Vaccinate or not

no cludo still has no cludo lol ;)
spends all day on instagram

ashsam wrote:no cludo still has no cludo lol ;)
spends all day on instagram
Yep, what a sad existence. The Instagram queen nocluedo keeping swellnet tabs on me from 2022.

Morning Burls!
Any thoughts on that whooping cough spike?


burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:no cludo still has no cludo lol ;)
spends all day on instagramYep, what a sad existence. The Instagram queen nocluedo keeping swellnet tabs on me from 2022.
He's not the only one, a few that keep tabs on here, probably save the comments in notes for later use, boomers with too much spare time. ;)

^ haha
.... taking the mackeral bait ay (sharing is caring)
- go u booster boys ;);)
The stage is set as trashy serenades burlz
.... boom, boom, boom ;)

Oh no. Why did I click? That bloody song again! Ear worms be damned to hell. Hahaha

AndyM wrote:Morning Burls!
Any thoughts on that whooping cough spike?
A spike the you heard a rumour about? i'm good thanks, i'll save my kids from any future poison being pumped into their veins.

Bone broth it is then!

I had to have bone broth for a coupla days when i was in hospital in February. It was gross.

Bet you didn't get whooping cough or polio though!

AndyM's comeback for covid jabs that don't even work is polio and whooping cough jabs, ok, lol ;)
the boomers defence ;)

How do you figure the vax didn’t work?

AndyM wrote:How do you figure the vax didn’t work?
Surely you’re just taking the piss now Mr polio. If not, has the Dill taken over your account?

ashsam wrote:AndyM's comeback for covid jabs that don't even work is polio and whooping cough jabs, ok, lol ;)
the boomers defence ;)
The boomer defence is real. Hahahaha

@ robo/friartuck, aren't you ashamed ;).
@ pureblood burls, I might be a silly old boomer but my memory is still good, and I still crack up when I think of some of the hilarious anti science, anti vax cult crap you were preaching here. How is the new world order treating you champ.

old-dog wrote:@ robo/friartuck, aren't you ashamed ;).
@ pureblood burls, I might be a silly old boomer but my memory is still good, and I still crack up when I think of some of the hilarious anti science, anti vax cult crap you were preaching here. How is the new world order treating you champ.
Boomer defence 101

It's incredible that people like the two of you don't seem to have the mental capacity to differentiate between politics and science.
And as I've said before, it's also incredible that you are so deluded that you think you might know better than doctors, statisticians, actuaries etc etc.
You and your ilk are the new religious converts, practicing a faith that has no rational basis.
In any case, think what you will, but the efficacy of the Covid vax is without question.
"‘Whilst it can’t be ignored that there were missteps, and there are things that could have been done better ... this evaluation suggests that if there had been no vaccination rollout, approximately 21,250 deaths would have occurred in NSW, which is some six times higher than the total that was observed over the study period.
‘In addition, it was estimated that unvaccinated individuals had a 7.7-fold greater mortality rate than those who were fully vaccinated [two doses], with this mortality rate estimated to be 11.2 times higher when compared to vaccinated individuals who received a booster.’"
"Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. This estimate rose to 19·8 million (95% Crl 19·1–20·4) deaths from COVID-19 averted when we used excess deaths as an estimate of the true extent of the pandemic, representing a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19·8 million of 31·4 million) during the first year of COVID-19 vaccination. "

AndyM holding strong to the end, probs have the I am covid vaxed ring people put on their social media on his gravestone lol ;)
Oldflog is just a old boomer that has and always will bow down to what ever their just as old boomer Dr tells them to do lol ;)
Get another jab lads Phyzer needs your $$

You’re truly quite dim, and a gobshite of the highest order.

AndyM wrote:You’re truly quite dim, and a gobshite of the highest order.
Dim you say How's that working for you? lol ;)

