Hydrafoils, anyone tried them.

Yes Doctor. Ive been riding foils for about 7 years now. You will need $2k budget, a patient tow partner and a lot of patience to learn. I literally cried on my first day in the river cause it was so hard to keep the thing riding flat. After a few sessions in the river I was in the open ocean riding unbroken swells litterally for hundreds and hundreds of metres out behind the back peak at Shark Island, laughing my head off with a new stoke. I had always dreamt as a grom to surf from behind Shark Island throught he dead space and connect to Cronulla Point then to the beach. Ticked that one after about 6 months of learning the foil. I have ridden waves for about a Kay. Its insanely quiet after the ski is gone.
Best conditions for learning is glassy days but when you get it wired, its unreal to foil really big, short period yukky onshore windy days because the wind provides just enough push to keep you on the wave.
I think its the best thing Ive done surfing. A real eye opener to what is possible.

You have one of the all time foil set ups right off Cowes at P.I rolling into the bay. Man ive watched some long shoaling waves break and reform and reform heading through there.
Go halves with a tow partner and youll be stoked.
I've been whatching some footage of surfing using hydrafoils and was wondering if anyone in Oz has tried them, and what were the results. What sort of swell is needed to get one of these cruisers up and off the wave.