Can we abolish surf competitions from weekends and move them to mondays - like it's not crowded enough already.

Dear Wayne, I don't know where you get the idea that I would threaten you with violence. I'm a bit sensitive on the subject of grammar because due to a few paths I've followed in life I have come into contact with people that can't read or write, think about not being able to read a sign and being ashamed of asking someone what it says, some people just do,to get the chance to learn, the consequence of that is eventually jail in some cases. How are you supposed to know the rules if you can't read them. I was probably a bit over the top with that dick dwytr, but I hate people that look down on others because they were lucky enough to get an education, the scary thing is that he is teacher influencing young minds. The main reason I am on this forum is to get better at typing it's good practice, spell check is teaching me to spell. Anyway back to the subject at hand, I don't think anyone wants you off the net, with your twisted logic, huge ego and outrageous lies it's doing wonders for my typing and a lot of people find you perspective on life amusing, but tes leave the waterways immediately, your a tool.

hey shaun, for what it's worth, i admire your candor and your attitude to education. keep it up mate .... go get 'em!

I look down on you Shaun because you are a knob and a deadshit. I'm tipping you didn't get ASSked to leave school because of your spelling and grammar. I am guessing you were removed from the system because you refused to follow the rules and authority of the school and made it difficult for the students who were there to learn, and wanted to learn to be able to do just that - learn.
So before you go play the martyr (and the violin) you choose your own path in life, stop trying to drum up support by playing on the conscience of others and making them feel sorry for you. Its just lame and a cop out.

I`d like to add shaun that I too don't like internet grammar cops either. I don't always agree with you but I'm with you on this one.
do-what-feels-right revealed him/herself to be a bit of a wombat when he pulled you up on something and then made a pretty basic grammatical error in the same sentence.
If you're reading this dwfr, there is no apostrophe in commas. You are simply illustrating a plural, not a possessive noun.
To the topic at hand, I hate local contests too. Where I am and if a local contest is on, they post Yakuza heavies at all entrances to the beach to collect a 'parking fee' which usually equates to about $40AUD. This is totally illegal but the authorities turn a blind eye. Also in summer when parking is at a premium, local households band together, man entrances and charge families and other beach users about 1000yen ($12) per car. Again totally illegal, but the stupid people pay it and the cycle continues. I`m still at a loss as to how a few households can band together, monopolise a (free) public carpark, paint up a shitty cardboard sign and then clean up on a hot summers day. They sure as shit don't clean up the beach for their efforts.

I look down on you Shaun because you are a knob and a deadshit. I'm tipping you didn't get ASSked to leave school because of your spelling and grammar. I am guessing you were removed from the system because you refused to follow the rules and authority of the school and made it difficult for the students who were there to learn, and wanted to learn to be able to do just that - learn.
So before you go play the martyr (and the violin) you choose your own path in life, stop trying to drum up support by playing on the conscience of others and making them feel sorry for you. Its just lame and a cop out.
By: "do-what-feels-right"
I have chosen my own path in life and I'm happy where I am, but you miss the point not everybody get's to choose their path.

I`d like to add shaun that I too don't like internet grammar cops either. I don't always agree with you but I'm with you on this one.
By: "zenagain"
Sometimes I read some of the crap I've written and I don't agree with it either.

how is it that any thread more than 3 pages descends into squabbling and bitching over nothing?
make decent comments people, or just let it go.

Im with you Shaun, if DWFR is in fact a teacher, you should be ashamed of yourself. I would have thought that a our teachers would be patient as well as accepting of people who are less fortunate than you. If you are not a teacher, you are a tool anyway.
Wayne, you are a dickhead, but I am actually finding your postings to be amusing on the basis that you are totally full of shit, so keep them coming.

