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rule303's picture
rule303 started the topic in Saturday, 26 Jun 2010 at 7:12am

This one is not surfing related but GEN X's may remember song over dubbed well


wallie25's picture
wallie25's picture
wallie25 Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 at 8:13am

soo random!

rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Thursday, 1 Jul 2010 at 9:15am

"soo random" are you a gay sydney sider or a booger, thanks for your input very helpful
you could have said that is shit that or it was good
proves you have nothing

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Thursday, 1 Jul 2010 at 10:33am

What does "Soo Random" even mean?

I thought it was bloody hilarious.

larry's picture
larry's picture
larry Tuesday, 6 Jul 2010 at 4:56am

considering this is a surfing forum one might expect a call like "soo random". and rule, dont think wallie was actually having a go at you, just saying it was a fairly random thing to put on a surf forum. also MTW, "soo random" seems to be a call the kiddies are using these days, meaning something is ramdon. anyway, y'all have fun out there, and dont get all riled up over a simple comment. or wallie could have been having a go at you, and rightly so, this is a surfing forum, wax off might be a forum for "soo random" posts, or better yet, boogie boarders weekly.

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Tuesday, 6 Jul 2010 at 5:27am

Thanks for clarification, the older you get the harder it is to keep up with 'whats in' in the way of talk.