AndyM wrote:It's incredible that people like the two of you don't seem to have the mental capacity to differentiate between politics and science.
And as I've said before, it's also incredible that you are so deluded that you think you might know better than doctors, statisticians, actuaries etc etc.
You and your ilk are the new religious converts, practicing a faith that has no rational basis.In any case, think what you will, but the efficacy of the Covid vax is without question.
"‘Whilst it can’t be ignored that there were missteps, and there are things that could have been done better ... this evaluation suggests that if there had been no vaccination rollout, approximately 21,250 deaths would have occurred in NSW, which is some six times higher than the total that was observed over the study period.
‘In addition, it was estimated that unvaccinated individuals had a 7.7-fold greater mortality rate than those who were fully vaccinated [two doses], with this mortality rate estimated to be 11.2 times higher when compared to vaccinated individuals who received a booster.’"
"Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. This estimate rose to 19·8 million (95% Crl 19·1–20·4) deaths from COVID-19 averted when we used excess deaths as an estimate of the true extent of the pandemic, representing a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19·8 million of 31·4 million) during the first year of COVID-19 vaccination. "
Surely Andy is taking the piss. SURELY.
First wants me to say I’ll get a whooping cough vaccine based off a rumour, and now STILL defending the clot shot.
I knew you were a moron but I didn’t realise the extent of your moronic ways.

Haha, you're a classic Burls!
Just remember, I bloody love youse ;)

AndyM wrote:Haha, you're a classic Burls!
Just remember, I bloody love youse ;)
i heard a rumour bodyboarding was good for the soul. You should take it up. don't question my rumour i heard. I can back it up with a bodyboarder funded paper.

Ok! This review is on the fly... as it's gotta be...
tbb mentioned that Global wave was entering and may spike again...
We'll do a quick run around the world
Less virulent broken records gettin' smashed
Europe / Hawaii / is copping highest or higher Hospitalizations than last year!
More surprising and concerning is the higher ICUs are shocking many Hospitals.
Also EU mask mandates in Hospitals & argued for without any fuss!
Mostly it's senior cases but younger deaths are comin' on to now concern many.
Some Tourist towns or cities are hitting new record Covid illness.
Pattern presents similar in all Nations > a Steady Spike then slight Drop then spike as in laddering up!
Can't find any news of any Nation with current wave heading down...all waves are rising.
Perhaps China / Japan Area settled down!
Will share these long ^v data runs...
Hawaii (Hospitals Crisis) Weekly Deaths also concerning
8April 10 > 27April 38 > 12May 21 > 4June 111 > 7June 92 > 17June 141 > 29June 94 > 3July 104
US Tourist Hangs Florida / Nevada / Washington ( California on Watch )
Reffo Checks ... New Mexico / Texas / Utah / Missouri
US reckon they got a wave goin' ...they also gonna push the new brew during fall > then Oz by Xmas!
South America have outbreaks but they're playing them down.
Thailand (Hospital Crisis)
10March 446 > 19May 1882 > 26May 1801 > 16June 2881 > 23June 1823 > 30June 3256
ICU was rising high (Censored) > March Deaths Started 2/wk > 1 day > 2/day
Singapore cases dropped but are weary of rise!
So we can see that UK > EU > Asia > Hawaii > Oz all sharing hospital crisis at same long time.
Qld (Hospitals) started 27March 130 ^v^v^ 2June 280 v^ 30June 384 (higher than JN1 up to 2023)
Qld CHO : Rapidly Mutating to become more Complex > Putting pressure on Health services!
Brains : Patients are 'Sicker than Usual'! (Was talk of more ICU's)
184 [+] Qld Aged Care Staff starting to hit 2023 Staff Levels.
Adding to this NSW / Vic aged care has been falling but holding high for 3 weeks
WA aged care peaked 24 May > 4 July New Outbreaks ( Res / Staff [+] both doubled )
Aged Care Deaths peaked 59/week > 39 this week {rip}
Vic Deaths 6/day rising weekly + Hospitals are Spiking again from high point..
SA Esterman : "New more transmissible / evasive wave hits in a few weeks > Seniors not ready!"
Switch for a sec > Crew mentioned Hooping Cough...Worst in 40 years 10x more than usual
Apparently it often spikes each 4/5 years or so...
UK Q1 2,800 Cases 5 Deaths / EU 60,000 cases 11 kids + 8 adults dead
29 May US 2023-1746 cases > 2024 - 4864 cases
30 June NSW 5372+ Qld 4951+ Vic 1000+ SA 200+ WA 200+ Tassie 72+ NT 20+
Directives as said Hospital Yellows / Masks + Vax directives
All Oz Experts agree the Covid Vax is strugglin' to keep up! (Same as Hooping cough vax too!)
> but only ever mention Senior Boosting!
Hinting a new Covid KP2 Vax will arrive at Year's end!
This weeks [Censorship] > Read New Wave (Above)
Vic Health are back to 2wk new outbreak Data this week > see next week
Record high Wastewater ( Now Forbidden )
Hospital Age Groups ( Now Forbidden )
Hospital ICU ( Now Forbidden )
Note : KP3 Wave is knocking out a lot of ICU data (Trend is that Younger Patients are hooking up!)
Meaning if Media see a jump in ICU > Ask! Oh...Younger People are falling real ill & dying (That's News!)
Ok! Once again...not just tbb onto's right across all nations...younger are in wards > High ICU!
Very reason Vic (Censored Hospital Ages / ICU.)
Check Vic Feb > May [0-65yrs] Rising KP deaths +April > May (0-17yrs) [Hospital] Slowly Rising again!
Coincidence that all sensitive worrying rising data got wiped last week & skipped this week?
Some other concerns...
Back 2 school!
Govt have been Advertising Vax on News / Age Care / Staff but there is no Vax uptick to speak of!
Record Senior AV scripts > Senior Hospitalizations still keep rising! (Thinking KP2/3 is walkin' thru it!)
Also know many Hospitals on Yellow / Orange
So there's enough to concern Govt to Advertise / Censor but otherwise keeping low key!
Ok! You'd wanna know this...coz tbb read these a few times & Mum just shared the Same...
KP3 = Shingles on back of the neck! + Sleepy + Gastro
LC Blurry Eyes! (These seem to be the current concerns!)
Salute Aussie Guys...Oz + Global Covid Wraps...
+ Thailand Medical ( Plenty of Break thru World News )

