Vaccinate or not

new York times no less
a couple of years late...
"Big chunks of the history of the Covid pandemic were rewritten over the last month or so in a way that will have terrible consequences for many years to come.
Under questioning by a congressional subcommittee, top officials from the National Institutes of Health, along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, acknowledged that some key parts of the public health guidance their agencies promoted during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic were not backed up by solid science. What’s more, inconvenient information was kept from the public — suppressed, denied or disparaged as crackpot nonsense...
...As for the repeated assertion that Covid originated in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China, not in an infectious diseases laboratory there, N.I.H. officials were privately expressing alarm over that lab’s lax biosafety practices and risky research. In his public testimony, Fauci conceded that even now there “has not been definitive proof one way or the other” of Covid-19’s origins.
Officials didn’t just spread these dubious ideas, they also demeaned anyone who dared to question them. “Dr. Fauci Throws Cold Water on Conspiracy Theory That Coronavirus Was Created in a Chinese Lab” was one typical headline. At the hearings, it emerged that Dr. David Morens, a senior N.I.H. figure, was deleting emails that discussed pandemic origins and using his personal account so as to avoid public oversight. “We’re all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn’t put them in emails and if we found them we’d delete them,” he wrote to the head of a nonprofit involved in research at the Wuhan lab.
I wish I could say these were all just examples of the science evolving in real time, but they actually demonstrate obstinacy, arrogance and cowardice. Instead of circling the wagons, these officials should have been responsibly and transparently informing the public to the best of their knowledge and abilities.
Their delays, falsehoods and misrepresentations had terrible real-time effects on the lives of Americans. Failure to acknowledge the basic facts of Covid transmission led the authorities to pointlessly close beaches and parks...
...If the government misled people about how Covid is transmitted, why would Americans believe what it says about vaccines or bird flu or H.I.V.? How should people distinguish between wild conspiracy theories and actual conspiracies?
...It emerged during these congressional hearings that U.S. scientific authorities had no idea what viruses the Wuhan lab was using or what work it was doing. So how could they issue all those confident assurances?
...As the expression goes, trust is built in drops and lost in buckets, and this bucket is going to take a very long time to refill.
I hope the pandemic, both as lived experience and now as rewritten history, has proved that a paternalistic, infantilizing approach backfires. Transparency and accountability work.
In the four-plus years since Covid emerged, millions of people died, but so did something harder to quantify: the trust of a great many people in the science of public health. The authorities will have to live with the consequences, and so, unfortunately, will all the rest of us.'

