Tips for taking off Ignite 2/2 steamer

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve started the topic in Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 2:04pm

Any ideas for taking off a Quikie chest zip wettie,.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 3:12pm

The lovely Lady has stretched the chest section of "said" wettie over a suitably sized chair. Hopefully this will help me and maybe someone else.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 3:17pm

Just half one shoulder then hald the other shoulder and then it should come off.

Chest zips are the best, would never go back to back zips and the flushing.

Don't stretch it!

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 3:45pm

Its a zipperless suit I think ? bit more difficult to get off.... ?

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 4:02pm

Ah really, bit trickier then!

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 5:55pm

Thanks Udo and Craig. It's a front zip 2/2. God bless ya!
Keep the advice coming please.

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 7:51pm

You might have a size too small?
I bought a new xcell drylock on sale for $240 or so less than half or even a third normal price but it was a size too small.
It was horrible to get in and out of. One surf at a remote spoti was staying in my car where i almost had to sleep in my wetty untill a guy came along to help me get out of it.So warm though.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 8:57pm

Groundswell thank you very much to. It is the same only at home where there is HELP. The size is correct. It maybe that my shoulders are way to wide for a large would you believe. Craig is recommending no stretching around the chest but I may have to do that carefully in the end. Thank you. Bit of a bummer.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 9:17pm

Craig! Success. Thank you very much. Half left shoulder, hold the Front centre of the neck seal down with right hand and roll the other shoulder slowly out with the left hand. Takes some time but I will be wearing less rubber for more warmth I think.
Thank you Udo and Groundswell. I didn't know Kelly knew Houdini.....?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 10:00pm

You should try getting a 5mm chest zipper off.

I look like I've got cerebral palsy half the time.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 10:08pm

Glad to hear Steve. You'll get the hang of it after a few try's. And Zen that visual made me laugh. Classic again!

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 11:00pm

Mr. Zen. Could it be you're from Victoria? And those convultions are merely from hypothermia... or classic Vic barrels?
Thanks for the encouragement...was so stressed about this.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 at 11:30pm

Sorry bondisteve, expat Queenslander based in Japan. 6 deg water and occasional snow in the depths of winter.

If this helps, I start with my left shoulder and then get it down to about my upper bicep, then the right till the opening is just over the edge. I use both hands and grab the rubber stuck to my chest and inch it down a bit. You'll notice that a chest zip suit creates a bit of a vacuum against your body. Then I just inch one shoulder, then the other, then keep changing shoulders as well as pulling the rubber down from my chest slowly and methodically. Kind of a left, right, chest then repeat. I've got it down to about 45 minutes now;)

My style is a little unorthodox and a bit time consuming (which sucks when trying to get out of your wettie when the air-temp is hovering around zero) but you'll get the hang of it, eventually find that sweet spot and success! You're free.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 7:30am

Ah. I see. Thank you for your advice from the other side! Of the Pacific I mean. Ha! I will try to say G'Day in the future Mr. Zen(champion). Enjoy Japan.

50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 8:59am

Doesn't help when you've had a three hour session and have noodles for arms!! I find I use the system as Craig and once you get it down to your elbow get one arm out and then it is easy

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 9:17am

I failed to add that 50young. The first elbow is the hardest.

Also, I try and work the sleeve down from my forearm, over my wrist and hand which if you can picture it, adds to the pulling motion off the shoulder.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 10:17am

More thanks to you guys. And Zen again. G'Day 50year's. Might I add that @58years young, doin' 3 hour sessions also, my search to improve all of my positions has led me to this. ....! .Great idea...less rubber, more heat but the extraction point is ...unbelievable....Ha!
I'm pulling it up further now so I have some room to. This is fantastic...many ta's again

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 10:38am

OK you chest much easier is paddling in a chesty compared to a back zip,what percentage ?