hey ladies its your fearless wanker oh i mean leader long board legend short board dynamo and comp director to the ruling lower class yes oh wise lost one we have lost our way so good of you not to lose sight of our lostness bit of fun oldmate is all we want but be careful cause i will get the boys together and i will most certainly set up the bi-weekly comp in your back yard yakuza and all shaun will get the wording correct and mtw will go into bat bat for us all mtw you seem so adept at it

hey ladies its your fearless wanker and I love taking it up the ass,I didn't really get into Mal riding for the money and free boards, it was mostly so I could openly parade my sexuality in the water while being suported by like minded gay mal riders, we have lost our way so good of you not to lose sight of our lostness bit of fun oldmate is all we want but be careful cause i will get the boys together and i will most certainly set up the gay bi-weekly comp in your back yard yakuza and all Shaun will get the wording correct and mtw will go into bat bat for us all mtw you seem so adept at it
By: "bigwayne"
Wayne, what can I say, it's nice that you can be proud of what you are.

shaun no wonder you got towled up for your gramma how about you stop quoting every one and use your own words oh thats right you fucked up at school and you still blame your mum that you cant get a bloke, sorry girl and rip into other people for reasons only you know but we can all guess,littleman syndrome maybe? a little insecure in your own skin perhaps? wich ever it is you will always be welcome at g.m.r.c. comps and i will personally grant you a wildcard entry into the planets only real "pro" tour. you can see i had gramma lessons and i am still your feerlees leeder and allround top bloke

i totally get it, u work all week, u go to the beach for a surf on the weekend & theres a comp on, it pisses u off, less car parks,bull horns going off constantly, best section of the beach taken up by competitors etc etc, it doesnt seem fair, its a public beach, u pay your taxes etc etc, theres many sides to the story but lets face it, comps suck the big one. thats just my opinion. only good thing i can think of thats good about them is the young hotties they attract, yeah i love it when they pull out their bikini bottoms from their bumcracks, yeah ohhhhhh yeah !

Shaun, Thank you I have seen the light, I realize now what a bunch of losers the gay mal riders have been. We have contributed nothing to the beach community, we don't even bring any eye candy down to the beach with us for you guy's to ogle while we take over the best bank on the beach. Hey every ones been calling me a liar but I was just exaggerating a little, I get clothes off of Roxy but its on the quiet as we are both not quite ready to come out of the closet yet. I apologize to every one that I have abused and my delusions of grandeur, it's the hormones I'm taking they get me in really bitchy moods, but it's worth it to make the full transition to who i really am.
By: "bigwayne"
Can I quote you on that Wayne?

what can i say shaun has let the pussy out of the bag funny retort by the way, all of us here at g.m.r.c roxy HQ are in stiches i mean denial about your i mean our sexuality and thanks once again for showing us "the way" experience counts for something eh shaun anyhoo, doopster said the only real good thing about comps are that the bring round the girls mate that is only part of it we bring money devilish good looks along with brains and a certain amount of swagger so dont write off the comp scene!are you looking for a wild card as well i still have a few left? and shaun yes quote away. comps are and will always be a necessity. we have three yes three world champs and one of them is a coffs lad look him up he rides mals is he gay too or is that jelousy thing of comps and who surf in them? want the beach to yourself than moove to the north coast and there will be plenty of waves to yourself no people up there if you cant surf more than three times a week your a kook anyway so dont bother and therewill be more room for my beloved competition surfing this THIS WAS BOUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR FEERLESS LEEDER

Glad I could amuse you wayne, I have used that method before but subtly, when you didn't notice I thought I'd try a sledge hammer.Anyway Ive been trying to get some dirt on you so I Googled bigwayne ker and found this:

shaun you have obviously stooped to a new high dont be a hater i know i forget to take my meds but all of this doesnt answer the question of can comps be moved to weekdays not much chance if you factor in the amount of money t at is generated by said comp money is the reason and nothing else entry fees alone can be well over $100 dolars then the motels and caravan parks food outlets and the like it is and will always be the dollar no amount of googleing or stooping will change that shaun you are really the little man i thought you where diging for photos when you could be spending time in the water im lucky i live across from my locoal and surf it every day get paid too . i have worked hard for my sponos and they love me as all of you do boards and travel are what i get paid for comps and the like i do for the fun so i admit that you win shaun your stupidity in thinking that i would go to my own photos is laughable silly you please dont embarass again i was waiting till i knew you all better before i offerd the photos virus free of cause PS I STILL LOVE YOU SHAUN

i was waiting till i knew you all better before i offerd the photos virus free of cause
By: "bigwayne"
Wayne, you are never going to get to know any of us, this is not reality it's the internet

Shaun stop it you are getting owned and made to look like a fool.
Give it up son, every time you post you sound like an idiot.