All in this together...tbb has been hesitant to list volatile additives not shared in mRNA Recipe.
Longish lone work in progress...happy to share unwritten half of a silent truth!
tbb never read this process in full anywhere...nor did tbb make it up...Vax or Not Exclusive!
Simply reading from the Vax label thru to the end game...let's see where that leads us!
Process 1 mRNA Vax was never rolled out.
46,000 trial was never double blind + Lab guys were told who advances to 2nd Process.
*No Plasma DNA (Bacteria) > Clean in-vitro transcription created the Mod DNA replicating PCR
Synthesized DNA > RNA > Protein & waste mopped up using Magnetic Beads.
During this period mRNA Vials were manufactured & trialled but never once with any mRNA vax!
AZ + Pfizer both applied to Oz Gene Regulator for GMO licence (Later also Moderna etc...)
Oz / EU exempted Pfizer importing GMOs into Oz > but rubber stamped AZ Import / Facility.
Why was the 2nd Process was Needed?
Simply explained as means to amplify mRNA Rollout on a Global Scale (Sounds Reasonable!)
Indeed the world was sick of waiting so Rolled out without trialling the new Product?
Process 2 : Said to be the same mRNA Vax but trialled newly Rolled out Vax in frozen mRNA Vials'
Vats of E Coli Bacteria Plasmid's DNA ferments 1,000x mRNA but sheds many membranes (Goop)
When shaking defrosting Vials > delaminating shards slice thru goop coagulating in syringes.
Trial Process pits 250 Process 1 (vs) 252 Process 2 (Aged 16-55 Strictly Healthiest immunity only!)
Entirely different Frozen Vial Rollout Trial was never completed before Global Rollout commenced.
Process 2 ( BNT 162b2) Trial Started 19 Nov 2020 > 17 March 2021 (4 batches / 4 sites)
Only 4 Youth aged 16-22 ever reported & 1 of them never had any antibody response...go figure!
Not one Adult over the age of 22 ever reported testing for Global mRNA Rollout
BNT 162b2 Rollout commenced 8th Dec 2020 > Oz 22nd Feb 2021 also starts without Vax trial.
{ Important } All rolled out this completely unknown un-trialled Vax!
EMA : Concerned over changed DNA Template to "Transcribe the RNA and Purification Phase"
Manufacturing process of the Lipid Nanoparticles subsequently lowered the mRNA integrity...
Later adjustments give more consistent, reproducible RNA integrity levels to match P1 Levels?
EMA agreed to continue with Rollout of mRNA with Specific Obligation SO 1
Sept 2022 After boosters ...FOI : Pfizer stated we're no longer doin' that Process 2 Thingy
MHRA + EMA accepted & conveniently signed off & exempted their blind Rollout
FDA released random files with FOI.
All speculate a far greater variability in the bait'n'switched Rollout Vaccine.
Pre Menopausal Bleeding P1 = 0.7% > P2 =15% (Entirely Different or worst ever Data reporting!)
Note low P1 low Anaphylaxis (Day 1 UK Rollout > 2x Anaphyalaxis knockouts > now 10 min watch)
Sad to see Dr John was fooled into thinking he got Process 1 Trial Vax. (No informed Consent!)
Recap part 1 Oz ignored / exempted Pfizer's request to certify importing a volatile changing GMO.
Oz mandated vaccinating Aussies with an unknown untested Volatile Genetically Modified Organism!
Whole world mandated whatever untested unapproved GMO would brew this new God!
Oz never said a Word...our cowardly TGA just did as they were told...Lied! About everything ever since!
Part 2 Conspiracy Theorists proven right on all accounts...WTF.
Here tbb exempts them crazy nutters that weren't so crazy after all.
Frozen mRNA loses integrity thru gases...basically propels rather than transmits Vax.
Graphene is the Hexagon honey that mops it up & shoots into yer brain & every nook & cranny...
Save a fortune by spreadin' mRNA globally inside / out for a cut price Total Viral protection rollout. paint thinner!
It's safe for humans!...(If!) Applied as fixed apparatus, spread evenly or diluted.
Borosilicate Glass was altered to survive changing composition.
Ultra high 500F+ Temps burn off Boron + Sodium Ions...
Replaced by Aluminium / Potassium + Magnesium / Calcium (Oxides) = Graphene
Vials are bathed 8hrs while Black Light Tracking Identifiers are embedded within the Vial compound.
If the crew must know >>>[Counter-fitting] + Black light ID's Vax Facial Heat Scans at Borders...etc...
Sure! As Vax thaws the Graphene mixes into Vial > Vax rockets it into brain & camps for a week!
It's also highly Magnetic along yer body lymph nodes...up to 24 hrs or so!
These sharper shards seem to cut thru cells & slip into crevices & funeral homes flush it out!
Part 3 The Spiked Frozen mRNA Toxic Cocktail.
Vial never tested mRNA Vax but a drug called Mannitol
Snap frozen (1hr) Thawed for ages 12 hrs until dissolved...
Never once was Process 1/2 Trial Vaxes (Dipped / Frozen tested in thawed Vials)
Simply just rolled on out...not very sciency!
Later Freeze tests danced around thawing trickery! By refreezing Syringes...more on this below!
Unlisted random HM Drug cocktail dangerously brewing in Vials & soon all bodies!
Graphene Shards coated in new flavours *Aluminium *Calcium *Magnesium *Potassium Oxides.
Their main purpose to spread the mRNA further & faster to save a buck + to securely track Vaxerz!
Relax...original trials records 1 week in diluted likely an incubating measure or iso?
All health Authorities deny the existence of any/all on the cereal pack...just don't lick the Spoon!
Vax Conspiracy Hit List...(Of course it's a Conspiracy as none of this shit is listed in Vax...well durr!)
Just close yer eyes and wish away yer imaginary lucky Dip reaction.
#1 Graphene Oxide Shards : Best ever Magnetic Tracker / Cuts cells to shreds / pain in the brain.
#2 Calcium Oxide : Secondary Cell Messenger signals yer never ending Viral infections
#3 Aluminium Oxide : Swells Body within 2-6hrs > more so after 2nd Dose...mind yer Heart
#4 E Coli Bacteria : Surprisingly...maybe yer least concern...don't quote tbb on that...
Anyhow...feel free to check...tbb never found a smoking gun in the brewing...(see above)
Just gotta dig deeper for yer lucky that part opened flat beer can in the bath tub...still good!
[ Factchecker ] : Think tbb means ya just gotta Suck it Up & STFU...pray it don't come back up!
mRNA is frozen for longer periods & rapidly thawed in 30mins-2hrs (Use within 6hrs)
Only one Proper study recorded the more ya freeze mRNA the more it clumps for longer.
But strictly never tested the Composition within Vials...that's taboo!
Them Diamond sharp Graphene shards slice'n'dice thru yer E Coli / Cells...Nice!
Feb 2021: Pfizer shortened their Freeze Time to cut the cull...just cool it..give'm a break!
Meaning...Needles are drawing up Graphene Shards (Yes! Them White Critters...whatever!)
tbb has shared vidz where 6/7 shots draw up dregz & capped ready for yer lucky dip clot shot!
Each & every needle shaft is dipped in Vial & coated with unknown untested thawed E Coli brew.
Each & every unknown needle first "Must" enter & contaminate all tissue before intramuscular target!
Each mRNA Vax injects untested unknown quantities of randomly thawed potentially lethal cocktail.
Everywhere thru body prior to reaching the target...again, expert idiots will deny wotz obvious to all!
Pfizer never essentially approved drawing Graphene shards into 6/7 doses along with stopper core.
The tradition is to bin de-laminating Vial shardz with the stopper clever are we Humans!
tbb earlier explained how this % reflects Vaxed % dying with Whitish translucent flakes thru-out.
Recall all them VIPs crashing Aged care Vax to mop up Doses 6/7...perhaps there is a God!
Diluted Graphene exits your body soon after, but Graphene Shards + E coli goop lodge in longer
These shards cut thru Cells & lodge in crevices...25% Vaxed die with similar goop in corpses!
Undertakers flush it out...alongside Vaxer'z Coffee grounds...(Dried Vax clotted Blood!)
Touch I pads are made of same Graphene brew & rapidly transmit in exact same way...
Don't think that's weird...tappin' into yer future self...Graphene Implant is on yer mind!
Can finish sharing a paper on Drug Substance (vs) Drug Product
Random QC stops at the Plant...there is no fast, affordable, robust way of checking field Drug Products.
QC does not collect data on released Vial Batches or doses.
In essence the lack of Vial Level Quality Data biases reactions towards fault in Lab Vax.
In the case of mRNA's a bit of both that were both well hidden from all.
Can't blame big pharma wantin' to hide that Frozen Vial slow release chaser as yer Fruit Punch kicker!
That fooled tbb for years to be honest..knew half of it...bloody real devious is that trick! OMG...RUN!
For obvious reason...of People dying off...
Japan hubs easily eyed off contaminants in 39 vials of Moderna vax 3 men died within days of 2nd Dose.
Moderna said it was likely a machining fault & recalled 1.63m doses.
2013 Epi-pens fill / finish 50% variation in 0.14% > Dumped 3.3m Pens!
Lends some insight to not too many whistle blowers...a lot of money / jobs / lives at stake!
Hate to think where yer whistle ends up...think we all know where! Ouch!
This resulted in Star Trek Tricorder : W NMR (Water protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
Dogooder Vax Hub Volunteer...'Miss! Why is there unlisted highly illegal GMO swimming in my vial.'
Can scan any Vax anywhere in seconds for purity but matching a Vaxer'z DNA scan takes 15mins
Weather, Viruses, Partner's Saliva or contaminated transplants, Implants, Tatts all blow the deal.
Need to upgrade to isolated Transporters for 30% DNA accuracy / 40% skin test anomaly...Not a thing!
Sure, they would mandate DNA Vax Tests with less accuracy than that & ...Already on the boil!
Only thing we know for sure is that every dose is an unknown lucky dip combo!
All science books are tossed onto the in the lap of the godz.
Religious Right Tsunami wipes out another Ship Of Fools...ain't no one ever gonna Vax again!
Check yer local Health Authority's Hospital Crisis...all know how & why that is...Good Health crew!

