board. You will never get a reef cut that way unless you fall overboard and get washed up on it!

h8ingperth's picture
h8ingperth's picture
h8ingperth Monday, 13 Jun 2011 at 5:45pm

2 boards mate. A short board and a semi gun. Unless your gonna surf Nusa Dua on a big swell just take the boards you would surf at home. Fuck taking three, there is a hundred board shops in Kuta you just end up getting stung by the airlines for excess.