Well you sound like a teacher(with control issues).
I'm just doin what feels right, so please if I want to hear what you think of me I'll rattle a bucket.

Wayne, certain things do not add up. The guy who won the 2010 longboard world championship only won $11,500 in prize money in 2010, looking at photos of him on Google he does not have any sponsors on his board, so I would be safe to say that he does not have any major financial backing. Longboarding gets no air time on television, nor do you see it plastered over the pages of mainstream surfing mags. Ask anyone to name the top ten longboarders in the world and chances are you will get a blank stare back, actually just the name the guy who won the 2010 world championship and I am guessing most people would struggle.
Yet you claim that you are getting paid to ride a longboard professionally, it pays your wage as well as your mortgage. Mortgages are pretty hefty in the types of suburbs that us surfers want to live in and with the rockstar style of living that you portray yourself as having, I would be safe to assume that you would be needing to clear atleast $150k per annum.If you would have said that you are getting your equipment for free and having to work to pay for your cost of living as well as entry fees and travel fees to events, that would have been believable but the numbers just do not stack up.

wayne, at this point.
The chances of you being an internet pedophile are greater than that of being a pro-surfer.

ed what the fuck? you need help oldmate dont project you life onto poor little old me.oh i get it that was a joke right? sorry that thats all you have sad little man! anything on comps? no? so you resort to name calling "sticks and stones". well mtw you are assuming a lot arent you? you obviously arent a surfer you only ride surfboards. uninformed meatheads like you make me sick!you know nothing of comp surfing and the way we get paid i never said that i dont work i happen to have a good contract that i managed to secure through hard and dilligent work! i work for myself and employ 1 full and 2 part time workers that allows me the freedom to surf when i want. along with a couple of well payng sponos and boards i get for free ! comps are a necessity and will always be its sad i know but without the money and the publicity how much would be paying for your popout? more than $200 a foot i know for a fact.who can afford that besides myself your feerless leeder? allrond top bloke? comp director to the ruling lower class? but you forget mtw most people on thisthread cant stand comps and i dont have the slightest idea why? ill call it the circus for your benefit , its a fact that the circus keeps riding surfboards for you lower class affordable so you should be grateful! THIS RANT WAS AUTHORISED BY YOUR FEERLESS LEEDER F.I.G.J.A.M

Wayne, you really are as thick as a brick. you acknowledge that most people who have contributed to this thread are against contest but you don't have the slightest idea why. The same thing has been said by so many different people in so many different words someone would have gotten through to you. I don't expect you to agree with what anyone has said as that would not work in with your selfish motives, but to be ignorant as to why contests piss most people off, as has been spelt out to you in plain bad English is ridiculous.

Shaun stop it your making me look like a fool.
Give it up son, every time you post I feel like an idiot.
By: "do-what-feels-right"
Ha, sorry you feel that way.

Wayne, now your not only a pro surfer but a successful business owner...
You wayne, suffer from a personality disorder.

So Wayne, my meat head assumptions about you are spot on. You have tried to lead on that your surfing pays for your mortgage. You have obviously set yourself up as a succesful business man, which can support you whilst you go for a surf. Every few weekends you beat your chest whilst competing in comps. I know a few guys who are like you, you are all wannabes.
Any way you look at it, you are still an owner operator, now just in more ways than one.
For the record, I have three boards, two custom shortboards and one long board, which I did buy the longboard off the shelf. I hardly think that I am a kook and I am glad that I have made you sick.