{Covid Safe Update}
Growing number of Countries / Hospitals / Aged Care / Childcare ( Currently Require [-] Tests )
Tests Include Staff / Visitors / Parents / Close Contact + Masks
Various current Risk settings / State Hospital Mask Mandates
Free Covid Tests (RATs) *Masks ? for Card Holders ( Update )
Stately plague of Rats deserting their sinking ship
Mandatory Living with Covid Censor's Sputtering Timeline Order!)
NSW ended Oct 2023
WA ended Nov 2023
Oz ended Dec 2023 (Covid Helpline > see Health Direct below)
ACT ended Jan 2024
NT ended Feb 2024
Vic ended March 2024
Note all Oz / States offer severely ill a Free Testing Hotline
Health Direct [ 1800 022 222 ]
Free Pet Ratpacks...(Hot Tip! Order soon...Supplies are limited 5/month max!)
Tas current April 2024 (Yes) + Test / Report Links ... Salute!
SA current June 2024 (Yes) + Can still Report (See below) ... Salute!
Qld current Now (Yes) tbb phoned > instant reply > 5x Ratpack in the Mail...
Extends free offer to All Risk / Homeless- DV / Youth / New Arrivals...Salute to Qld Health!
NZ ending 30 Sept 2024 (Yes!) Offer Extends without Cards > Remote / Risk requests)...Salute!
Free Ratsack
Registering yer Pet RAT or Report a Rat (Yes! It's still perfectly legal in SA / NZ or via Oz Tracker)
Rat Tracker (Once presumed a Dying Profession...reckon they're now employing)
Happy to share free accessible Covid Safe measures...All in this Together!

Interesting how the science changes depending on what payroll some of these experts are on. Whilst employed by the Australian Government, Coatsworth seemed to be towing the company line but now he seems to be singing from a different hymn book lol
The doctor says “I don’t think I need anymore and the science tells me I don't”.
OK ;)
Maybe trying to please the public for his new show lol

I like nick coatsworth
one of the first to break ranks and start asking questions
he talks very cautiously now, as a knowledgeable dissident, but the subtext is very revealing

Dr Nick was never keen on Masks / SD & copped a bad Vax reaction...
Like Albo ... exempted from donning masks when getting sick at Health Clinics...
Same as Cafes...Not too keen on Masking up / SD or that Sanitizer right in front of him on the counter!
Dr Nick : 'Pretty sure I ordered 3 Shots mate!'
Jan 2022 Pandemic will become endemic & come to an end in 2022
Infected Folks will get a RAT & stay away from indoor spaces & so on...Public is well versed in this...
June 2022 : New WR health Crisis > Eclipses 'I know what ya did last summer world record smash!'
Dr Nick : Fuck the Masks > Fuck Covid Safe Hospitals > Ramp the Ambos > Let it Rip
June 2024 : Midway thru Fully Orchestrated 100 1,000th broken record Wave
Dr Nick says : Fuck yer Masks & Fuck Albo's Irresponsible Response & stick that booster up yer...!

Dr’s coming out of the woodwork now they can’t loose everything.

Get over it ashsam. We all know now. Just like those docs were gagged 90+% of workers that kept the country running had the shot to keep jobs and themselves afloat were all sold a dud. It’s self employed people like you that had an option. Ironically tradies like you cashed in during covid years.

