Anyone shaped a board at the Surfboard Studio in Melbourne?

Hi Anthony
i just saw your post above , i did the course a couple of years back when i was living in Melbourne , i thought it was really good and totally enjoyable , the board i shaped whilst an ugly looking creature is alot of fun and the guys that run it are super cool and helpful , so personally i think it was totally worth it , i have not shaped anymore boards since though ,

Got a pic of that Ugly creature ?

Udo I do but I have no concept of how to put photos up here
Some nice Boards from the Studio.
Curious to hear of experiences of anyone who has attended the Surfboard Studio courses here in Melbourne.
Was it worth it? Was the course enough to get you going and shaping more boards after that?
If so show us what you shaped?
Also keen to hear how anyone went working with the Shapers shaping kits?
Is there enough in the kit and info on the web to create your own usable board? for an absolute Noob?