Chilean earthquake and Tsunami warning

Hmmmm.... Not good....

What does this mean for Punta de Lobos Ben?

Why the fingers extending out in that tsunami propogation plot Ben? Particularly leading to NZ? Are these due to bathymetry also?

Yeah Don, it would be the Bathymetry focussing or not hindering the tsunamis energy as it crosses the Pacific.

Also notice the travel time doesn't really see any effects from the bathy as it's the shallow water wave equation, and with the wavelength of minutes, the entire ocean basin is 'shallow' and you only see refraction effects around large land masses/islands.

I would of thought that only the coast facing directly into the epicentre would see significant shoreline action . Interestingly though as far as the west coast of Sth America there isn't a worse spot it could have happened , as it is sort of a bay or kink in the coastline that would capture and focus the tsunami tide . Everywhere else is curving away and a very shallow or close to non existant continental shelf . Generally speaking only places in the pacific that have issues during Tsunamis , is where multiple islands share a continental shelf with shallow harbours with large entrances , especially if they are facing directly towards or interestingly directly away from the direction of travel . This is where the wave or tidal surge splits around the narrow shelf waters and then collide on the far side to create a wedge of sorts . Generally speaking though most Pacific islands and quays/atolls rarely see anything as the often symetrically round shelf or lack there of easily deflects or creates very little resistance to the insanely long period swell . In large bays or even convex shaped shorelines suffer far gretaer risk even further away and this is where tsunamis and normal swells show similar attributes , but just on immensely different scales .

Yesterday morning about 3:30 am our tsunami alarms went off on our mobile phones, woke the neighbourhood and then the warnings came over the loudspeakers that are dotted around town.
Anyway, all calmed down and we went back to sleep.
Went for a surf later that morning at a relatively isolated beachie about 30 mins north (fun too, 3-4ft and glassy) and after about 90 mins a fire truck drove up the track and half a dozen firies with red flags waved us in. Told us the tsunami warning was still in place..
Second time in my life been ordered out of the water by firemen:)

It made over this side of the Pacific, albeit greatly reduced in size. From the BOM:
Australian tide gauges recorded small sea level rises of approximately 5 cm in the early hours of this morning (Thursday, 3 April) at Port Kembla (NSW), Spring Bay (Tasmania) and Esperance (WA). A small tsunami wave of 15 cm was recorded at Norfolk Island.

WA!!!! I'm assuming some serious great circle work there!!!!

Interestingly, the propagation forecast posted above by Ben, shows some good fingers spreading in towards the Bight and Esperance area.
An 8.2 earthquake was recorded off the coast of Northern Chile about 50 minutes ago (depth 10km), which has triggered a tsunami warning for the region.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has issued a Tsunami Warning for Chile, Peru and Ecuador. A Tsunami Watch has been issued for Colombia, Pana,a, Costa Rica, Nicuragua and El Salvador.
The threat to Hawaii is 'being evaluated' by the PTWC, however the BOM have advised that there is NO tsunami threat to Australia.