Badge of Honour End of our Era Strain...Tay Tay fans herd immunity pledge!
ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US...(World of ew!")
Alt running title..."You ignorant Virus spreading pick-me ass bitches! Fuck y'all!"
Tay Tay [+] Tests sellin' for $8,100 > Gotta Eat our Shit & mop up our Covid Slime Trail...Bitches!
Can the Tay Tay End of an Era Pandemic kill off the Human & Wild Kingdom pray so!
Bigger than Goddess!
Tay Tay Wipes Out Planets with [+] Toxic beaded Wastewater killing off 99.99% Cute Critters!
Tay Tay germs contaminate ALL 99% Source of Life Cycle Habitat...Ocean is now a sea of Covid.
End of an Era Tour 35% [+] Covid Ratarses every Tour City into recession
RAT manufacturers found their Meal Ticket...ridin' Rainbow Unicorn Gastro trail into the afterlife.
7-10th Feb 2024 Tokyo Tour = Japan's 10th Wave Japan narrowly avoids recession!
16-26th Feb 2024 Oz Tour = 3rd March KP.3 Wave > looming recession...all are dying or dead.
We may not have saved yer Oz Economy but ya can sell yer Souvenir Covid Wave online
(Pause) If ya think Oz does this Tay Tay Strain thingy all the time...yer right!
Like yer old Strain better than yer new Strain...You Go Gurl!
2-9th March Singapore Tour : Spikes FLiRT strains
Early May cases double to 26,000 > 250/day Hospitalizations
Govt Mask Mandate + RATs 150% rise in sales Sold Out (Govt are too afraid to share data since!)
Economy falls to lowest in a year > ( Quote : " Taylor Swift Xerts failed to offset Decline!")
All 3 Tay Tay Boosted Economies are now flailing & on the skids...(Magic Happens!)
Could Taylor Swift boost & Stall the Euro economy...
(That's not such a stupid question...can still bottle & sell that!)
Perhaps if Govts Offset Boosted Tay Tay Strain as a Tax Write Off...we'll see how far this goes...
9-12th May Paris Tour = Ramps 35% Covid Hospitalizations Parliament Dissolved & Olympics???
Doubt if any would notice or care if France torched their own Olympics...all try to look surprised!
Now that's a real sportsmanlike gesture...Vive La France...(World prefer this option anyway!)
17-19th May Stockholm Tour = 20-26th May highest 2024 Covid Rising up higher.
( Multiple Choice ) Rising Covid Wave < > Economy Shrinking < > Debt Increasing (Guessing No Tick!)
24-25th May Lisbon : 10th June Portugal Covid rise 216% /wk
Govt is Blocked by opposition parties > Budget Doubts mount!
29-30th May Madrid Tour : 35% [+] Rate Concert > Spain 2nd Highest Covid Hospitalizations
Spain are now impossibly at war with Argentina...Tay Tay Magic Happens!
7-9th June Edinburgh Tour : [eHarmony Commissioner has a Coughing Fit...Censored]
Not sure if any wanna look at the scoreboard...waiting for Judges Decision!
Hot Tip! Like Singapore UK saw Tay Tay commin' & censored Hospital Data on 28th April
Election on 4th July...just sayin' ya could be waitin' a while for a very well polished Covid Count!
Real money is on ...[ End of our ERA Typhoid Taylor Beaded Mask Merch ]

Not a tradie seeds.
Cashed in lol
It’s the vaccine thread don’t like it don’t read it.
Truth hurts.

Come on. Fess up.

I am not even a good handyman lol.

It's not the vaccine thread, it's the anti-vaccine thread, where the word truth takes on a whole new meaning.

Recently shared that our Qld Govt is huntin' down Covid Fines.
Anyone still think Covid Mandates are Over...
Consider this as a subtle reminder...
10 June 2024 ACT Childcare : Infected require [ Photo ] of [-] Test to return to centre
tbb is reminding that Age Care can & do still ask for Proof of Covid Vax
Wouldn't wanna be a Doctor with a 40 year unblemished record in the UK.
Nov 2020 Fined for Public Speaking breach at Rally
March 2021 Breach with 3 Others
Aug 2021 Posted Vid on concerns about Kidz Vax (Recall UK Health also shared concern & pulled it.)
2022 Breach of Covid Fine $500
Oct 2023 Social Media led to GP having her license suspended for 6 months
Jan 2024 Lost Appeal ( Irish Doctor refused to be Judged by King's Privy Council )
GP is now standing in UK Election
Govt : Serves the Candidate a warrant > Pay Covid Fine in 14 days or Go to Jail.
GP : "I'm not Guilty > Director of Public Prosecution does not exist in law or statute!"
Judge : "Muting Crazy Lady's 5. . 2.1 > Pretty sure he exists!"
Judge : "Your Guilty & yer going to Jail...right Now!"
Same as any / All Govts everywhere...Mandatory Jail for any bastard who dares run against us.
Still wanna defend yer Fake Covid Fine...(Fake Cough!)...Them Cell Bars feel pretty real!
[Vote 1] Mandatory Imprisoned Doctor's Party!
Apparently good Dr still got the March 2021 Breach to be judged on...when or if she ever gets out!

TB, daughter’s boyfriend is a RN in a nursing home, he’s had no covid jabs.

old-dog wrote:It's not the vaccine thread, it's the anti-vaccine thread, where the word truth takes on a whole new meaning.
You still carrying on old flog. You got caught hook, line and sinker champion. To still defend it makes you look even more ridiculous.

