webber one channel ?

welcomeguest started the topic in
The Shaping Bay
Friday, 29 Nov 2013 at 1:32pm

Bloody hell!

I have a new tight pair of leather shoes. Thought of buying a shoe horn? Might get Webber to shape one up for me?

Where did the photo come from WG? I'd like to know a bit more about that board.

Came from Webber's FB page.

looks like a reversed Greenough spoon

Twin fin....?
Looks like is the same concept with Brutus's tow ins, big arse concave, lucky the sun shows some shadow on it.

That a pretty extreme concave, Dan Mann has a new design for firewire in the opposite direction extreme vee/spine.
#Edit, just reading about it, its actually a deep double(barrel) concave the full length of the board