State Of Origin.

freeride76's picture
freeride76 started the topic in Wednesday, 25 May 2011 at 10:55pm

Fucking excellent quality game. 80 minutes of A+ rugby league.

NSW will take a lot of heart out of this game and that is emblematic of the current status quo: a narrow loss seems like a victory.

Again, NSW lost this game right up front. Scott and Petero smashed holes in the NSW forwards all night and made easy yards at will. Cam Smith controlled the ruck area like a master pupeteer.
For once I disagree with Gus's assessment that QLD looked vulnerable in the forwards. They dominated NSW in the middle of the park and the winning try came off a magnificent set of six in which QLD got on an almighty roll up the middle of some sustained and inspired forwards charges. Lillyman was great. Myles was solid. Harrison did his job.
QLD forwards laid a magnificent platform and it's only via the awesome defence of NSW on their goal line that they weren't down by 20 at half-time.

Yes, NSW looked very dangerous with quickly spread ball movement to the left flank, particularly against the QLD debutantes. Jennings looked super dangerous every time he had the ball in hand. Gas was well marked by Boyd who had a blinder.
Boyd is an extremely underrated and integral part of this QLD team. He stiffened the defence and shut down some very threatening raids, as well as doing a power of work on kick returns, which were of an extremely high standard and ensured QLD won the yardage game easily.

In the end , despite the closeness of the score NSW were friggin lucky not to lose by 20. They will see this close defeat in very different terms but if reality and cooler heads prevail they will sack King and Snowden (where the fuck where the NSW props all game?) and take a good hard long look at the basics of Origin footy.

It was awesome to see them compete for 80 and not hand over easy tries.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 25 May 2011 at 11:01pm

Oh yeah, having Cooper Cronk as an interchange player.....a half back who plays almost like an extra forward is a stroke of genius.

His grubber kick from nowhere which led to the YowYeh try was masterful.

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 12:11am

I agree Steve. One of the best games of footy in a long time. And even though I'm a strong NSW supporter, the thing that crushed me was how easy Qld scored that try late in the 2nd half. Were Qld really just cruising most of the game and then stepped up when they had too late in the 2nd half. If I was NSW, I'd be asking myself that BIG question indeed, as time and time again, QLD are too strong/dominant when they have to come from behind. Until NSW addresses this it will be a long time before they can hold their heads high.

The NSW Fullback had a blinder of a game in my opinion. Soward...well, where the feck was he all game?

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 12:19am

Yeah Duggan did all right except for that first try .......where was he when Thurston had time to have a cup of tea, miss the ball and come back for a second go at it.

No fullback to be seen.

QLD's second phase play late in the second half generated awesome momentum.

Tired forwards????? Not from QLD....they finished the stronger and I doubt the QLD forwards will have much to fear going into game 2.

QLD will now know what the NSW outside backs have up their sleeve.

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 12:37am

Yeah Duggan did all right except for that first try .......where was he when Thurston had time to have a cup of tea, miss the ball and come back for a second go at it.

No fullback to be seen.

By: "freeride76"

Yes, his only blemish in an otherwise great game from him. He was way outta position on that one that's for sure.

rushy's picture
rushy's picture
rushy Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 5:04am

Duggan was in the defensive line when the first try was scored. His mark was Smith, who put the kick through for Thurston to score. Ya can't be everywhere at once.

But I reckon Duggan was a bit out of his depth most of the night. Solid but not up to Origin standard. Compare him on the kick returns to the Hayne Train - which one would be more likey to put something on? Hayne's needed back for SOO-II.

The NSW forward's stats were terrible - three of our forwards didn't even total Petro's game yardage. Bird played good (and tough - more of it please), and Ennis caused a stir when he could.

What was Gallan doing with his pass in his own in-goal?? And Morris need not come back. That try he let in was ultimately the difference.

Bring on Sydney - and a 1 all game score!!

bombora's picture
bombora's picture
bombora Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 10:12am

Suck it up cupcakes.


seal's picture
seal's picture
seal Friday, 27 May 2011 at 11:52pm

I agree, it was one of the better games I've seen in a while and NSW made a good account of themselves but of course the mighty QLDs won through in the end.
I'd love NSW to bring back Hayne,keep the 2 props and Gasnier then we get back Ingles and Hodges and we will smash you!
Hayne and Gasnier have got to be the 2 most over-rated players in the NRL so I will be happy to see them both in the NSW team. You notice QLD didn't give Gasnier any room on his outside and then he had nothing! Went into dummy half a few times so he looked like he was doing something but we all know he was just hiding cause he didn't want to get tackled or make tackles but Gould still reckons he the greatest player to strap boots on.
As for the Hayne-plane, bring him on and we will see him crash and burn on takeoff!
Good luck in the next one NSW!.
QLD 2-0

more's picture
more's picture
more Monday, 30 May 2011 at 7:17am

Boyd on Gasnier twice was great, Tonga showed spirit, NSW are improving but how do you beat our forwards especially Scott, Petero and Myles...I would drop Lillyman and bring in Dave Taylor, Tonga looks like to be out and in comes Inglis.....

rushy's picture
rushy's picture
rushy Wednesday, 15 Jun 2011 at 12:15pm

Thought I'd be the first to fire a return salvo at the smug little canetoads.
18 to 8.
Read it and weep.
Didn't think this game was as good as SOO-I, but can't wait until SOO-III. Now that will be collosal.
Blues by 10.

seal's picture
seal's picture
seal Thursday, 16 Jun 2011 at 6:23am

I got to admit you guys played well and deserved to win. Gallan was exceptional and Hopa is a good find but when is the Hayne plane gonna take off? And where was Gasnier hiding?
Was he even on the paddock cause I don't remember him doing anything that stood out.
Looking forward to 3. Go the Maroons!

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 6 Jul 2011 at 12:53pm


Didn't watch it, havn't seen one in years, but just saw it on the news, 6th straight series.

Thought I'd get in early.

bombora's picture
bombora's picture
bombora Tuesday, 12 Jul 2011 at 9:29am

Thought I'd be the first to fire a return salvo at the smug little canetoads.
18 to 8.
Read it and weep.
Didn't think this game was as good as SOO-I, but can't wait until SOO-III. Now that will be collosal.
Blues by 10.

By: "rushy"

Well you got the 10 right.

rushy's picture
rushy's picture
rushy Tuesday, 12 Jul 2011 at 10:39pm

I was hoping to keep under the radar, but you're right Bombora - we got belted. The Toads are such a great team. No disgrace in getting done by a team like that.

Only consolation I got was going to the Parra home game with the family last Friday night(first one this year). Man, what a hike they're charging these days! Cost me the best part of $300 just for a night out with the missus and my girls. Couldn't afford that every week. Be worse when the Carbon Tax hits.