Thanks for sharing ashsam...
No! Not the Non Vax Home but equally nor the Wotz New Stricter Vax Entry Home...but none & All!
Big Business now has VIP Emergency Power at their will...all say nuthin'!
Murdoch's New stable of VIP TV stars Covid Responsible submissions grill ALP States Covid response.
Same as always...we see a parade of VIP experts shifting deckchairs on the Titanic!
7 June 2024 Doherty [POD] : (CHO Vic Dept Health Pr Ben Cowie Royal Melbourne Hospital)
Explains how Rollout drives faster mutation of increasingly infectious immune evading Waves of vax [+]
Adding each orchestrated Wave requires expansion of AV rollout to ward off severity & Hospitalization!
Recommends to Boost more in order to prescribe more #1 + #2 Costly PBS Anti Virals...Please!
Q: [3:00] Wot are the Factors that are Contributing to the Rise in Case Numbers!"
Pr Ben Cowie : "Yeah! So I guess wotz driving New Variants is the Virus Mutating to trying to evade immunity from previous infections or 'from Covid Vaccines'. That leads to Covid break-thru of defences & that is one of the determinants of that sorta Rising & Falling Transmission!"
[6:10] "Certainly New Mutations have advantage of getting thru immunity & a greater Risk of Infection!"
[9:40] "For much the same reason Virus mutates to evade previous infections that it is also the case the Virus evolves FAST & to the Point it can break thru Vaccinations!"
[11:00] "Most got vaxed so our immune systems either seen Vax or Infections...for most of us Both!"
[15:00] AV eligibility will broaden further...I expect that to be the case!
Professor So...Yeah! Like where were we...Oh Yes! "Living with Big Pharma!"
Prescription : Take More Vax for faster more infectious Covid infections then scoff down yer Antivirals!
Q : "Should we Boost?"
#2 Dr Nick : Not Me...No Way! Fuck that shit right off! (Hang On ...But weren't You & didn't you...!")
Q : "How Long does a Booster Last?"
BRAINZ : "Tough Question...depends on...How frequently ya Vax + How long since Last Vax!
Performance is affected when Virus changes > Hard to know how long protection lasts!
Wot we do know is, while protection declines over time, that don't mean it disappears to Zero quickly!"
And as the Virus continues to Develop, experts say ya should keep an eye out for latest miracle elixir!
Q : "Wot about our WR Anti Viral addiction to protect us from Wot Vax was gonna protect us from?"
AV was only trialled on Unvaxed but Govt says they're not at Risk & are banned from sniffing it...
Govt stole unvaxed stash to dose Highest Vaxed Aged Care Residents who are deemed highest Risk...
All ages Highest Vaxed living Remote or in Aged Care are equally deemed Highest Risk...go figure!
Q : "Like Who still gives a Ratz?"
Free RATsack @ SA / Tas / NZ / Qld (Carded tbb requested & recieved 2x4 RATs within 24hrs)
Don't give a RATs @ ACT / NSW / Vic / WA / NT.
Govt / States ended Covid restrictions but endorse infinite make believe Business model Covid Plans.
Each are now more batshit crazy than ever & emergency power is granted to Mary Poppins & Co!
Fed Govt pulled the plug in Oct & since delegates current Covid Response to 'Healthdirect Australia'.
So ABC naturally swing over to Healthdirect for current Covid advice.
Q: "[+] Test > Iso?"
A: HD Dr Luckraj : [+] Test = 7 days Iso + Avoid Family > if still Symptomatic > Wear Mask / SD
Responsive Boss CB : [+] Test = 24-48hrs after Symptoms > Wear Mask with Family or when Out!
Q : "When can I go back to work after having Covid!"
A : Dr Luckraj recommends checking with..
Your Employer (or) Your Child's School (or) The State Education Department +
"Guidance on Return to Work or Return to School does Vary by Individual Institutions!"
A: Covid Response Boss CB : "Speak with other Parents about Symptomless Kidz Play Groups!"
A : Dr Jane : "Some Countries / Airlines / Cruises may have Covid Travel requirements in place!"
"Seek pre travel advice from Clinic!"
Feel free to check any Country or Island...all have Rising Waves = Called a Global Covid Pandemic
Maybe share a Global Timeline soon...doubt if it's remotely possible or even legal!

don't wanna get involved in the to and fro
and, vaccines were always a calculated risk
I guess...
but just imagine being one of these poor people
and having the whole world telling you your condition is a conspiracy theory...
— aussie17 (@_aussie17) June 13, 2024
Happening now in Australia.
Senate hearing on Excess Deaths:
Vaccine Injured Kara Potter shares her story
"Yes, I received my vaccine injury from my third Pfizer shot, which was my booster shot on the 8 January 2022.
I started with pericarditis, but the inflammation…

The sheep will still find a way to defend it

Hey Burls, if the vaccination campaign was contributing to the excess deaths that we have seen in recent years, then we should expect to see more deaths in people who have been vaccinated than in those who have not.
The most reliable analysis in this regard was done by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).
In this analysis, the ONS matched death registrations with the vaccine histories of each death recorded.
They then calculated “age-standardised death rates” to account for age differences between those vaccinated and those not.
What the ONS found was that in all months from April 2021 to May 2023, the death rate from all causes was higher in the unvaccinated than in people who had been vaccinated at least once.

AndyM wrote:Hey Burls, if the vaccination campaign was contributing to the excess deaths that we have seen in recent years, then we should expect to see more deaths in people who have been vaccinated than in those who have not.
The most reliable analysis in this regard was done by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).
In this analysis, the ONS matched death registrations with the vaccine histories of each death recorded.
They then calculated “age-standardised death rates” to account for age differences between those vaccinated and those not.What the ONS found was that in all months from April 2021 to May 2023, the death rate from all causes was higher in the unvaccinated than in people who had been vaccinated at least once.

