
Is that a goodbye post?
BB, I appreciate what you are saying but you've dished out plenty mate. And got a bit back.
Still, your points are evaluated on their merits.

Starts the day with an opening insult , finishes the day with a closing insult.
Claims victim status in between .
Thinks he’s being a virtuous man whilst departing on a bitchy little stab.

His points are found lacking is what it is.
And he’s not accustomed to having his bullshit questioned by adults so he’s folded like a cheap deck chair.
Misquoted and misrepresented.....you wish.
Freeride- That’s the problem. He doesn’t want his opinions assessed on their merits. He wants them accepted as a generous bestowing of truth on an undeserving audience. If he’d displayed a mere hint of hubris whilst delivering his deluded sermons he’d have been treated more kindly.
Give respect to earn respect.
I’m not sorry to see him go. The media is thick wth the erroneous and directive driven garbage he perpetuates. One less propagandist for unfettered globalisation is one step closer to a better world. It’s not even entertaining, it’s just cutting your way through one false argument after another. Never a look in the rear vision mirror to recognise the wreckage of debates he’s been forced to concede. Arrogance followed by arrogance.

You are literally full of toxic shit, Blowie.
No question.
Apart from the power of the toxicity.
Which is, TBH, piss weak.

If you give it you obviously have to be able to take it.
I dont agree with much BB says but like Blowin he is generally pretty good at debating things without abuse or getting personal, but we are all human and occasionally debate turns to abuse.
Factotum though you are just a troll you are the kind of guy that waits for a fight to break out then when someone is knocked to ground, you try to get a few cheap kicks to the ribs. (I see last tonight you posted three similar abusive post aimed at Blowin in three different threads, the above the most timed one)

Blowin doesn't go down easily Indo.

what Laurie has quit??
why has he taken down his post , whatwas in it ....oooohhh the intrigue......was it the election that finally got to him, which part really upset him ???
He''ll be back .......

Some of you blokes need to put your phones down for 10min.
Maybe go for a walk.

Not wrong Soggy.
The top 3 forum posts on the home page when i first logged on this morning was Facto giving Blowin shit. All lined up underneath each other.
How can you be bothered?

Before that it was top 3 from Blowin. Lots of aggro.

Heard this on the radio the other day ...........
If you are rallying against the era of fake news and especially people only getting their information from their own personal bubble than its is especially important to respectfully engage and actively listen to people to a different view to your own.
The person on the radio was saying currently we are losing the ability to debate ideas rather we are just shouting at each other and therefore losing the art of persuasion.
I'm no saint in this regard but what that person was saying struck a cord with me.
EDIT you know as surfers we have so much more in common than our differences so R U (all) ok?

Haha. You heard it on the radio.
We're broken as a country.
What's fixable?

"we are losing the ability to debate ideas rather we are just shouting at each other and therefore losing the art of persuasion."
In my part of the world, a significant cohort has decided that they don't need facts, don't need evidence, all they require is their opinion, and they're entitled to it thank you very much.
From a starting point like this, it's pretty difficult to have a rational debate.

Again, 'their' opinion formed and shaped and prodded along by who and what?
Fark, it's an up-mountain battle.
When's Camus' Sisyphus over it?
And then watch what happens.
It'll be quite a show.

By who and what?
Where do certain people get their tin foil hat ideas?
The world is controlled by shape-shifting alien lizards?
I don't think it's the MSN in a lot of cases, I think it's actually a pretentious rejection of the MSN, a retarded tribal badge of honour.

yep, and once they are down that rabbit hole there is no coming back

My nephew has told his mum (my sister) that he intends to get himself vaccinated - possibly a watershed moment.
" once they are down that rabbit hole there is no coming back"
Why do you say that FR, too much ego involved, too much invested including whole peer groups?

When I was a really young freak, I loved the doco series The World at War. Know it? One of the greatest TV series ever.
As a youngster, even back then, I was perplexed how an entirely rational citizenry in Germany went down the path they did.
Years later, after studying the language as well as Modern European History for Matric, reading their literature and Marx and analysing their cinema at uni, and going to the country itself, I'm, if anything, even more perplexed.
How a deeply rational nation and peoples went so off the rails in that period in particular.
Deeply irrational and scary. Scarily depressing.

That's a whole different kettle of fish Facto.
I spent a total of about 8 months in small towns in northern Germany and I reckon I got a glimpse into what you're talking about.
I could see that aspect of the German psyche especially in older more conservative people and it's not too difficult to see how it could be manipulated - that desire for structure and rules and the aggressive defence of it.
I remember in both Germany and also Denmark, I copped remonstrations and abuse from both local friends and randoms if I dared to cross an empty street against the traffic lights, even at 2 in the morning - you must wait there like an obedient citizen.
Other stories as well, like being physically prevented from "incorrectly" using a bike path, and having my shopping trolley rammed for some unknown supermarket indiscretion.
Make the rules, push a few basic human buttons and off you go.
I wouldn't say I was perplexed but I can imagine how it was possible and I can also see that the human condition hasn't changed and in certain circumstances, anything is possible, anywhere.