Former Qld [L] Opposition Leader JPL is a Dentist...tbb can't show his face...
Up until now > Everyone was fine being berated by his Pure Evil lil Sis on the Telly until she said this...
"When all the World were lining up like little Bitches to get Jabbed with an unknown vaccine!"
e Harmony News Desk Jockeys Envoy : "Say Wot Luv!"
Apparently everyone now knows & accepts it's fine to eat stuff that tbb picks up off the sidewalk!
e Harmony Envoy : "Coughing fit!"

truebluebasher wrote:Former Qld [L] Opposition Leader JPL is a Dentist...tbb can't show his face...
Up until now > Everyone was fine being berated by his Pure Evil lil Sis on the Telly until she said this...
"When all the World were lining up like little Bitches to get Jabbed with an unknown vaccine!"e Harmony News Desk Jockeys Envoy : "Say Wot Luv!"
Apparently everyone now knows & accepts it's fine to eat stuff that tbb picks up off the sidewalk!
e Harmony Envoy : "Coughing fit!"
Hi tbb
I assume she is ok with sufferers of leprosy being allowed to circulate freely in society.

A Salty Dog wrote:truebluebasher wrote:Former Qld [L] Opposition Leader JPL is a Dentist...tbb can't show his face...
Up until now > Everyone was fine being berated by his Pure Evil lil Sis on the Telly until she said this...
"When all the World were lining up like little Bitches to get Jabbed with an unknown vaccine!"e Harmony News Desk Jockeys Envoy : "Say Wot Luv!"
Apparently everyone now knows & accepts it's fine to eat stuff that tbb picks up off the sidewalk!
e Harmony Envoy : "Coughing fit!"
Hi tbb
I assume she is ok with sufferers of leprosy being allowed to circulate freely in society.
Boomer logic strikes again

To be fair I know plenty of boomers that were not little bitches ;)

Yeh, simplistic hey, I know plenty of little bitches that ain't boomers.

Bitches And Boomers. That's a hip hop song in the making. If i had any talent at it, i'd get crackin. (Alas.... lol)

Tour De France Mask Mandate
Multiple Racers pull out with Covid
Riders all say many are infected but are still racing and spreading it thru the peloton.

Burleigh gonna love that ^^. ;) lol


Forced to get jabbed to go to uni campus, far out.

From above Masked Tour De France > Covid Olympics.
WHO recommend Masks on long travel
Nations / Airlines are re introducing Long Flight Masks...
Any travellers here might wanna check yer flights + Kids gotta mask up!
Disney also mandating masks
Please wear Masks on Air France
Aussie Olympic Team cops shit for wearing Masks FU2 (Here we go again!)
Virus is breaking thru the Vax > Similar Pre Vax original Symptoms are back.
Covid - Gastro/Shingles/Toes/Tongue

Hey mate, what are your thoughts on polio being detected in Gaza sewage?

