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soo random!

What does "Soo Random" even mean?
I thought it was bloody hilarious.

considering this is a surfing forum one might expect a call like "soo random". and rule, dont think wallie was actually having a go at you, just saying it was a fairly random thing to put on a surf forum. also MTW, "soo random" seems to be a call the kiddies are using these days, meaning something is ramdon. anyway, y'all have fun out there, and dont get all riled up over a simple comment. or wallie could have been having a go at you, and rightly so, this is a surfing forum, wax off might be a forum for "soo random" posts, or better yet, boogie boarders weekly.

Thanks for clarification, the older you get the harder it is to keep up with 'whats in' in the way of talk.
This one is not surfing related but GEN X's may remember song over dubbed well