That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Aukustration of Oz Kidz.
Aukus / 5 eyes Arms Industry Infiltration of Oz Education Boards / Curriculum.
Usually massaged by Coca Cola & Big Chains
Pre Kindy Aukus Family priority conditioning & free perks / fast tracks for Contracted Killer Students
Pre Kindy : Bio Scan www Licence (Psych Evaluation for any loose unit potential Psychopathic Generals)
Pre School Parents : If one parent joins ADF then then whole family get free show bags + Body Guards
AFL / Coke Cola / Smith Family / Paralympics / Royals...the whole gang get in on the act.
270 Oz Military Mentor Primary School Battalions now 1m strong US enslaved Grom fodder.
Each school is appointed a 24/7 Crisis Mentor / Psych Teams + $75K P&C assimilation
eg: Mix'n'match yer geeks with 21 Pacific Cities-47 schools > 65 schools in 27 Euro trash cities
That's just a said US boast 1m foreign child Troops
Grade 4 : Aukus eHarmony Kommissar's Internet Empathy Licences ( Bio Scan / Detox www Histories)
Grade 4 : Humanities indoctrination thru Art Classes (Fav Aukus Killing Machines)
Grade 7 : Trained "Empathetic Sweet Kid Armies" Infiltrate Aged Care to digitize Boomer War Sponsors.
eHarmony Kommissar : Grades the [EMPATHY] Certificates
Yes! Kidz win Points / Certificates Free Milk Shakes or Housing for Cashed Up Boomer digitization.
All Kidz Awards & Pillars of Community Milestones infested with War Machine Blood Money
Science Questacon > National Maths Comps > Footy Heroes > Invictus > Legacy > Galipoli Scholarships
All institutions -Scholarships splattered & soaking in Mass Child Killers blood money.
Tobacco & Grog are out...School Fete Beer Tents & Staff Bar Fridges are exempted!
New Aukus School Motto : Mass Genocide of all non consumers...KILL KILL KILL the poor!
If they don't got or want electronic banking then we got no choice other than to Kill them...
All STEM High Schools are certified Aukus Student - Sponsors / www Self Censored security force.
Each eHarmony Certificate spits out accumulated Empathy scores for elite Jock Military Academy Uni.
Higher Scores = More Empathy > Brainwashed Dedication > Higher Academy Rank Position of Power.
Pause :
[factcheck] Record low home ownership emanates from truancy stemming from Privatizing Universities!
Aussie Kids no longer afford Uni > So Gave up on State Education...State rates plummeted since Hex.
tbb checked back records & confirms ALP Anti Social Hex > drives flocks towards Religious Dogma
Exactly...Dumbarse ALP Hex upon students > Drove agnostic Kidz into Gods Hands!
Parents now forced into bankrolling Private school attendance upon Oz kidz with deprived futures.
Exactly why Oz needs Gazillion foreign students to bankroll State Property Duties / Taxes
Govts offset elite scorn by luring disadvantaged Kidz / Chix (Half Price +Free Scholarships)
To combat Uni Poverty > Govts hire Killers to bankroll Religious win back hearts of Kidz!
Uni is once again free if ya sign Contracts to KILL other less fortunate Kids that can't afford Uni.
Uni Hex
Military bankrolls 20,000 Oz uni places for STEM = (Deprived) Students That Exterminate Muslims.
$128m / 4yrs for 16 unis for 38 Licence to Kill Courses for 4,000 students + 1,000 elite Troops.
29/41 Oz Unis are bathed in Blood Money.
2007 Blood Money Shot cost $1.7m/year > 2022 Blood Money injects $60m /yr into yer Local Uni.
US Genocide Sponsors
UNI NSW $72m/yr > UNI Qld $60.5m/yr > UNI Mbne $60.4m > GO8 $202.1m/yr
4,001 Free UNI Attack Class scholarships for your loving offspring.
700 Adelaide 425 W'gong 340 NSW 330 Flinders 320 Curtin 315 Old 300 Mbne > etc...
Post Grad Coding Boot Camps
ANU Strategic Wizz Kidz ( 35% discount for Hot Wacs + 50% discount for that Token Black Yuppie!)
Then ya got yer [L] Nuke obliterate Blue Planets.
All the Above is locked in as baby steps in Aukus Curriculum.
Soon inject Fetus Ops into Mum for free supply of Self incinerating Nappies...Oopsie!
STEM Problem started with the Hex spell we cast upon Unis.
Unis are now War Academies run by Genocidal Blood Money...
Oz PM's are forever mandated to devote 66.6% of sitting Days /yr to bankroll & certify Israeli Genocide.
Holy Land is gracious enough to allocate Oz PM's 23/ 69 sitting days/yr to reshape Australia.
GOD can create a whole world in just 6 days...
Albo can still pen in 17 days for his Honeymoon...don't see the problem?