ah you ride a long board mtw wild card for you no wait a sec life membership into g.m.r.c as usual your cretinous attiude makes you falter my buisness was born out of my superiority over you small people read good coin for doing what is natural for one as rounded as myself and then what else is the next thing i know they want so much of me i just had to oblige them and just make more money off the backs of all of you below me! now back to the topic at hand not one person has given a valid point on this thread other than i dont like comps all comp surfers are wankers they just take over my local those bastards!its all been about how bad it is can anyone anyone at all give a valid reason other than its crowding your own insignificant little life! as your superior it is my duty to inform you that no one man is bigger than bigwayne 6'6" 107.5 kgs,comp director to the unruly lower class and agony aunt to you all to make you see the light i have become a comp evangelist now and by the powers i have bestowed on my self among other things that are just mine by virtue you should all be converted to comp surfers spono or not and you will see the light! mtw beating my chest is better than you beaing your meat and buying custom boards doesnt make you a good surfer its all about the wave count. not so sick anymore mtw but thanks for asking after my well being it should bring a smile to your face that im getting better the new meds are working i think?

Wayne, being the pro surfer you are, and a big nob in the contest scene I would expect you are a seeded surfer.(straight into the losers round)

Nah this guy just taking the piss,no one can be that pig arrogant.
At 6'6" & 107.5kg,that's one massive turd.

If we gauge him by his credibility so far, I would say he is more likely 5'3" and 63.7kg.

nothing wrong with repercharge heats mate and yes even someone as talented as me has surfed and lost in them i know your shocked at that revelation but dont shed a tear for me like you know you should and take heart in the fact that i complained to the judges and got them to see the error of their thew a big tantrum till i got my way! spongenob just get used to the fact that sponges are used to romve the soil of the day from ones rearend,then discarded. go get a wave on the shoulder with the kids oldmate.well im bored now ta ta

Well its been clear for a while that bigwayne is a troll.
But not sure about the others (mtw, ed, shaun...). Could your hillarious raging really be genuine? Either ways, thanks for the lolz

Excuse me ignorance Dobsy, what exactly is a troll? Doesn't sound overly complimentary.

Troll is someone who trolls around looking for a reaction out of the regular contributors to the forum. They generally surf the web looking for forums to shit stir people.
Any way, the point became obvious that most people who commented in the thread were against comps and the piggish behaviour that they bring with them.

glad to oblige the hilarity dobs oldmate butyou have offended your betters and for that you must be held accountable! ready here it comes! you naughty boy dobsy! there thats fixed him,now back to my sermon i mean rant.why is it that if someone disagrees with you commoners they are piggish and rude? all i have heard so far from any of you is the old n.i.m.b.y retort. not one valid reason as to why not other than "i dont like it" . far be it from me your feerless leeder to say anything but i really should knowing how uncultured you all are that debates have two sides and nothing from your "side" your piggish attitide shines through also! mtw no amount of feaces stirring could get a educated guesstimate out of peerage (look up this word if you dont know it) entitles me to do away with the great unwashed like many of you are by the way,if i so desire but alas i am good to my subjects and will allow you to surf in any one of the comps that i direct only if you agree to apologise for hurting my feelings! if not go sit on the shoulder with spongeNOB and i might let you drop in on me so you can practise getting to your feet. arent there some new "surfschools" starting in that part of sydney? i hear that the have a bus to pick you up and drop you home? that should save you some money. i on the other hand have plenty of it, money i mean, and am a real "pro" so i dont need them i swear i dont. still no valid points from any one? i never knew how hard it would be to reach the lofty heights that i have and still have so much disdain for you all. this gentlemanly comment was made by YOUR FEERLESS LEEDER TOP BLOKE AND ALL ROUND NICE GUY

Who are you bigwayne? It would be good publicity for all of your sponsors for you to let all of us know who you are. Even if you just let us know who sponsors you we will be able to check out some of the merchandise that you endorse. What magazines will we find you in? Specifically, what comps have you won? Where is your local?
Without any of this information how are we supposed to worship you? Who are the grommets going to look up to without knowing who you are? How are all of our wives going to run off with you if they don't know who you are?
Being a top bloke and good all round nice guy you won't mid telling us who you really are.
Until then I will not be able to worship you.

Gee Pigwayne that was unpleasant,but slightly amuseing,sort of like having your leg humped by your aunties Fox Terrier.
You go boy!