Highest Vaxed Pop > Oz Aged Care = (Currently 7 deaths/day)
Highly Boosted Victoria 1,000x $1,300 AV Scripts / day = $1.3m / day
(Unvaxed were removed from AV Risk Group mid '22)
Highly Vaxed / World's Highest AV Dosed = (Currently 4 Vic Covid deaths / day)
Vic CHO : "Vax is mutating the Virus faster to better evade immunity to fuel more infectious waves!"
Vic CHO : "We aim to broaden the AV criteria to dose more AV Scripts."
No one broadens #1-#2 costly PBS drugs unless the're predicting more severe Covid waves ahead!
All those Vaxed in tbb's wider Family caught Covid 3-4x > over half were recently hospitalized.
Not only that...they now knowingly hide their infection as they mix with tbb...
Our vaxed family : 2x Heart operations > Cancer > Drips > Dehydration > Gastro
tbb knows many unvaxed & none of them were ever infected & we all wear masks to Clinics for Others!
Doin' it for the community = Translation by disabled unvaxed outpatient tbb...
Unmasked / un-gloved fronline tbb volunteers to clean 'All' of Town's discarded Pandemic Waste.
10,000's of slurped / peed / coughed / pooed / grubby / spewed / snotty Covid mauled items...
1,000's tissues / 100's Wipes-Drinks Straws- 10's Masks-Gloves each week for over a year!
Yes! You bet > Way too many Bottles of Pee / Butts / Spew picked up ... even in front of Mum..
In fact, picked up every Covid infected item that our Town has tossed...easily 100,000 infected items.
Been 'round whole Town 4x over & soon as tbb tallies his last round > goin' round again...Why?
Coz Aussies are trashing at record speed right now...soon as ya pick it up there's equal amount tossed.
Almost cry watching a recently cleaned town be trashed at record speed...Town / City is filthy!
Front of stores / Roadside > Litter now clustered 10ft apart with all wadin' thru it...makes ya sick!
Can drive thru other towns > miles from stores & spot the same litter rate along roadside!
If Doctors mandated tbb to wear Gloves on Rubbish Round ...tbb would give it up & Isolate > get sicker!
Rhythmic Life cycle is a powerful healing force...deny sense of touch...then it's all over for tbb!
Each piece of rubbish removed is heartfelt in higher regard than any trophy ever won.
Pondering how & why reveals unwritten & untold endless secret traits of Human behaviour!
Clean up priority order > Hardest Yakka is hauling Trolleys / Signs / Mud-Tyres up Creek Banks...
Tier 1 Creeks > Ponds > Trails > Parks > Drains > *Roadside
Tier 2 Clinics > Childcare > *Schools > Shops > Servos
Manhandling *1,000's of Covid Tissues / Serviettes / Wipes is now mandated weekly frontline duty.
GP is more concerned with tbb contracting every other disease...recommends tetanus Shot.
Wear a mask visiting Clinics etc...Happy to return favour to Community that heals tbb!
As said : tbb requested RAT's for next Month's Dental Care...they're at my door within 24 hrs.
All thanks to the hard working crew here...each & all will be repaid in kind.
Where else in the world if not tbb's Tidy Town...Welcome to Paradise!
Well it is for frontline tbb...sick of isolating...being able to clear our town of Covid waste is living!
The joy of touring a litter free town if only for a week > a day > an hour > or a minute...
Even if one enjoys a fleeting glimpse of pristine majesty ...then it's worth everything in life & more!
That takes some doin' but it is a reality & can share it's worth more than all the money in the world!
Feeling that proud of yer Tidy Town will bring a tear to yer eye & the elation is ever rewarding.
All comes back to yer addictive totally engaging Human Touch...the town is in yer blood!
tbb is now totally immune from whatever wave of shit Oz spews & shits out & for how long...maybe!
Happy to lend a hand but not be a slave to the Rhythm...Keep Australia Beautiful...good health to all!

Here's an example of Frontline pickerupperers direct observations on recent Vaping Bans.
tbb might have shared Vaping peaked last Summer...
Recall a record haul in & around the Swamp Tree House... binned about a dozen various brands.
Vapes are mostly tossed & smashed on roadsides as batteries die...
Pick up about 10/bag over 30 mins or 1 every 50m at height of Vape Fad!
Recall tellin' a Grom that tbb's litter bags were risky Time bombs ready to catch fire...was a concern!
Here's the most popular Brand that was kicked to the curb (Berry Flavours)
Note The Shiny almost Hologram Winged Emblem Style Packs.
Usually after summer they die down as Gromz go back to school
So! Yes! tbb has been doin' the rounds during new Vape Ban...
[factcheck] 90% reduction in New Vapes (10% were old stock & leftover older rubbish)
tbb is currently wearing out fingernails prying out the last stubborn Vapes near half buried.
Ok! That's a relief isn't it...(Well?)
Experts insist the Vape crew switched to First Nation Pituri style Fruity Pouch these...
Only tbb seldom finds these spat out...only trip over the occasional one or two /wk
Never seen any canister...
So what then...
Well...tbb can share there is a 200% ramp in Ciggy Packs.
But again...not quite like one expects...
Example...Ciggies are expensive right!
So there's a rise in empty Pouches + Traditional 30 Shock pack Cheapies evenly about.
Sure as ban plays out tbb finds more each week as crew would expect...
Switchin' Vapes for Ciggies is the real truth...should any wanna know! But...hold the Bus!
tbb came upon a Kinda Mini Coach drivers Chain Smoking Patch...plenty of Packs lighting up the Street.
Found White Ciggies in Trad Blokie Oz Packs...again that don't add up!
But these packs had half or near full packets left on the ground...that's an expensive habit.
Here's what tbb started to find...these weird arse Super Slim / Slick Designer Chinese Packs...
Need to Scroll down to Check them out...
So...what's going on is these Yuppie Vape Smokers don't wanna be guilt tripped with Ugly Images...
Fast as ya like ...they pull the Solid Aussie Sticks outta the Mucky Packs...
Then rid the shitty foul tasting Chinese Sticks (White Ones) into the Mucky Oz Packs...
These "Cheap Foul Chinese Ciggies" are simply tossed onto the Roadside inside the Mucky Oz pack
Only when the flash Hologram Pack starts to Fall apart do they toss it also.
Ok! But it's only a fad at the moment cause money is money & even foul ciggies can be blended.
Got it! Nice & Shiny with no or little Health Warning with Sparkly the above Vapes.
So there is a whole other Yuppie Angle to the Vapes...They looked like Slick'n'Cool gamer merch...
These Hologram Packs are meant to be shared or pimped at sharing Vapes...
Like a Cool Bohemian at a Party...or Cool Gamer'z Hang.
This explains why tbb was pickin up Half Full Mucky Oz Packs with them foul Chinese Girly Ciggies...
Then pick up slightly damaged Posh Holographic Chinese Dragon Packs...
So the Shiny Ciggies Packs are used as Posh treats at VIP Parties or less shameful around others.
Coach / Van drivers can have a Cool Ciggie break with passengers being less disgusted of Mucky Packs.
Basically a super cheap posh upgrade for an Ex Vaper to feel less guilt tripped by the Diseased Pack.
Guessing the idea is to immune the ciggie Smoke as subtle Vapour during the change...
Kinda like I Still Vape Kinda so we can all still share our smoke...right? Perhaps for a while maybe...
As tbb said...this is still an expensive trial crossover Fad...will fool the VIP crowd but not the geeks.