Jesus Farkn Christ

udo wrote:Jesus Farkn Christ
It’s a sick world.

udo wrote:Jesus Farkn Christ
What the fuck. the parents need to be locked up.

Yep! That's the next level...each nation runs different Social Media age restrictions
Social Media Scales run from 11 years to 17 years around the globe.
Oz is prototype pushin' for younger 11-13 yrs for Social Media > Online Health / Govt bank Accounts...
Tech giants bankroll eHarmony Kommissar to flick Mum & Dad outta their Slave Grom Honey Pot...
That's why they're pushing 3x scale School E licences ...Govt override of Parents...Our Slaves now!
Parents are locked in the past...Kidz are taught to dump them > to go digital...Outta my way Mum.
Govt mandated E licences for Kindy > Grade 3 > Grade 7
If parents don't agree to sign they mandate the override...Outta our Way have no rights!
All teachers are mandated to do e Harmony Course to Assimilate Gromz.
Mandated I phones for All Classes ...if not ...Expel any sissy weak Headmasters...NOW!
Recommendation Mobile phones School ban ...(Now scroll down the on...& some more!)
e Safety Commissioner : 'Fuck that sissy Shit off...Mandate School I-phones Now I said or else!'
Swear I'll do it..."Whole World do as I say Now!"
Alannah & Madeline Foundation : All recall this was formed by parent of a Gun Massacre in Tasmania...
*" We recommend that Cyber Security Education should be Mandatory in all primary schools integrated with social and emotional Learning!"
*" We recommend that NSW Teachers must be enabled to Embed Tech into the Curriculum and ensure they're up to date with apps!"
Queen Mary & PM are Patrons of Cyborg Foundation.
.Tas Gun Tragedy of Young girls! (Translation)
We must Mandate NSW Robot teachers for Mandatory Robot Kidz + Piss the nosy Parents off!
Correct...exploiting Port Arthur Gun Massacre child fatalities to milk EMPATHY to Mandate Digital ID scans of Tech imprisoned Kidz!
Recommendation - Implement a "MANDATORY' [ DIGITAL LICENCE ] for ALL students in NSW

Four Corners : [ Investigating who is following our children online ]
Featuring eSafety Commissioner :
Alarmed at adults exposing Girls in mid rift tops & short shorts on street corners in the middle of the nite!
A lot of Oz Dads would agree : (With that as her often attributed standard line!)
Then be gob smacked that a Show in which she Stars...presents as Gold Label intimate Kiddie Grooming.
ABC Stalks Girls into their bedrooms... personal petting Pov Grooming to near naked whispering in Beds!
Father tbb : "TV Moguls just produced a Gold Label Pedophilia Film starring the e Commissioner!"
Q: Why did the e Commissioner not edit out the Girl's highly sexualized 'near naked' bedroom scenes?
Either the e Commissioner is grooming Oz TV viewers or ABC are exampling the e commissioner!
How & Why?
Coz each shot of Experts + eCommissioner's background is always blurred out, so not to ID surrounds.
See : Both e Commissioner / ABC instinctively know to never expose any background for safety reason.
All Dads & crew simply assume Fearful Stalked little girls would be interviewed in neutral settings.
Parents all emphasize they go to extreme lengths to hide Kids Local Identity...(All parents nod...agree!)
So...just establishing all Parents agree 100% to not further expose fearful girls to more predators!
All say Aye...well durr...The whole show is about protecting these vulnerable Kids...
Only 4 corners go off script from the word holy shit...this is a Kiddie Flesh-fest.
Never no one has ever seen so much Gym / Dance Leg spreading Routines in skimpiest of outfits.
10's enough...soon dozens...Ok...we get it...enough examples live or otherwise!
Now we tour the Girl's fav Beaches / Gyms /
Age of Girl / State / Name of Cheer Squad - Undie Labels/Classes & how many Hours...number of Nights.
Pervy Split Shots for ABC.
We got drone panorama of Dirt Bike Hang & Sponsors ...the girl rides her bike over here everyone.
Next all girls are in mid rift tops'n'short shorts in Yards > Kitchen > Dining Rooms doin flips...
There's the cute Puppy...more flesh & Leg twirling...on & on...
Now the scantily clad girls posing on this or prefer this!
Ok! Dads of Oz have seen enough...time to go...every one've seen enough...Bye!
Well... Wotz the rush says Mum...
Show exposes that VIP clientele will pay more for personal down time.
At this point...any Dad would ask just how much 4 corners paid for very intimate cheek to cheek sessions.
They were about to blow the ABC budget...
All agree it's wrong to venture into a young girl's bedroom without Parent or to perform approved task.
Gets a bit pervy from here on in...
Cameraman gets off on isolating the Mum from the little girls (or) Did mum contract a VIP session.
We get cheek to cheek with whisper closeness of Girls Eye Shadow & Sensual Lip stick & Hair brushing.
Tour the Duchess of Perfumes / Flowers / Book fingering thru draws & Wardrobes...
Now we're chillin' sit on beds in near naked attire...hard to tell if girls are naked from waist down.
Ok now we're lying down on Girls Beds cheek to cheek...Dare say it gets pretty intimate...
(Think ABC purchased the Next level Gold Standard VIP access!)
At this point any Dad blows his top ...smashes the camera & tells them to get out or he'll call the Cops...
Only there is no Dad...just some Mum that's perfectly fine with their daughter being groomed by ABC.
This film crew crossed all lines in plain sight ...was this virtual groomimg the main aim...
tbb feels this was a test for Oz Public...
Should e commissioner or viewers be comfortable about one on one Girl's Bed interviews then...
Well...Then ABC just hit Pay Dirt...
If this episode ratings are high then...Let's Rock with Live rage with half naked young Girls in Bedrooms.
Like full on slumber party Rage with eCommissioner shocked at the Parody...WTF.
Young Girls eComissioner Rage Rates World #1 Show...Just harmless skimpy Girly Fun...OMG.
Parents please wake were all set up as a Test...
No way does ABC blur Adult Backdrops while itemizing every lil' Girls intimates...that is a sick joke!
Either eCommissioner set you all up or she just approved VIP Girlie packages on Peak Mainstream TV.
All see this was so wrong on every level & breached all Parental what now?
tbb's callin it out...these little girls were stalked, groomed & exploited by ABC & eCommissioner!
Let's see how long before this headlines Media Watch or e commissioner pulls it...she knows she should!
Please consider ABC were smashed for standing on a there in Bed with lil' Girls?
We're are the parents...nowhere! What just went down here is creepy & all feel it & know it!
Gotta icky feeling this is gonna light a fuse...a set up...perhaps certain people will lose their jobs!
People can't hide wot just went down...stays on I view or 4 Corners archives was said!
Thinking all angles...all are aware if Girl was Bed bound it's a fair exemption...
But these lil' girls were trying to keep predators outta their bedrooms yet whole world is now in there!
How can this make's all back to front & girls were groomed to put on an intimate show...
That's all they ever's not their doing.
Question must be asked...Please Explain how all Adults crossed the line here!
Just as real life grooming...will any notice a whole set of tenements steps were breached by ABC!
Also noticed not one man in this 4 Corners production...perhaps that's the loophole here!
Just sayin' no Dad would approve of this in their way! Massive scary wake up call here!

◄ 2 Timothy 3 ►
New International Version
1. But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

hey trueblue
Such a good Post and THIS Stuff should be SMASHED , as your post does SO well .
I spoke 2 a Guy from America , who told me about how Organised Child Slavery was thriving around the World !
There IS a whole System that Protects it's wellbeing and CAN'T B stopped , due to the High Levels of Protection it enjoys .
Was one of the Darkest conversations I have encountered .
The main funding is from the Middle East , but America is a major player eg Pedo Island !
Am guessing the Horrible Game , is also played in Oz .
We MUST protect our Kids !

This sets the cat amongst the pigeons

Pop Down wrote:hey trueblue
Such a good Post and THIS Stuff should be SMASHED , as your post does SO well .
I spoke 2 a Guy from America , who told me about how Organised Child Slavery was thriving around the World !
There IS a whole System that Protects it's wellbeing and CAN'T B stopped , due to the High Levels of Protection it enjoys .
Was one of the Darkest conversations I have encountered .
The main funding is from the Middle East , but America is a major player eg Pedo Island !
Am guessing the Horrible Game , is also played in Oz .
We MUST protect our Kids !
Have you seen this pops? True story.

hey Ashsam
The guy was involved with the movie !
He had been Undercover , in Mexico and was offered Shopping Lists .
U can trade Kids , like fn stamps ffs !
Even if he has proof of wrong doing , he can ONLY let the Perpetrator KNOW , THEY are Watching HIM !
It's a fucken Shit Show !

Thanx crew...not easy to call out such obvious truth.
Mandatory subscriptions for corporatized prepackaged evil doings that none need nor ordered.
Us dads are told to call out DV, grooming & exploitation of Kids...
If that includes ABC 4 corners starring the e commissioner hiding in the shadows then so be it.
Although tbb doubts e commissioner saw the pre-release...
Reckon she's been hot lining the Deep Fake e commissioner all morning!
Likely having kittens...vomiting up...OMG...I was set up by as a fraud.
Alas! Was she set up or is this Gold Label grooming of a prime time Oz TV Audience.
Say it again...we're we all victims of most professional Top Down Grooming exercise!
Totally oblivious to Corp Predators.
Only know wot all Aussies know...
That Aunties flock dare not report it to the e commissioner in fear of being bullied, raided & persecuted.
Can ya imagine calling out the Boss...on every level breach of trust...who here has the bottle to do that.
Best us precious lil' dads just STFU when it comes to Expert Girly Grooming Stuff!
No worries lady...we vile creatures know our place in society...
Just sayin' no way would your e creeps come into ANY Oz dad's home pullin' that creepy stunt...
Here's the e Commissioners 4 corners Calling Card...
ABC crew pay up front for the eCommissioner's Gold Label Brand Army insta package.
(No...that's not a sick joke...Mums list their prices for certified Insta child perving subscription package!)
Watch the show...or rather not...tbb is not promoting it, but exampling it!
Can we Film yer girls split legged in Cheer Squad undies & revealing Dance outfits...sure! Go for it!
But ya gotta sneak into the pretty lil' girls homes when Dad's at work...
Now to separate the mum...get her to compile all the hottest shots...while we get to work...
Get the girls to strip down into a Hot Middie & the shortest of short shorts.
Like you know...for a few flips & warm up stretches.
Just ease them on in with a few Couch Audition shots, sure...with that adorably Cute Puppy.
Creepily Stalk the girls into their bedrooms...ask them to share their grooming routines...
Not too fast ...nice and sensual...& get in real close...that's lovely girls! So hot!
Let's see ya put on some pretty eye make up & some hot lip gloss...luv yer perfume...
Wow you look like a Super Model...
How about an interview on yer bed...with nuthin' but that cushion coverin' yer privates.
Be even nicer if we could stroke yer cheek...ya got such beautiful eyes...
This is about we lie down here together real close...promise not to touch or pant.
Can we just film a little bit inside all yer ears & eyes...can we get any ultrasound copies, MRI scans?
No need to bother yer busy Insta mum for this skimpily clad pillow & linen shoot...
What the hell was this...mass prime time grooming from our most trusted investigators?
Just a little bit too much investigating of lil' girls...don't ya think! Far out Auntie!
Please chill tbb ...
It's just the e commissioner's certifiably creepy ABC Go Girl Grooming & Dating app Promo.
Oh! Well that's alright then...Not 100% alarmingly suss at mistake!
Bloody Dopey Dads...get with the Program Hodad!
e commissioner's Empathetic Rehab of Minor Super Models...
Ya need to subscribe to US Tech giants to access Gold Label ABC iview Puppy Smooching Sessions.

Burn another page in the Tweenage Rampage ... (Let them be Kidz)
Aukus (vs) CHOs (vs) Premiers (vs) Foundations (vs) e Kommissar (vs) Tech Giants (vs) Murdoch / Musk
Shapin' Up as a Fight Promoters Dream Battle.
Tweenage Rampage { Class of 2024 Rules of Engagement }
Big 4 + Tech Giants are waging War against Fuddy Duddy Govt Squares protecting Kidz!
Oz is Ground Zero for tying one hand behind our backs to mandate screen gazing as an economy
Big Tech appointed an Oz eSafety Commissioner to groom Child Slaves for Shop Carts...
War / Banks / Tech wanna mandate Kindy > Grave School I Phones (vs) Govt wanna restrict the Harm.
Who woulda guessed the Internet would mandate a handful of VIPs to enslave, bully & laugh at us!
Exactly why ya see this Creepy 4 corners Cross Fire a shot over the bow...
Media plants are flexing their Muscle in War against Supreme Being's Tween Influenza.
This season's Tween Shop Cart Fads (*Proposed)
Mandatory Vaccines...( The Holy War )
Note : Any Oz child is free to leave Home as often as they like.
Child of any Age can join a Political Party...(Greens have No lower Age Limit)
Kids can roam to any Nation to smoke & drink freely if they so choose!
Parent Responsibility reduces towards & thru Tween Years...(See aged 15)
Mandatory Oz Wide School Smart Phone Bans came into effect this Year...(Tech giants are Fuming!)
As said eCommissioner was employed to head it off & integrate ID e Licences with own phones.
Correct...Mandate Digital ID Lessons on own Phones not the School GPS Lap Tops...
Why! Coz roughly 94% of toddlers have twiddled online...Big Tech want the Honey Pot.
* Proposed Kindy [L] E Licence
e Safety Commissioner is employed to spread fear to lock in Digital ID > tracking.
Big tech are pushing to track under 13's so wish to mandate personal Iphones Licence into Curriculum
Yes! All proposed Mandates prioritize cradle to grave Digital ID access...(That's the only game in town!)
Override any/all Hippy Parents...just as the Vax Mandates = No Digital Assimilation = No School.
Don't look so shocked...Parent tbb signed off on Kidz Mandatory Digital Copyright in Early 2000's.
Everything your child day dreams during School Hours is owned by the right of protest!
More so today ...(Post Lock-Down) Non IT compliant tbb is all too often bullied & banned...none care!
Mandates require Tech to self regulate for Child Friendly Platform...(Hence the /R\ated Online War)
Govt online swear jar rakes in offset Copyright Toll from Tech Giants! All that kinda shitfuckery!
Sure! This being a Mop Up Plan or Big Tech Empire Strikes Back
This is a proposed entry to Mandatory 3 stage School I phone licencing scheme to assimilate IT Youth.
The idea of course is for Big Tech to Own > Profit > Exploit Every Citizen's Facial ID online imprint.
Ask! If NO Teens can Access Socials then Commissioner got Zero Overarching World Power or Job!
* Includes Mandatory Aukus Teacher Assimilation to self regulate War Games School Curriculum
[ EMPATHY = Good Citizen ] = Point scores > VIP Careers with Free Health & Housing
Western Self Regulation Dobbers expands growth into fellow Good Citizen Chinese / Mid east Markets
No...not a joke...#1 Vision Statement of all overarching Gold Label Institutionalized Child Foundations
*Kindy eLicence
School Starts sadly for many kids...
Age 6 : US / Mexico age of Criminal Responsibility
* Mandatory Grade 3 [P] E Licence ( See : Also Mandatory High School Ai Transition )
10 : Oz Criminally Responsible...huge debate on increasing age to 14yrs ( See more onward )
11: Mandatory Kidz-Tween Vaccines = ( Family Tax Benefit )
Oz Firearms [Minor] Licence : Restricted to Pistols / Rifles / Shotguns + Crossbows (Bummer!)
(No psychos/Alchos/Druggies) Must be Fit'n'Proper Pre Tween with an illegally obtained email account
Can laugh off mandatory 11 yr/old email verification...just give my kid his gun or I'll call the Cops!
(World agrees on Tweenage Awareness)
10/11/12 : Many Central East Africa /Mid East Kids finish school
12 : Average Global Age of Youth Criminal Responsibility
12/13 : Considered 'Voting Comprehension' Age.
Oz 1975 Goldie tbb age 12/13 Worked several adult jobs 5-7 days/wk for miserable to no wages!
Arvo Paper sales+15km Round / Plumber's w/e Shit Kicker / holidays all day Hiring-servicing Motor-Paddle Boats
This was more normal than not & most kids left home at age 15 to live in Campground tents.
Truthfully...can't recall a school / Family friend that wasn't abused sexually or physically (Wot crisis!)
As tbb continues...already lived this as a normal life! Apologies if it seems normal as we know it's not!'s a hard dose of reality but not shocking or new...Kidz are coppin' it again..
They can't speak up so us grown ups that can understand will listen & spell it out if need be!
Big Tech dig in their heels & will not let go of vice like grip...Tweens our playthings now!
Govts permit Global Tech to Bait > Stalk > Track Individual Tweens ...all stamped well in advance.
* Mandatory Primary School > (Transition) > High School [ Online Licence ]
Sign for TFN (Oz Child employment > Robo Debt Age) > Civic Volunteer Duty...
* Mandatory [EMPATHY] e Certificates for Tweens that infiltrate Age Care to smile & Digitize Nest Eggs!
13: Guardian Tween Socials ( Oz / US / UK ) + all other nations not listed beneath!
Register for apps ( Some apps trial track younger audiences)
ABC iview will try their hardest to dodge Laws with sleazy 3rd party Tech Age verification...
Any Govt that's serious must sweep aside backdoor tech access equally with own Media.
tbb pointed out 4 corners grooming + 24/7 Swearing / Guns thru the day on ABC
Also them repeat SBS on demand dumbarse Gaming Ads bankrolling any Binge series!
Breaking News...
Judges / CHOs / Parent groups demand Higher Age Restrictions after Mass increase in Tween Harm.
*States Propose Feds raising Social Restriction Age = PM (13 > 16yrs) / Dutto 16+
*Vic /WA State Premiers back raising the age > Qld / SA (Ban) = 13 > 14yrs + NSW = 13 > 16yrs
US is backing Oz to take on Big Tech..
14: *Proposed Oz Criminally Responsible Age is now morphing with new Socially self aware Age.
Join ALP + Bank Account (Mandatory Adult Digitization via Govt EFT My Medicare Express app)
Doctors can prescribe Alcohol / Nicotine / Drug doses to teens (See German Parents)
German kids can consume Alcohol (Beer /Wine / Cider) with Guardian/s
o/s Guardian Tween Socials ( Spain / Italy / Austria + Chile / Peru / Venezuela / Columbia
Global Moped / Autocycle Licences are expanding > Oz may adopt similar for 50km Fatz / e Skaterz
Next level Speed upgrade fast tracks Younger Contractual Insurance plans for 3rd party compliance.
Perfect example of how Teens self impose high risk accidental adult responsibility at younger ages!
Just sharing that it's not all Big Tech driven but allowing Fast track Tech upgrades faster than life-cycles.
15: [PG] [M] [MA] Parental Supervision + My Gov + Off-Line Medicare + Subscribe to SBS
Leave School/Home to Reside in a Safe Place...No returning to Parents unless child is in Danger!
School Attendance started falling with Hex & keeps falling as Uni gets swallowed up by Arms Industry.
o/s Guardian Tween Socials Age for ( France / Denmark )
Philippines (Only) can run for Parliamentary Seats (Median' age 25.4yrs vs Oz 37.9yrs mandate 18yrs)
16: ADF + Organ Donor + Disability Support + Youth Allowance + AB Study + Voting Enrollment
Join Young Liberal Party to Vote to keep Voting age locked well above 18 yrs!
Most Oz Parties + Global push to lower Enrollment + Voting Age down to 16 yrs!
o/s Guardian Tween Socials ( Netherlands / Germany / Ireland / Croatia / Poland / Hungary)
16/17: [L] Driver's Licence
( World Agrees ) Expects 16 yr old teens to up scale from Youth > 'Adult' responsibility!
17: [P] Gap Year to reflect & become enlightened "Socially Aware" to nuture Adult Responsibility
18: Engage as Adults to expect & accept Adult responsibility to now teach others!
18 /R\ + /R\ xxx + Telco Social Media Contract / liable binding t&c...Penalty Payment Plans.
Mandatory Voting Age (vs) Mandatory minimum Age for Political Candidates (18 > 40years) ?
Interesting that there is little to no push to lower 18ys > 16yrs Political candidates (Very rare)
This verifies a Gap year is universally warranted or expected before teen buckles down!
Only fair to share any small hint of a Childhood be celebrated as Schoolies does so well!
Goldie Schoolies originated in Late 1950's Brizzos Week at Broadie Camp > Beach & Hall Hop Dance
18: Oz Grog rules out many Schoolies but access reduced from (21yrs early '70's > & still is in US)
Fully Licensed to Drink'n'Drive & Learn yer first Adult Lesson (Being an Adult...Sux!)
Happy 21st... No need to invite the Cops they'll turn up bang on time every time.

stupid moronic humans

Gold Label Weird, Queer & Crazy share simba...
NZ and Oz were the last 2 Wild Kingdoms free of that nasty End of the World Mutant Critter Virus.
World of Village Idiots agreed on Just the One Universal Rule...
Don't mate with the Wildlife to jump start the Virus into Humans.
Dumbarse NZ Dumpster Diver just exhausted any final plea for not fumigating the Kiwi Plague into Oz.
Aukus is now mining the Ditch with extra Spiky Lamingtons topped with Waves of Whipped Pavlovas
End of the Word News Update
Tourism Oz Promo "Humping a Humpback" cops flack for not including Thor surfing a Whale Carcass!

Breaking News > Oz just got the Mutant Virus...
Think tbb owes the NZ Killer Whale Casanova an apology.
Sorry for not laughing at yer Dumbarse Body Slam on endangered species!
Enjoy yer end of the world Virus free struggling to keep out the Hordes seeking refuge.
We'll be wanting our Lamingtons & Pavlovas back thanx.

The system is broken, hard to believe this woman is a judge .

Watched that earlier in deep dismay


The whole world's going crazy this is only one example.

Don't worry the young crew will save us ;)

Haha, they're too busy occupying Uni campuses and hunger striking for 3 days at a time.

indo-dreaming wrote:The whole world's going crazy this is only one example.
It's really not.
Where to house transgender prisoners has been an ongoing issue for decades. I'm not an expert on the matter but it's very easy to type 'transgender' and 'jail' into Google News (choose a historical date range) or into Trove and you'll see very similar issues being covered.
It appears to be a big issue now because transgenderism is having a cultural moment.
Like every other hot button issue, it'll be reckoned with, in this case through the courts, where in the parry and thrust there'll be examples of under-reach and over-reach, yet from it will emerge some kind of consensus, and public life will move on to the next outrage topic.
I'm not belittling the process, it's necessary, particularly the legal aspect, but an example of the world gone crazy..?
Nah, it's a sideshow.


Great video JF , really enjoyed that , visually stunning, waves were pretty good but there’s no way I could surf in those waters, like my boardshorts too much . Can’t see it getting too crowded . I was a bit puzzled by his first choice of car for those conditions . He’s certainly a character and I loved the alien mask .

Bucket List….to surf the morning glory in Burketown…check it out.

Spectacular clouds!
Don’t know if there’s a tour option on the way to Planet Heaven. Seems it’s from the bowels to Kerry Packer post haste?

thread cleanse.
(sigh, some people..)


haha, beat me to it cowboy!

This here town ain’t big enough for the two of us. Cue tabacci spat on the ground followed by… I don’t know what! Yeah.
Maybe a catch up to talk about it!

maybe wagga's pot n kettle with ashsam & southern?
(I like a cafe where the only red option is a treasury mini wine under the counter, that someone got off a rex flight once..)

ps. Very obscure.
"COVID-style protocols" lol

thanks for posting this @udo, my son has a mate who quotes this delusional knucklehead, I'll give him a looksy at the clip.. (my son, not his mate.. )

Nut job lol

yeh, serious kanye vibes, not sure what service joe does (other to gettin to his billion the lazy way) in enabling provocateur ratbags and peripheral crackpots.

So many hallmarks of serious mental health disorder. Hope he gets the help he needs.


Very lucky kid
Influencer being an influencer.