AndyM wrote:@Burls
Hey mate, what are your thoughts on polio being detected in Gaza sewage?
Vaccinate everyone in Gaza without hesitation. Men, Women Kids, Dogs, Cats, The IDF, The hostages......... EVERYONE

..made me jump on the google machine to check, AndyM, well done..
"Sewage refers to the waste that is discharged, whereas sewerage/sewers are the structure that the discharge goes into."
..sounds American, but is correct. I'll try lock that into me hippomygdala ; )

Plenty of crew start to refer to known Vaccines...but that's not the case with the mRNA.
Entirely different scientific Lab process...the two are entirely different brews...
One is exact Science the mRNA is Lucky Dip...
Several chasers are baked into the vials and release in unknown quantity with each Deep thaw.
This is how the Vax works...once ya give it a shake it all becomes alive.
The Graphene / Aluminium > mixed metallic laminate flakes from the vial walls into the brew.
Only none of these ingredients were "Stated" on the labels because the amount varies by thaw.
Also by order of Needle uptake....each person gets a completely different 'Strength / risk hit! can they not...
Like freezing a waxed cup at minus 80* during the global melt ...varies by Nation > Room temp > hrs.
Each sip that each person swallows has entirely different effect...again...that's science!
So how come not one Scientist ever once alerted the Public to this obvious hit'n'miss Risk Effect...
The risk being that these additives are liquid metallics that when frozen-thaw become cutting shards.
Yes cut thru cells & swell organs & even wildly interact with immune defences.
If any here wanna dispute the Vials weren't hot dipped in metallic brews with chasers / trackers...
Go for it! But all science says & agrees they were...Not one ever said other!
Only not one soul dares include these oxides on the ingredients label...(Where is that then...Golly Gee!)
It's not that everyone was had...just that the bastards never cared to share Fruit Punch ingredients.
More to the point that each will be given a different Lucky Ladle dose...'more chunky bits please!'
tbb bets all crew know how punch works but reckons few associate mRNA rollout being the same!
Crew know that Fruit Punch Dregz & chunky Bits come up in yer vomit...exactly the same effect.
Girlfriend scoops the first cup & says it's fine but her boyfriend scooped the dregz > He's now Dead!
Does yer head in don't it...well durr...It'll do that...that's what Punch does & all here know that!
All very sciency isn't it...comes with a Mandated Coughing Fit!
Here's one that tbb baked earlier...just for effect of course!
Works as good as the Groovy Guru says it would...Kaos is in Control...Get Smart!

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:@Burls
Hey mate, what are your thoughts on polio being detected in Gaza sewage?Vaccinate everyone in Gaza without hesitation. Men, Women Kids, Dogs, Cats, The IDF, The hostages......... EVERYONE
I suspect you’re not taking this topic, particularly seriously.
Did you know that only 60 or 70 years ago polio was killing 500,000 people per year?

basesix wrote:..made me jump on the google machine to check, AndyM, well done..
"Sewage refers to the waste that is discharged, whereas sewerage/sewers are the structure that the discharge goes into."
..sounds American, but is correct. I'll try lock that into me hippomygdala ; )
How good is language and stuff??
Gives you a couple things consider as the Americans might say :)

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:@Burls
Hey mate, what are your thoughts on polio being detected in Gaza sewage?Vaccinate everyone in Gaza without hesitation. Men, Women Kids, Dogs, Cats, The IDF, The hostages......... EVERYONE
I suspect you’re not taking this topic, particularly seriously.
Did you know that only 60 or 70 years ago polio was killing 500,000 people per year?
No way, tell me more. I had no idea.

Well this is the obvious question we keep coming back to. How do you reconcile the efficacy of vaccinations with your belief that people shouldn’t be vaccinated?