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:Hey Burls, if the vaccination campaign was contributing to the excess deaths that we have seen in recent years, then we should expect to see more deaths in people who have been vaccinated than in those who have not.
The most reliable analysis in this regard was done by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).
In this analysis, the ONS matched death registrations with the vaccine histories of each death recorded.
They then calculated “age-standardised death rates” to account for age differences between those vaccinated and those not.What the ONS found was that in all months from April 2021 to May 2023, the death rate from all causes was higher in the unvaccinated than in people who had been vaccinated at least once.
Your expertise is undeniable :)

Hi AndyM, where do I find that ONS data? I'm intrigued about this as the excess death rate is a big issue in most of the western world. The only study I have seen was the Japan one linking higher Cancer rates. And like the UK most countries will have their data and they're not releasing it currently. Surely we've got to figure out why more people are dieing

Not hard to figure out if you have a brain not brainwashed by the science.

poo-man wrote:Hi AndyM, where do I find that ONS data? I'm intrigued about this as the excess death rate is a big issue in most of the western world. The only study I have seen was the Japan one linking higher Cancer rates. And like the UK most countries will have their data and they're not releasing it currently. Surely we've got to figure out why more people are dieing
He found this non peer reviewed toilet paper in a public toilet somewhere. Some people like AndyM just want to remain fools rather admit they were wrong.

udo wrote:
The #hashtags are superb.

burleigh wrote:poo-man wrote:Hi AndyM, where do I find that ONS data? I'm intrigued about this as the excess death rate is a big issue in most of the western world. The only study I have seen was the Japan one linking higher Cancer rates. And like the UK most countries will have their data and they're not releasing it currently. Surely we've got to figure out why more people are dieing
He found this non peer reviewed toilet paper in a public toilet somewhere. Some people like AndyM just want to remain fools rather admit they were wrong.
At work at the moment, so I’ll dig that info up for you tonight.
Although at the same time I can’t recall you ever putting forward anything that could be classed as peer reviewed.
I could be wrong.

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:poo-man wrote:Hi AndyM, where do I find that ONS data? I'm intrigued about this as the excess death rate is a big issue in most of the western world. The only study I have seen was the Japan one linking higher Cancer rates. And like the UK most countries will have their data and they're not releasing it currently. Surely we've got to figure out why more people are dieing
He found this non peer reviewed toilet paper in a public toilet somewhere. Some people like AndyM just want to remain fools rather admit they were wrong.
At work at the moment, so I’ll dig that info up for you tonight.
Although at the same time I can’t recall you ever putting forward anything that could be classed as peer reviewed.
I could be wrong.
Maybe someone wrote it on the back of a beer coaster for you down the pub. check there first.

Experts agree that Oz aged care has most consistent reliable base data.
Crew are free to back check Aged Care Rollout > Outbreaks > Infections > Deaths.
tbb will openly share his Data Tool Box
Experts : All motion & Partition for better openly updated Govt Data with new CDC coming online!
3rd June 2024 Recapping they agree that Aged Care Data from 2020 as best example.
Current Wave = 6.5m /25% infections are derived from consistent Aged Care Data
3% of 1 in 34 is currently infected > Also largest AV scripted wave.
[Factcheck] Death Data.
Locked Down reduced immunity > Mandatory 100% Testing ramps Unvaxed (Dying with Covid) Deaths
Open full immunity > Emergency 5% Testing tanks Vaxed (Dying from Covid) also lowers Death Rate.
Most Punters are aware of Vax Marshal's orchestrated nobbling of demonstrated...(It's fixed!)
The obvious idea being to Max Test to Ramp pre Vax death rate & Orchestrate lowest post Vax Tests.
Of course ya can rort it even further...
Officially Stamping everyone Absolutely died with a hint of Covid for Mass Unvaxed Annihilation
(vs) Not one of any known 1,000 Covid Symptoms killed this VIP Vaxed Celebrity. (No Autopsy please!)
WHO : "The odds are that Vaxers are more likely to buy the winning Lotto Ticket & Die wealthy!"
Experts prefer to trip over the Body Bags piled up out the back of yer local Aged Care Smoko Shed.
Oz Aged Care Deaths from 1st Senior death > 50% Fully Vaxed Aged Care Period
1st March 2020 > 6th Set 2021 = 695 deaths / 554 days (1.25 deaths/day) {R.I.P}
Oz Aged Care Deaths from 50% Fully Vaxed > Multi Boosted - AV Period
6th Sept 2021 > 13th June 2024 = 5,982 deaths / 1,011 days (5.92 deaths/day) {R.I.P}
Current fortnight in Aged Care Outbreak is steadying but rising to (7 deaths/day) {R.I.P}
Orchestrated Mandated Aged Care Vax Rolled out 5x more Deaths as to Non Vax era...(None Care!)
From No Vax > 1/2 Vax > 1/2/3/4/5/6 Boosters > 1/2/3/4/5 AV doses.
One can check each Dosed Mutated Strain within (Grouped) Death Rate thru each prescribed period.
Nurses long reported which AV was mutating the Killer Strain at record speed...It's a thing alright.
2024 Average Mutations within each host = 2/month
Fully Boosted Mutant record = 50 mutations/20 months Feb 2022 > Sept 2023
Experts could easily check which Vax & or AV mutated Strains as to 1/2/3/4/5/6/7x kill factor
Not tbb nor any expert is currently breaking down Test Results of Mutant Killer Dose Combos.
eg: Official Recommended "Up 2 Date" Mutant Mixed Brew
Govt's 6 monthly Prescription = 2 Vax + 6 boosters + 5 AV doses = 7x faster Death Rate
Ok! tbb keeps busting more moves to exempt VIP Mutant Death Rate...
Lets flip the known rising deaths Vax demographic & pin it on declining unvaxed demographic.
Coz in a Vax Expert's minds reverse science makes more sense...
Bizarre Expert theory mandates that declining number of Unvaxed are dying 5-7x faster...but from wot?
Then the argument is that Govt mandated VIPs repeatedly Vax to knowingly kill 7x more unvaxed.
tbb is no doctor but recommend Fully Primed Mutants keep that trick a secret...if ya wanna live!
Like why do cashed up Anti Vax boomerz drop off next to our fully primed VIP 8 shot / 5 dosed Mutant.
Orchestrated fully Loaded Poker Machine coughing out Inheritance Tax Jackpots
Govt : Wheel in some more X File Corp Boomers ...50% inheritance Tax for Jam...luv the Vax Rollout!
Orchestrating a mass flush of mutated Virus into the Wild Kingdom to mutate a killer Animal Virus!
That's not likely to happen either...just carry on with mRNA Blue Planet Cull...sure it 'll be fine!

