Surftown Munich

Downtown Surftown
1700's Euro Royals Seaside Bathing
1800 Nude bathing ban
1800's Military Swim Schools bossed out locals & women into streams & Private Bath Houses
1836 Cholera Outbreak led to Weir Waves shaping up The Floucher male Naturist bathing reserve
1850 New Raft Landing / Rail / Sewage blockages / Expo Chems led to 1854 Cholera Outbreak
1869 ~ 5 public baths + 8 Private Baths
1860-70's Blocked Sewage leads to 1873 Cholera Outbreak leads to Women's Bathing concerns.
1870's Mad King Ludwig's Venus Grotto wave pool equally aerates water mid Cholera outbreak .
1877 Women's Bathing Reserve opens on Left Bank Weir.
1901 Engineer Muller donates 1st Grand Public "Indoor" Baths (Still open)
1883 Mangfall water pipeline provides clean drinking water
1905 Undosa Therapeutic Wave Pool Starnberger acts as a bubble curtain for high divers!
Over the next few decades other Wave Pools followed ... 2 Germany / 2 Hungary / 2 UK
1926 Modern Sewage Holding ponds.
1957 Sylvenstein Dam
Munich Flow Boardriding started with Anchor Ropes like Aqua Planing / Water Skiing / Wake surfing.
1960's Rafting Canal Launch (Flosslande) crashes thru Munich's 1st Boardriding Flow wave
1972 Munich Swimming Stadium > All 29 Olympics Records were Broken + 20 WRs
Same year...
It's likely some international media bodysurfed the summertime central English Wavegarden
Flosslande '60's crew likely grabbed their gear to put on a downtown Eisbach weir show.
2001 Isar River is listed as Eco Moderate for marinelife + suitable for swimming.
2001 Flosslande held 1st Surf Comp
Videos show crowds bodysurfing many waves in the Wave Garden circuit. (Should play Ok!)
2010 Authorities permitted Eisbach boardriding
World Champions Surf Eisbach
2014 Munich Airport World's largest Flow Wave /AUD $20,000 Euro Flow Champs
2017 Outdoor / Indoor City Wave
2018 Flow Wave Pool in a Multi Story Munich Mall
2018 Surftown's Flow Waves inspire UNIT Floating Wave also operating in Germany.

1980 Cosima Wave Pool AUD 2022 $65m
Award Winning Design for Disabled Access also used by Naturist Club & Night hours.
1980 -2000 Another one in Munich & other German Wave Pools have similar design.
Kinda like W'n'W in first gear...does the job & breaks small but sharply along the shoreline
Munich seems to run with a theme > City Wave Flow.
Just 4 hrs drive west Theme Park Resort Psychedelic Nite Glow Wave Pools with Cocktails & Bands
Of interest being Rulantica is White Water West of (Endless Surf) Keep that in mind!
[ Surftown ]
March 2019 Sketches of Perfect Swell
Nov 2019 Wavegarden
March 2020 Wave Garden Hybrid (Note the central divider...that's a key component)
May 2021 Approval
Endless Surf win the Contract
June 2021 Surftown Talk
July 2022 Soil Turning
Aug 2022 German Promo Vid
Sept 2022 Investors
Dec 2022 Winter Earthworks + Foundations (Similar mainframe progress photo below)
July 2023 Construction Photos (These are all first look of a Endless Surf Designs)
We're at the guts of it...this is why tbb is running this timeline here & take a deeper dive!
Tryin' to score as many mid design photos to share the detail.
Pre concrete base ... Top secret photo > shows the guts of the Pneumatics
Concrete path on the left is where surfers wade into the lineup >
See elevated shallow end Base flows back toward the pool (Read below)
(Notice the Photo Shop blocking the Pipe Organ)
4 cranes + A very tidy site compared to Brazil Perfect Swell & for such large construct
Post concrete base shows the speed & neat site works
Notice Wall holes are all spaced in order but not evenly
This dish represents just one side...again...check how tidy it is!
Double Happy Ending
Overhead Shots (Explained)
Notice more surfers waiting outside the Pool & few in the lineup?
Why leave potential customers wait in the cold line-up when they can be buying extra merch!
Surfers rotate onto grass knolls then move onto central concrete bays to Central Wade / Wait area
You can see sets of 3 Pro/ Intermediate / [L] on each side (See Hot Tubs > Sell a tonne of Wetties)
German style Queue like Eisbach Flow Hang but the wave Queue should rotate 6x faster.
Just like Eisbach there is ZERO paddling...did ya notice that...check it paddle outs to line-up.
Note the waves are slightly offset which prevents crowding or late racing to line up.
From above ...Pool is shaped like a dish coz surfers have gotta keep rotating in/out (Giant Drip Tray!)
Pretty much know they need to divert more water back to the pool but extra merch spend covers it!
However...Goldie Theme Park Gromz know that Concrete Ride walk-arounds are murder on ya feet...
Return Summer surfers will need lotion to soften yer feet ... then you'll slip off yer boards.(Big problem!)
Reckon they'll go thru some Winter Booties...make a fortune!
Also wear out the Leggies real fast....might wanna cut back on the hire or double the fee to cover it!
Note 3 surfers per L/R per wave > Pro hugs the wall > Intermediate trail face > [L] Witewater.
[L] Softie is meant to bounce off Waders in the bays!
Does that back set of steps look a bit disabled ramp but Robot entry or some shit!
Can see over to the right looks open to the street....again like they're stealing the Eisbach crew!
Owner is a German surfer & would be well wise to Local surf Hang culture...we're seeing a local hang!
This very much resembles a Munich Surftown Raft Landing.
Add some Comp lights in Airport Precinct just like urbnsurf...
Photos will show that Viewers / Photographers can access 360 degrees of pool.
On top of that another 180 degree elevated walking deck...
Marketers will love unlimited detailed zoom angles to sell next level micro merch.
o2 LOGO Sell out!
Job : Tech Director + Free Staff Surf Slots
Surftown website

Sept ~ Zach does Eisbach Munich
Folksie review lends more cred to Munich Surftown ("He's talkin' shit!...Yes it's True!")..hard not to luv!
Casual Local Surfie Beer stoke makes this low key venture a winner.
Oct ~ Eisbach Surfstoke overdose elicits [10] Surf Punk Euphoria...give him a minute to warm up....
Simply take the bait & Pure Dope Hodad hooks ya to star as a prisoner in his Ground Zero Surf Flick.
Feel Like a Grimey Grom watching yer first Surf Vid...for lovers of dirty surf movies!
Hang on every intense Hodad proverb as whirling dervish transcends into Hypnotic DJ Surfbeat Intoxia
German in Venice Vidz...just take the bait...

