Surfing in yanuca fiji

check this

Doesn't really answer the lads question lost climber.
Contact Shanri-La direct Josh and see if there are boat rides out to Frigates.
I imagine with the new Fiji Surf Decree there would be.
Frigates is a heavy reef wave, especially at any size over 4ft.
Your going Dec/Jan which is outside the traditional swell season but you could still score an out of season swell.
Check the charts before you go and make a call on which board to take. I'd take a shorty and semi-gun.

Be prepared to fork out money to go surfing. Frigates is great fun if you get a good day. Best of luck

I dont have all the answers, but at least it confirms there is a wave there, which was the first part of the question.
So Josh at least you know to take a board with you.
I am sure by asking the hotel staff you will find someone with a boat who'll take you for money.

No. But from there, your a hop skip and short boat ride out to Cloudbreak/Namotu/Wilkes etc etc.
Namotu is soft and gentle.
Cloudbreak is the swell magnet and probably in your league it it's small.
Mate just came back and said a boat ride out to Cloudbreak was running about 80-100AUD from the Sheraton.

if you take a board the guys at the sheraton should be able to organise you a boat.
I worked there for a while and used to get a boat to Wilkes. apparently you can surf anywhere around there now the new government has overturned all the rules with regards to resort operators having exclusivity to waves. Accross the channel from Wilkes is Nomutu lefts and theres another right next to that - from memory its swimming pools ?! the next island on that barrier reef is tavarua which has a few breaks on it and cloudbreak across the channel. They used to be private but you can surf them all now...

Paddle-out breaks at Sigatoka, Natadola, Cuvu.
And a few dodgy semi-closeouts on the Coral Coast inc Hideaway.
Fiji is mostly a boat deal.

hey josh,
make sure you check frigates i have been a few times in jan over the past few years, for three week periods and scored some epic days, i'm not a big charger either, but we usually get a few flat days, a few days bout 4 feet and then a few bigger days 6 - 8. The locals are wonderful people.
watch the low tide though.
have fun

any info on how to get there (cheep and safe) would be great.
By: "josh-s"
man up and paddle kid

There were some inshore reefs with reasonable waves off the Waidroka Peninsula (Serua Rights and a couple of others) but the waidroka bay resort had exclusive access to them a few years ago. You could try calling em to see if you could jump on one of their boats but you'd have to get there, probably an hour by car. It was a pretty ordinary place when I spent a few days there but they do have boats going out there. They also go to Frigates but they charged a pretty penny, $50 US a person I think.

Kadavu Island to the south sounds much more in line with what you're looking for, an actual resort right next to a decent wave basically (King Kong in this case). Either that or south coast Vitu for cheap boats to Frigates. That horrible surfing Atlas site has it all listed if you want to check. The Denarau boat run takes it toll on the hip pocket. Last time I did it I had to stop half way out for an aqua bog. All those yams and things they serve at the nightly 'traditional dinner'went through me like a plug of cleansing fibre.

best bet is to try Frigates but sounds like you arent up for too much of the heavy reef waves so I'd be goin on the high tides only and small swells, it can pack a bit of punch , rest of Fiji is boat access for waves, all reef except for a few spots and hour or so drive from Denarau ( which is nice but full touro stuff and no waves nearby ), you can arrange to be picked up and taken out to Wilkes, Namotu and tavarua but it costs as the others have said, I paid $60 aud 3 yrs ago, this is a half day, door to door deal, its ok and your best chance of waves, but all waves are reef and all can be serious waves with a bit of size and lower tides....great place and people....

I stayed at Shangri La in Sept last year with the Family. Timed perfectly with THAT cloudbreak swell that lasted for 1bout 10 days. I tried almost every surfing option on the Coral Coast and the only thing worth doing boat to Cloudbreak with Ian's fiji surf co. They pick up at the hotels and drop off. Paid about F$150 but totally worth it. Waidroka and Frigates are too far from Shangri La. Hideaway needs absence of trade windswell (rare). Sigatoga is a mission to get to and super heavy when getting SSW groundswell. See comments below Fiji Surf Decree in surfpolitik
This school holidays my mum decide that were going to fiji, YEEW! were staying in the shangri-la on the yanuca island. So i was just wondering if there is any surf there and if so what board should i take (dumpster diver or conventional shortboard), do I need booties whats the wave like and do i need a boat to get out to the break.
your response will be much apreciated