Mid length surfboards

Thanks for setting the pic straight Craig. Hey scouse, sounds like you might enjoy a midlength board in your situation. There's this little section of the beachy round here that does nothing at all times except within an hour each side of low tide, you need offshore wind here (sideshore/cross chop on most of the breaks when this happens) - and if you get this and 1.5 to 2ft, no bigger, the midrange board gets howling 50m rights with a figure 8 section half way down. I actually look forward to these days! Not telling where haha

I added this mid length surfboard (7'0"x 21 3/4"x 2 3/4") to my quiver after getting bored with trying to surf my shortboards in small shitty waves.
I bought it off Wayne the plumber from Marion Bay who met the guy who designed these boards at the Australian Malibu titles in Coffs last year and grabbed one off him.
I wasn't even looking for this type of board but when I saw it I really liked the shape and Wayne offered it to sell it to me.
He then contacted the guy and went over to his place in Victoria and brought a dozen back to SA in a trailer so you will probably see a few of the old boys surfing these boards at Pondy if your down there. They're epoxy pop-outs and are really light and super strong.
I'm sure Wayne still has a few of these boards for sale if anyone who knows him is interested? He has about 5 different colours to choose from. Mine is a silver/grey colour on the bottom.
I'm spending a lot of my time on the Gold Coast these days and this board is so much fun on the typical smaller beach break conditions that you get on the Goldy. I think it would go really well on the Mid or South Coasts near Adelaide too?

I quite like that outline yorkessurfer. What fin set up 2+1, quad, thruster?

It's just the standard thruster setup markxxx. The silver colour probably makes it look like an overweight dolphin to any shark crusing by?

An over weight dolphin...yummm

Hey YS whats the bottom on that ,concaves into vee or what?Dont mind the outline too.

Big range on there site , the Egg looks like summer fun.

I've always liked the look of their Camel model.

It's got an old school vee bottom running through it simba. Pretty much flat through the nose then vee through the middle and tail. I put a ruler on it and I was surprised how much vee it had actually.
I noticed that the board I have isn't available on the Classic Malibu website anymore. It's a discontinued model. So Wayne might have the last ones? The guy from Vicco who Wayne got them off (he was in business with them) might have a few left too? Can't remember his name?
Here's a pic of the vee through the tail.

Thanks YS certainly got a bit of vee there,good in wide boards.

Cheers v John, I'm seriously looking at a mid length

Vee in that board, yep ... BUT, also some concave in the "panel" of the vee. You can see the light under the ruler.
Out of curiosity, is there any concave up front to middle of the board?

Yeah your right wingnut the tail section has vee with concaved panels that start to deepen through the last 1/3 of the board, about 6 inches from the front fins. The nose has a slight vee that gradually gets more pronounced through the middle section on the board before the concaved panels start. I guess you could call it a reverse vee with double concaved vee through the tail?
I hadn't really looked closely at the bottom contour of the board before this disscussion.

Here is mine...
[img] http://imgur.com/aQNIh9V [/img]

Here it is all finished Uncle. I've surfed it at Middleton a handful of times and I think I might just have cracked the mystery formula. Its low rocker and gentle V through from the front foot to just behind the fins are a great combination for holding speed across the flat spots without sacrificing maneuverability when you need to turn.

Sorry to be late on this one. Just test rode a Harley Ingleby mid length 7-2 called The Moe. Also in 7-4 , 8 ft. Made with the EPS called lightingbolt, Quad or thruster. insane. that all I can say. Look up Harleys web site to check out his models.

Any updated comments here? Anyone ridden a C bucket or a Mackie?

Can’t say I have GuySmiley
But, I have been surfing my 7,6 x 19.5 x 3 rounded pin which is made as a semi gun really for bigger good waves in 2-3ft beachies lately and I’ve been having a ball. Catches waves so easy and Goes fast and turns no dramas. So much fun

I've left fingerprints all over a few Mackie's lately. The shop downstairs has a number of mid-length singles he's shaped under his old Southerly Change logo, plus some of his fish: traditional, sidecuts, and mid-legth fish. All of them beautiful boards and oh so tempting...

Do it Stu,you know you want it...the mrs wont know.....for a while.

What shop is that stu?

Finbox in Thirroul.

coffee & boards .... you spoilt bastard

Craig that board looks like it goes mental. How does that compare to the Slipper I have seen you riding? What conditions do you ride this one?

You talking about my new hi-performance twinny or the mid-lengh compared to the slipper?
If the later they are totally different boards, ie one shortboard quad and the other mid-length single.
If comparing my new Sculpt twinny to the Slipper, well have to say the twinny is one of the best boards i've had. Like the best of both worlds, the speed and glide of a twinny but hold of a shorty with the stabiliser. Lose on vertical top turns but great for carves.

Sounds good. You can't beat a twinny for big carves and speed down the line.