Surely not in Denmark, AndyM?!?
I grew up in Denmark, and Danes are the slackarses of Northern Europe/Scandinavia. The Swedes are sticklers for safety and obeying rules, and the Germans are anal as fuck.
You must have had some weirdo Danish friends.
Edit: I love the Swedes and Germans. They do, however, drive me crazy at times - as do the Danes...

Haha. Did you grow up in Christiania, IB?
Funny place.

"...in certain circumstances, anything is possible, anywhere."
Absolutely, Andy.
Scarily depressing.

I didn't 'grow up' at Christiania, but I did do a lot of growing up at Christiania.

Yeah IB, I'd got used to it in Germany but I didn't expect it in Denmark. Mind you I spent stuff-all time in Denmark.
They were young crew too, maybe around 20 years old, we were all walking home in the early hours.
Can't remember the name of the town but I went out to the bars and clubs.
Got picked up by a local girl - her line was "with an accent like that, you must get a lot of pussy".
Naturally, my response was, "well, I'll tell you tomorrow".
But I digress.

spent a lot of time with Helmut from the Hitler youth group in our work environment, strong capable of any effort, polite friendly, never embarrassed or apologetic of his history, great insight to survival and his respect for a second life in Aus.

well told Andym

Guy S, I think you're right about losing the ability to debate. This is my experience in NZ.
One big contributing factor over here is that TV and print news are shit. Back in Denmark we had 4 broadsheet dailies with pages and pages of proper debate, but here it's pretty much all tabloid.
TV news are worse; it's all "heart strings and hip pockets", as a journo proudly said. You never see two experts debating an issue in the studio, with a good anchor moderating. It's just emotional rubbish, the over to Dancing with the Stars.

A growing problem seen in society is the left trying to shut down debate, to them they are always right nobody else's opinions matter.
Words like racist and bigot or bogan etc are used in attempt to shut down conversation, censorship is used by the main stream to try to stop debate or criticism.
Science an area where ideas and theories should always be re-looked at tested and alternative views and theories brought to the table is now off limits. (Climate change)
Good thing is with democracy you can't silence the people and we have seen a revolt against this suppression with a trend to the people voting in right wing governments all around the world.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
And re science, shall we endlessly discuss Newton's laws, Gravitation, and the laws of Thermodynamics, too?

Just quickly though, ID. The exact opposite of that has been used by the right to throw debate into chaos so no progress is made.
Like sure, there are dissenting scientists to climate change, but amongst those who've earned the right to have their opinions heard the consensus is overwhlemingly that it is happening, and yet the media landscape says everyone is allowed to have their say, so we've had the ridiculous scenario of George Pell taking a seat in the debate, or Tony Abbott, or Maurice Newman.
It's like giving Occy an equal say on stem cell research.
Surely you'd appreciate how ludicrous that is? Saying they have no right to sit at the table isn't shutting down debate, it's treating the issue - and it can be any issue - with the respect it deserves.

Honestly you blokes are hopeless. Talking in circles across multiple threads.

Island Bay obviously there is a difference between longtime proven theories and unproven theories.
The problem is when unproven theory's are framed as proven theories.

“Science an area where ideas and theories should always be re-looked at tested and alternative views and theories brought to the table”
Indo, do you really think this doesn’t happen?
The evidence is there, check it out.

Thats the problem if you dig deeper the evidence is not there, there is more questions than answers.
Personally either way i think we really wont know for a very long time if the theories are correct or not and if so to what extent.
Really only time will tell.
This is a good website to look at different arguments https://climatechange.procon.org

ID. No theory is ever 'proven'. It is always just the best theory we have.
The Scientific Method is to observe a phenomenon; come up with a theory; try to refute the theory. If you can't, and if it keeps coming up with results that rhyme with observed reality, then it's accepted as the best we've got, and we use it.
That's what is happening with climate change. An astounding majority of scientists agree that our models of anthropogenic warming are right, so they are what we use.
Don't forget that there are still people that believe the earth is flat. And it big corporations could make huge amounts of money supporting that theory, there would be 'scientists' for rent who'd back it up.

The trouble with the climate change 'debate' is that the proponents decry any attempt by opponents to question the evidence. A debate should consider both sides but proponents only seem to consider their own view - hence the reluctance by many to blindly accept the 'evidence' and vote for knee-jerk responses as proposed by Labor and the Green nutters (funny how the inner city has the major Labor/Green vote but the country, where climate change should be most obvious, is majority LNP).

D-Rex, shall we debate Gravitation, Quantum Mechanics, and the Doppler Effect, then?

IB, I'm no scientist but I know if I drop a coin it hits the ground. When I look at the evidence for CC it's not quite so clear cut. Sea levels haven't noticeably changed where I live yet proponents are screaming that we'll be submerged in a few years. Not saying we don't have a responsibility to be environmentally sensible but I don't see the sky falling tomorrow either.

where do you live D-Rex?
Just general area.