They don't own the beach and as such can't stop me from catchin a wave where and when I like. Tell me I can't surf here because we are holding a competition and you run the risk of having your board inserted in your anal cavity.

hey your not a local! i have already revealed one of my gracious sponsors so if you cant find me that way maybe watch a movie on wednesday! if you cant find me that way you never will . i have a plethora of admirers and assorted hangers on so lets ask you a question? have you ever seen a certain man upstairs? no? chances are slim to none but he is there right? so my little dis-beliver arise off your knee and kiss the back of my hand and all shall be well.i will not stoop to kiss and tell about my daliances with your wives suffice to say we have ongoing relations. gee spongey that has just earnt you a place on the bench to be my oncall replacement board caddy if i need you i give you a quick squeeze right? oh no thats right have you wrung yourself out yet? lucky i rememberd i washed myself with you,hey mikt is it? sit on the shuoulder with spongey and take your agro with you. you just like every one else will get the g.m.r.c. "pro" comp set up at your local if i get my panties in a bunch! i am the pro longboard guru and shortboard mastermind you will be converted to comp surfing mikt and yes i will beat you at it and take your ute sorry about that rant that was not inkeeping with someone in my lofty position as comp director to the still unruly lower class. bigwayne signing off

never leave the ones who love and admire me to dangle like that but ithought that by my chastizing that young man it would serve to remind yyou all that no body has given a valid point as to why your comps cant be held on the weekend ? it is the only time that we get to mingle when you all race up to me for my moniker and to bless my i mean your children so i ask once again why not on the weekends . hello? someone? any one? shaun? i do have a soft spot for retoric sometimes i even smile when you get all above yourself.

wayne, you want my comeback? Why dont you go wipe it off your mum's face.

Guy's!Big wanker is nothing but a troll trying to rev people up.
He probably can't even surf and should be ignored.

Got no more to say to you Waynker, I'm off to have a more intelligent conversation with my pet brick.


Was 2011 > 2019 (Check) Rather than start a new thread I'd run with a classic.
Most of these comps below run into week days so I thought it fitting to recycle.
2019 Great Bluebottle Armada called off Nippers but not Boardriding Comp?
That's right a Clubbies boardriding comp. (Never had those back in 2011)
(WSL + Surfing Oz) still run the Show for Booger/Kneeboard/Short/Mal/Logs>SUP
Today's approved Surfers: Groms/Schoolies/Open/Masters/Tradies/Dogz/Adaptive
Local Boardrider Clubs are still aligned to 'Surfing Aust' adding Booger > SUP.
Please accept our apology for SUP's/Drone Rescues/Shark Shields. (We did try!)
(Non WSL/Surfing Oz )Is also expanding. Maybe even faster?
Note: All these Surf Sports produced Oz World Champs without AIS / HPC / SA
2013 - Bodysurfing Byron/Noosa Festivals (1 day) skirts SA >WSL whomp gone.
2016 - Juraki 'indigenous' Surf Festival (3 days) falls outside of Surfing nsw/Oz. 2013 - SLSA Boardriding Champs' > Local (2 days) State(3 days) Aussies (4 days)
2018 - Uni sport Surfing [Booger-Short-Long-Boards] + Tag (3 Days)
2020 - S' Cross Uni also hosting Global Waves Conference (400) greenies (5 days)
1996 - Guns+Hoses Firies/Police/Ambos Surf Festival- Men+Women (2 Days)
1974 - Windsurfing Circuits/Triple Crown/Nationals (5 days)
1989 - Wake Surfing State Titles/5 round/Nationals (4 days)
2001 - Kite Surfing State Titles (2 days) National Titles (3 Days)
2006 - Flowriders Oz Champs>Euro/Asian(1 day) Oz stop on World Tour.
2018 - SurfHouse (Flowsurfers) AWM Comp(1 day) + URBNSURF (comps?)
Big Thanx to 2011 Swellnetonians for starting the thread. We got your back!

yes a curse on those disabled aboriginal women for making Shaun feel so inadequate. Come and join us on, and
bitches get all the best parking spots too hey Shaun

Is it possible to get a surf in at dawn and avoid the comp all together?
That's it really