Couple shots from last week..

Shit yes Craig that looks like a great time

Good question batfink. Most guys I see are on max 6’3”s even in juice nowdays. The local shitty break at home 5’10’s are common

you bastard Craig....

Haha cheers guys. Rode the twinny on the smaller days, got to 6ft or so for a couple of days on the sets and rode my 6'1 step-up for that.

Those photos look great. Any snaps of the big days?
How tall are you Craig? I've always gone for a big jump in board size from 4ft to 6ft surf.
Current quiver is:
up to 4ft and fun = 5'10
anything from hollow 4ft to 6ft = 6'3 or 6'5
6ft+ = 7'0

I'm 179. Yeah I ride my 5'10s to about 5ft then change from there, though if in powerful waves like South Aus/Vicco etc, I go to my 6'1 from about 4-5ft. Then to the 6'8 when 6ft+
Here's a couple from the bigger day on my 6'1 (photos aren't of the biggest waves that came through)..

funny how we talk two measurements here 179cm and 5'10" (178cm) .... nice waves

Craig, nice work young man. That 2nd pic is a grower, looks awesome. Was the 6'1 enough under your feet on that one?
I'd call it solid 8ft but who wants an argument. Your call? You were on it!

Yeah given the size in the second pic, I would be feeling pretty sketchy at the takeoff on a 6'1. I would want more length in the nose to spear into something that size, and more toward the Pintail territory (ie: narrow drawn out tail) than the typical squash on a 6'1.
To me when its that size i'm less interested in aspects like looseness in the tail and tight arcs, & moreso wanting a board that holds in the tube and bites into the face on rail to burn off the speed.
In saying that the last two pics show a very tasty shoulder that would be ideal for the shortboard, so I guess that's the compromise! Does the wave have a long wall to rip after the barrel? In all the footage I've seen when its solid, people tend to pull off the back after the barrel or 1 exit cutback.

When out there it felt around 6ft on the sets, but looking back at some of the photos I took in the afternoon there were def some 3x overhead bombs, ie 8ft.
On the bigger ones I wanted more than my 6'1, a 6'5 would of been good, maybe a bit of overkill for the 6'8 though less it was consistent 6-8ft. And yeah once you try and get barrelled on the first section or second section it runs into deep water and you're best kicking off. Did milk some wider ones all the way in for some fun cutties etc, but the shape is all but gone.

Sick fun

el gregory said, "just got a vquad from woosley surfboards early this week. have ridden it a few times in sloppy beachbreak junk and have had great fun in marginal conditions. apparently they handle size too. mine is 7'6" X 21 1/2" X 2 ¾"."
Sold all but one of my boards after discovering I had a debilitating lower back condition and also over the crowds at my local. The Woosley Vquad 7'6" was the only one left. Between that and an 8' DVS full carbon/eps all rounder for my favourite mid length ever.
Mine was the first one made, shaped by John Mills and they hit it out of the park first go. Deep double concaves give it fantastic speed down the line and my other favourite design aspect of it is its rails that just never bog.

I better get one then cuttlefish.
I need rails that don’t bog lol

Rails that float on walls, yes. Can go further out on the face and carve back, not so stuck in the pocket
The thicker rail versions seem to go better if the faces are choppy or you are a long way out or there is a lot of wind into the takeoffs and turns
They also keep the tail from sinking and gripping in a lot, which may be what you want or don't want depending on the junkyness/perfection of the waves

Fun, fun, fun on the mid-length last night..

Oh and tiny, 1-1.5ft. Best board for it instead of a mal.

Been looking at the CI mid with Devon Howard early on making a big deal of the R&D of the board Including crafting a special fin template to go with the board. Turns out here in AU you can get the board at any number of retailers but try getting the matching fins. True Ames (US) have just in the last week announced they are now making these fins but try getting a set anytime soon here. Disappointing.


If I hadn't just ordered a new board, I'd be throwing my money at Bryan Bates for a 7'6" Wing. Beautiful looking midlengths that look they'd work in just about anything.

What'd you order otherwise, Dan?

Although they surf well in tiny surf like Craig posted, I reckon the mid length is best in head high to 1.5x+ or more so you can do full length rail turns.
Hollow pockets into open sections are the bomb.

A 6'0 from Mitchell Rae - first shortie I've ordered in a long-while. It was meant to get its maiden voyage in Indo but for obvious reasons that ain't happening, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get off the island and drive up to get it and surf my back home.

Nice. Last year a mate got an OI shorty and he loves it, was even riding it at the point his morning.
Just after getting a mid length surfboard shaped for surfing waves around Victor harbour region.
Something that's going to go well in small shitty beach breaks kinda stuff.
I've always liked Black Apache surfboards but can't seem to get hold of them at the moment.
Anybody know if they're still shaping boards or have other recommendations for a mid length board?