Just Finished This One

Wow! Nice work mate.

Whats the dimensions Is this style what you normally ride ?

Got some more board pics and a close up of the decal ?

Not too dissuade you, but Nat, Ted, Wayne et al quickly realised the shortcomings of their ultra shortboards: lack of projection out of turns and similar lack of control due to the short rail line. A quad set up may go some way to restoring that balance.
But really, whatever, you're not surfing for an Oz title, just for fun. Hope it flies...

Posted 15 mins before AF cut off.. hmm.

"before AF cut off"?
Confused AF.

April Fools Stuey ...isnt midday the supposed cut off time for pranks?

Oh yeah. But hey, I don't think the shorter board revolution has run it's course - or if it ever will.
Fr'instance, check this shot of Asher Pacey's latest quiver. Smallest board 4'10"!

Had to get the tape measure out and make a mark on the wall to get the gist of 4'10

Almost dwarfish....theres a name for ya.

As far as Nat riding 5/4 at MR OZZIES,it may have been a small day because on a more sizeable day he broke his 8/6 WEBBER mini gun(sunset special) in half...
Stu,the ultra shorts were played around with quite a bit back in those days...not discarded quickly.A contest towelling in the Victorian world contest(1970) was the major influence to go longer.Rolf rocked on the Hawaiian styled 7/0 and the short 5/8-5/10s had pivoty fins that Nat&co surfed in the Sydney beach peaks...Johanna showed their deficiencies.
Off to the Banyaks to see if it goes.