With how often you wet the bed AndyM, you should start wearing nappies

Given recent [+] events + misinformation it might pay to revisit the Presidential Ward Chart.
Presidential Ward Chart (VON 3rd July tbb) clearly demonstrates Vax hastening Joe's cognitive decline.
Perfectly Normal and Healthy to add Misinformation + Censor whatever Reaction ya don't agree too!
Do it for yer Community or to save yer Prez and / or to save yer VIP World...Knock yerself out!
Doubt you'll find or drum up a more detailed Presidential Ward Chart...Go for it!
23rd Sept 2023 A few glaringly obvious details being that Joe broke with Public Vax tradition. (Why!)
White House Physician relayed :
* 5th Sept : Jill Biden caught Covid (Memo) Prez tested [-] No further detail if Prez was at any time [+]
*12th FDA approve New Variant Booster > White House says > Prez says it's for Kidz & everyone!
* Prez forgoes Public Vax ( Either was recently infected or not wanting to Vax without First Lady )
* Joe has never openly consented or confirmed to ever actually being jabbed with the New Booster...
* White House Physician Kevin O'Conner's (Memo) All just gotta Vax like Da Prez!
This Prez Vax News article also highlights Vax Hesitancy even from Biotech Guru that regrets Vaxing.
28th Feb 2024 : CDC Director :
* Recommendation acknowledges increased risk of severe disease in Seniors, with current Vax Data.
* Recommendation : [ 65+ receive an "Additional Updated 2023-24 Vax } = Dose 7 (Those Counting!)
* Additional Vax may restore protection to Seniors 65+
* More than half of Hospitalizations & Deaths involve this age group.
* CDC continue to monitor & recommend all to Stay up to Date
* Today's recommendation of Additional Vax provides added protection that may have decreased.
CDC World leading Experts Protect Lives and Livelihoods, National Security & The US Economy!
Pause : (That Updated Recommendation sounds very Serious...and demands serious response)
Neither White House Physician nor President never responded to CDC National Security Vax Update!
11th July 2024 { Republican Boebert suggests Biden's mental decline caused by Covid Vax }
Ok! People are starting to notice but it's also quite clearly TABOO.
Little woman was put in her place & shot down as a whack job for dreaming it up...
She needs her brain washed...ONEOFUSONEOFUSONEOFUS!
18th July : Prez gets Covid for a second time + (Dosed a repeat 2nd round of risky rebound AV Pax)
19th July : Health Media / White House said Biden is up-to-date on his Vaccines (Cough! Big Lie!)
Health News / White House Lie about Prez + Vax Directives then it's all over for CDC & the Dems!
All media have reported Joe's 2nd rebound [+] But now claim this is only his 2nd infection = Now 3x.
Ask...Why must media constantly lie about everything including De Prez Ward Chart + CDC Vax.
[Factcheck] Prez is not Up 2 Date with Covid Vaccines & has reportedly been infected 3x not 2x! True!
Prescription : "How about someone anyone report the Truth about anything for just once!"
[factcheck] No Media honestly report on President's Covid / Vax...(100% Global Misinformation!)
Pause : All agree that Covid Censorship is now Complete...100% Fake Presidential News is now Truth!
All say Aye!
Ward Update :
* Ward Chart locks in > Vax Boosters progressing the President's cognitive decline...Like it or Not!
* 6x Vax offers little protection as President still get's Covid 3x + seriously to need 2x AV treatment.
* 25 Oct 2022 President's last public Vax + has yet to verify his supposed 23rd Sept 2023 > 6th dose
* President refuses to engage or announce in 28th Fed 2024 CDC Vax update for Seniors
* There is no record or mention by White House or Prez supporting current CDC Updated Senior Vax.
* Republican Candidate suggests Vax is promoting President's cognitive decline!
* President contracts Covid for the 3rd Time > Despite previous AV failed risk > doses with AV again!
Since Oct 2022 De Prez can no longer Verify Vax or wishes to promote CDC updates. (It's Long Over!)
Like it or Not > such defiant Vax boycotts now flip to brand the Prez as #1 Leading Vax Hesitant.
Again tbb is not just saying that...The Prez own defiant Anti Vax actions Spell { Vax is Shit}
Disagree with yer Prez...then motion for him to Verify his love of Vax or when he honestly last vaxed!
Noting that may be a Democrat Party Line directive heading into Election ( Don't mention #@x)
Despite 6x Vax + AV failure promoting Cognitive decline > White House Doc doses more risky Drugz.
Perfectly reflects Oz Vax Hesitancy & Health Experts broadening access to #1 PBS costly AV Crisis.
We ain't got this + It's Taboo to discuss Free World #1 Health Crisis...Close yer Eyes / STFU [censored]
Experts R Us : "Vax Hesitancy + Disease @ record high > WHO support @ record Low...we did that!

Great work , TrueBlue !
I can sense Covid is OUT there , but can't really feel it atm !
I don't hear about anyone getting a vaccination , 4 the new strains .
My mother is a bit Older than Joe Biden .
Still driving her car , safely , though !!!
She had the Max Vax Course .
Seems to catch more "little bugs" , but keeps on chugging on .
Big Pharma are trying to hide their domain and looking terrible when finally being exposed .
Thank U 4 your work .

burleigh wrote:With how often you wet the bed AndyM, you should start wearing nappies
Yeah, you never seem too worried about those 80 kids that died of measles in Tonga.
If they die, they die, right?
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?