1,000km from the ocean > Munich is considered the Surf capital of Germany
Munich Surftown Founder & CEO Chris Boehm-Tettelbach > Decades long all forms of Global surfing.
20 Years ago alongside others ... worked on shaping the Eisbach Wave.
Rebrand = { O2 Surftown Muc }
Bumper Q&A Edition ~ Release the Stats.
July ~ Bonus Recap (o2 Logo) re: Viewed Flying into Airport + Pool Lining
Pool Shell Finish generated much interest...
Cost : e$30m or AUD $49.55m
Electricity : 90 > (Now) 100% Off / onsite Solar / Renewables
Water Treatment : Harnesses Groundwater / Rainwater + Potable water reuse
Transit : E-Bike / Car recharge Station + Ride Share Exchange
Wave Park Area : 20,000 m2
Wave Pool : 9,500 cubic metres
Wave Generator : 120m long x 120m wide
Wave Pool : 180m long
Guests : Space for up to 4,000
700 surfers / day (62 surfers x 18 Time Slots / day.)
Aug/Sept ~ Utilities / Catering Event area / Change Rooms .
Oct ~ De Prez Endless Surf
Ride Length A Frame 8.5 secs > Full length Point 17 secs
Create Invisible Spine ( Take Off Spot ) Anywhere in the Pool
34 Caissons can be split anyway for any mix of line ups!
Wave Intervals > 8-16 secs 400-700 waves/hr
Wave Shaping in 0.5 second increments.
tbb recently informed of Fina Pool restriction during Bathymetry Change!
Be interesting to see if Fina / ISA roll out Barrels of Rotten ROBO Apples mid Comp Final...
As in...Bad luck the Back Door slammed shut on the Champ....All hail our more Marketable Insta Grom.
6 Nov - Photo Gallery ( Pool Base > Grid like Flexi Tiling? )
9 Nov - Behind the Scenes German engineering Tech Vid...intro + Tradies
12 Nov Breaking Wave Viewing Deck is taking Shape
23 Nov- Uber Downtown Munich Surfvolkskundemuseum (A place for Everyone)
30 Nov - Surftownstoke Vid.
May 2024 (Pre Open) Sessions
Entry : (7am-10pm) Likely Access is restricted to Scanned Patrons! ( No card-Order = No Entry seating)
Free : Access to Beach - Dinning / Bar > (Note [ID Card ] Spam Scam Scan Entry)
Free : Terrace ...(Note secondary [ID Card] Exclusive Access to Patrons only!)
Surf Shop : Lead Partner - Rip Curl
Gig Zone : Summer Beach Party Crowds Likely flock the wade zones
Beach : ( No prices given )...Likely patrons only > re: 'Free' Patron Access to Terrace via 2nd Free Scan.
Inner Wave Wall: (Not said) Wave Path is likely reserved during Comps by Media / Team Promo Tents
Lifeguard Tower / Crowd Deck : (Notice High Tower / Viewing Elevation Deck Observation)
KSWC / Perfect Swell / Endless Surf : Surfers ride extends further away from beach towards wall exit!
Finishing farthest possible point from Lifeguard-Comp Crowd (Wear down yer No Claim Bonus Points)
Wave Pool Users
Wave Height 30cm > 2m+
Wave Length 18 seconds max.
Summer Water Temp 24* ( Winter Closure Expected ) Hot Tubs / Wettie Hire
Small-Long Boards : Body Boards (re:) Gromz are Ok at Selective supervised times / zones
Bodysurfers : Strictly No Swimming or Bathing (Possible Summer Splash @ Event Spill over Zones)
Seemingly Body Surfers are now Banned from all Comp Quality Wave Lagoon Surfing sessions
Including pre 2000 once accessible Wave Lagoons...
No Manhandling or Wave Sculpting & strictly no intimate Wave Whispering
Wave Pool Entry > Procedure
A Frame Entry is via Central Pool Waiting Zone 1st Beginners Line Up > A frame Line Up
The Point Surfers enter @ A Frame wall exit zones to surf full length 18 sec rides to exit opposite end.
Surf Zones : 4 ( L rotates Clockwise > R rotates Counter)
Surfers : 16 / Zone (Maximum) see Rotation > Warm Up Zones > Re/Enter
Waves / Session : 12 rides
Prices : All are Reduced Pre Book prices (Only) Savings are a ratio of Pre Book Solo Price
Beginner : (Up to 2 hours)
$97 Lesson ( Incl Wettie + gear) Pre Pack Scale indicates = 10% opening discount
Surf Academy : (No pre pricing)
A Frame ~ Prog > Intermediate > Adv > Expert > Pro
Session $130/hr (Does not say > Slide Scale shows 10% discount on Standard Price)
10x $1,235 =$ 124/hr (Save 15%)
25x $2,800=$112/hr (Save 25%)
50x $4,779 =$96/hr(Save 35%)
Pointbreak ~ (18 seconds -Full Pool Length Ride) Cruiserz > Turns > Barrels > Airs
No Point pre book : Prices / Bookings from Opening Day (For those not familiar)
Note : Possible EU Safety 'Evaluation' prior to accessing "Advanced" Pointbreak Session
(re: Alaia Bay) + re: Oz Post Olympic venues mandate similar 'grading level' access!
Nanny States Mandate 2x Standard > Intermediate Sessions prior to booking Advanced Settings
4th Dec 2023 ~ Gold Coast (Endless Surf Sister Pool) Council Vote!
Jan 2024 ~ Water Fill
Feb-April ~Testing
May~ Pre Opening Sessions

SurfTown Winter Wonderland
Surfin' Santa's White Xmas WOTD

Happy New Year 2024
There's a lot of new stuff...on website...
We'll break it down into parts ... This being a social media review
3rd Jan (Snow is cleared) First up Video...unusually good value...
*Incredibly large Timber Built Surf Centre...folksie like a Bavarian Beerhaus Vessel
*Some better detail of odd sequencing of Caissons and chambers
recap 10 July 2023 (Above) tbb tried to intro many overhead shots...
A crude makeshift intro to formulate Line Ups...This month shares how each zone will work!
18 Jan : Different Zones > Intro 'Line up Paddle Outs'
tbb will align Zone description with their appointed shadowed Zones )
Layout (All) Note Full perimeter access > New Wavegarden designs are also adopting this!
Affords fully engaged soundscape for Spectators / Coaches / Staff / Judges
Upper deck afford spectators to view from behind and over the wave shoulder from distance.
Zone 1 : A frame (Split half length wall hugging L/R) Prog > Pro
Zone 2 : Beginner Zone (Waist deep breaks away from wall to main shore)
Zone 3 : Point Break (Largest / Full Length 18sec L/R + Long Boards)
Zone 4 : Central Waiting Area for inititial Entry to all Zones
Zone 5 : Paddle Outs along wall / wade out (4 zones can be surfed at same time )
Zone 6 : Warm Up Areas / Safety briefing
Zone # : Seasonal Summer Swim / Wade zone ( re: Shallow Bays > see Gold Coast )
Point break Surfers exit adjacent to Seasonal Waders ( Possible Summer Flags / Lines? )
Comments : Endless Surf is powered along Wall Face (vs) Wavegarden off opposing break-wall.
Endless Surf Paddle channel swell steepens as it narrows...(vs) Wave Garden paddle is subtle.
Highly whipped toppled Kooks may be bucked off & trawled along face to crab pot the lineup!
"Outta my way stranded Kooks!"
There's more to come on who can and who can't surf + cost & Wave detail.
Mostly as this is vague or only part answered, tbb needs more time to decode the FAQ.
Surftown History is a mix of craft & non craft Surfing...VIP Surf Park is prioritizing surfcraft over masses!
All know by mandating Wave Pool entry to most expensive exclusive Craft combos = More Hire / Sales
$1,000-$2,000 on sell for Boardriders as opposed to $zero on sell for bodysurfers = Ban Bodysurfing!
26th Jan : More Surf Centre Photos...Much to like here...
Tip : Many patrons may visit for soothing serene harbour Style Wave Soundscape...
Sun Terrace is heavily promoted for views but has no > Lift / Stairs in-out / utilities / WC / Service points.
Site claims serving 220 but restricts patrons to on-sell IT scanning gateways through-out the Park.
20th Feb : Faces of SurfTown (Stoke / Passion / Party) No language Barrier here...Stoke is Stoke!
Folksie Munich Surftown Stoke Theme is repeated...Wotz not to love...
18th March : More shots of Timbered Wave Arena only lends more thought to a Soundscape Theatre
Why not a Wave Powered Echoing Pipe Organ...plenty of money being splashed about here!
Munich Wave harmonics are most similar to Zadar Sea Organ...Let's Surf the Soundscape...Go for it!
23rd March : Logo + Zones + Last looks at Bathymetry (Possibly)

