Tail Pad

Gidday, Urethane Bond works really good for deck grip lifting. Just use it as the instructions say.

Tip from one ofthe guys at Palmers was to heat the pad with a hot air gun this will reactivate the glue

Who's got a hot air gun these days?

Most guys girlfriends will have a hot air gun.

Ive always used super glue and its always worked a treat! Just make sure you get the tail pad on a clean borad in the first case. Prevention better than cure!

I've used super-glue too, but only on PU boards and with the intention of never removing the tail pad again.
But, if you have tuff-lite boards or epoxy boards, there's a good chance that the tail pad will wear out before the board, so I wouldn't use super-glue.
If you want to remove a tail pad, use a hairdryer to heat up the pad. Use the lowest setting and keep it moving, don't heat in one place for too long. Then when it's nice and warm use dental floss in a sawing motion. The pad should come away pretty easily and then try and get the rest of the residue off with a sharp, clean wax comb. Clean as best you can and put on a fresh tail pad.
Hi guys. My tail pad is getting slowly detached from the board. Does anyone know a good glue to glue it back on or should I wait for it to come off completely and put another one? Thank.