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:poo-man wrote:Hi AndyM, where do I find that ONS data? I'm intrigued about this as the excess death rate is a big issue in most of the western world. The only study I have seen was the Japan one linking higher Cancer rates. And like the UK most countries will have their data and they're not releasing it currently. Surely we've got to figure out why more people are dieing
He found this non peer reviewed toilet paper in a public toilet somewhere. Some people like AndyM just want to remain fools rather admit they were wrong.
At work at the moment, so I’ll dig that info up for you tonight.
Although at the same time I can’t recall you ever putting forward anything that could be classed as peer reviewed.
I could be wrong.Maybe someone wrote it on the back of a beer coaster for you down the pub. check there first.
What a shame you're so quick to revert to a shouty boofhead.
And it's kinda tragic that you would think that the spivs and users on Insta and Youtube or a reporter for the Daily Telegraph would know more and be more trustworthy than the statisticians, actuaries, doctors of medicine and doctors of philosophy across a myriad of universities and health agencies all around the world.
"Although Australia has seen higher-than-average deaths in 2022, the evidence does not suggest vaccines are to blame. Roughly half of these deaths were due to COVID itself. For much of the remainder, infectious diseases or after-effects of COVID infection, were more likely reasons."
"If the vaccine is not the cause of the excess deaths, what was?
The major cause of the excess deaths reported in the first two years of the BMJ Public Health study was deaths from COVID. But by 2022, excess deaths exceeded COVID deaths in many countries.
Possible explanations for these excess deaths include longer-term effects of earlier COVID infections, the return of infections such as influenza that had been suppressed during the COVID control measures, adverse effects of lockdowns on physical and mental health, and delays in the diagnosis of life-threatening infections as health services struggled to cope with the pandemic and its aftermath.
We do need to look very carefully at how the pandemic was managed. There is still considerable debate about the effectiveness of different behavioural control measures, such as self-isolation and lockdowns. Even when such interventions were effective at reducing transmission of COVID, what were the harms and were the gains worth the harms? Nevertheless, we can be confident that the excess deaths seen in recent years were not a consequence of the vaccination campaign."
"Direct effect – Prevention of COVID-19 deaths
Research across various COVID-19 vaccines, including those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson, has consistently demonstrated their effectiveness in averting deaths attributable to the virus. Clinical trials and real-world effectiveness studies have shown that these vaccines substantially lower the risk of severe disease, hospitalisation, and mortality due to COVID-19, particularly among high-risk groups such as older adults and individuals with underlying health conditions (Polack et al., 2020; Baden et al., 2021; Voysey et al., 2021).
Indirect effects – Reduction in all-cause mortality
Beyond preventing deaths directly attributed to COVID-19, research indicates that vaccination is associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality. This means that vaccinated individuals have a lower risk of dying from any cause compared to their unvaccinated counterparts during similar time periods. This effect is likely due to multiple factors:
Reduction in healthcare system burden: With fewer severe cases of COVID-19, the pressure on healthcare systems is alleviated, ensuring better availability of care for both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19-related health issues, which may contribute to lower mortality rates from various causes (Lopez Bernal et al., 2021).
Prevention of long-term health effects: COVID-19 can lead to persistent health complications, known as "Long COVID," which might increase mortality risk. Vaccination lowers the likelihood of Long COVID (Catala et al., 2024, Razzaghi et al., 2024) by either preventing the initial infection or mitigating its severity."

Bought to you by Phyzer lol

Where's your peer reviewed stuff Burls?
Or are you going to rely purely on ego and ideology?

ashsam wrote:Bought to you by Phyzer lol
You illiterate halfwit.

AndyM knows how to use chatgp lol

Halfwits and boofheads lol

^ good bandname, @ashsam, we're trying to put together a Grippy Little Toes arvo gig in Melbs. You could ride-share down with @seeds, if you wanna support.. what kinda sound you going for?

Yep no probs. My ride needs a hood ornament!!

seeds wrote:Yep no probs. My ride needs a hood ornament!!
Here’s one for Ashsam’s Merc for the journey down.

AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Yep no probs. My ride needs a hood ornament!!
Here’s one for Ashsam’s Merc for the journey down.
You bring the cross, I'll bring the holy water and the garlic and hopefully that will kill him.
The power of Christ compels you...

Thanks Andy and udo for the links. That ONS data is quite hard to understand but i'll take it as correct.
I would like all countries with excess death rates to publish hospitalisation stats compared to vax status then it puts to bed any connection but NZ and many countries haven't done that hence allowing speculation to grow. The Japan study has been peer reviewed and linked a higher cancer rate with post vax. My personal connections have now had several cancer cases in the last 2 years with 2 now deceased hence my concern and wondering whether i'm just unlucky surrounded by death. Not to mention several cases of heart issues including some very young. I'm just querying with an open mind. The conversation has always been very pro vaccine and Helen Petoussis Harris is one of those people who the nz government was consulting on the vax roll out so is very much defending.
Just give us the answers NZ ministry of health and Australian health

AndyM wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Yep no probs. My ride needs a hood ornament!!
Here’s one for Ashsam’s Merc for the journey down.
You bring the cross, I'll bring the holy water and the garlic and hopefully that will kill him.
The power of Christ compels you...
who’s going to pre feed him the green pea soup?
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?