Recapping Surftown Flow Culture
Thru summer several weekly Rafts of 60 surf 30kms at speeds of 40km/hr into Surftown.
There the Eisbach runs thru Largest inner city World Surf Park...42million a year
Size of 640 Football Pitches > 75km paths-Roads + 2km flowing Surf Circuit
Most year-round Visitors are sightseers apart from Summer...Gone Surfin'!
Signs : [ Surfing / Swimming prohibited ]
Peak Surfing Season (Water Temp) 15-20* June/July/Aug
Following numbers were cross sampled from many Vids / Images to reveal similar # over & often.
Assumes most vids / images are during most accessible Peak Summer season
7,200/hr Bodysurfers (1/hr session Daily > Locals Verified 5 sessions/week at Dedicated Hang!)
Illegal swimmers Hot Spot...'Complimentary' Tram Rescue Service returns "At Risk!" Swimmers.
re: Oz Bussies gotta save "At Risk Kidz" > Here each Swimmer is an at risk passenger! (Can't say No!)
Strictly refers to Local Body Surfer's such regular exercise is deemed illegal!
7,000/hr Bathers / Dippers (Mostly Blow-ins > At various pads / diversions along Surf Circuit)
1,000/hr Nudists > 200/hr bathe > 20/hr bodysurf Separate Lone Larger ramped Weir currents
All Year Round Visitors > Engage the Eisbach but less so thru the Winter months
3,000/hr Full Attire Sightseers (Crisscross / Hangs at 70 bridges) over the 2km Surf Circuit
Boardrider Hangs
360/hr Repeat Board-rides in Split Queues of 15 on both banks
400/hr Surf Flow Spectators (Restricted Paths / Bridge viewing)
300/hr Repeat Board-rides in single bank Queues of 10 at other 2 Flows + 50/hr spectators
Clear to all that Boardriders / Spectators spend longer near Bridges / Bus / Transit / Stores!
Interesting to see Metro Trains do allow passengers with Boards to access Eisbach.
Boardriders Build a cross canal Beer Bridge > Passes Pub Test Sticker [Buy more, dump more shit]
Seems like many EU YouTube vidz are blanking out in Oz Zones...Still should play alright!
Ironic that Boardriders spend least time in Eisbach Lineup...5 secs delays for 5 second lone average ride
Boardriders avoid full natural Surf Circuit (Remaining fully suited above same Flow Zone each session)
Eisbach Line Up is reverse...(Note) Bodysurfers / Swimmers surf thru drydocked Boardrider Bus Stops!
Novelty Surf Village Attraction
Fully Suited 24/7 Boardrider Localism locks in Year Round Novelty o's Boyz Toyz Flow Wave attraction.
Also, Summer Mass Bodysurf Circuit equally attracts jealous o's City folk.(Long Free Ride - Fuck Yeah!)
Whole surftown wave circuit attracts overseas alternate reverse downtown city life surf stoke curiosity.
Everything is back to front...& the locals & blowins are supa-stoked...Wotz not to love!
Wave Trains
(Main Bridge Flow)
5 second (Wave Train turnover) Best o/s Pro Rides 10secs > Local 20secs > Urban Legends 1min retire!
Alt Share-Weir Flows (Summertime)
Bodysurfers tend to group in Packs of 20 > (Allow 10 secs for Boardrider) Flows next 20 Bodysurfers!
Across Canal Body Surfer's Rope is used to detour Flow Wave to clear Longer Boardrider Queues!
One group may slow fellow Bodysurfers thru alt detour gate > to alleviate growing boardriders queue!
No Rules No Rage sporting gesture to detour an exit to share the Flow Wave! Extraordinary Surf Stoke!
Must return to further review this harmonious Rebel Outpost of united crews of banned surfers.
Note these poor half naked Boardriders share Lineup with Half Naked Bully Bodysurfers! Tough Gig!
Interesting to see more of this Alt Wave for more natural order Surf culture...pretty rare & cool huh!
Munich Surftown Endless Surf : 400 + 400 Terrace visitors
May 2024 Opening ( Pre Surfs )
Wave Pool Entry Conditions
Hours : 7am > 10pm (Seasonal Closures : Winter > Frost / Snow + Lightning)
Entry : (Access Bar / Restaurant / Terrace are freely accessible without buying an Entry Ticket)
Elevators : To all areas ( Note this is not shown in Open Park Plans / Layout )
Wave access : We offer Waves for Every Style of Surfing!
Age : 6yrs + (Larger Wave Lagoon Pathogens often prohibit full immersion of Pregnant > Infants)
Water Temp : Non Heated
Ability : Must be able to swim 25m
Swimmers / Bathers : Not Allowed
Gromz (+ Body Boards) : Play in the Bay (Selected / Supervised times)
Surfboards : Short - Long + Beginner Softboards
Waves : 12/hr minimum > Beginner : 2hrs (see Zones)
Note : Bodysurfers Rule SurfTown lineup but not mentioned in Surftown Wavepool!
Have to wait & see if Endless Surf adopt Wave Pool Bullies unethical Bodysurfing Bans.
Zones + Avg Wave Trains > Levels > Height / Price Guide
Endless Surf 16 surfers in 4 Wave Zones = 64 x 12 / 8.5sec rides/hr
Roughly about half as slow as Eisbach Wave Train with twice as long rides or (Visiting pro length rides!)
We can assume edgy Locals will make the take off but blow the recover from their first Maneuver.
Following riders will have a clear take off to bust first move then land on fellow Kook!
3rd Surfer will make Take Off and bust a move but mid Line-up will then be mined with crab pots.
Wave 4 will need clearing before continuing! That's how the Eisbach Locals roll in Endless Surf Shire!
[Outer Zones] > All access order to [Inner Zones] Line Up +Wave Heights + Prices
tbb covered and linked all Zones above...check with last post...for Zone Layout.
[Zone 6] Warm Up [Zone 4] Waiting / Entry [Zones 5 >2] Wade + [Zones 5 >3] Paddle Out
Progress thru to Line Up Zones
[Zone 2] (Coach) Kook 0.5m > Rookie 0.7m (Beginners 2hrs) Pre Sale $97
[Zone 2] > Progressive 1.0m > [Zone 1] (Coaching > Lineup Reforms)
[Zone 2] > Guided > [Zone 1] 12 waves/hr sessions) Intermediate 1.4m > Advanced 1.7m
[Zone 1] (A Frame) > [Zone 3] (Point 18sec ) Expert 1.9m > Pro 2.1m (Presale A Frame only $130)
Comps / Tour Events : Crowd 400+400 (Little more is said on this!)
WSL Partnered Sponsors CT RipCurl / Oakley / Sun Bum + QS Mastercard + BWT Tudor + Red Bull
It seems likely that Pool will host National Comps > RipCurl Gromz / QS up to CS Events...
Traditional German Wavehause 2036 Olympic Bid warrants a default lone WSL CT Qualifier / Training!
Reminding that Germany has Iconic Wave Pool Tradition...few can argue against Traditional Surf Stoke!
tbb presents best case scenario...Exhibiting National Traditional Lifestyle is rewarded in Olympic Ideal.
Germany presents obvious organic Olympic Wave Pool inclusion...but...
Namibia recognizes German Language / Population & seeks reparations. (Skeleton Bay Olympic Ideal?)
Recapping Munich Surftown opens next month...should see first Endless Surf waves in a month or so!

4 April : Lookout Restaurant
6 April : Roll out the O2 then flow the H2O
11 April Final once over before the Pool Fill
13 April : Pool Fill...Video & some water shots...No Waves as Yet?
Waves should be breaking by now...but no sneaky inhouse tradie Vidz
Seems like Endless Surf are fine tuning their Big Reveal
They're already running this fill as Home Page Backdrop!
May : Pre Surfs ~ Website

First ...Long awaited Endless Surf Waves Shape up in Munich Surftown...(No Spoiler!)

There seems to be a delay in firing up the Waves...
3 Main Topics of conversation are emerging...
Park Opening Dates
The Web Site is still not offering Session Prices
Surfers are questioning the Smaller Scale offerings.
Another obvious question ... The Logo + Black Wall base line!
Will the Logo / Line dominate every wave face image...
Will the logo / Line distract boardriders focused on wave beneath
Will added Surfboard Wake further distort images on Photos & Vidz. (WG Ramp was aborted!)
Perhaps it can be exploited by Coaches as training / Hit Point - markers
Photo Gallery shows Logo embossed images distorting perfectly small waves.
1. A Frame Split Peak ( Mirrored Wave face image is offset by Logo lines?)
Also noting the Building shadows the Pool Base logo...wonder if that was intentional?
2. Distinct Dark (vs) Light wave Face (Similar to surfing in/out of Bait Fish Packs)
3.1960's Mod Discoteque Dance Floor
4. Sequence > Weirdly shows the Logo getting barreled
Quite a bit to consider when promoting the Wave Pool with any natural affinity?
Seems as if Logo will dominate Natural Lighting effects that enliven the wave!
That defies German's Folkish love of Nature...this could be a sell out that devalues the Wave!
Pioneer Wave Copyright ...comes to mind...Do Wave operators or designers own wave aesthetics?
This being a prototype...Designers should have an overarching display ethic.
Viewers are all claiming perfection...which can only default to finding fault =The Logo!
Think...this is a very expensive showcase of US/German engineering...why tramp stamp the heart of it?
Recall 1920's German wavepools branding Cosmetic Billboards...
Interesting that this first lineup Image seems to drown / Flush out any Logo not embrace it.
This image is the deal breaker...
Background is new & could be anywhere > Only that Line brands that wave to this Pool!
Wake up call...If selling tech is #1 then Fine? ...otherwise, it's blotting out a perfect wave!
See how it overwhelms Natural Lighting / Shadows = Distorts natural wave of Harmony!
Furthermore...tbb feels these vidz were shot in day glow to dim or dull the startling intrusion.
Also feel as waves get higher the effect is chaotic...the reason we're seeing small massaged samples!
Ask! Why not showcase largest Wave in broad daylight?
Thinking the effect of mesmerizing central Logo is overwhelming with Surfers on Dancing Wave faces!
When will it open to Surfers?
(Now) Customization Period
(May?) Pre Opening Sessions
(Summer) Grand Opening to the Public

truebluebasher wrote:There seems to be a delay in firing up the Waves...
Sorry! (This being the amended version!) Contains further Logo insight!
3 Main Topics of conversation are emerging...
Park Opening Dates
The Web Site is still not offering Session Prices
Surfers are questioning the Smaller Scale offerings.Another obvious question ... The Logo + Black Wall base line!
Will the Logo / Line dominate every wave face image...
Will the logo / Line distract boardriders focused on wave beneath
Will added Surfboard Wake further distort images on Photos & Vidz. (WG Ramp was aborted!)
Perhaps it can be exploited by Coaches as training / Hit Point - markersPhoto Gallery shows Logo embossed images distorting perfectly small waves.
1. A Frame Split Peak ( Mirrored Wave face image is offset by Logo lines?)
Also noting the Building shadows the Pool Base logo...wonder if that was intentional?
2. Distinct Dark (vs) Light wave Face (Similar to surfing in/out of Bait Balls)
3.1960's Mod Discoteque Dance Floor
4. Sequence > Weirdly shows the Logo getting barreled
Bonus Image : Looks like the underneath of a surfers board betting barrelled with no natural shadowing a bit to consider when promoting the Wave Pool with any natural affinity?
Seems as if Logo will dominate Natural Lighting effects that enliven the wave!
That defies German's Folkish love of Nature...this could be a sell out that devalues the Wave!Pioneer Wave Copyright ...comes to mind...Do Wave operators or designers own wave aesthetics?
This being a prototype...Designers should have an overarching display ethic.
Viewers are all claiming perfection...which can only default to finding fault =The Logo!Think...this is a high end showcase of American/German engineering...why tramp stamp the heart of it?
Recall 1920's German wavepools branding Cosmetic Billboards...This image is the deal breaker...
Background is new & could be anywhere > Only that Line brands that wave to this Pool!
Wake up call...If selling tech is #1 then Fine? ...otherwise, it's blotting out a perfect wave!
See how it overwhelms Natural Lighting / Shadows = Distorts natural wave of Harmony! feels these vidz were shot in day glow to dim or dull the startling intrusion.
Also feel as waves get higher the effect is chaotic...the reason we're seeing small massaged samples!
Ask! Why not showcase largest Wave in broad daylight?
Thinking the effect of mesmerizing central Logo is overwhelming with Surfers on Dancing Wave faces! serious concern would be for Lifeguards...trying to focus on central pool would be exhausting.
Be like trippin' out man...Am I still at the Mod Disco or that Psychedelic Wavepool
Can any imagine trying to locate a submerged drowning victim in a Psychedelic take off zone.
That's the line in the sand!That brings us to these most unusual very first lineup images...Almost like the Logo has Vanished like Magic?
Could it be that they wanna wish it away?When will it open to Surfers?
(Now) Customization Period
(May?) Pre Opening Sessions
(Summer) Grand Opening to the Public

TBB, all those images look legit to me.
It's so glassy, light refraction is causing those bottom logo quirks. And the first image tower reflection is just that.

Cheers Craig...tbb has often shared that many Wavepools feature striking finishes.
Many of these disguise safety features in a stylish or striking manner to accessorize the Wavepool,
#1 swellnet exclusive Wavepool motifs Visual FX.
1920-30's Therapy Wavepools
Entry rails > Alt' step or Coloured tile steps
(EU Safety Common!) : Deep Blue / Black [Depth Level line] runs along wall between Hand rail & Base
Later > Entry impact Arc/Circle radiating alt colour banded looped wave zones
Either or both meet the cross float/hung Deep end Rope Line/s > Restricted Zones (Signed in English)
(Little is written or spoken in English of assumed set safety parameters other than obvious aims!)
Presumed to guide swimmers back to safety within the changing Wave impact conditions...
Arrival of Waves are often Sounded out by Whistles / Hooters / Horns / Sirens etc!)
Fantastic Aerial Shots of Both early Wavepools showcase alt banded Loop Wave Impact zones.
Arced wade entry > Wavy Dark banding continues to Oz finest wavepools (Bayswater Waves)
This is clearly a Global Industry default guideline....Dark Blue Wavy bands = Wave Zone
Next 2 shots ramp the radical wave distortion of same tame lame banded loops!
1927 Gallert Wavepool Has 2x Deep End /Side LGs + 4 life rings
Wild Waving Chaos Theory (Highlights massive whipped Wave Distortion of Tiled Lines)
1937 Psychedelic Palatinus Boardrider's Wavepool...(2x LGs atop deep end Pier Point) + No leggies
1920-30's Dive Tower / Swim Lane ~ share / wavepools
These Deeper Pools feature straight base swim lane lines that distort as waves pass.
Waves break / Bubble a warmer softer pool surface without breaking bones on icy tops
But the waves also enable Divers to safely gauge the depth of any swimmer beneath.
Distorted Wave outlines Swimmer is nearer the Surface (No Dive)
Clear Wave outlines Swimmer is way down Deep (Safe to dive)
We can see that same effect in this deeper Wave pool...Troughs magnify (vs) Peaks Distort-Hide Lines!
Consider the raised swells vs deeper water distorting all in this pool.
Now observe!
Ask why a Pool of unbroken Waves requires 9 (yes!) Head +8 LG's to Patrol Distorted tiny Swim Pool.
None even venture near the Heavily whipped Wave Zone...
Check and see...Swimmers are grouped tightly into a very small but well distorted Line Up!
Such a mild wave pool but a Massive added high risk distorted element for Life Guard Patrols.
Such level of distortion ain't natural > check the mirrored pool walls with swimmer's vanishing act...
See how newly formed Black lines appear across the pool from thin air...WTF! It's a Trip out!
Tricks yer eyes don't it! (Stare at this for 8 hours then yer behind the wheel up a tree on the way home!)
Wave Pool Logos / Motifs
Most would assume dreamy clean slate Wavepools make the Ideal dream promo backdrop
Effect is lost during Wave mode unless adopting shallow low impact EU inshore entry.
Most Tramp Stamps strictly play on EU Entry / Meet @ Safety Arcs.
Water World Thunder Bay trialled 2x (Mega Sponsor Pepsi Beach Ball Logo)
Can see Waves were distorting Type face > Moved the wording back up the beach - high'n'dry.
Small Park Promo
{Raptor Reef} Logo also strictly follows Euro Entry safe zone Arcs, also get's stamped to death.
They've also trialled it Twice...Vidz of waves washin' over it...looks like a vomit patch.
Bondi Wave Pool Line in the Sand [LOGOS] sells out Oz coastlines...
It need not...something good might come from similar...we'll see!
Plays on them classy Opera House Betting Ads!
Flow Wave [Logo] Fails
All Flow Rider Logos can't be read....
World's #1 Wavepool [logo] Royal Caribbean
tbb confirms this is the only Wave / Flow Logo that gets imprinted on yer brain...
They seem to roll out 1,000's of these cheesy Logo Vidz.
Wavepool Logos are not an issue & can even value add to the Pool in many ways!
Many Logo's can be incorporated as a Safety feature and also minimise distortion!
Very shallow slower inshore sheets of water permit Logo / Safe point recognition.
Endless Surf has opportunity to utilize Logo as a traditional Arced Wavepool Entry Safety Feature
As logo / Lines submerge Deeper with raised wave height the Distortion increases LG patrol risk!
The more centralizing crowding of a Deeper off set Wave Distorted Logo could devalue Wave Park.
Not just commercially but aesthetically for wave promos & may even compromise safety.
However! It is a new stomping ground...
Perhaps a weekly Leased Promo Line Up is just around the corner...few doubt otherwise!
tbb thinks it could lend to some Jock Air Games...or Loop the O2...on the Wave Face!
Can't see it being needed nor an asset...could even Tramp Stamp Branded Company as a failure!
Still think this Logo plays on their minds...(In 2 Minds whether to throw the baby out with the bathwater)

Munich Surftown Boardriding reveal.
Kinda like another sneak Peak as with earlier Vid!
(No Line Ups > No Take Offs > No Full Rides > No Pull outs!)
No big Waves or Barrels as yet!
Crew do get a decent splattering of heavily edited Surf Mag Blip Verts
[Logo] Is still there but No real time 'operational' Wave Flow is shown here!
If anything...we see more Lake setting than Wave setting!
If any crew think it looks weird > tbb reviewed the LOGO above.
LOGO doesn't really come into play with these overly groomed edits!
Zero Promo defeats the purpose of the LOGO!
Vid Menu
[0:00] Air > (Pause next for Whole Pool View).
[0:03] Rainbow / Logo - Lines in waves look pretty trippy!
[0:04] Chix Trick
[0:05] Mod Disco Nite Green Glow Lamp Fluro + Underwater shotz
[0:10] Airtime > (Next see Boardies (vs) Steamer)
[0:12] (Pause) Another Sneak look at whole pool...
[0:13-18] Trim'n'Skim (Token skim dual-wave edits fools no one...Like who does this & why?)
[0:18] Pick'n'mix
[0:20-23] Backhand Combo (Longest -Solid Edit)
[0:23-33] Pick'n'Mix Edits
[0:34] Ramp (Trial)
[0:47] Top Turn Edits
[0:53] Skim Slashback Sign Off!
Anomalies (Still under construction!)
Random Yellow Numbers on Wall = 1-4 Take Off Zones (See Above posts)
Green Lamp works pretty good
[0:09] Weird shoreline Loop Hooks...possibly allowing for pool settling before removal!
Crane Arm >>>> Possibly for that exterior Prefab LG / Elevator Unit to access Top Deck.
Build does state top deck is accessible by Lift but it's not on any sketches > Add On?
Bonus : Janina Surfer in Vid + Boss replies to Opening Date Enquiry
ISPO Sports Unit Review

It's what ya don't see in the above Curtain Raiser Vid that sets this Wavepool apart.
Might have something to do with White Water West free spirited pedigree.
Most new breed Wave Pools have Surf Industry backers.
Endless surf are rooted in free love family Water Parks.
Family Wave Pools strictly ban geeky high risk leashes & surfcraft.
However this hybrid is meant to cull any free spirited surfing.
Ranch bouncers lasso & hogtie plank walkerz & drill holes in Skimboards within a record 5 secs.
Wave gardeners all fit Space Helmets while cultivating crops with razor sharp rotatory blades
Strictly no hard headed highly strung jock pilots in this NASA space cadet academy!
So why are Endless Surf VIPs parading off leash Hot Dogz!
We see a few Masters have leashed their Branded Pets.
Even then, some have chomped at their bits & chewed them off.
All are expecting more orderly leashed surfing towards opening day...we shall see!

Olympic Ideal Wunderbah Surftown Flick.
Much better real time full length rides...gotta luv that...Salute!
Please Click > [More] <
[ Excellent German Surfing intro from the Boss / Surfers ...cheers for that ideal Bonus ]
Vid Menu (Olympian Tim's Session)
[0:00] Ominous Bait Ball hugs the Wall (Large dark wide band being the Base Grate Plate)
[0:12] 'The Big O' gets perfectly pitted
[0:32] LOGO cops a baby shower with a Tiddler. (Ok! Why is that?)
[0:50] LOGO is bang in the Impact Zone as whitewater washes over it!
(Pause) Recap above LOGO painting Vid (Ask! Why is Paint Company name blurred on LOGO artists?)
Q: Will waves wear down this Logo to resemble a hot mess?
[0:58] Ethical Olympic Ideal Leggie compliance...All say Aye.
[1:08] Wall is on surfer's right > now Left (Think that's a twin angle Quirk of Shore Fencing?)
[1:23] Bird's Eye Drone / Take Off on Right Point (See how wave breaks away from wall)
[1:30] Tailing wave face briefly distorts Big O band width (Not to be confused with Kelly's Big W)
[1:40] Line Up view of Left Point
[1:55] Line Up view of Right Point (Note : Another Airport Precinct > Planes)
[2:14] Mid Pool Drone View (Left)
[ 2:30] Mid Pool Drone View (Right) + See > Wall side Surftown Logo/s
(Pause) Note only one wave set > swell wake distorts any rearing 2nd/3rd waves in line up!
[2:48] Poolside edit (Left) + [3:08] Poolside edit (Right)
[3:30] Point / Entry-Exit edit (Left) + [3:50] (Right) Nice angle this one!
[4:05] Drone View Finale
Vid Menu (Olympian Camilla's Session)
[4:26] Cheery Christening
[4:30] Poolside (Left) Small Soft take Off (Lab Test Wave?) > Builds into Biggest Left Wave...interesting!
[4:48] Poolside (Right) Judge's View : *Largest Wave / Highest Scoring Ride (Salute!)
[5:10] Point / entry-exit edit (Left)
[5:26] Pool side edit (Left)
[5:48] Mid Pool Drone edit (Right)
[6:00] Bird's Eye Drone edit
[6:30] Mid Pool Drone View (Right)
All up a much better Surftown Video ... there's a lot to like here.
Crew demanded bigger waves & got a few half decent sized waves > [4:48]
Crew demanded Pits / Slabs / Barrel time...all in good time!
This vid of Hometown Olympians lends angles for Local Comp formats
Happy to share this Vid...good job all round guys!

Ok! We got an unusual Take Off anomaly...many would've noticed the odd wave mounting!
Even for a wave pool there seems to be an issue with a simple Take Off procedure!
We can collate all the waves that expose this flaw...
[1:16] All see a dismounted surfer facing opposite direction & floundering.
Q: Why not just Camp on board...Huh?
Is it too cold > Note above Skimboarder is in Boardies as Euro Summer approaches
Weird how surfer faces opposite towards wave but then blindly turns away from the wall?
[2:26] Surfer is again dismounted but now Board aligns with wave Direction...(Watch!)
Now the same surfer alternates to turn towards the wall when mounting.
[4:02] Surfer now sits facing the oncoming wave & turns towards wall.
Surfer Change
[5:43] Chick Surfer lies prone with Wave direction & mounts facing the Wall
[6:01] Repeats same procedure
[6:26] Chick now Camps seated towards the wall + Guy is again off his board offering assist?
So what trickery is fooling both surfers to trial & coach several different odd Take Off procedures?
Surely these moderate easy take offs are not that tricky...C'mon! Wots the game here!
Also why would any edit a Vid to highlight this Flaw...(Recall Urbnsurf crabpot bloopers as Promos!)
Ok! Think we start at the start by removing all surfers & focus on the Wave rising along Wall.
Open honest account of wot any/all eyes might see that distracts or distorts the rising of the Wave!
Thanks to earlier Vids we can strip this back to the origin of the rising wave...
Also rule out LOGO at this point...Why!
No videos share the A Frame take off zone...We can address the Point Take Off with Vids!
Clearly surfers have main issue with the Right Wave rising along the Wall as it Surfaces!
(Obvious exposed Take Off Distractions)
15 May Vid...
[0:05] Harsh Matt Glare (vs) Deep cast Dark Shadows
[0:06] Plane Take Offs are many & an obvious Distraction!
[0:10] Black Floor grate black band expands across Wave Face then recedes or vanishes in troughs.
[0:10] (Colour Tiers) Sky / Black Wall / White Wall / Green Water / (Mirror) Glare / Shadows
[0:10] Eye focuses on initial Wall rising water & rear line before & away from wave pitch point
[0:12] Intense Distortion of dancing Water Glare / Shadows on rising Wave Face
28 May Vid...
[0:03] Major wall line visual wave distortion from Dark Floor grate
Travelling Face of wave doubles the bandwidth as trailing trough vanishes the banding
[0:08] Major arcing of bandwith projects in reverse on wave face contour
[0:14] 3x darkening & size of wave-face band-width
29 May (Vid)
[0:08] Rising wave severely distorts black banding to dominate a striking visual effect.
Clearly shows any Surfer looking along the wall sees greater Visual Distortion.
[0:51] See striking Banding lured from the wall to be absorbed into the Barrel of breaking Wave
[1:20] Aerial also show broader bandwith on Wavefront & less width trailing...
See also on the Big O > Wavefront instantly broadens the Dark colour bandwidth & thins in the trough.
[1:36] Important...see the rad Grate Band spiking effect on wave face at end weds the same start point!
[1:56] We see same rad spike from wall into the wave face at take off point.
[2:15] Fuller Softer Wash wave take off > subdues both Wave Face/Trough spiked shadow effect.
[2:30] Slightly elevated middle pool view also lessens the Spiked take off effect
[2:45] Note as soon as any swell nears the wall the band Spikes into the wave just as quick.
[3:08] Weathered surface seems to soften or obscure the dramatic spike effect
[4:03] Now see it's a 2 way distortion of band climbing the wall as it intrudes into the wave..
[4:19] Highlights Front / rear / side / logo visual distortion on Peak wave Image!
[4:23] Distorted disjointed Wall Grated Wave Spike
As the wind ruffles the wave face it subdues the striking effect
[5:45-6:00] Freeze Frame sequence > Surfer totally warps the BIG O into weird shape/s
Last wave trailing distortion attracts fellow surfer.
Take Off distraction Summary...
Not the Logo or Planes
Any / All distorting effect originates from Large wall hugging dark banded Grate effect
Both Olympians are clearly preoccupied by this or similar Wave Take Off Distortion.
The wall banding distortion is magnified nearest the wall spiking into mirror glass rising wave barrels.
The instant widening of Band into the pool splits then zips a Spike to meet the Wave Curl.
Almost like a 3d Artzy Archer firing a cross visual Black Spike into yer Barrel...(As in 'Jump the Gun'!)
This early dominant effect clearly tricks the eye away from focusing on later rising wave break point!
The distortion forces the surfer/s to trial varied visual options to lessen the offset dark spiking effect
The striking effect dominates until Wind ruffles the surface or wave fills out to subdue the banding.
Being a one wave Trial restricts any operational flow on effect.
Wall grate distorts the First Surfer...following surfers may trail a subdued effect...Perhaps?
However the Clean sheet Type Face & Big O less bothers the first surfer. (Sunset/rise perhaps)
This distortion will likely more affect trailiing surfers > Photos > Operational Patrols
(Above) tbb exampled PEPSI repositioning Logo.
One would pose an obvious Question...
Would industry ai airbrush a distorted mutated nationally branded Big O for a Sponsored Pro!
Also if Wave Distorting Imagery would cause a Wipe Out injury...
[Disclaimer] Before one asks! Yes!
tbb suffers from CSR Central Serous Retinopathy
Basically distorts vision with Wavy 3D blotchy fluro effect.
eg : When it's full'll see tbb nervously edge around them open floor promos
Here's exactly how us vision impaired will react in such a zany Wave Park lineup!
If take off zone looks and darts like a bait ball then that's what it is!
See a weird large dark spike arrowing towards you then bail fast > no matter where or how!
Now simply ask...are these Scary effects a safety feature or designed to terrorize impaired surfers!
If neither > Why frontline unknown fear factor in a high risk arena that mandates rescue patrols.
Simple safety rule is to not add unnecessary risk to an already known high risk Wave Park Arena!
That's not up for sale & should never be!
Promo showing German Olympians spooked by a Wavepool Take Off Zone...Teahupoo is next!

#1 swellnet exclusive Power Band Line Up.
tbb apologizes for not doin' his homework.
Rogues Gallery of Bandits should explain why yer mind's playing tricks
8 Vertical Chamber Palm Springs Exploding Power Band
16 Chamber American Dream A frame Black Power Band
24 Chamber Japanese Full length Samurai Power Band
34 Chamber German Full length Beer Hall Oom-pah Band
Mid Range Power Loop
Pnuematics distort mirrored Power Bands by number of nearest powered Chambers.
In the case of Endless Surf 34 Chambers stoking a short wave exaggerates Waveband Distortion.
We see increased visual illusion as wave rises (vs) All earlier lesser rear-side chambered models.
Quote 3rd Law : "For every action an equal and opposite reaction!"
Translation...The more air ya blow to stoke Larger waves the higher level of Visual distortion!
Q: Can operators reduce or eliminate this increasing distortion! (That's the right Question!)
Sure! By reducing / sequencing or harmonizing the Air Chambers to counter the effect.
The effect diminishes away from power source + In fuller flatter waves
(Elemental Neutrality)
Glare can either amplify or totally blind out the effect + Shadows likewise hide the effect!
Obviously that proves too difficult for operator to control > Apart from exacting Shade Screens!
Tip : "Pink Mould coloured loose Weave" Breathes & hides any mould > Low cost maintenance!
Wind / Rain Ruffled Surface reduces the effect by breaking it up.
Natural less filtered slightly murky Lagoon Water instantly drowns out the Power Band effect!
eg: Proportionately chambered Waco + Boa Vista 'Murky Lagoons' can't sustain power Bands.
(Colour / Lighting)
Colouring Dark Utilities lighter to blend with Pool Surface will instantly eliminate harsh banding effect!
Indoor Wave Arena Muted Lighting at specific angles should soften or even neutralize the effect.
Can Wave Garden / Modules stoke up respective Power Bands!
Wave Garden incorporates drains within modules...(Tulla has a couple of high grate mounts!)
Numerous uniform Module effect shares the load evenly at moderate distance.
Wave garden band distortion rather depends on continuous dark backdrop + Viewing Position!
No! From shoreline or Central Console looking into wave against White Wall backdrop!
Yes! From Mid Side walls (Square on!) Distorted Banding darts along Black Skirt Backdrop!
Q: Will Visual Distortion increase as Wavepools age...
A : Very much so with Mix'n'match odd coloured Wall & Base patching
eg: Recall SK pool played around with Ramps > Odd coloured lining Patches now distort Wave Faces!
Again, depends on angle of viewing....( Glare would knock out central Patched Bathymetry distortion )
Chose this Vid as it combos all above Wave Garden Distortion...
Keen Eye can decode the Rainbow Banded wave face.
Should be able to wand each rainbow colour to above patchwork Quilt & curtains!
This vid also shows / shares how each future Pool vid will progress more distorted rainbow effect.
Vidz will oddly resemble an old Video Tape effect > Just add a Psychedelic Soundtrack...Far Out!
Yeah! So Cool...can still sell stickers for that!
All things being equal > A future Patch Quilted Wavepool should beam Rainbows along Wave Face!
Rather a Motley Distorted Rainbow than a true spectrum disorder Rainbow Unicorn WOTD.
tbb admits to being certifiably Mental but not Crazy...
Black Banded Surf Gangs are an emerging dominant Force!
Too Late...#1 swellnet just copyrighted these new Wave Pool Clubz!
[ Band on the run ] [Wavepool Bandits] [Pool Liners] [Supreme Beams] [Rainbow Chasers]
You Bloody Bastard tbb...(You Snooze You Loose!)
All royalties flow our ya like yer creepy Basher now! Crew are Rollin' in bit coin!
Hodad lesson for Gromz...all that boring homework (Above) that tbb put in...just paid off...
Rainbow Revival Surf League stable...
Dark Striped Wavepool sea Monkeys ridin' seahorses & rainbow Unicorns
VIP Wavepool Party Black Tie Affair
Realizing the Joke was on Us
Reaching out to the obvious SIGN
With an Answer not a Question
One line leads to another...we got all lined up

[0:00] Munich Surftown > Recent first overcast Olympian Session
"Light Refraction"..continued...
*Alternate Take Off Options (Also from earlier!)
(We could be seeing purposeful (Delayed) Late Take Off Coaching!)
Possibility of Each Olympian Coaching each other into Late Steeper Take Offs to prepare for Teahupoo!
Kinda like each are trialing last second alternate Late Drop back up techniques.
* Overcast + Slightly ruffled surface slightly breaks up the banding effect.
(Note it doesn't seem odd that Light Refraction is front and centre of Mind for operator & Vid viewers!)
This Wide open Bright Blue Lagoon would be a striking, startling visual for folk in a Euro River City.
[0:05] See overcast + ruffled surface breaking up outer spike Banding towards the wall.
Seemingly restricts the banding from waveface spearing the Barrel...
[0:17] Perfekte Welle : "I think it's very spectacular, because due to Refraction of light on the Water is actually always Turquoise. Even in bad weather, you're about to be transferred to another World. It is an Artificial World but one with spirit like the Beach with Sunshine!"
[0:48] Overcast weathering reduces the Wave Face spiking...
Note how fluid Tim's sharper turns are now...
[0:50] Surfing on Fresh Water
[1:00] Tim : "Surftown's line Up of several alternate Wave arenas each with Identical Waves!"
[1:35] See Black Banding breaking up from outer spike back towards wall...
Camilla : "Stoked that Surftown has an Olympic training facility > Tahiti bound!" Yew!

Olympians perform for [Locals Only]...pure Surftown stoke! Yew!
Surftown Ambassador Sebastian Steudtner (Big Wave WR Goof)
Click the TikTok link in Telefonica to backdoor the Official Promo Vid
Can see just the one window with the WavePool that one...should link Ok!
Note on this TikTok...comments are plagued by disgruntled O2 Telco customers?
Like never saw that comin'...
Red Bull Smoko Van ramps the Nazare flyover into the O2 Employment Pool [10]
Chix Promo
Longboarder walkin' the plank ...again, no leggie! see 28/29th May Vid .
Unleashed Customization Period...
Kombi corner's Log Jam spread over the English Garden high tea sconer set.
Every Surftown Hippie be cruizin' any more of them Log Jam Scones!

Endless Surf reviews their Surf Lagoon
Myrtha Pools Endless Surf Promo
News Articles
International Gromsearch winner UK Lukas Skinner's Aerial Raid on Munich Surftown.

Backtrack Combo ( Deluxe Reworking of previous Vids )
8th June (Backtrack) Surf Ambassador Sebastian Steudtner (Video is now available)
Recap : Nazare Big Wave Surfer > Some sweet treat for Goofy Crew. (Thanx for loading that vid!)
Comes across as genuine...likeable Local Pro type session / WaveTest vid for the crew.
Just sharing this is much better than the non official TikTok vid! (Very Euro Slick F1 Style...nice!)
But Wait...there's more...a Beautiful Panoramic rework of Victoria Vergara's Rainbow / Moonlight Session!
There is some wonderful Sky vistas presented & more to come...they look great like the Tulla Big Sky!
Be cool if there was a longer version of this vid...stoked to share this much...
26th June Massive Screen Centrally mounted mid height along wave walkway wall
More on this screen below in Pre Sales Session Vid...
Wave Operator Tower Construction (Note: Mistaken for Lifeguard Tower in earlier comments!)
Confirming > No Real Lifeguard Tower seen as yet (See this update below...Pre sales Vid!)
Possibly reads the same for all endless Surf Designs (Wave DJ Tower is not a Lifeguard Tower!)
27th June (End of July open at Latest?) Over 60 ISA Instructor / Coaches
Possible to read ISA standard as offering both Olympic / Universal Surf Coach options
28th June Janina Zeitler VW / Ripcurl Promo + (Comes with Surf Vid!)
9th July Beginners Session Lifeguards / Coaches
Pause at start to see path along Wave Wall > Another real cool Coaches work site vid...
Love the warm genuine German Surf Stoke in this vid...Wunderbar!
16th July Amber Arvo ( Last Rays are soaked up by the Beer Hall )
Energy =100% renewable > Hall is heated by Geothermal + 16 charge Stns + 68 Bikes / E bikes soon!
Water = Groundwater
Facility = 20,000 sq metres
Events = 4,000 + Future options
Pool = 10,000 sq metres
Length = 180m
Staff = 150
Open = 7am > 11pm
Waves =12/hr
There is some surprise talk of 20 sec' rides & does look like a prolonged open face height.
Maybe time a few when more full edit vidz come one.
Skid Kidz have a hard time reading this wave...not as easy as they thought...
Seems the running wave confused them more than the set wall mounts.
Also the end where the Logo zip line meets the wall spiked line..
Once again...indicates the Logo is fouling their set target point as it distorts the face.
So the lines are less affecting the tube the exercise yields that much!
Point was made of lip pitch hitting and slowing the board...something to consider for later!
Mostly coz this crew can tuck in tight & zip pretty quick...& they struggled & got held back a little?
23rd July Bookings
$AUD (Levels) Wave Height / Depth or Type
Wade Zones
$115 *Gromz 6-10yrs (shallow)*1st Timer .5m (Waist Deep)*Rookie .7m (Waist Deep)
Paddle Zones have 15 surfers + 12 waves/hr
$150 *Prog' 1m (slow-clean)*Intermediate 1.4m (Cruiser)*Adv 1.7m (fast break)*Expert 1.9m (Barrels)
$230 *Pro 2.1m (Vert Slabz)
27th July Pre-Sales Open Members Session is a bit of fun
First video of actual operations with staff / crowds..Great Local Vibe & Surf Hang Stoke
10 Lifeguards Stand evenly spaced Around perimeter (No shade/seats) + not in front of Screen
DJ Wave Tower has a few dodgy steps + has groupies.
Seems like roof top has no lift not even for DJ?
Mobile crane at Screen > Possibly looks in need of extra height to obtain Ratio (Very Large!)
Opening Weekend Festival
National +O/s Pros Surf Exhibitions + DJ + Food Vans +
10th August 2024 Saturday VIP Entry Only
11th August 2024 Sunday arrive early ltd entry ( E Type / Cards Entry/transactions (Only)
Just wanna share that the Oz crew do notice the German Surf Stoke & warm smiles.
Do recall the Endless Summer Sunshine Vibe yer aiming for...well on the way with that.
Happy Oz surfed with Germany in R1 Good Job > Tim & Camilla
Plenty of swellnet crew cheering on the German Olympic Team likewise...
Nice Buns no one noticed yer exhibition.
In return the swellnet crew send Sunny vibes for Munich Surftown opening weekend.

Salt (vs) Fresh (Skid Kidz Vidz)
Crew may have noticed the Skid Kidz Euro Safari being a little sluggish or that their timing is out?
Skim boarder requests DJ to flick to Right Ramps but with no real explosive gain...
Even mentions he feels he was dragged back in the barrel or struggling to keep the wave!
Heavier Salt water usually sinks but panned in shallows gifts skimmerz exaggerated speed & lift.
Heated Air & shallow water runs faster than Colder Air & deeper Water
World Land Speed records are in Summer Air on Shallow heated Salt Pans
Without Salt in their pan the lighter less supportive Fresh Water shallows now exaggerates Skim drag.'s easy to blame the DJ or Pitched Lip Line or even the Visual Wave Distortion
It's the instant drag of skimming fresher colder water dragging more as it drops off into deeper water
What to do about that?
Natural to run longer, faster & harder but these Wave Pools have perimeters...So Wotz Plan B
Skid Kidz would need a slicker voluminous Fresh water quiver to meet targeted ramp points
Meaning skim boarders are most affected by switch to fresh water & need more adaption.
Vast array of Heated Salty Flick Tricks (vs) constrained toned down Cold Fresh Water Tricks.
Well...maybe more about changing one's mind set to include a broader array of slower cooler tricks.
Slow and steady wins the race!
Guessing they know that now...maybe a Skid Kidz Bigger Cooler Euro Safari sequel...lock that in!

8th Aug : C J Hobgood / Mike February / 4x Pros surf into Twilight
Track : The Beginning by Dirty Art Club 'Heavy Starch'
[0:02] Summer ~ Bare Chested in Boardies
[0:04] Dramatic Sky (Constant arvo Feature) Realized & Starting to be promoted
[0:07] Large screen is Complete & Dominates wave wall into the skyline
[0:17] Lip hits Board in Barrel time (see Skim Boarder Comment) No wide barrels as yet!
[0:25] Logos along Black Wall + Weird Smallish (Temp?) Wave Start Markers or Death Toll?
[0:33] New Scaffolding near DJ Booth > Perhaps an elevator or LG Tower?
[1:00] Longest Selfie Stick > No Bodysurfing but ridiculous props to rip into the pool base / hit others!
[1:35] Another Green / Lamp Blue Glow Session (Possibly a Spotlight delay-approval)
[1:55] Still looks like a work site around the Beer Hall
Red Bull Review / Wet T shirt Leon Glatzer (rad Photos)
Includes Surftown Video Gallery + Wave Menu
tbb is noting the clever interplay with Sunset (Nice Surf Stoke Promo of Euro Surfie Chix!)
*Possibly the first dedicated Endless Summer Splash Photo of Surftown Sunset Hang (Salute!)
All up not a bad Red Bull Promo...sticks to the script > No over hype!
Private Pre Surf Early Bird Crew Session (Interesting VIP open share Vid)
[0:01] The waves seem to run further than intended into the Forecourt.
* Wave Wall is being built (Not sure if that was intended)
Keeping the Wave Splash in check....or keep dry!
* DJ Tower Booth is walled by Promos (Possible Elevator to Roof Top Terrace!)
* Note [L] Boards are bossing Summer Arvo Sun (Unusual use of Premium Hang Space?)
Could be a Sanitory Reason
* Summer Gurlz
[0:11] Note many new Trial /// Wall Markings \\\ + (((Logos))) (A work in progress!)
* Wave echo is loud & may be marketed or sold as quirky Therapeutic Hang!
* Also recall Hoots / Yews! from this same end of ride for Tim on this right beach (A Stoked Hang?)
These open share Vidz often add Stoke...not a long vid but most revealing!
* Like the fact that it was dark enough for Lights (Again...Is this lighting delay due to ~ Precinct / Eco restrictions)
As more surfers hit the pool in this end of day period > Lighting issue is Now very obvious!
Surely a pre Opening > Lighting trial was mandatory!
Note : It's possible to surf under the light of the Giant Screen...sounds weird. but is this the Plan?

Euro Magz
Surfsphere Gallery celebrates the Opening
Pre Open Continues in the dark mostly but with huge smiles.
Possible weird exposed elevator + Boards dominate frontline real estate...kinda weird!
Cool Zippy Vid of Leon in Bare chest'n'boardies + Victoria Vergara
Opening Weekend "Go For it!"
Congratulations Surftown Munich...swellnet crew join the celebrations...Yew!
All Hail Olympian Camilla
Lifeguard tower as Tudor Music DJ Booth + No lights still > Glow waves?
Comp Venue type Views from the bridge
See the basher has a crack + View back to the Roof top (Cool) Thanx Jessie!
Very interesting long Vid near wave Booth...see Staff arrive then shortly after hand goes over the cam?
30 sec Wave train > Surfers ramp one big air @ entry point (Not Ideal!)
Fast heavy Wash then rushes ashore just past half way point > Blockwork now prevents Entry?
15-20 Planes / hr and they are loud as is the wave echo.
Wall hugging overview
Local Surf Chick Cam
[0:01] Looks like a late add elevator up to DJ Booth / Roof Top Hang?
[0:04] Chix surfing is high standard
[0:11] Lifeguard Tower
[0:14] Sun Bum Promo
[0:20] Lifeguard Tower
[0:25] Sand Bags front & centre (Note the crude openings access in new block wall!) Wow!
Pause : (Each Wave Park Design underestimates Wash = #1 Reason to Limiting Wave Height!)
Facebook Open Welcome / Gallery / Vid + (Site {f} vid shows SUP in the pool!)
Cool Photography + SUP

(Above) Apologies for Open day TikTok links...
tbb tries to avoid them if Alt is available...this pool runs a lot of Tik Tok! Vidz.
Sadly they all to soon switch from link back to random sketch.
Not always...did try to refresh and lock them in...but they got a mind of their own.
Feel free to ignore them as a lucky dip!
Compo : Can offer the Munich Surftown Main Gallery link Page...for crew to choose!

First up...Pool Opening has spawned many Insta Style Chix do Surftown Vidz
tbb is fine to share but they're mostly random hit'n'miss Tik Tok...
Just sharing a new kinda Town Chix stoke is fast comin' on with their sound byte backing trax!
Anyhow...check them out...some are look at me...others do a commentary with wave action.
So yeah! It's a thing alright & has come on pretty quick...starting to merge as a local surf chix hang!
Secondly is the American crew are blending with the local crew...we can share them vidz
So! We got US doco Pros + lots of Local Chix all hangin' out at new pool.
2,500 Crowd / Voice over lends the exhibition a Comp venue vibe...quite a few cram into small gig!
Still not seen any Night Lights action? Seems a little odd...but that pool wall + other stuff is on the fly!
So expect a few changes after opening period irons things out!
Plenty of Rays / Bodz / Chix in fine spirit in lead up to Oktoberfest...lots of surf stoke in the Pool! Cool!
Plenty of fun & shared waves...lotz to to a perfect start...
swellnet crew sending good vibes and smiles...keep up the Surftown Stoke Munich...Yew!
Local Crew Cross Combo : Camilla / Leon + EU Pros + Nic Von Rupp / Dylan Graves / Skim Kidz + more...
Dylan Graves
Locals + Blind Surfer ( 2 way / Helmet com )
[2:00] Crowded audience Dylan Requests various Waves live from Wave Tower DJ Axel Terradillos
[4:30] Dylan pulls off Switchfoot Air Rotation...stoked!

Local Rogue Production washes up the US Jocks Opening Day Invasion
(Tip) Just more of them resident US pool toy bullies.
tbb only includes this opening sequence as reference ...(As in Pool Toy Prank Trends)
If ya sick of Jocks fartin' about with Boyz Toyz just give it the flick...not missing anything.
Recommend to skip to next Exotic Pro Vidz with the Cool Tunes + Bonus Aussie Vid
Boyz Toyz Tantrum Sessions ( Of interest being Leash Free but still full of Crappy Pool Toyz)
eg: Skim / SUP / Lazy Rubbery Foam Whompa / RU Mini Surfer / Drones / Selfie Sticks / Wade Cams
[Factcheck] tbb is trying to [box tick] just one Merch free ride > All got some crap attached!
Only wanna see if Trad' 100yr German Wavepool Therapy is legal in this Wave Pool (Very much doubt it!)
Wavepool Mag : [Bodysurf moments near the Munich Airport ] Just humour them!
Fake Title : (More US Whomper Jocks Pool Toy Session) Sadly! No Bashin' just more Bunnings Shop Cart!
Settle down tbb (Here) This boardriding display is way better...Happy to share!
Exotic Pro boardriding sessions sweet Crispy Tunes ( Pretty Cool Vidz )
Can learn more watching Pros on these longer pronounced fluid sessions...
Starting to see surfers perfect wider stance on shorter wider boards...
Hard to notice this Wave Pool Style because each surfer is adapting fast.
So it kinda presents smooth as if nothing has changed but clearly it's a new style!
We're seeing Endlless Surf boardriders morph similar Skate/Skim Boarding technique.
Each redefining their signature lower wider stance to rotate air recovery tuck into shallow water.
Only way they can compete with flyweight lady birds that flutter & bounce off the surface.
Thanks to Leilani Ettel for sharing Interesting Photo/s)
*(Hollow) Stacked Block Wall + Sandbags (Mentioned often above)
Seems they must stack/ unstack light blocks > Reconfigure them to suit Occasion / Wave Type
If ya check the Vidz you'll see sandbags in them to block Bigger Comp Day wash > direct Crowd movement.
Tech News :
Timeline of Munich Surftown Economics,+Hallbergmoos/Amtsgericht+M%C3%B...
CEOs Board Meeting / Networking
Flowstate #1 / 54 sessions > Long way back to #2 / 14 sessions
German Park Guide + Uber Cool Fraulein Voiceover (Kooky but Cool)
Bonus: WA Jacob Willcox tours Munich Surftown to wrap up the September Session.
Good Job guys > Aussies get a full outing...

Early Oct > Pre Comp openers...
WSL Interview : German Olympian Camilla Kemp
Mikey February in cruise mode
German / Wave DJ Euro Training Camp Profile / Lifestyle
Signature Notes :
Blowin US Toy Show is wearing thin...devaluing & Bullying Local Hang
Munich Ray of Sunshine Culture is cool but getting flooded out by Jocks
Trashy Block Wall the new line in the sand
Wave noise is real heavy in Vid Audios is being masked by Music Vid Clips
Dramatic Sky makes a great backdrop but also full of planes
Vid makers signature welcome of Plane-noise to drown out noisy waves. (That Sounds Weird!)
Puzzle : Semi-Lit Night Glow Surfing Clips (Possibly : Airport Precinct Light Restrictions?)
German Surfing Championships in October
#1 Media is Lucky Dip Chix TikTok Vids : Have trouble linking these...
( Can run the O2 Galley maybe? It don't do the Cool Chix ones > just for an example.)

11-13 Oct : German Surfing Championships (Their first Hometown Hang / Wave Pool)
Noting other nations have likewise held their National + Junior Champs at Wavegarden / Waco
Wotz unusual is 3 day SUP / Longboard / Junior / Adaptive / Shortboard / Junior / Open / M/W Altogether
100 y/o Signature Munich Wavepool Therapy Camp grounds in keeping with Tradition
Free Entry : ( tbb believes it's a free Digitally Activated ai Code bot Spam Entry )
Live Scoring / YouTube streaming
This Essay explores Olympic Wavepool Comp Concept within broadening Euro inclusion (Good read!)
Surf Art Comp Poster plays on Sunshine Surf God shining on Munich Beer Hall (Why the fuck Not!)
They spent bucks on it ...they own it ...Maybe swap birdz for a Mambo Plane shitting on the Line-Up.
First All Hail the new traditional random cheesy Yank Toy Boy to officiate the show & away we go!
Comp Live Vid (Weather was Gloomy but not Menacing)
Of interest is Adaptive :
* RC Helmet expanding WSL Wearable Comp Tech > Wavepool
* Wade Assist exempted to leave Flippers on Shore (vs) Line-Up (Flippers / Leash- Float / Cam Rule)
* Assistant must handle her flippers if/when she enters deeper water ( Yanks Toyz are exempted )
* German commentary goes to great lengths on Assist procedure
Safety is Mandatory during Association Civic operation but Foreign non citizen Demos are exempt!
You'll see all viewing zones full but not packed > Coz they operate a Strict Cap Rotation Queue
So there would likely be a band of curious local latecomers queuing to access Final that may of missed out.
Top Deck wire rails / Block Wall Pool Drop 'Grom supervision' is risky ~ being the line in the sand compromise!
3x Supervised 'Shifty Block Entry points' would be to accommodate Adaptive Competitors access to the Pool
So them Dodgy moveable Blocks > Box Tick Nat Champs Adaptive compliance (Got It!)
Ok! That answers the Dodgy makeshift Block Wall riddle > Adaptive compliance > Lift Arms / Wheel Chairs.
Overzealous Broadcaster & Back Trax were toned down towards Pro Booth Final calls!
{ Click 'more' for Premium Interactive Time Stamp Menu }
eg : [06:18:00] Finals > [10] > [07:12:07] Highlights Reel + Awards
Mens Final 1/2 Scores Ranks #4 on WSL CT / Wave Pool Comp Circuit
SUP Comp Wrap
Mens Champ Montage
Comp Wrap (Note the Darker Sky + Pool Wall-Line shadow broods a heavier looking Slab like pit)

Pro Review
Night Session Pointbreak...
This Vid features the Park Lights + Beer Hall Lights
Airport Precinct
Not sure but it don't seem bright...Possibly Trialling / Dimming the Surf Park Lighting.
Surf Park Summit Vid
After Movie...(Instrumental Soundtrack from Syd WG Vid Promo)
Raw Session Series available on YouTube
Local Munich Chix TikTok Vids are getting quite revealing...will skip them...
tbb was earlier saying these Local Chix are runnin' Wave Pool Selfie Music Vidz.
Less about the surfing...more about Urban Surfie cred culture...
Guessing it deserves a new chapter but them TikTok links are a lucky dip!
Perhaps revisit them...more to check if any new cultural theme develops!
Rainy / Overcast conditions blunt the Wave echo just a little...
Drop in Drone View
Tracks Postcard from Munich
Mick Fanning tests Munich Surftown
Mick is Ambassador / investor in Gold Coast "Parkwood" Palm Valley
Larger Endless Surf Model
Photo + "News" Video
History of Surftown (Munich)
Originally born from bypassing greedy Toll bridges 1156 > Surfing the Isar River began 1158
Noting this same era of Euro SUP River Surfing aligns with ocean SUP Chinese / Portuguese Surfing Trade
1100's Surf routes by Tide / Waves / Rivers spanned Asia to Europe flowing to #1 Rafting Ground Surftown
12,000 Trade Rafts were surfed down The Isar each year with weekly Surf Taxis from Vienna - Munich.
Untamed Isar River would freeze to a standstill then Glacial waves of gravel would (Peak) flood 1,050 m3s
Hydro Dams / River Mills / Weirs were constructed to regulate the flow & collect Cargo taxes
Mid 1880's 142 locks / Weirs / Flumes + 260 Paddle Wheels creating 2,162 HP.
Surfers would detour rafts down Europe's Largest Flumes 18m drop @ 40km/hr over 365m .
Munich was branded Little Venice with 100 canals spanning 175kms.
These deviations slowed the flow leading to poor water quality and 19th century Cholera outbreaks
1851 Rail + several Sewage Plans 1883 Water Supply lines > 1898 Rafting Canal detour > last Vienna Raft 1904
One Century Later...
2000 Surftown Raft Safari (Fri/Sat/Sun) Capacity 10 Rafts day or 30 Rafts /wk.
Cost AUD $280 Isar River- Wolfratshausen > (30kms) > Thalkirchen / Munich Landing (6km/hr + 3 weirs > #1 @ 40km/hr)
2014 UNESCO recognize Rafting as Cultural Heritage (Many Nations are reviving heritage raft tours)