What size Mini Mal should I get?

At your weight I'd go a 5'2" Sweet potato (Firewire)or a 5'3" Baked potato awesome for those small days

I agree with 50young. You are better off with a small wave shortboard. Maybe a little longer than 5'3" to make it easier and more enjoyable in the small surf. A 5'10 to 7' small wave short board (with plenty of volume) would be a good option. The length is your preference and depends on your ability. You will be able to turn tighter with a shorter board but don't go so small as to make it hard for yourself. You want paddle power and surf-ability in small waves. The more volume the easier to paddle and surf in the small stuff. Firewire has good options but most good core surf shops will be able to help you choose this board. Happy grovelling...

minim-mals are less manouverable than some of the shorter wider boards available these days, like the other fellas said, I reckon they are definitely worth considering as they'll offer ya great paddle power but much more manouverability than a 7'6" mini-mal....but if ya not so concerned with turns when its tiny and just want to catch waves and trim, then a 7'6" will do the job...I do a model called a Dumpling, if ya interested check my site www.MOREsurfboards.com .....

I agree will all above. I was going down the line of bigger boards and then ended up with a board shorter than anything I've ridden since my teens (and way thicker and wider). I'm having an absolute ball on it in the small mushy stuff. It's changed my whole perspective on surf checks. Where I used to look and go without a surf because it was "too small", I now grab my "little groveller" and have a blast. Well worth it.
Looking at getting a Mini Mal for the small days and was wondering what size would be best - looking at around the 7'6" to 8' range.
I am around 6ft tall, slim build, 75KG and size 11 foot.
Thanks for any advice.