Is anyone familiar with this Fin System from the 1980s

Dont recognise it. Looks like it's got a lug at either end, which is odd. 'Spose you've checked the other fin(s) for imprints or inscriptions?

If no-one here has an answer, check with VSC.

That Israeli Board brand is still going and has a facebook page..

Don't recognise it either, I suspect you could be hard pressed to find a replacement now. Have you only lost one? If yes, and you're determined to get it back in the water, maybe get someone to shape you up a new one using the remaining as a template? That's what I'd do anyway. Nice board, Israel, so that would've been shaped for the Med?

3D print a new one ?
jeez the Israeli surf scene is huge....and make some nice boards,

If that fin system is really obsolete, a local shaper / ding fixer could replace the middle box for a current box or plug system and you keep the vintage fins on the sides.

Look a bit like "ofishl " fins , Maybe wrong spelling possibly? we're ok fins, you could take them out without a key by hitting the back of the fin, almost a spring loaded plastic clip holdi ng fin in , place , from USA .

These guys could definitely do you a new set if you provided an original fin would take a while and cost you a bomb as they are really busy and would have to do a new CAD file. Much cheaper to change the boxes and look for an existing fin set.

Trotter is months behind schedule with fins.
Great manufacturer, but he's been smashed by orders.

he's not Robinson Crusoe there.

Did you get one Dougie..secondhand or a custom ?
I have a board that was designed by Intersurf, a surf shop and shaper in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
I lost a fin and would love to replace it.
I have no idea what to look for. This fin system is obviously outdated but I wonder if these fins would still be available somewhere.
Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated!