The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

and it's not even school holidays yet lol belly fat must be having a sickie

Haha ;)
- you've obviously got nothing going on, whilst being a no one.
Nice bag throw tho ;)

Every time you comment on something or have a go at someone you have to go to YT to find your answer with a video, get some help.

Hahaha ;)
- thanks for more of your head in arse input, no one.
Every time u comment or have a go you got ummm
- nothing ;);)
Go farkkk yaself ya whining wino.

wow no YT video, see you can think for yourself lol


Jelly Flater wrote:;)

Waiting for missiles as I do some drafting. Iran seems to be in the 'lose face' situation if they don't. Apparently one of their officials got a word to the US while in Oman, we won't hit them too hard... Is it a pantomime? After a solid run, gold's recent spike got turbocharged then shut down hard on the US Friday session... So much craziness... Some size here today in the waves.

The missile strike has been launched:
Reports of intercepts by US, Jordanian, UK forces on the way.

Caption is Iranian ballistic missiles being shot down over Jerusalem:
Footage showing the sky above Jerusalem.
— GMI (@Global_Mil_Info) April 13, 2024
Interceptions ongoing against Iranian ballistic missiles.
You can see with the terminal flight path they've been up very high rather than cruise missiles which tend to fly horizontal for the most.
Ongoing reporting here with plenty of OSINT embeds:

green room wrote:Alright, gotcha, crystal clear. They're all just one dude! A single messed-up, mentally sick, toxic, pathological internet forums junkie addict loser, living in his mom's basement:
Jelly Flater
...prob a few more...
You’re all woohoo in the head, Opti.
Are you fessing up to being Green Room?

^ haha, green room ;)
- ummm... 'all just one dude!




got some unconfirmed rumblings on Israel v Hezbollah at present
and an off topic comment in this thread
Talks over the last 24-48 Hours between Israeli and U.S. Officials, has caused “Extreme Concern” among the Biden Administration, who believed an Israeli Campaign against Hezbollah, likely Opening with an Air Campaign over Lebanon and Syria, is now Imminent and could begin at any point over the next 3 Weeks."
don't have twitter so can't see the tweet
crazy drone, too, very sci fi like


I hope this is true and gains momentum.

Nobody seems to know about the San Remo mandate in 1920 by the then league of nations ( now the UN) which divided the Middle East after world war 1 into 99% Arab states and 1% Jewish state…the Arabs were happy with this.
The Jewish state was named for the first time PALESTINE and its boundaries set which is ALL of Palestine.
This can never be cancelled any other body as it is set.
This was also to accomodate the return of the Jews to their ancestral homeland.
The blocking of this by a few rogue Arabs and the cowardice of Britain to continue with the legal plan created a trap for the Jews in Europe and as you know their destruction by hitler in ww2.

^ .... and yet you still don't know you continually lie and misinterpret biblical stories, as well as trying to present your cherry picked version of history (according to your ideological leanings and insane christian armageddon fantasies) as being factual.


.....beezlebub roams around for talks (hollow words) in the land of z free ;)

- glorifying and celebrating death on either side is a sickness.
...both are guilty, only more killing will eventuate. Well done.

Roadkill wrote:
Huge hit, basically the number one political leader of Hamas.
And its a bonus that it happened in Iran as sends a strong message to Iran.
In the last few days in Beirut they also took out Fuad Shukr, Hezbollah number one military commander, for some perspective USA had a 5 million bounty on him.
Hopefully Sinwar next, they can all enjoy their 75 year old virgins.

^ glorifying and celebrating death on either side is a sickness.
- warmonger : a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups ;);)
& - " A warmonger is someone who is constantly promoting war : they always want to invade or attack another country, and they're very loud and persistent." (haha)
...yep, noinfo ;)

Looks like the loons (all sides) are about to light up again, Turkey shoot 2, but with moar missiles. Just as the Olympics winds up. Throw in a stock correction.


...from the good juice ;)

adam12 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:@adam
There is two threads in the back page for your anti Israel Jew hate and conspiracy theories, we still have a few months until the USA election, can we see if we can avoid this thread blowing up a bit longer?
Or maybe take it to a thread that is no longer relevent like the Olympics thread, maybe we can burn that one to ground?
Here i will go post some interesting history in there to start things off for you.
@Indo, nah, I won't be taking orders, or history lessons, from you dickhead.
The guy that infects every thread on this website with your inane bigoted, racist, bullshit talking points.
The US is providing the arms, munitions and intelligence. You have referenced and quoted and copied the work and bullshit talking points of Ret. Major John Spencer here, on this very thread.
Spencer is an American Zionist propagandist. He's from West Point. He lives and "lectures" in the US.
I think that qualifies commentary under the "United States" thread, and don't give a fuck what you say, you aren't the moderator here, and you posted on this topic on this thread, like you infected the Olympic thread with your Islamophobic Zionist genocide apologism and murderer cuck cheerleading.
Like you infect all these threads.
You don't get to tell me where and when or what I post here.Suddenly when "the worlds most moral and legal army" are shown to use human shields themselves you want to backpage the discussion? Who's the simp now??
Doesn't want to talk about :shawish protocols, doesn't want to talk about the IDF raping and killing POWs, it goes against the bullshit "world's most moral army narrative" @Indo copied word for word from Spencer.Time and motivation prevents me from going through all the bullshit @Indo has quoted or copied from Spencer's lectures, op-ed's and podcasts here, but let's just take a couple of them and see what lies have been presented to try to justify the genocide.
Spencer starts all his commentary with the justification that Gaza is unique, that Hamas is an insurgent force deeply embedded in a civilian population that uses underground tunnel systems to conduct it's operations and no army in history has had to confront those circumstances and that justifies or explains the grotesque number of civilians the IDF is slaughtering.
@Indo has repeated that here himself, copied directly from Spencer.
Except it is a falsehood.
Because in recent well documented and known history, there was the Viet Cong. An insurgency that operated exactly like that, in a war Spencer's own army lost.
That's where the gaslighting starts.Spencer then goes on, through a series of convoluted falsehoods to come up with the proposition that the kill rate, insurgent Hamas to civilian, is a ratio of 1 to 1. They kill one Hamas soldier for every one civilian according to Spencer.
@Indo has repeated that ratio here.
Another lie, another gaslight.
Because the maths don't even add up, never mind the evidence.
40,000 dead, (figures just released in the last day, a number accepted by the UN, the US State Department, the UK government and other independent bodies, rejected by the Zionist government in Israel and the IDF. But they aren't counting the bodies, they aren't providing any proof, they are just disputing it, with...nothing. They are too busy doing the killing to count the bodies.)
Hamas has 20,000 soldiers.
To arrive at a 1 to 1 ratio, all of Hamas' soldiers would have to be dead, they would have to have been exterminated and Israel would have no one left to fight and it would be over.
Except it's not, Hamas is still there, in large numbers, they haven't killed 20,000 Hamas, not even close.
They have killed that many innocent children though.Spencer is a bullshit artist, like his Zionist cuck fanboy @Indo, that repeats his falsehoods here claiming his expertise in military operations, a google educated genocide cuck that gets off on watching innocent people getting slaughtered. and tries to justify it because...history!
Spencer is seeking to falsify the ratios and numbers in a pathetic attempt to rebut the fact that the IDF is far in excess of the legal requirement under the Laws of Armed Conflict of the principle of proportionality. One of the reasons the Justices of the World Court made it's plausible genocide finding,
A finding Spencer calls "wrong".
I wonder who is "right", a retired US Army Major, paid for by the Zionists, (not even a General btw), or the most preeminent legal minds and body on the planet?
The argument was rejected, in full, by the World Court, and the Chief Prosecutor of the ICC in his applications for arrest warrants to be issued against Bibi and Gallant. for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
It has also been rejected by US Military of much higher rank than a retired major, and the US State Department, and the incumbent President, (who told Bibi in their last conversation to "stop bullshitting me" and the Democrat's nominee for the next President.There is more, I could go on. I could dismantle Spencer's falsehoods point by point.
But I couldn't be bothered. Two examples is enough to make my point, but there are plenty more.(As an interesting side note, Bibi has gone MIA since the Iranians started issuing warnings they would respond to the assassination Israel conducted on their sovereign territory. Reports are that he is living in a bunker, somewhere below Tel Aviv. How fitting, how ironic. History repeats for genocidal maniacs.)
@Indo, you live in a bubble of bullshit.
The "most moral and legal army in the world" are committing atrocities and war crimes and crimes against humanity on a daily basis and have been doing so for many years.
You don't want to comment on their use of human shields like you didn't comment on the rape and murder of Palestinian POWs because your whole perspective collapses when facts are presented that don't fit the neat little lies you repeat rote from the Zionist propagandists you find on google.
That's not educating yourself, that just makes you another victim of the propagandists.How any father with children of his own can see the kind of things we all see with our own eyes on a daily basis and try to advocate it is justified is disgraceful to me.
How people like you and Major Spencer can go to extreme lengths to seek to blame anyone, everyone, except the fuckers that are actually doing the killing of these innocent children, women and civilians makes me sick to my stomach.How about trying to back up your proposition, and condescending abuse of anyone here who questions it, that the IDF is the "worlds most moral and legal army"., in your own words, not something you copy from google or a Zionist podcaster, in light of the rape and murder of POW's, in light of the evidence that the IDF use human shields themselves, in light of the fact they are wholesale slaughtering children in Gaza, in light of the fact that they have trapped this civilian population in an enclave with no safe corridors of escape, no food, water, hospitals, that they have displaced over a million civilians only to bomb them where they are sent, then displace them again to somewhere else where they bomb them there too, rinse and repeat.
Are they still "moral" or "legal"?
I bet you can't answer it.
I bet you want that buried in the back of the threads too.
The Ukrainians are currently the world's most moral army. They provide civilian escape corridors, they provide humanitarian and medical care to POW's, they don't rape them. And if they ever did, they would prosecute the perpetrators, not set them free.
Seeing as you love to get your knowledge from Google, just type "IDF soldiers speak out", see if you can still justify the morals and legality, from the testimony of the IDF soldiers on the ground themselves.And don't tell me what or where I can post.
That's up to Stu.
Not you.
This post will be totally pointless, because you are nothing more than a brain dead idiot for Hamas and clearly motivated by a hate of both Jews & Israel, you only have to go back to page four and see that this was already ingrained in you long ago with your praise for the number one supporter of Hamas Jelly brain and his BS that started on the 8th October..
The real question is why?
Where does this hate of Jews and Israel come from?
Honestly im very curious on this, the only explanation is it's based on lack of education of history of Israel and just misinformation and rhetoric.
Okay so now you know better than urban warfare experts, okay mate whatever.
And unsubstantiated claims from a Guardian article with the source being some NGO with zero evidence and you want me to take the claims/conversation seriously?
Dude you a clutching a straws, just like when you google and twitter away for those 1% of case's that IDF rogue soldiers may or may not have done, and compare that to everything Hamas does for some false equivalence.
Seriously I just cant take you seriously, you are a joke, and yes you are clearly clueless on the history and clueless on the military aspects.
BTW. I know you think Zionist is an insult, but its not, being a zionist just means that you believe the Jewish people have a right to live in their homeland Israel/Judea where they have lived for thousands of years



quick, run! he's coming!!

- hahaha
...and he's packing overalls ;)

Today and well pretty much all the time i see the word Zionist almost used as an term of abuse, or garbage like im not anti Jew, im anti zionism.
Honestly i dont even think people know what zionism or zionist means.
Zionism is just the movement or belief that Jews have the right to return to their indigenous homeland Israel/Judea where Jews have lived for thousands of years and where the language Hebrew and religion Judaism is from.
But yes of course zionist can have a whole range of views, the two extremes would be.
A zionist who believes every bit of past greater Israel (which would include much of Jordan) should be returned to Jewish land and that even Arabs shouldn't be able to live in Israel.
Those people would be such a tiny minority, i know they exist but i dont think ive ever heard one share these views.
Then there is the other end of the spectrum where there is zionist who believe in a two state solution and support a Palestine state (other than Jordan) even if that comes at the expense of Jews losing access to Judea/Samaria(The West bank) the dead heart of Jewish history & culture and quite literally where Jews got their name from.
I have listened to Jews from Israel take this position
And then of course there is every shade in between and almost ever zionist or Jewish person in Israel sits somewhere in between and not at the far edge of those spectrums.
In regard to saying your an anti zionist, then you are really saying Jews dont have a right to live in Israel or Israel doesn't even have a right to exist, im not exactly sure how that even works? and that seems a very extreme view.
Personally I cant even see how that view point can not be anti semitism i mean FFS how can you say a person who's ancestry, culture, language, religion shouldn't have a right to live in/on that land?

"Honestly i dont even think people know what zionism or zionist means."
^ projection ;)
"I argue that Jewish terrorism in the 1940s was both tactically and strategically significant. At the tactical level, Jewish terrorists were able to frustrate British security forces and erode their ability to control Palestine,” wrote David A. Charters, professor of military history and senior fellow of the Gregg Centre for Study of War and Society at the University of New Brunswick, Canada.
“That played a significant role at the strategic level in persuading Britain to withdraw from Palestine, which, in turn, created the conditions that facilitated the founding of Israel, and the consequent creation of an Arab-Palestinian diaspora,” he said in his article Jewish Terrorism and the Modern Middle East.
John Lois Peeke, an American military expert, also writes that Zionist terrorism was at the core of the idea of Israel. “Jewish terrorism against British and Arabs did contribute heavily to the removal of the British from Palestine, the abandonment of the League of Nations mandate and the creation of a Jewish state of Israel,” he wrote in his book Jewish-Zionist Terrorism and the Establishment of Israel.
Zionist terrorist groups attacked with impunity not just military targets but also civilians in the 1940s.
In October 1945, Jewish underground groups simultaneously targeted colonial railways, oil refineries and police boats in Palestine. That marked the beginning of a two-year period of Jewish insurgency against both the British and Palestinians.
In July 1946, Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where the British administration headquarters were located, killing 92 people."

...."the most moral army" hahaha
- then and now ;)



Dunno if you have seen this, or if it will go to front page, but this is the craziest stuff I've seen in a long time:


Worth a read if you give a shit



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