looking for new board

Mate, check out a 7S Superfish II. I'm 42 70kg and 175cm and I just got the 6'0 Future flex version and its so good. Paddles in like a mini mal but turns like a short board and goes like a rocket as a quad. Check out Global Surf Industries website for details, they have sold over 45000 of them and when I got mine two weeks ago they had 450 coming into the country and nearly all were allocated.

young grey whats the literage of the 6'8

Hey OG,
If you're after a Superfish take a quick read of this recent interview I had with the designer, Garry Loveridge. He's a classic old school surfer/shaper.

44 ltrs is a lot, very corky , I think 35-38ltrs would be enough for you ? bet ya balls when you get one you be surfing a lot more and will shed some kilos........44 may be way to boaty after a month or two.

have you thought about a T .REX ripcurl Maurice cole shape
looking for a new board I'm currently riding a little 7footer and I love it.
but I'm looking to go smaller maybe a 6,6 to 6,8 and something that is easy to paddle as I'm lazy but sharper in the turns and has some speed. I'm only 90kg and 190cm tall