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 10:49am

It'd better be good or your first piece of advice will become a reality ...Udo!
Talk mainly is of increased warmth , decrease in rubber thickness and more mobility in the back(no zip and warmer there for old dudes...). I'm trying the 2/2 for spring/cold summer days.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 10:57am

Can't remember anything being different with the paddling.

Only small issue is the tension of the lining of the part that goes over your head and over your shoulder (usually left side) causing some tightness across the left shoulder and more so back trap.

I've got a big and probably permanent knot there from a first tight chest zip wetty I owned. Recent Quiky models have been less of a strain, but I'm pretty sure that tension across the shoulder has caused this knot.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:27am

Craig...maybe... I can help you with Surfers Neck(knot). Many of the brotherhood get it and I think it's more than some of the definitions I hear that cause it.....(my diving 10 ft waves) I have been on self help neck traction since "03"(ex medical. complete loss of the left side) and 16 again is the only way to describe it. Without a doctors referal you will be able to buy a unit from Amazon(USA) Where I get spares for my unit. $130. Neck pro. Google it.
But all means spread the word to other suffering possible neck disc closure or inpingment.

50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:28am

dont know if ive ever noticed a difference in paddling but so much warmer with no flushing, well minimal

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:34am

Just in passing Billabong has posted a $233.7mill loss. Qantas 2.8bill. Shocking.

50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:36am

I agree with Bondi, craig I dont think it is your wetty but a disc issue, Ive got a titanium disc in my neck and found i was having issues after a surf with muscles knotting up, turns out to be some impingements, radio ablation to a few nerves and all good. As you get older all the old injuries come back to haunt you lol. Us old guys gotta stick together hey Bondi, Shortboards forever I say!!!!!!!!

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:36am

Yep no flushing is the huge difference, amazing especially in colder water!

Thanks Steve, but my necks fine, just some tightness over my shoulder and left trap/wing bone. Nothing major but if surfing twice a day for a week or so (like on holidays or during summer) it takes its toll.

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:52am

Ahhh.. I have an admission... well I am currently riding a 15 y/o Beau Young(Monroe..Byron) 9 footer...twinned finned with a FCS 7000 stabiliser fin right up close in the vortex of the MR glass twinnies that rides like a 6' 4". After 40 years of short boards(McCabe, Clough, Mayes, Griffiths) the time came after my neck inpingment to comprimise. Especially in bigger surf. It's gettin' the flick after 4 years for a comp 8'6"-9'. Do you still want to talk to me.....ha!

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 11:55am

Cool Craig. Titanium disc in 50young's that is legal in Australia now. Insane how they do it.

50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 12:08pm

Had it done 6 years ago Bondi its Bullet proof and yeah kind of freaks you out when they explain the procedure lol. i'll still talk to you my mates ride mals but I have converted one back to a shortboard

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 12:22pm

Last I heard it was only being done in India and the US. This will be good news for many people.
Well done paddling said "short board" after surgery. That's a good result. I have cervical spondilosis in 3,4,5and 6. Probably all of them. Surfing, sailboarding, skiing, bikes and work...all bad for your health! Great work 50young.

50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 12:41pm

Move it lose it is my motto, I have the same Bondi radioabalation has taken away pain not a perminant fix but a great help. Smallest board I've got is a 5' 7" Baked Potato up to my 6' 4" Unibrow ive found less volume has helped with impingement. Agree bikes, work and car accidents for me but "When the going gets tough the tough get going" I don't think of myself as old at 53, 60 is the new middle aged!! Shame the body doesnt always agree lol

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 at 1:00pm

Well very short. Surfing and Paddle Boarding @70. Prepare yourselves! Maybe with some Labor Party, Medicare and Bulk Billing as an entre!
Then some front zipping wetties!

bondisteve's picture
bondisteve's picture
bondisteve Wednesday, 3 Sep 2014 at 11:30am

Good friends. Aloha! A new development in taking off said wettie........yes. Pull down on the rear flap which fits over your head whilst releasing your shoulders. This is indeed a very good thing to do. Mahalo!