Abbott says carbon tax will kill surf industry.

Interesting.. got a URL for the article? Wouldn't mind reading it in context with the rest of his speech.

Little Tony, he goes here he goes there. Action man is best mates with the iron ore miners and their super super profits, big carbon pollution power stations, seam gas miners & farmers in the fertile NSW farming districts, factory hands, truckers, fishermen, textile workers, steel workers, Alan Jones red necks and now surfers. Well bugger me, is there no end to this grubs ambitions when it comes to political power.
Personally, I don't trust a word coming from him and while the current federal government has made mistakes I truely fear for the country under his leadership.
To borrow an old Clinton/Bush joke that relates to the current "credit card" use debate by a union leader 5 years ago .... While Clinton may have f**ked an intern Bush f**ked the country ... and that friends is the truth.

lol, arent all rip curl/billbong products already made in Mexico anyway?

i spent a few months backpacking around europe earlier this year, and whenever discussions about our (ie groups of travellers on the piss in the pub) respective political situations came up, I always apologised in advance in case Mr Abbott somehow convinces the plebs to vote for him (seems more and more likely everyday)....he really will be our George W Bush and will take this country a few steps back... I just hope K-Rudd (for all his shortfalls) is running Labor at the next election and challenges Abbott to a 3 debate series in which Abbotts lies and incompetence and lack of leadership for all the right reasons will be shown for it is.

What a frightful little turd Tony Abbott is.
Wetsuit production- moving offshore - say it ain't so Tony. Are any wetsuits made in Australia still?
Surfboards, well they have been mass produced in Asia for quite a few years now.
Will it move offshore because of the carbon tax? That is such a stretch, not that there won't be businessmen lining up claiming such stuff, but basic analysis refutes it.
But this isn't about logic and reality, it is about headlines and blind emotion.

Its a pitty previous an present govts dont enforce our import laws via customs ,(ie ,lableing conform,)at least you would no where from,after all they both claim boarder protection,they both bullshit, lol,if they did this it would go a long way to helping Aust Made products ie, surfboard MFG, here . Customs dont do there job in this regard when you bring it to there attn, they do nothing ,soon well have no ind an jobs, like every other so call developed contry,what a joke at our expense.

we need to listen to dick smith . dick has been pushing australian made for a long time but no body wants to pay for expensive food when they can get it cheap even if it has been made by third world people with no regulations . australians are including my self buying from any where but australia .its now at a point where you cant find australian made because there all gone broke or gone overseas .the government should be killed and dick smith should be the PM .we have the farms but guess what they are selling or sold to asia ,middle east ,euro billion airs to keep farming but send all product back to there own countries . so we have farms in oz not selling to australians .when you think that the world will run out of food australians will be the first to starve

we only have the government to blame and we vote for them to fuck up the country and import bananas , peanuts ,bacon every thing is imported and julia says we have to import to help the other cunt countries . what about our grand children do you think they will be understanding to julia when they cant buy australian made . why is julia doing this ? because she gets votes from people who have just entered the country and any body who is from over sees . australians who want australian made dont like julia . the libs are bad but julis is doing her best to keep votes and thats it. she dosent care about the country long term , she sell australia for more votes

Lukesripping-you may be right about imports and the rest, but youre a little off beam with the bit about votes from people who have just entered the country- you have to be an Australian citizen to vote...and arriving here by boat doesnt mean you automatically qualify, so to claim the PM is letting refugees in just to get their votes isnt possible. Abbott will say anything remotely alarmist to get his head in the news, so he makes statements like this all the time and ducks for cover whenever anyone asks him to cant blame him entirely- he's been getting away with it for so long because the media are slow to get him to clarify his claims. However he might be right if he claims that the industry has to do a lot more to cut emissions. Regardless, all I can say is- dont vote for him-he's dangerous!

If the carbon tax is going to kill the surf industry then i say bring it on!! The sooner our culture leaves the mainstream and gets back to the fringe the better we will all be.
The "chosen" who work in the now "legitimate industry" have conveiently forgotten that not that long ago indetifying youself as a surfer was like saying you were a stoned hippie and that "only a surfer knew the feeling" actually meant something.
But now thanks to to this "Surf Industry" every arsehole from Bourke to Berlin thinks they "know the feeling"
So if this carbon tax can kill the surf industry and i stop seeing surfboards strapped onto every second car on tv and a few of the surfing royalty have to go get other work or go on the dol eand join julia's surf team then i say bring it on i feel pretty confident the death of the surf industry will only strengthen the true spirit of surfing.
At a press conference today Tony Abbott claimed the manufacture of surfboards and accesories like wetsuits etc. will move offshore due to the carbon tax. I know this has been happening for years but wonder if anyone, particularly those working in the industry has an opinion about it? Is he right or is it more of the opportunistic bullshit he has been spinning lately? Will BASE be moving to Beijing??